Batman in the MCU

You didn’t see that coming


"J.A.R.V.I.S what is the view from upstairs" Cap spoke to J.A.R.V.I.S who immediately responded, "the central building seems to be protected by some sort of energy shield".

"Stryker's technology is well beyond any other Hydra base we've taken" J.A.R.V.I.S added on after performing further analysis on the energy shield. Thor descended in the midst of Hydra soldiers and began his onslaught before sending his Hammer flying at a group a distance away from himself.

With the enemies around him down, he called out for Mjolnir but dropped his arm allowing for it to zip pass him towards the Hydra soldier who attempted to sneak up on Thor. Mjolnir flew but to Thor's hand, with its job complete. "Loki's scepter, Stryker would not have been able to mount this defense without it... It won't last"

On the field, Black widow without the vehicle raced through the woods sending a bomb into the midst of soldier who fired some heavy atillary taking them out with a bang. She jumped on a duo taking them out with some acrobatic finesse, "It won't last is lasting a little long boys" she spoke she pulled out a gun to shoot at an enemy beside her.

"Yeah I think we lost the element of surprise" Hawkeye added on as he let loose an explosive arrow at a Tank. "We lost that when you all decided to charge in guns blazing", Batman's voice carried over the coms as he flipped into a triad of soldiers.

He took out two of them immediately with his flip before he proceeded to wail on the last remaining soldier, sending fist after fist into the soldiers chest, ending it all with an elbow up into the soldier's chin.

The resulting force sent the soldier up into the air. Batman quickly grabbed the energy blaster of the soldier who was midair and turned to fire at the Tank and platoon heading his way. Taking them out Batman continued his journey to the Hydra facility.

Iron man flying around the facility let loose a few repuslsor blasts at the soldiers who were running up to meet him, before speaking over the coms. "Wait a second no one else is going to deal with the fact that Cap just said language."

Cap rode out, seeing an armored car carrying Hydra soldier's heading. "I know" responding to Tony he stood on his bike and flipped it into the armor car taking it out. "It just slipped out" he finished as he observed the damage he had just caused.


Observing the battle results from the command center, Strucker spoke up.

"We will not give for the Americans and the circus freaks to test us, we will send them back in body bags! No surrender!" his words caused the surrounding soldiers to raise their guns and shout out.

With that said Stryker moved closer to his partner and whispered, "I'm going to surrender"

"Delete everything, if we hand over the weapons they may not look closer into what we are doing-" "the twins" his partner interrupted, causing Stryker to let out a sigh of frustration. "They are not-" "no, no, the twins" this time the partner pointed to an empty space where the twins were supposed to be.


A blue blur rushed out of the Hydra facility and into the battlefield.

Hawkeye held his own in the battlefield taking out enemies from afar with his array of trick arrows. Taking cover behind a tree Hawkeye let loose an explosive arrow at a bunker and returned to cover but had a frown when he realized his arrow had not gone off.

Turning around he tried to fire another explosive arrow, when a force came from seemingly nowhere and sent him tumbling. Looking ahead he saw young man with silver hair looking down at him with a smirk to similar to Tony's.

"You didn't see that coming" the young man spoke before running off, Hawkeye quickly got to his feet ready to fire only to discover the man was gone. Completely caught up in what had just happened, Hawkeye was caught off guard as a blast came from the bunker and got him in his side.


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