Batman in the MCU

Battle for Sokovia pt2


The battle between Vision and Ultron grew more intense as Vision grabbed on to Ultron and sent a concentrated energy blast that left a gaping hole in Ultron. Seeing this Ultron grabbed Vision and flung him off himself.

"You think this is enough to stop me? You take away my world, I take away yours." landing right by the core he activates it by slamming his fist onto it, his eyes widen however when there is no reaction.

"What?" Ultron to stunned, confused about why nothing was happening when Batman appeared seemingly out of nowhere. "I've been working with Vibranium since before Tony thought to create you. Did you believe I wouldn't be able to disable what you had planned".

"You!" Ultron screamed out as he saw red, this was not how this was supposed to go. When his Vision was stolen he was pissed but he still had a Plan B but now... now this costumed arse had destroyed the internet and from what his droids told him trapped him here and now even worse he somehow stopped his plan?

"It was to be beautiful" Ultron began to mutter, "The beauty of it, the inevitability. You rise, only to fall. You, Avengers, you were to be my meteor, my swift and terrible sword and the earth would have crack with the weight of your failure. When the dust settled, the only thing living in this world would be metal." At this moment all other emotions seemed to vanish from his voice with a cold emotionless voice being all that remained.

"I will end you and this time I will make sure of it" With those words a massive amount of droids invaded the church forcing the heroes to flee.

In other parts of the city the droids had gotten the memo; they had gone from keeping the avengers occupied to killing everything in sight. "Banner we could really use some muscle right about now", Cap spoke as he jumped before some droids barely saving some civilian life.

*Boom* a few vehicles exploded causing Banner to jump for cover, "what about Nat?" "We've got her. Bats got to her just in time, although I'm with Cap here with need some help ASAP." Tony's voice came over the radio comms as engaged in aerial combat with the surrounding buildings suffering as a result.

Hearing Nat was still alive Bruce let out a sigh of relief, "alright big guy, they need our help. So let's give them hell" A loud roar soon resonated through the city quickly followed by explosions.

Captain America was forced on the defensive as he went up against five droids whilst protecting a number of civilians. His shield went up in preparation for another strike when the Hulk landed before him taking out two droids with his landing alone. Reaching out with both arms he captured a droid in each arm and smashed them together on the final droid. Taking out al five in mere seconds.

With that done Hulk turned around and shared a nod with the Captain before jumping off to continue battle.

*Bam* Bam* Boom* Ironman continues his aerial exchange with the droids which come after him in droves. The blasts exchanged either take out the intended target or causes insane damage to the surroundings.

Tony narrowly avoids a blast which decimates the ground as it makes contact, "Junior isn't playing around anymore" The aftershock of the blast causes a building to begin to tremble, with a quick scan FRIDAY spoke up "That building's not clear, the tenth floor."

Hearing this Tony fires of a bunch of flares buying him sometime and enabling him to fly to the apartment where he finds a family all together hiding under a table. His sudden entrance does little to ease the family who now stare at him in trepidation.

"Hi. Okay. Get in the tub!" Tony speaks up after taking a quick look around to determine the way to save the family.

Orphan flipped over a car and using a grappling hook pulled it up to serve as a shield, just in time for the droids to crash into it and explode. With her adept use of her grappling hook Orphan was up in the air once more, everything around her had gotten way too crazy.

With energy blasts coming from just about anywhere she was forced to be constantly on the move. On her way she found a few stragglers here and there and tried her best to help them out of the battle zone. That however was getting increasing hard with each blast she took.

Orphan could almost swear that when the droids laid eyes on the symbol on her chest they grew even crazier. "Sh*t" Orphan cursed out as her line was cut by an energy blast causing her to fall, although this did not last long either as one of the droids flew into her midsection with enough force to send her into another building.

She was forced to take in a few deep breaths to stabilize herself as she quite literally had the wind knocked out of her a moment ago. She quickly grabbed a steel bar as she made it to her feet and embedded it into the eye of the bot and slamming it into the floor.

With a quick front flip she landed a hit on another droid charging towards her nd pushed herself back as she sent a few explosive batarangs towards the droids before her taking them out with a bang.

The droids outside seeing this did not fly in, but rather focused a barrage of focused attacks leveling the building.

"I got airborne, heading up to the bridge." Tony received an alert from FRIDAY causing him to pass on the message to Cap "Cap, you got incoming."

Steve after catching his shield which had just severed the head on another droid responded "Incoming already came in. Stark, we have one job: tear these things apart. You get hurt, hurt 'em back. You get killed, walk it off.

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