Batman in the MCU

Battle Across the Realms pt2

**Big Thanks to Luke Karls for your support**

"yes" Batman managed to speak out as he moved a spear aimed for his chest away then proceeded to spartan kick its owner causing them to relinquish ownership.

With the spear at hand, Batman met the swarm of elves head on. Batman cursed as he knocked another elf down before flipping away from three elves thrusting their swords at him.

In the movies, Batman could swear there were not these many elves. Then again, the focus in that movie was the battle between Thor and Malekith with the remaining dark elves just in the background.

Batman was snapped out his thoughts by a heavy hit to his jaw that caused his head to snap to the side.

*Boom* boom* Batman quickly dropped some explosive pellets that went of granting him some breathing room.

With some new room Batman began running to the designated spots letting a few batarangs loose along the way.  Arriving at the spot Batman came to a stop and turned to look at the elves who were hot on his tail.

Tapping his belt the device planted around the spot became active sending a wave out which transported the elves to another realm.

Seeing the devices work Batman let out a discreet sigh of relief and got in position to deal with the remaining elves who were not the least bit deterred by their partners sudden disappearance.

In his battle stance Batman was ready to charge at them once more when he heard screams behind him. Turning around he saw Darcy and Ian running whilst screaming with two elves on their tail.

"Hey! yeah we could use some help!"  Darcy screamed seeing she had gained Batman's attention.

Batman immediately broke the spear in his hand into two before sending the spears into the necks of the elves. "Oh snap, thanks for, behind you!" Darcy seeing the elves dropped dead turned to thank Batman but took notice of the elves who had drawn dangerously close.

Batman turned around just in time to see the elves before another wave washed over them sending them to another realm. Taking a quick glance Batman realized Darcy and Ian had disappeared as well.

"Oops" Jane's apologetic voice made its way into Batman's ear as he continued his attacks rushing out the zone he flung an explosive Batarang into the midst of the group taking a few out.

He continued his charge, making no attempts to stop. With but a few inches between him and a dark elf, he fired his grappling hook into a building and yanked and elf as he flew.

Slamming the elf into a wall creating a hole in the wall. Batman turned to look at the elves who stared back at him, having them where he wanted them he uttered a command "now".

Above the group of dark elves, the Batwing came out of stealth mode and began to rain down hell on the elves. The elves let out their screams of pain as they tumbled to the ground.

The few survivors rushed for cover against the seemingly never ending gunfire. Batman seeing the elves were handled for now turned to where he expected the battle between Thor and Malekith to be happening only to see nothing.

He looked around the scene taking notice of the portals that seemed to increase in number and size.

Batman's head snapped back to the Batwing as he heard a loud unexpected sound. The Batwing now had one of its wings aflame, the few remaining elves had somehow managed a counter attack  "Oracle, retreat now."

Batman having given his order jumped out and met the last few elves taking them out with quick precision before grabbing one elves sword and burying it into the gut of the last elf.

As he finished this he took note of Jane and Erik who had run out. He began to walk through the field or corpses towards the two when he stopped and looked to the sky.

One of the portals had grown to a size that was nothing short of ginormous. At this point Batman knew the convergence had reached its peak.

As though on cue Malekith fell out of a portal some distance away flat on his back. At Jane's side Darcy and Ian had made an appearance.

"Darcy" Jane looked at Darcy with a surprising look, "Jane" Darcy responded with her happy go lucky attitude.

"Ian" Erik looked to the intern who simply responded with, "Erik". The awkward atmosphere was broken by Mjolnir flying out a portal and through the midst, "Mew mew" Darcy shouted in childlike delight.

Seeing the hammer Batman knew what had happened and turned to Malekith who was already on his feet with his full attention on the portal above them.

Not willing to allow Malekith do whatever he wanted, Batman activated his suit and charged straight for Malekith. His charge drew the dark elf's attention, causing him to release a blast using the aether.

Activating his force field Batman tanked the damage and glared at Malekith who returned the glare.

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