Batman in the MCU

Battle for Sokovia pt3


Barton quickly pulled Wanda out of the droids way and into a building as Ultron's droids overwhelmed them. With a wall taking the brunt of the droids shots Hawkeye returned fire but soon sensing he was alone in this turned to Wanda who had curled herself into a ball.

Not having time to deal with this however as the blast from the droids only grew stronger he exclaimed, "Go, go, move!" Wanda however, seemingly lost in her own mind began to break down. "How could I let this happen?"

Clint's fatherly instinct took over once he saw Wanda in such a state, "Hey, hey, you okay?" crouching down to her side Clint asked her. "This is all our fault", was all Wanda said before she went back to her self wallowing.

"Hey, look at me. It's your fault, it's everyone's fault, who cares. Are you up for this? Are you? Look, I just need to know, cause we're fighting an army of robots, and I have a bow and arrow. None of this makes sense. But I'm going back out there because it's my job. Okay? And I can't do my job and babysit. It doesn't matter what you did, or what you were. If you go out there, you fight, and you fight to kill. Stay in here, you're good, I'll send your brother to come find you, but if you step out that door, you are an Avenger."

After Hawkeye's words Wanda simply looked at him. "Alright, good chat." Done, Hawkeye made it to his feet and readied himself to head back into the chaos outside, standing before the door he let out a sigh "Yeah, an army of robots." With that said he stepped out and began to shoot at the every robot in sight.

Batman swiftly moved through the streets taking out droids who went after civilians with batarangs, whilst being extra careful not to draw too close to them. Ultron himself alongside a veritable swarm of droids were hot on his tail.

The knowledge from his past life allowed him to be prepared for Ultron's plans and with his knowledge and experience in handling vibranium. Batman had been able to stop Ultron's plans for human extermination but that had also drawn Ultron's ire making him Ultron's number one enemy.

"I will end you. Rip you apart limb from limb." Ultron's hate filled voice came out of all the droids present gone was his laid back tone, all that was left was hat and anger all directed at one man, Batman.

Batman had finally made it far from the fleeing civilians and was forced to halt as the swarm of droids surrounded him. "This time, Batman you won't be coming back" the droids all rushed in at once fully intent on tearing Batman apart.

*shink* crash* Batman unleashed his suit creating tendrils that fired all around him ripping through the droids that attempted to rip him apart. With every second that passed the sound of metal being ripped apart grew louder with the pile of scrap surrounding the Batman growing.

But even the Batman could not keep this up forever, one droid made it through landing a punch which was stopped by the suit. With one making it through others soon followed landing hits heavy enough to send Batman of his feet.

Flying through the air Batman managed to land on his feet only for the main beefed up body of Ultron to fly in with a clothesline. *Bam* "urgh" Batman let out a grunt as his back made contact with a wall.

Before he could fall Ultron held him in place, "When I awoke I gained a strong hate for Tony Stark. I thought to myself, I could not hate anyone more". Ultron increased the pressure on Batman's throat with every word. "But then you proved me wrong, with everyone of your actions you have crawled your way to the top of my shit list".

At this moment Ultron and Batman stared straight into each others eyes, "Humanity would have been gone with a bang but now I will have to do things the human way, slowly and painfully". Done with Ultron Batman broke free and sent a charged punch right into Ultron's jaw sending the ego maniac flying once he stabled himself.

Once Ultron stabilized himself he fixed his jaw and stared down at Batman who was already in a battle stance. He stretched out his hand causing all droids around him t charge straight for Batman, Batman seeing this pulled out his batarangs and charged them as well.

Steve helped up a terrified woman Thor had saved from her car, "I got you! Just look at me." The terrified woman held on tightly to Steve, as she fixed her tear filled gaze on him.

Allowing her to join the other civilians they had helped, Cap turned to Thor who sent out a massive blast of lightning before landing before Steve. The soon noticed another group of droids heading their way, and came to an understanding.

Cap raised his Shield up as Thor sent his hammer into it creating a shockwave which ripped through the droids. They were giving no time to breathe however as more rushed towards them. Readying themselves they expected a battle but were confused when the droids all suddenly took of and headed towards the city.

A few droids flew in from behind trying to take Hawkeye by surprise, when they were suddenly halted mid air and enclosed in red energy. Moving his eyes to the door which he had just stepped out off Hawkeye saw Wanda who had a fierce glint in her eye. With a swift hand movement and energy blast she put an end to the droids around them.

Seeing this Hawkeye made his report, "Alright, we're all clear here."

Steve's voice came over immediately, "Ultron is up to something all droids are flying to one direction". Looking up Hawkeye saw what Cap was on about, "Alright, coming to you." At that moment all Hawkeye saw was a blur as Pietro sped in, picked up Wanda and left calling out to Hawkeye as he did so, "Keep up old man!"

Barton immediately aimed an arrow at where Pietro was and muttered, "Nobody would know. Nobody." Placing his arrow back in his quiver he began jogging towards the action as he continued to mutter "The last I saw him, Ultron was sitting on him. Uh...yeah, he'll be missed, that quick little sh*t. I miss him already."

Batman leapt over a droid placing a few explosives on it which went off seconds later, propelled by the force he flew ahead with his suit sending out tendrils which ripped apart the droids that came close. Arriving before another he dug his hands into its head and ripped it in two.

Above him however a seemingly endless amount of droids were converging on him, before the closest could touch him. It and the ones closest t it were blown to bits by explosives batarangs, looking to the source Batman spotted Orphan rushing to his location.

"Looks like you could use some help"


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