Batman in the MCU

The Vision pt1


The avengers had suited up ready to put an end to Ultron, as he placed his shield on his back Steve turned to the others, "I'll take Natasha, Clint, Batman as well as Orphan". Steve looked at the young lady with the Bat symbol upon her chest.

Tony stood as well in his armor, "Alright, strictly recon. I'll hit the NEXUS, I'll join you as soon as I can."

Steve spoke up reinforcing just how dangerous the situation, "If Ultron is really building a body...". "He'll be more powerful than any of us. Maybe all of us. An android designed by a robot", Tony cut Steve off making it clear he understood everything clearly.

Steve couldn't help but scoff, "You know I really miss the days when the weirdest thing science ever created was me."

"I'll drop Banner off at the tower." Fury turned to Stark and asked a question "Do you mind if I borrow Ms. Hill?" Tony simply gave Fury a look, "She's all yours, apparently."

Batman hearing the question, leveled a gaze at Fury but said nothing. Steve however curious as to what Fury had planned asked "What are you gonna do?"

"I don't know. Something dramatic, I hope." Fury simply smirked at Steve before making to head out.

"I'm ready as well" Alexei's booming voice was heard as he appeared once more all geared and rearing to go. The avengers silently stared at Alexei when Melinda spoke up, "ready for what my love?" Melinda questioned.

"To fight with the avengers of course. This Ultron guy will know the might of the red guardian"

Melinda let out a sigh at his words, "Darling I think they can handle this we need you more here". "But..." Alexei began to argue but gave in simply pouting once he noticed the expression on Melinda's face. Having given up on his idea, he moved to embrace Natasha and Orphan in a tight bear hug. "Come visit okay? and give that metal guy hell da". His words caused both girls to let out a chuckle.


In Korea with Cho and Ultron.

Dr. Helen Cho spoke up as she continued to type away at a screen, "Cellular cohesion will take a few hours, but we can initiate the consciousness stream. We're uploading your cerebral" Ultron simply gave a nod his gaze never leaving the pod where his new body now lay resting as the finishing touches were added upon it.

Wanda curious about the whole thing took a few steps forward leaving her brother's side. Her gaze was fixed on the body soon her eyes flashed red "I can read him. He is dreaming." her tone betraying the wonder she felt at that moment.

Dr. Helen's monotone response soon made it's way to Helen, "I wouldn't call it dreams. It's Ultron's base consciousness, informational noise. Soon..."

"How soon? I'm not being pushy." Ultron interrupted the doctor, finally shifting his gaze from the pod before him towards the others present. Dr. Cho proceeded to explain to Ultron what she was doing, "We're imprinting a physical brain. There are no shortcuts. Even if your magic gem is..."

Wanda, tuning out the conversation focused on Ultron and began reading Ultron's mind, she soon saw a vision of global annihilation, which horrified her, causing her to scream and falls back into Pietro's hold.

Everyone's attention was now on Wanda who put her hand to her head, once she had calmed down a bit she glared at Ultron, "How could you?"

"How could I what?" Ultron responded to her question with another question as he had no clue what she was on about, "You said we would destroy the Avengers, make a better world." Ultron nodded to that "It will be better."

"When everyone is dead." Wanda added on making it clear to Ultron she was aware of his end goal. "That is not-- The human race will have every opportunity to improve." Ultron attempted to lie in the beginning but decided against it.

"And if they don't?" Pietro questioned as he glared at the robot before him

"Ask Noah."

Ultron's response set off an already infuriated Wanda, "You're a madman."

"There were more than a dozen extinction level events before even the dinosaurs got theirs. When the Earth starts to settle, God throws a stone at it, and believe me, he's winding up. We have to evolve. There's no room for the weak."

"And who decides who's weak?" Pietro questioned as he bean readying himself for the battle he knew was inevitable. Wanda took advantage of Ultron being distracted to silently break the scepter's hold off of Cho.

"Life. Life always decides." Ultron gave his response before moving his head to the side, after a moment he spoke. "There's incoming. The Quinjet. We have to move."

