Batman in the MCU

Final Battle

****Big Thanks to Luke Karls for your support**

Activating his force field Batman tanked the damage and glared at Malekith who returned the glare.

With a wave of his hand Malekith sent another blast of aether into earth sending a massive chunk of earth towards the Batman. Batman was forced to jump out of the way with his grappling hook.

With that done Malekith rose his hand causing a massive wave of aether to fly up into the portals above.

Batman launched two batarangs at Malekith, as they got closer the batarangs split into more. The batarangs flew to meet Malekith exploding as they got close to him.

Batman's scowl deepened seeing his batarangs had failed to do actual damage to Malekith.

Batman fired his grappling hook towards one of the devices Erik and Jane held at hand yanking it to himself and then rushed into the aether storm. "why do you refuse to understand. This is destiny, this is faith and you... are powerless against it".

Malekith reached out as he spoke only to have Batman launch the device into his arm. "Is that all?" Malekith received his answer when his hand disappeared right before his eyes.

The shock from him suddenly loosing his hand allowed for Batman to get close enough to wail on him with his enhanced suit. The onslaught of attacks managed to push Malekith back, but failed to do any actual damage to the dark elf who was buffed up by the aether.

Batman attempted to let loose another right hook but was stopped by Malekith.  "Know your place mortal, did you truly believe you could stop me"

"No, but he can" With those words Malekith was hit but Mjolnir. "Malekith! we are not finished!" with Mjolnir back at hand Thor moved in once again only to be stopped by Malekith who created a force field.

"When will you learn, the aether is indestructible"

"It may be..." saying so Thor spun around Mjolnir and flew into the sky. Outside the massive field of aether, Jane, Erik, Darcy and Ian had their eyes opened wide in disbelief.

From all the portals, streams of lightning flew out towards Thor. The skies above had turned pitch black as the largest lightning bolt anyone had ever seen descended upon Thor.

"...but you're not",Thor up above had summoned lightning from all the realms and slammed it straight into Malekith. Batman below snapped out of his stupor and turned to run out of the blast radius.

He however failed to outrun lightning as the blast made contact with the earth and created a shockwave sending him and everyone else around flying.

The force was strong enough to even shatter a few buildings creating a massive cloud of dust, that was seen from at least a mile away.

A massive crater was now formed with Thor standing in the center with bolts of lightning dancing rund his body. Malekith was now nowhere to be found.

"Thor!" Jane shouted as she rushed straight for Thor and enveloped him in a hug. The others outside the crater simply observed everything still mesmerized by the sight of what they had just witnessed.

The sight of lightning from all the realms was not one to easily forget.

"Jane... it's over", Thor let out a tired breath as Mjolnir fell to his side with him falling into Jane's arms.

"It is, it really is- Thor!" Jane screamed as the remains of Malekith's ship fell on them. Thor spun around quickly in an attempt to stop the ship but his divine feat had left him drained.

As the ship was mere inches away one of Jane's devices flew in and hit it sending it to another dimension, namely Svartalfheim.

Thor and Jane turned to the source of the device to see Batman. His suit had visible signs of damage all over but was quickly repairing itself at a visible pace.


In Svartalfheim Malekith lay on the earth unable to move any part of his body with the aether knocked out of him. Above him a shadow suddenly appeared as his own ship fell upon him.

His screams were soon drowned out by the sound of the steel crashing into the earth.


A few days had passed; Jeff stood in his office watching the news which was filled with the news of S.H.I.E.L.D.S files being leaked out.

"Sir there is a miss Andrews here to see you", Jeff's assistant walked in causing Jeff to quirk a brow.

"Let her in"

Jeff turned off the TV, as Maria Hill walked in. "Ms. Andrews, to what do I owe the pleasure. Please don't tell me I forgot a date".

"No, I'm here about something else all together" Maria spoke in a tone that caused a look of confusion to appear on Jeff's face.

"Let's sit-" Jeff moved to motion her to sit down but Maria stopped him.

"I'd rather stand. When all this started I wasn't being honest"


"My name is Maria Hill I was an agent for S.H.I.E.L.D and I was sent to investigate whether or not you are the Batman."

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