Batman in the MCU


**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Nightwing stood before the rubble that was once the restaurant.

His anger boiled as he thought back to the fact that the man he had been after all this while stood before him, was but mere inches away and yet he was able to escape. Nghtwing was brought out of his thoughts by the sound of Clint knocking an arrow, Nightwing turned arrow to the Hawkeye pointing an arrow at his chest.

The two stood in silence on the now empty street with both Black widow and Orphan standing at the side waiting to see what would happen. The two men had uttered no words to one another but they had, had a whole conversation with just their eyes. After another minute Hawkeye let out a sigh and put away his weapon, Nightwing gave a nod at his actions to which Hawkeye responded with one of his own.

"Alright ladies your both pretty now can we get out of here now?" Natasha spoke up causing the two to turn to her with questioning looks, but despite that the two followed after the two women, leaving the scene just a few minutes before the sounds of sirens overwhelmed the streets.


Hammerhead walked out of a building a few blocks away from the restaurant, his scowl was still etched unto his face as he entered a black SUV which was parked before the building.

Seating in the backseat alongside Hammerhead was Ziggy who looked to his boss. He broke out in cold sweat as he saw the terrifying expression on his boss's face, gathering up his courage Ziggy parted his lips to ask "s..s,s..sir-".

Ziggy was cut of by Hammerhead, "That traitorous cunt couldn't even cover his tracks properly, and now he has attracted the attention of those two assholes!" as Hammerhead exclaimed the door handle he held in his hand was completely bent out of shape.

"Ziggy contact everyone, we are moving the plans forward before anything else can go wrong. The other heads of the Magia have already been taken off and once all this is complete no one will forget the name Hammerhead."

"Yes sir", Ziggy quickly replied as he pulled out his phone to make the calls as Hammerhead who remained at his side kept thinking of the four who had interrupted him earlier on. The longer he thought about them the more he wanted to just pop their heads.

"Just wait, soon all of you will bow before me." Hammerhead muttered to himself as the SUV drove off.


The four, Orphan, Black widow, Hawkeye and Nightwing all stood observing one another in one of Batman's many safe houses. Orphan originally wanted them to have this meeting at Nightwing's place but considering the guys mistrust for S.H.I.E.L.D they settled on having it here.

Orphan and Nightwing had their masks on refusing to reveal their identities to the S.H.I.E.L.D agents. "Okay I assume we all saw those weapons Hammerhead had" Natasha was the first to break the silence.

"Weapons he only had because of you people" Nightwing spoke, making no attempts to hide his anger. "Jonathan Glade was responsible for selling Oscorp tech to Hammerhead not us" Clint spoke up trying to set the facts straight, "and how did he get his hands on this tech."

"Enough!" Natasha called out stopping the two before it turned into a full blown argument. "We've had our differences that's a fact, there is no denying it, but every one of us are people who want to stop this guy. So I say we call a truce and work together to stop Hammerhead."

"Fine, a truce" Nightwing spoke up after looking between Black widow and Hawkeye. "So what now?" Nightwing asked, "we find Hammerhead" Orphan sat before the computer quickly sifting S.H.I.E.L.D database to find out where Jonathan had sent the tech to.

In a few minutes a map popped up on screen showing a few locations, "there" Natasha pointed to one location. "When S.H.I.E.L.D was looking into him that place popped up as well but we didn't find anything there as we were unable to search the place without a warrant."

"You guys need a warrant?" Orphan asked genuinely surprised, Natasha merely narrowed her eyes at her and continued "as much as people like to believe so, S.H.I.E.L.D isn't without supervision, so yes sometimes we need warrants."

"You just said sometimes" Natasha deciding to ignore Orphan continued, "but this time we aren't going in as S.H.I.E.L.D, whatever Hammerhead is planning its time we put an end to it". The four shared a nod agreeing with Natasha's statement, it was time they put an end to Hammerhead.

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