Batman in the MCU

The vision pt2


The batwing flew in close but was forced to pull up as the droid driving abandoned the truck and came straight for him. Bats managed to activate his forcefield just in time but now he was being pushed back under the over pass.

Sparks flew each time the Batwing made contact, causing Batman who was flying the air craft to let out a groan. Managing to keep the Batwing stable he began to fire at the droid but it managed to avoid his attacks whilst gaining on him.

The shots soon found their way to civilian cars at the side, forcing Bats to stop firing in case he hits civilians.

The droid noticing the tight spot was in pressed harder on the force field, glaring at the droid Bats sped up with the droid hot in pursuit. The droid was mere inches away when Bats made it out of the overpass and released an E.M.P blast which took out the droid in but a second.

With that done Bats flew back to the action and arrived just in time to see the truck airborne, being lifted by two Ultron droids. Batman seeing this sped up to get to them when the truck exploded with Nat and the Cradle flying out into the quinjet,

Nat did not make it however as she was yanked by Ultron, seeing this Batman turned the Batwing around and followed after Ultron, "Does anyone have eyes on Nat?!" Hawkeye's voice came through the coms but a moment later. "I'm going after her get the cradle to Stark"

"Alright Bats" Clint spoke his last words before speeding off. The Batwing picked up speed as Batman desperately tried to catch up with Ultron.

Ultron's speed however was just out of this world causing Batman to curse, ""shit" he moved to fire a missile but he laid eyes on the unconscious Natasha in Ultron's hands and decided against it. "Oracle"

"Yes sir"

"Diverge all power to thrusters"

"Yes sir", with Oracle's response the ships force field and all other auxiliary went offline as the ship caught its second wind. These actions of course caught the attention of Ultron, "Batman... You truly are a pain in the arse".

With those words said Ultron began to unload everything on Batman who was forced to engage in evasive maneuvers. His efforts however only carried him so far in the face of Ultron's relentless attacks, over an hour later the Batwing was smoking and barely hanging on, Batman's sight was covered in countless warning signals.

"One more should do it, such a shame. You won't get to see what I have ready for this world". Having said that Ultron let loose one last missile causing the Batwing to explode with a bang.


Ultron remained still watching the firey pieces fall down to the snowy landscape below, "I honestly did not think he would last that long... oh well". Giving the wreakage one last glance Ultron continued his journey.

In the pile of the flaming pieces below all was silent as the flames danced silently, when a hand burst out from the depths of the pile. With the hand out, the rest of the body followed soon after. Batman stood atop the pile with his body smoking his eyes fixed on the direction Ultron flew to.


At the lab; Steve, Orphan and the twins had arrived.

"I'm gonna say this once." Steve spoke up immediately he saw what the two were up to. "How about "nonce"?" Stark gave his snarky response as he removed to complete his objective.

Seeing the two were still at it, Steve exclaimed the anger clear in his voice "Shut it down!"

Tony finally paused and looked straight at Steve, "Nope, not gonna happen." "You don't know what you're doing." Steve continued trying to reason with them but his words only served to set Banner off.

"And you do? She's not in your head?"

"I know you're angry." Wanda tried to calm the man who could end them all in the next moment. "Oh, we're way past that. I could choke the life out of you and never change a shade." Banner simply focused on her and responded in a dead pan tone.

"Banner, after everything that's happened--" Steve changed his focus trying to get through to Bruce but Stark wasn't having it, "That's nothing compared to what's coming!"

"You don't know what's in there!"

"This isn't a game--"

"The creature--"

Pietro who had been silently observing everything devolve down to a screaming contest up and used his speed to destroy the lab equipment as well as the Cradle's power source. With his actions grabbing everyone's attention he spoke smirked "No, no. Go on. You were saying?"

He smirk did not last long however as everyone heard a gunshot, Pietro with his senses saw the bullet fly up to his face before he fell through the glass to land before Barton who had a gun pointed at him.

"Pietro!" Wanda's scream resounded when she saw what happened to her brother, Clint however had a wide grin as he looked down at Pietro "What? You didn't see that coming?"

Tony seeing his chance moved "I'm rerouting the upload." Wanda attempted to move to stop him but Bruce came up and grabbed her from behind "Go ahead, piss me off." Orphan who had been silently observing moved to the side unsure as to which side to take.

Steve however released his shield dealing even more damage to the devices, before the shield returned to cap however a repuslsor blast from Tony hit him square in the chest forcing him to the ground.

Before the fighting could escalate any further Thor entered the scene in a flashy manner causing all eyes to focus on him, raising Mjolnir streaks of lighting came over him which he then directed into the cradle with his hammer, sending a powerful bolt of lightning through it that caused the power core to overload as well as bring the body within to life. The avengers present were ready to attack when Thor stopped them "Wait!"

The remained silent as the observed the new entity who remained still for a moment before launching himself at Thor, who grabbed him and threw him at a window, but he caught himself right before impact.

Vision turned to Thor and spoke out in an all to familiar voice to, JARVIS' voice "sorry, that was...odd." his eyes now focused on Thor "Thank you." At that moment Steve chose to step in "Thor, you helped create this?"

"I've had a vision. A whirlpool that sucks in all hope of life and at its center is that." Was Thor's response as he pointed to the gem inside Vision's head, words which did not serve to inspire the slightest bit of confidence.

"What, the gem?" came Banner's question.

"It's the Mind Stone. It's one of the six Infinity Stones, the greatest power in the universe, unparalleled in its destructive capabilities." Thor explained further which only served to confuse Steve.

"Then why would you bring it to..."

"Because Stark is right."

Bruce scoffed when he heard those words, "Oh, it's definitely the end times."

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