Batman in the MCU

He’s Fast and he’s weird


Above the sea of clouds the Quinjet zoomed through almost silently. Widow moved from Tony who was flying the Quinjet to Barton's side at the med bay, he laid still with an IV drip connected to him. Batman checked on him to see how bad the damage was with Cap standing behind him watching everything.

Natasha shared a few words with Steve before turning attention to Banner who sat by himself with his headphones on, drowning himself with the sounds of the Opera. " I think the lullaby worked better than I thought" she spoke up as she took a seat next to him, her words caused Banner to take off his headphones.

"I just wasn't expecting the code green" Banner spoke to Natasha with a small smile that did not reach his eyes. "If you hadn't been there there would have been double the casualties" Natasha placed her hand on Banner's hand looking at him.

"My best friend would have been a treasured memory" she continued her smile growing into a grin. Banner returned her smile and spoke "you know sometimes, exactly what I want to hear is not exactly what I want to hear". The two shared a moment before Natasha spoke out "how long before you trust me", "it's not you I don't trust" was Bruce's response.

"Thor report on the Hulk" Black Widow says hoping another's words would bring Bruce out of his rut. "The gates of hell are filled with the screams of his victims" Thor immediately replied in a smug tone.

Thor's response caused Black widow to snap her head towards him and shoot him a dirty look as Bruce buried his face into his palms. Thor getting the message continued, his smug tone no more, "the dead can't scream of course, so wounded screams... mainly whimpering, a great deal of complaining and tales of pain" his words only propelled Bruce to wallow deeper in his misery.

"Hey Banner, Dr. Cho is on her way from Seoul is it okay if she sets up in your lab?", Tony's voice cut over to Bruce who rose his head to respond, "err... yeah sure , she knows her way around".

Obtaining Bruce's response Tony spoke to Jarvis ,"tell her to prep everything Barton's going to need the full treatment", "very well sir", Jarvis voice came through the communicator.

Having obtained the response, "take over for me buddy" Tony gave an order causing the Quinjet to enter auto pilot mode as his seat move back and turned around allowing for him to step out.

He proceeded to press a button locking in the auto pilot before moving on to where they kept Loki's scepter, "we've been after this thing since shield collapsed, not that I haven't enjoyed our little raiding expeditions" he remarked to Steve and Thor who were at his side.

"no but this, this brings it to a close," replied Thor. "Soon as we find out what else this thing is used for" Cap began. "Hopefully this puts an end to the Chitauri and Hydra or something" Cap continued.

"Chitauri technology is still on the streets and in the hands of dangerous people. This is still far from over." Batman spoke up causing the trio to turn to him.


The Quinjet soon arrived at the Avengers tower, landing on the landing pad. Immediately the landed Hawkeye was wheeled out on the stretcher to be met by Dr. Cho and her assistants who rushed Hawkeye into the tower.

"The lab's all set up boss" Maria Hill walked up and spoke to Tony, "oh actually he's the boss" Tony says while pointing to Cap, " I just pay for everything and design everything and make everyone look cooler", Tony continues.

"What's here word on Strucker?" Cap asked Maria after Tony finished, "Nato's got him" she replies, "and the two enhanced?, Cap asks, "Wanda and Pietro Maximov, twins, orphaned at ten when a shell collapsed their apartment building,  Sokovia's had a rough history, it's nowhere special but it's on the way to everywhere special" she replies as she hands him a tablet with their information.

"Their abilities?" he asks, "he's got increased metabolism and improved thermo-homeostasis, her thing is neuroelectric interface and telekinesis and manipulation" Batman's voice cut in from behind causing the captain to turn to look at him with a quirked brow.

"He's fast and she's weird" Maria adds on much to his satisfaction. "How did you?..." Cap asked Batman who responded in a calm monotonous tone, "I looked up the information about the two on our flight back " Cap decided to not question it any longer as he turned back to Maria for her to continue.

"The files say they volunteered for Strucker's experiments, which is nuts" she added the last note. "Right, what kind of monster will let a German scientist experiment on them to protect their country" Cap says sarcastically as he enters the elevator.

"we are not at war Captain", she says trying to point out the difference between he and them, "they are" Cap utters but two words as the elevator doors close before himself. "How are you enjoying your new job agent Hill" Batman spoke to Maria once they were alone loosing the tone the bat family had taken to calling the Bat tone, "It's not too bad considering, I get to be with you" with those words Maria pulled Batman in, his mask peeling away allowing for them to share a kiss.

"I take it you won't be sticking around?" Maria questioned Jeff, "I picked up some samples from Pietro and I intend to have a closer look at it. Before all that however I need to have a word with Tony". "I'll see you tonight then, don't forget our date tonight" Maria responded as she let go of Batman, "I wouldn't dream of it" Jeff spoke as they parted ways.

"Now to have a word with Stark", Batman muttered to himself as his mask covered his face in it's entirety once more.

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