Batman in the MCU

I’ve got eyes on the price


The Hydra soldiers quickly moved around in their base, armed to the teeth, when a loud *crash* was heard. Shards of glass were sent flying everywhere as  iron man made his entrance.

The Soldiers did not have a even a second of hesitation as they begun their futile act of shooting at him. "Guys stop, we have gotta talk this through", Ironman cheekily spoke before firing out a series of rockets at them which caused all present to collapse in a heap.

"That was a good talk", Tony remarked as he gazed down at the bodies littering the floor. Iron man proceeded to make his way to a room, where Strucker's partner was busily working on a series of computer screens. Wasting no time Iron man fired a repulsor blast at the man.

The suit opened up allowing for Tony to step out, now outside his suit Tony turned around to see his suit closing up and gave an order, "sentry mode". Receiving Tony's order the suit moved around scanning the surroundings.

With that done Tony pulled out a drive to connect to the PC extracting data from the computer system. "Ok Jarvis, you know, I want it all, make sure you copy it all to HQ" Tony ordered once the drive had connected to the PC.

Tony sniffing through the data soon figured out some files were wiped out from the Hydra database, "give me an IRS scan of the room". The suit of armor receiving Tony's order let out a beam, scanning the room which soon revealed a secret door with a steel reinforced tunnel.

"Bingo" Tony exclaimed with a wide grin once he saw this before proceeding down the tunnel cautiously.

In the field, the hulk was still on a rampage throwing parts of destroyed cars and tanks around. "Its ok big guy" Natasha voice travelled over to the Hulk as she slowly made her way toward him, her words however had little effect on the Hulk who literally shrugged it off and stomped his feet into the snow.

"The sun's getting real low" Natasha continued towards the still agitated hulk. She continued towards the Hulk, raising her left arm towards him continuing to repeat the phrase "the sun's getting real low".

Her actions finally grabbed the attention of the Hulk who responded by walking  closer to her, his eyes moved to her outstretched hand and then to her face. His eyes continued to alternate between her face and her hand before he placed his right hand to her outstretched hand.

Once their palms were together she slowly began to ran her finger over her palm, before tracing over his giant arm until she reached a  spot and subtly pushed on a pressure point.

The hulk let out a loud groan which startled Natasha as he stumbled back, his arms quickly moved to his head as he gradually transformed back into Bruce Banner.

Batman grabbed a rifle before the terrified Hydra soldier could fire and delivered a quick and precise hit to his throat causing the man to collapse to the floor, hands on his throat as he wheezed in pain. Batman glanced down at the man before looking behind him at Hydra's soldiers that littered the path behind him.

Batman had to fight his way through out the entirety of the Hydra base to make it where he was, with his heat vision still active Batman spotted another person sprinting towards him.

*Bang* With a loud bang a steel door was sent flying of its hinges causing Stucker who was trying to escape to come to a screeching halt. Strucker simply stared at the man who had appeared before himself in such a manner, before running the other way and up the stairs.

Batman observed the escape but made no attempts to chase after Strucker, who was stopped once more by Cap kicking a Hydra soldier into his path, "Erin Stucker, hydra's number one thug" Cap says to the visibly shaken man, "technically I'm a thug for shield" replied Strucker, in an attempt to hide his fear as well as relief.

"well then technically you're usnemployed" remarks Cap sarcastically before pressing "where's Loki's scepter?' Cap asks . "Don't worry I know when I am beat" retorts Stucker, "you will mention how I cooperated right?, he asks Cap while a red eyed woman creeps up behind the captain. "I'll put that right under illegal human experimentation, how many are there?" Cap asks.

Suddenly he is attacked by the woman with some sort of energy blast, he falls down the stairs while the woman instantly back away to dodge the batarang which flies straight for her, the door closes before her however stopping the batarang.

Cap quickly rushes up the stairs and speaks into the communicator "we have a second enhanced, female, do not engage". "You'll have to be faster-" Stucker begins but is cut off by a hit to the face by Cap with his shield.

Tony continues down the tunnel he discovered and comes across a wreckage of Leviathan from the invasion of New York. "I got something big" he says into the communicator, as he moves his gaze his eyes are fixed on the replicas of his armor on tables all around alongside Loki's scepter, "Thor, I've got eyes on the prize"

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