Batman in the MCU

The Raid Begins

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


*Ding* the elevator doors opened allowing for Hammerhead and Ziggy who was but two steps behind to walk out.

The two walked into a pure white hallway, as they journeyed further in the loud sounds of metal working assaulted their ears. Arriving at the source Hammerhead looked down at everything with a wide grin on his face, below was a large lab where the Oscorp he had acquired was been transformed into weapons with a few of the men in lab coats working on something further in.

"Boss" Black cat called out to him as she came towards them, Hammerhead simply acknowledged her with a grunt before turning to look at a man who was heading straight for them. "Doctor" "Boss, we weren't expecting you" The doctor began looking to Hammerhead with a look that was a mixture between confusion and fear.

"Change of plans how long till our project is complete?" The Doctor confused about the question responded still, "... a few days". "That is not good enough" Hammerhead glare deepened at the doctor's words, "certain things have come up, I need it now". "w...w...w...we need more time" The Doctor began to stammer as the pressure from Hammerhead began to affect him.

Hammerhead continued to stare into the Doctor's eyes for another minute before he turned his attention to Black cat and Ziggy who remained at his side. "You two, I'm expecting a group of guest to come barging above at any given moment. Take some men and take care of it and don't fail me this time, I have worked too hard to return the Maggia to its former glory to let them mess it up"

Black cat and Ziggy gave a short bow before Ziggy turned to some of Hammerhead's men who were standing some distance away, "you heard the boss, with me!"

After calling for them, Ziggy turned around, in time to see Black cat walking away. "Where are you going?" Ziggy questioned making no attempts to hide his distrust for the woman, "To get some friends, we are going up against a bat after all and they've been itching to go up against one of them for a while now" Black cat responded with her sultry tone before disappearing into the shadows.

Ziggy simply clicked his tongue before leading the men who had gathered around him into the elevator.


With Orphan and the others;

Everyone was now fully geared up and armed as they arrived at their destination, a mansion that stood a distance away from the rest of the city drawing the attention of all who laid eyes on it.

"There it is" Hawkeye was the first to speak up, "and from the looks of things I would say they are ready for us" he continued as he took in the large amount of guards in the compound all equipped with high tech weapons.

Nightwing who was at his side grit his teeth as he laid eyes on those weapons with his nails digging into his palm. "Clam down anger will do you no good in this situation" Natasha spoke noticing his actions.

"She is right, going in there with your mind clouded in anger is a sure fire way to get yourself killed. Don't worry I'm here with you he isn't going to get away" Orphan followed up with words of her own. Their words got to Nightwing who let out a sigh before loosening his grip.

"What is the plan?" Nightwing asked, "well originally it was to sneak and take him out before he knew what hit him..." "but he clearly knows we are coming for him so plans changed. Its simple really we charge in and we hit him fast and hard" Natasha finished what Hawkeye was saying.

"I like the sound of that" a wide grin was formed on Nightwing's face, "let's go" Hawkeye nocked his arrow and fired, a whistling sound was heard as the arrow zipped into the compound the sound it made as it flew by caught the attention of the guards who were on high alert, before they could react though the arrowhead made contact  with the ground resulting in a massive explosion that lit up the night sky and signaled the beginning of the attack. 

Screams filled the night and the sound of the guards rushing to meet the threat filled the once silent night. In the mansion watching what was happening through the window was Ziggy, who simply frowned and pulled out his gun moving to prepare to face the enemies.

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