Batman in the MCU

I’m never late

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


The sound of gunfire was deafening as the guards formed a perimeter and began to fire non-stop.

Hawkeye remained behind supporting the others with his timely shots, whilst the other three rushed in together. They were forced to split up though so as to avoid the concentrated fire that seemed to have no end.

Black widow was quick to charge to the right her erratic movement enabling her to evade the gunfire and get cover, behind cover she was quick o pull out a flash grenade hurling it at her attackers. The bright flash blinded the men just long enough for her to charge at them, with a quick flip she was behind one of her attackers snapping his neck before grabbing his weapon and returning fire at the others.

The guards who were not prepared for an attack from the inside were forced to scatter so as to avoid the gunfire. Their actions destroying the perimeter that was built to keep out the heroes.

Nightwing who had charged left took a more direct approach pulling out his charged Eskrimas, he begun to swing it before himself deflecting the shots which were aimed at him. The ease with which he did so placed considerable pressure on the guards who were firing at him causing their accuracy to drop allowing for Nightwing to close the distance between them almost instantaneously.

Now in their midst the gunfire around him seized as the possibility of friendly fire terrified the men. With his actions Nightwing had shifted the battle from the disadvantageous ranged battle to a more advantageous close combat one. 

Blue sparks flew as Nightwing delivered swift but brutal attacks to the men who were close to him. Some of the guards managed to avoid the escrimas and charged at him, but Nightwing quickly responded by dropping and sweeping the first guy of his feet.

With no delay, Nightwing followed up the attack with a side kick to another's chest the force sending him back into the others and halting their charge. Flinging one of his eskrimas to the side it flew straight at one of the men's head knocking him out it continued to take out two more before it flew right back at his hand.

Putting his eskrimas at his side he glared at the guards before him who had managed to make it back to his feet before charging at them once more.

On Orphan's side, the situation was completely different from the other two. She was not as cautious as Black widow but her approach could not be described as direct as Nightwing's was no, her approach was something else entirely. With her suit the attacks were rendered ineffective simply feeling like blunt attacks on her person after they had made contact with the suit.

A batarang flew out landing in between the guards who were now absolutely terrified of her, the batarang released a concussive blast which disoriented them leaving them absolutely helpless as she swept through them. The screams they let out as Orphan came upon them caused the guards inside the mansion to completely break out in cold sweat.

The feeble courage they had left completely left their bodies as another *boom* was heard following the explosion the power to the building went out leaving the men in the darkness and to heighten their anxiety even further the sounds of battle outside had ceased almost instantly leaving them all wondering 'just what was happening outside'.

Ziggy who was watching all this happen barked his orders, "what the f*ck do you all think you are doing? activate your night vision now!" the men hearing his words finally remembered the goggles they were handed earlier. After fumbling the men managed to put the goggles on before tightening their grip on their weapons hoping the action would bring them solace.

Ziggy who was reduced to using one hand quickly put on his night vision goggles to look around. The silence was starting to get to him after a minute, he knew for a fact the men outside were no more but he could do nothing but wait here like a sitting duck.

His thoughts were broken by a shattering window the men all immediately turned to the source aiming their weapons at the source. Before they could pull the trigger however five of them fell to the ground and were dragged away screaming, their screams caused the other men to turn around but this proved to be a mistake.

Nightwing jumped in through the space where the shattered window once stood, firing his birdarangs at the guards and charging at the others who remained standing delivering quick jabs which served to incapacitate the men.

Ziggy who saw all this happen let out a scream and fired his weapon at Nightwing but before he could land any of his shots his weapon was fired out of his hand by Black widow. Black widow, Orphan, Hawkeye as well as Nightwing stood around him menacingly.

"Where's Hammer....ugh" Nightwing had just began his questioning when he was sent flying, everyone was completely caught of guard by the sudden attack, Black widow attempted to shoot at whatever had attacked but was sent flying back herself by an energy blast.

The remaining two were finally able to see the culprit... well part of the culprit. Hawkeye aimed at what seemed to be a metal tail but was stopped by a whip that suddenly grasped his arm causing him to miss.

Orphan who attempted to charge straight at the metal tail was also sent flying by what she could only describe as a speeding train. A very audible snap was heard as some of her ribs snapped from the impact, this was followed by a scream leaving her lips.

Catching herself before she fell she managed to land on her knees with one of her arms moving to her side. The four who had stormed the mansion with minimal effort were taken down in but mere seconds, looking to the source of this attacks. Orphan saw the familiar Black cat looking down at her with wide grin, looking further down Orphan finally saw what the metal tail belonged to as well as what had hit her.

The large metal tail connected to a sleek exoskeleton suit and right by them was another exoskeleton suit except unlike the first this one was massive with one massive horn on their head, Orphan easily recognized who these two were. There they stood Scorpion as well as Rhino, "you're late" Ziggy spoke as he struggled to his feet. "Oh Ziggy, when are you goin to learn. I am never late but always arrive just on time", Black cat spoke up with a playful tone.


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