Batman in the MCU

Batman to the rescue

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


A knock was heard causing Pepper to go answer it leaving Maya Hansen.

Opening the door, Pepper saw the waiter with what they ordered. "Oh hi, good evening". "good evening" "come on in" Pepper invited the waiter in as she made room to allow him in.

Pepper turned around just in time to see Kilian snapping the waiters neck, "Maya run!" Pepper screamed as he tried to run away herself. She was stopped however by Killian who grabbed her and slammed her into a wall, holding her in place with a chokehold.

"Hi Pepper" Killian spoke before turning to face Maya who had made her way towards them. "So you mind telling me why you were at Stark's mansion last night?" Killian questioned ignoring Pepper who was struggling to free herself from his hold.

"I was trying to fix this thing I didn't know you and the master were going to blow the place up!"

"Oh I see so you were trying to save Stark when he threatened us"

"I've told Killian we can use him"

Killian attempted to respond but was interrupted by Pepper who was now pushing against his face, "Pepper, Pepper" Killian turned to her speaking in a tired tone. "Look if we want to launch product next year I need Stark, he just lacked a decent incentive now he has one."

Killian turned back to Maya understanding what she was getting at, but before he could speak a person was sent into the room colliding with Killian and causing him to let go of Pepper who fell straight to the floor taking in deep breaths.

The sudden action caught everyone in the room by surprise, looking to the source of the body they saw Batman standing with another one of Killian's men unconscious in his hands. "Pepper get out now" Batman ordered

Pepper wasting no time made her way out of there leaving Batman to face Killian and Maya who had now taken a few steps back. "Batman, I'm a big fan honestly. But you and your people are starting to get on my nerves."

Killian's body began to give of the familiar orange glow before he sent a blast straight for the Batman. Batman had managed to avoid that moving in for close combat, sending a punch to his side Killian blocked the punch and tried to grab Batman but failed as Batman made it behind him delivering quick jabs to his back before grabbing him from behind and putting him in a choke hold.

Killian struggled trying to get free as his body temperature began to rise at an alarming rate. Letting out a scream he managed to flip Batman over and into a wall, the move didn't cause any damage though as Batman pushed of the wall and sent a kick to Killian's jaw sending him flying back into the wall behind him.

Killian let out a groan as he tried to make it back to his feet, the extremis running through his system was healing him but at the same time was close to running out of control causing him to make a decision.

Grabbing Maya he made a massive explosion separating them from Batman who had brought his cape up to protect himself. Bringing it down he noticed the massive hole now present as well as the absence of both Maya and Killian.

With Pepper she was close to making it out of the hotel when she was surrounded by five armed men all training their guns at her. Pepper's eyes widened as she realized the predicament she was in, before the men could do anything though a batarang flew in taking two of them out.

Batwoman followed moving the gun which was pointed at her away before punching the guy in the throat and turning him around to use as a human shield against the others who were now firing away.

Pushing the guy away she performed a flip arriving at the side of one man where she delivered a flurry of quick jabs taking him out before grabbing his pistol and shooting the other in the leg. "Aargh!" the man let out a scream before being knocked out by Batwoman.

Batman at this point had landed beside Pepper, Batwoman hearing the sound turned around with her gun pointed at him thinking another assailant was here. Seeing it was Batman however she didn't put the gun down but rather aimed for his head.

The two had a stare down with Pepper watching from the side, absolutely confused as to what was going on. After what seemed like forever, Batwoman lowered the gun, "this isn't over." With a nod Batman led both women into the Batmobile and sped off before the area was surrounded by the police.


"What now?" Maya asked Killian after giving him an injection to stabilize the extremis in his system. "We find Stark before they do" Killian answered as Maya drove them away from the scene.

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