"That's not a problem." Dr Helen Cho spoke up as she canceled the upload to Ultron's consciousness into the body. "Ugh." Ultron realized the twins were now against him as Wanda had freed Cho, wasting not a moments notice he blasted Cho.

Wanda and Pietro took this opportunity to run off "Ah, wait, guys!" Ultron called out as he continued to blast Cho's technicians. "They'll understand. When they see they'll understand. I just need a little more time." Ultron muttered to himself as he unpluged himself from the Cradle.


Steve and a few others were now on U-Gin Genetic Research Lab roof; "Two minutes. Stay close." Steve turn to the others before they rushed in. Arriving at the lab they saw the aftermath of Ultron's attack and a wounded Dr. Cho, "Dr. Cho!".

Steve rushed to her side to help her, Dr. Cho laying eyes on him spoke up, "He's uploading himself into the body."

"Where?" Orphan who was right behind Cap asked. "The real power is inside the Cradle. The gem, its power is uncontainable. You can't just blow it up. You have to get the Cradle to Stark." Dr. Helen Cho answered them.

"First we have to find it." Steve responded causing Dr. Helen Cho to nod "Go."

Steve laid her down carefully before placing his hand over his ear and speaking over the Quinjet's comms, "Did you guys copy that?"

"We did." Clint was the first to respond, "I got a private jet taking off, across town, no manifest. That could be him." Natasha's voice came over immediately after.

"No. I've got eyes on him, he is in a truck from the lab on the lab. There are three in the truck with the Cradle." Batman spoke over the comms as he flew his Batwing straight to the Truck. His words and his actions alerting the other avengers to Ultron.

Ultron had also noticed the Batwing flying towards him causing him to spit out with venom, "The Bat". "I've got a clear shot of the driver" Hawkeye's words came over the comms but Steve spoke up as he jumped down unto the roof of the Truck. "Negative! If that truck crashes, the gem could level the city. We need to draw out Ultron." with a heavy thud Steve landed atop the roof of the Truck causing Ultron to look up.

"No, no, no, no, no. Leave me alone!" Ultron shouted getting more and more frustrated. As the Truck was forced to slow down, Steve moved to the door and tried to enter but was met with a blast from Ultron which took out the doors "Well, he's definitely unhappy! I'm gonna try and keep him that way." Steve was hanging on to the doors which were now being dragged across the ground.

"You're not a match for him, Cap."

"Thanks, Barton." Steve responds sarcastically before climbing into the truck. At that moment Ultron unplugged himself from the Cradle and sent another blast directly at Steve which sent him flying back onto another car as he tries to enter the truck. Orphan who was right behind Steve took the opportunity to jump in.

Latching on to Ultron before he could react she sent him into the side, Ultron glanced down at her. "Another bat..." a kick was sent directly for her chest causing her to let go, Ultron followed up with another blast but she managed t get out of the way and atop the truck. Ultron not willing to let her be flew up to meet her, at this point Steve had jumped in sending his Shield into Ultron's jaw, forcing him fly ahead  stabilizing himself he turned to the two.

"You know what's in that Cradle? The power to make real change, and that terrifies you." Ultron addressed the two. "I wouldn't call it a comfort", Steve spoke as he got into his battle stance, "I'm with the Old man" Orphan let loose two batarangs which exploded before Ultron creating a bright flash.

With that opening created Cap and Orphan charged in the coordination almost seamless. Their relentless attacks which seemed to come from all sides kept Ultron on the ropes, "Stop it!" Ultron screamed out as he backhanded Orphan with enough force to send her flying off the truck.

Batman observing all this in his Batwing fired a shot which sent a pulse through out the truck forcing it to a halt. The sudden movement changed the state of the battle atop the truck and soon enough Cap was being held up by his throat.

Orphan who was sent flying managed with her grappling hook however she was able to pull herself back in, just in time to catch Steve's shield as it flew out of the truck. With the force she slammed into Ultron forcing him to let go of Steve who grabbed on the side and pull himself up.

Clint Barton seeing what was going spoke to Natasha "We got a window. Four, three… give 'em hell."

With that Nat dropped down on to the streets with her bike.

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