Batman in the MCU

Bats team up pt1

*Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support*

Jeff was in the Batcave, typing away on the Bat computer.

The attack on Stark mansion was last night, and the news that had taken over the headlines was the supposed death of Tony. Jeff on the other hand after placing Pepper in a hotel alongside Maya came back home to spend some time with his cousin.

Now he was searching for leads on who exactly was the Batwoman, he search had revealed to him that she had actually appeared in many locations before making her way to New York where she had her confrontation with Gwen.

What Bats found interesting was that with her every appearance, the explosions accredited to the Mandarin which were in fact the Extremis project being developed by Killian alongside Maya Hansen.

This starts to explain what Gwen said about her wearing the Bat symbol because the person she is after has history with it. If she believes the Mandarin is really behind everything then it would explain that, except he should be dead meaning this is still the actor..

To make sure Jeff began his search for the actor, Trevor Slattery.

Oracle brings up the image of where Trevor was at the moment, "Oracle keep an eye on this place and tell me when Tony arrives. Also put an alert on the hotel where Pepper is, when Killian shows up alert me"

"Yes sir"

"Hm, wait that gives me an idea, pull up all of Killian's holdings in New York. Now cross reference it with places with conditions necessary for the making of extremis now which of those has highest amount of activity."

Following his orders, Oracle pulled up a location. "Give me live feed of the building"

Going through the footage just like he expected he found the Batwoman sneaking into the building. "Sir, should I alert Ghost Bat" Oracle questioned.

"No, I'll handle this myself" Jeff spoke as he began to head out, his Bat suit covering his body.

In said building, men where moving boxes into trucks preparing to ship them away when batarangs fell to ground, they went off releasing smoke causing all off them to be alert and pull out their guns. "Argh!" a sudden scream caused the already tense men to begin firing.

Grunts were soon heard as more men were taken down, a man who stood still seemingly a higher up questioned, "what the hell is going on?"

"Its the Bat!" One man screamed before a bullet was put in his head. The smoke began to clear revealing the scene around them, the man looked at the bodies of his men around him noticeably the bullet holes in a few of them.

"You're not Batman, Batman doesn't use guns"

"You're right, I'm worse" Batwoman spoke as she revealed herself and charged straight for the man with a right hook straight for his head. The man managed to grab her fist causing Batwoman's eyes to widen as she tried to free her fist.

The man had a wild grin on his face as he watched her struggle, his body began to give of an orange glow as he increased his grip strength. Batwoman let out a grunt of pain before jumping and giving the man a drop kick and freed herself from the guys grip.

With a back flip, Batwoman landed on her feet and gave the man a glare. "hahaha I remember you now, you're the one who has been causing troubles all around. I'm going to enjoy hurting you"

The two charged at one another with the guy delivering a punch aimed at her head, but performing a cartwheel she managed to avoid the punch appearing behind the guy she locked one of his arms in a hold and delivered a punch to his throat.

Landing a hit she performed a back flip putting some space between her and the guy as performed a wide swing. Seeing he failed to hit her he became even angrier with his glow getting even brighter he let out an energy blast which nearly hit Batwoman.

Batwoman fired a wire binding the man before charging at him delivering two quick hits which knocked the man out. She moved in trying to finish the guy of with her pistol.

Before she could pull the trigger she took a step back avoiding an axe kick from another glowing man. She first smacked him across the head with her gun before shooting him in the leg and finally pulling him in for a headbutt which knocked him out.

Batwoman didn't get to enjoy her victory through as she was soon sent flying by a hulking man who was giving of the same orange glow. The Hulking man moved in to end her but an explosive batarang to the face caused him to stumble back.

Batwoman who was made it back to her feet, turned to the source to see none other than the Batman himself.

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