Batman in the MCU

Attack on Killian pt1

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


In the Mandarin's mansion Tony had arrived with his gauntlets. After his investigations he had concluded the Mandarin was hiding here.

The man everyone was searching for was here on American soil. 'The best hiding place is in plain sight' that phrase came to Tony's mind when he made the discovery.

Tony without his armor decided to take the stealthy approach. Making his way through the a window he grabbed a vase and slammed it upon the guards head.

His supposed stealthy approach drew the attention of the remaining guards who didn't hesitate to move in on him with gunfire.

"shit!" Tony cursed as he jumped down performing a duck and roll before returning fire with his repulsors. At this point all the guards were running towards Tony.

He managed to hide behind a pillar as bullets began flying everywhere. Tony tried returning fire but seeing his attempts to retaliate were failing moved behind a vase to hide before firing at the chandelier above.

Which fell in the midst of the assailants allowing for Tony to come out and gain the uper hand. Tony arrived before the last assailant standing who was trying to pick up his gun and announced his arrival with a repulsor blast.

"Now you, you're going to tell me where the Mandarin is" Tony questioned as he moved his gauntlet point the repulsor at the guy's head as it began to charge causing the guys eyes to widen in fear.

"Bravo Tony, I would expect nothing less from Ironman" a voice was heard causing Tony to turn around. "... who are you?" Tony questioned after trying to remember who this guy was.

Killian on the other hand lost all his composure at that moment, he knew Tony was an a**hole but it still hurt to realize that the person he hated all this years couldn't even remember him.

Not bothering to waste anymore words with Tony he snapped his fingers causing his men to bring out a bruised and tied up Maya Hansen.


"I wouldn't be too concerned about her, your girlfriend on the hand..." Hearing that Tony did not hesitate anytime pointing both his blasters at Killian who didn't even flinch.

"Where's Pepper?"Tony questioned Killian, "the only way to know that is to come with me. You could fire those blasts at me but then I can assure you she would be dead."

Tony grit his teeth before releasing a blast, Killian looked to his side to see the clear imprint to his side. Looking back to Tony he had taken off the gauntlets surrendering to Killian.

Batman alongside Batwoman and Ghost Bat had arrived at Trevor Stanley's mansion. In but a few minutes all the guards in the building were dead. The three gathered together standing before a door.

The door was suddenly burst open revealing Trevor who was inside playing a video game. "Woah... wait who, what are you?..." Trevor didn't get to finish as he was grabbed and slammed straight into the wall.

"Let him go" Batman spoke up seeing that Batwoman was mere seconds away from killing him.

"You already know he didn't do it, so let him go"

"I know lemme just Punch him once"

"What wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, no punching okay. I bruise real easy, what do you want to know. I can tell you anything you want, oh I'm a good actor as well I could-"

"Shut up" Mandarin kept numb after hearing that from the Batman.

Seeing he was finally silent Batman turned to the others, "seems we were late Killian got Tony, probably told him he had Pepper and with Tony having no idea about Maya they probably used her to make him believe them"

Batman turned to leave before stopping, "I'd advise you to find someplace to hide. The person you are imitating may be dead but the people who work for him aren't and they won't take kindly to what you are doing"

"Let him go, we've got to find Tony and Killian..." Batman came to a halt as he heard Oracle's voice in his ear. "Sir, the war machine just boarded the air force one, Colonel Rhodes isn't sir"

"Ghost Bat take the Bat wing and head out to intercept the air force one with it you need to take out the war machine" Batman ordered.

"wait I thought he was on our side" Ghost Bat questioned, "Colonel Rhodes is on our side the person in the suit on the other hand isn't, which is why you need to get there now"

"What about Killian?" Batwoman asked about what was most important to her. "Oracle are you still connected to Stark's systems?"

"Yes sir"

"Where is his armor heading?"

"It just took off right now, calculating the destination.  I have it now sir."

"Good" Batman responded to Oracle before turning to Batwoman. "I know where he is"

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