Batman in the MCU

Blackout Protocol


Batman informed Orphan of his location as he observed the building before him.

The Sokovian base they had raided earlier on, the place where this whole fiasco had began. As of now Batman was sure Vision had been born and with his message the avengers should be heading here, which also meant Ultron and all his droids where before him.

Batman dropped down from the tree he was hidden in and made to enter the building. There were no guards guarding the place which made sense when one took in the fact that Ultron did not want to draw attention to the place. This however did not mean Ultron had left the place defenseless.

As he observed his surroundings through each camera and sensor he had around the place. Unluckily for him, the person attempting to break in was the Batman. His skills along with his suit made sneaking into the place a cake walk for him.

Using the vents and every other method to make sure he remained hidden, he finally arrived at Ultron's forge where his droids were moving around creating more bodies in preparation for Ultron's plans.

"You've wounded me." Batman heard Ultron say allowing him to realize he had arrived just in time to catch the end of his speech, "I give you full marks for that. But, like the man said, 'What doesn't kill me' " A bigger body arrived and smashed in the head of the body speaking to Natasha. The sudden action caused her flinch back "…just makes me stronger." The bigger body finished the sentence as he locked Natasha in the cell.

Batman silently observed as Ultron headed back to his other bodies, performing further scans allowed for Batman to take in the sheer numbers Ultron had as well as the massive hole leading into the earth lined with vibranium. 'T-Chaka would flip' Batman couldn't help but think to himself before retreating to have a conversation with Oracle.

"Oracle how are my communications?"

" Being routed through our satellite sir."

"Have we managed to pull ourselves from the internet then?"

"Yes sir. All of King enterprises have been isolated as well."


"I take it you would want to activate the blackout protocol sir?"

"What is the Avengers location?" Batman questioned the AI, "They are heading for the Quin jet sir and will soon be making their way here."

"Hmm, prepare the dome and have it deployed once the team is in Sokovian air space and once that is done activate Blackout protocol." The Blackout protocol as well as the dome was one of Batman's many preparations meant to deal with Ultron, although Ultron kept creating bodies to fight them Batman had not forgotten the fact that he was a program at the heart of it all, one who could escape into the internet if all went south.

In the original timeline Jarvis had dealt with that issue, but what if that didn't happen here and even if it did could Batman truly trust Jarvis when he said so after all at this point who truly was in charge, Jarvis or the mind stone. Batman was not willing to risk it and was therefore going to make sure it was not a problem. "Affirmative" With the AI's response Batman went back to his original position and patiently waited.

After waiting patiently for almost half an hour Ultron and his veritable army had finally left to set themselves up to meet the Avengers who were flying straight for here. With them gone Batman dropped down, the thud created as his feet made contact with the floor Natasha snapped her head and saw him.

"Batman" "I'm here" Batman quickly responded as he made his way towards her. As he was inches away from her cell gate he heard an alarm, the avengers were in place and that meant his protocol had began. Up above the earth, a satellite had got into place before activating certain mechanisms which caused a bright flash.

With that, multiple projectiles were fired into the earths atmosphere. Within a few minutes they made contact with the earth and began to produce what looked to be a curtain of electricity.

In the Quinjet, a few Avengers looked back their eyes locked on the curtain that was rising into the sky. "Ultron?" Steve questioned, "doubt it" Tony gave his response as he continued to observe the curtain with apprehension.

Orphan however watched it with suspicion, "guys there is a problem with the system" Hawkeye spoke up as multiple systems went offline. "What the" "It appears I can no longer access the internet" Vision contributed causing everyone to grow more tense. "Same thing with Friday".

"Ultron took us off the internet?" Bruce asked the others with an alarmed look. "No" it was at this moment that Orphan decided to speak up her voice drawing attention of all present.

"Batman did this, he calls it the Blackout protocol" Orphan explained causing all the Avengers eyes to widen. "So... what he turned the internet off?" Tony questioned with his disbelief all too clear.

"No he destroyed it, completely."

"Holy shit!" Tony cursed instinctively, "How... Why? no that I get, but How the fuck."

"No one's going to be happy about that".

"We'll deal with that later right now our main objective is Ultron" Cap spoke up managing to halt the conversation... for now but all present knew what Batman had done was most certainly not blowing over anytime soon.

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