Batman in the MCU



Natasha heard Hawkeye's groans and run of to him after calling his name, "Clint!".

Captain America with his hearing managed to pick up Clint's situation causing him to tur around only to be hit by a blur. The force from the hit sent him up in the air, but he was able to perform a flip midair allowing for himself to land on his feet.

Once he was back on his feet he looked around before sending a message over the coms, "we have an enhanced in the field". Natasha's words soon followed after his "Clint's hit" she spoke as slid to avoid the fire from the bunker close to them.

Now at Clint's side she quickly moved to tend to his wounds but another shot from the bunker caused her to glare at it. "Someone wanna deal with that bunker?" A roar was the reply to her question as the Hulk descended and proceeded to literally run through the bunker.

"Thank you", Natasha thanked him before direction to Clint who laid bleeding at her feet.

In the field Batman had taken down another group of soldier's before speaking up, "Stark we are going to need that shield down now".

" Working on it Bats"

Batman prepared himself to continue his charge when he faintly heard a sound, without a second's hesitation he pulled out a canister and dropped it. The canister produced a cloud of barely visible glass that surrounded him.

Pietro who had seen all this had a smirk as he thought to himself, 'hah, foolish American what is that supposed to do against me'. With that though he sped towards the Batman prepared to show the man the futility of his actions.

Pietro failed to hit the Batman however and went straight into a tree bruising himself. Pietro looked around himself confused and unable to understand what had just happened, turning he saw Batman just standing there staring at him.

Pietro attempted to make it back to his feet but as he did so, he realized just how difficult a simple action had become. His balance was all over the place, he couldn't sense which way was left or right anymore and random parts of parts of his body were experiencing varying degrees of seizures.

Pietro at that moment had no clue what was happening to him, all he knew was that the one responsible was before him and was now heading towards him. The look he gave the Batman had changed from one of contempt to one of sheer unbridled horror.

At that moment all though he had lost his sense of direction Pietro felt it throughout his entire being that he had to get out of there and so he did. Batman observed as Pietro sped away crashing into trees every few seconds and tumbling to the ground every other second.

Seeing this Batman moved his hands to his ears and spoke into the coms, "the enhanced has been taken off the field".

"Thanks Batman", Captain America spoke as he recalled his shield. "The drawbridge is down, you're welcome" Tony added after sending a missile to the power source of the energy shield finally bringing it down. Thor descended right next to him sending his hammer into the earth and causing the fleeing Hydra soldiers to tumble to the ground.

"Batman has dealt with the enhanced then" Thor turned to Captain America who walked up to him. "Yeah-" Cap was about to continue when they heard Nat's voice over the coms, "Clint's hit pretty  bad, we're going to need Evac".

"I'll take Barton to the Jet, you, Batman and Stark take care of the scepter" Thor readied himself to take off when he noticed the group of Hydra soldiers with a Tank heading towards them. "Hmm, looks like their lining up".

"Their Insane" Cap simply rose his Shield as Thor struck it sending a shockwave that tore through the numbers and ripped the Tank in two. Seeing that was done Thor turned to captain America one more time, "get the scepter" then spun his hammer and took off.

"And for gosh sake watch your language"

Cap sagged hearing Tony's words before muttering to himself, "that isn't going away any time soon".


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