Batman in the MCU

You could have saved us


"Thor, I've got eyes on the prize", Tony spoke over the coms to the god of thunder. His attention was entirely on what was before him that he was blinded to the scarlet witch as she came up behind him, her eyes glowing a bright red.

Now standing behind Tony her arms moved to the sides of her head, streams of energy dancing around her fingers before seeping into Tony's, causing his eyes to flash red.

Completely unaware he had been drawn into an illusion, he heard some sounds behind him causing him to snap his head to the side. Loud groaning sounds filled his ears soon to be followed by snapping sounds, Tony watched wide eyed as the Leviathan came to life right before his eyes.

It let out a loud roar that seemed to shake the very foundations of the building as it  flew towards him, its maw wide open to reveals rows of sharp teeth the length of swords. Tony barely managed to regain ducking down to allow the Leviathan to fly over him, raising his head to look at the beast he was surprised to find out it was no more.

Tony's eyes narrowed, his brows furrowed as the stone ceiling was no more. Turning his head around Tony took in his new environment, his body stilled as his widened at the sight before him, a platform, a platform with bodies pilled so high they formed a mountain.

Tony began to make his way through the veritable mountain of corpses, there were bodies of both genders of various races; some were clothed in military garb, others in Asgardian armor, some wore what seemed to be some sort of futuristic-african-tribal mix he had never laid eyes on before.

The curious and analytical look he wore began to fade away into one of fear as sweat began to pour out of his forehead, before proceeding to snake down his face and neck into hic clothes. Familiar faces began to appear amongst the dead before him, his family, his friends, his comrades, among the dead bodies.

He first laid sights on the hulk who was seemingly struggling to remain alive, his green blood forming rivers which flowed out of his body and over the bodies beneath seeping into any open space available. A bit further Tony saw Natasha with her eyes rolled to the back of her head and a small trail of blood flowing out the corners of her mouth, a huge blade burst forth from her gut, making it seem as though she had fallen upon it.

Right next to her corpse, Barton's corpse was right next to hers. His laid face down with his torso full of holes, he however held onto his bow tightly with an arrow notched, It was clear Hawkeye had intended to fire one more arrow before meeting his maker.

The almighty god of thunder, Thor was seen next with an eye dug out and Mjiolnir shuttered into pieces around his corpse. Batman was next, his body missing both an arm and a leg and a spear through the bat symbol he wore so proudly on his chest.

Finally, the most iconic shield Tony had ever laid eyes on lay broken in two next to the body of Captain America. Tony immediately rushed to Cap's side at the sight and moved to check for a pulse.

Cap's hand suddenly jerks up and grips unto Tony's hand so tightly Tony swore the blood flow to his hand was blocked. Cap looked to Tony with his dead eyes and spoke to Tony, "you could have saved us", in a voice that was almost a whisper. With those words said captain America's body lost all its strength and collapsed.

Tony remained still as those words struck deep, he was barely brought out of his stupor by gusts of wind and a faint sound that got closer with each passing second. A stunned Tony looked up to see an all to familiar tear in space, one which had been the focus of many of his nightmares, if not all since the New York incident. Through that hole Tony saw hundreds of Leviathans all rushing for the hole.

With a jolt Tony returned to reality. Behind him the scarlet witch stared at him in fascination when quicksilver suddenly appears next to her with labored breath. She turns to him and the look of fascination in her yes disappear to be replaced once she took in her brother's state. He was covered in bruises with all over with blood streaming out of her lips.

"We need... to go... *huff*Batman is coming" , at this point Pietro finally takes note of Tony and moves for him but is stopped by the scarlet witch "you're just gonna let him take it?", he turns to her as Tony proceeds to move towards Loki's scepter. Her frown turns into a wide grin as she stares at Tony approaching the scepter with an outstretched right arm, a part of his suit quickly flies to him and latches unto his right hand forming a gauntlet as he grabs the scepter.

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