Batman in the MCU

Bats team up Pt2

**Big Thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Batwoman didn't get to enjoy her victory through as she was soon sent flying by a hulking man who was giving of the same orange glow. The Hulking man moved in to end her but an explosive batarang to the face caused him to stumble back.

Batwoman who was made it back to her feet, turned to the source to see none other than the Batman himself.

"I'll admit, I knew I had to run into you eventually. I hoped for better circumstances but I'll take what I can" Batwoman spoke as she made it to her feet, looking Batman in the eye.

"You know, I could handle these C-listers" Batman just looked to her and pushed her out of the way of an attack from the guy she headbutted earlier "a simple thank you Batman would have sufficed". "so now is two on two" Batwoman spoke acknowledging their predicament and ignoring Batman's earlier words.

"I'll take the big one, you handle the other one" Batman spoke as he charged at his perp. Batwoman scoffed as she charged at her guy, Batman performed a flip avoiding a swing from his opponent before sending his knee straight into the opponents destroying the opponents nose.

Letting out a grunt of pain the guy turned to Batman with his nose fully healed, the scowl under Batman's mask grew more prominent as he moved to exchange blows.

After a few more minutes of exchanging blows with one another Batman was beginning to realize a big problem.


"How are you in my ear?"

"We need to deal with these two now, their energy levels are about to go out of control and when it does..."

"I get it" Batwoman moved in delivering a quick clothesline before stomping him in the head knocking him out cold.

With Batman he ducked behind a container avoiding an energy blast from his opponent whilst sending a batarang at his opponent, which produced a bright flash temporarily blinding them.

Batman taking advantage of this moved in with his shock gloves activated. His fist produced a loud boom which caused Batwoman to snap her head towards him with wide eyes as she watched the opponent fly into the wall and create a huge crater before falling down unconscious.

"I was of the impression you didn't have any powers" Batwoman spoke after a minute of silence.

"You could have gotten yourself killed" Batman spoke as he began walking towards Batwoman, "yeah no. Thanks for your help and all, but I don't take orders from you, just because I wear this symbol does not mean I'm apart of your little cult."

"Then why do you wear that symbol?"

"The guy I'm after has some history with you and I was borrowing this to piss him off"

"The Mandarin"

"So you know" Batman now but a few inches away from her spoke up, "Why are you after him?"

With a sigh Batwoman turned around and began to leave, "I don't need to answer to you".

She was stopped however by Batman grabbing her hand. "You're a new mask in my city, flaunting my symbol on your chest. So yes you do"

"Now what did he do to you?"

"You want to know?" she questioned as she freed herself from his hold, "he took everything away from me, so no matter what it takes I'm going to make that bastard pay".

"The Mandarin didn't do it"

"*scoff* and how would you know that?"

"Because he's dead"

That sentence caused Batwoman to remain silent seemingly stunned. "The person responsible for all of this is Aldrich Killian, the person you know as the Mandarin is nothing than an actor putting on a front"

Batman pulled up a hologram showing her proof, Batwoman looked through this before finally speaking, "how long have you known?"

"How long have you known all of this?"

"Since the beginning"

"hahaha, and you didn't do anything?"

"I had other threats to deal with Killian was not at the top of my list"

"Other threats... your list... Everyone seems to have a list don't they, so my family was not important to you, is what you are trying to say. You could have saved them"

"I can't save everyone"

Those words pushed Batwoman over the edge as she immediately sent a punch at his face, which Batman was able to block easily.

Batwoman continued to deliver attack after attack with Batman opting not to attack but only defend.

Batwoman wasn't having this though as she sent an explosive batarang at him with the resulting force sending him straight through a window and out of the building.

With his grappling hook Batman was able to pull himself unto another building with Batwoman hot on his tail.

Continuing with a duck and roll, Batman avoided the rain of explosive batarangs sent his way. "You're upset but I need you to calm down" Batman tried talking to her as he caught her fist.

"Shut up" Batwoman with her hand still in his grasp sent a kick right to Batman's jaw, but he brought his elbow up stopping the attack before flinging her to the side.

As she tried to make it to her feet Batman tackled her, sending her over the ledge and through the scaffolding at the side of the building.

Before they could make contact with the ground though Batman fired his grappling hook to slow his descent.

"Oracle perform a quick scan"

"Sir she is just unconscious without any serious injuries" Batman let out a sigh of relief, he knew his suit was durable but was worried he might have miscalculated just how much it could take.

Batman making sure she was okay pulled off her mask to see just who was under the mask, his eyes widened in surprise as he saw who was under the mask.

*beep* beep* "sir Aldrich Killian has been spotted at miss Potts hotel" Oracle voice was heard causing him to put her mask back on as he called for his batmobile speeding to Pepper's side.

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