Batman in the MCU

Killian’s final act pt 1

**Big thanks to Luke Karls  for your support**


The four consisting of Batman, Batwoman, Rhodey and finally Tony had arrived at the Norco where Killian was planning to complete the final part of his plan in taking over the country.

Batman took the lead as they snuck on board with the rest following behind him. Batman soon came to a halt moving his hand to the side of his head.

"What?" Tony who was without his armor asked.

"The president's okay..."Batman suddenly stopped Pulling Tony down with him ducking for cover as the place they once stood experienced heavy gunfire.

"What the hell?!" Tony screamed, "well there goes the stealth approach" Rhodey spoke up as well as the gunfire showed no signs of ceasing anytime soon.

"Told you it wasn't going to work" Tony responded which earned him the patented Bat glare from Batman.

Batwoman tired of it moved forward using the wall before her to jump up performing an aerial spin she managed to expertly avoid the gunfire before sending three explosive batarangs towards their assailant.

With a loud boom all was silent.

"Time to spit up we will meet at the top to deal with Killian, Tony, suit up" With that said Batman began running jumping over the railing he began to glide straight for four guys whose bodies began giving off a faint orange glow alerting him that they were users of extremis.

The assailants seeing him had no signs of fear as they headed towards him the glow from their bodies becoming even brighter.

As they were but a few inches away from each other the one leading swung with a strong right hook but Batman performed a duck and roll, avoiding her attack and moving right past her.

Appearing before another Batman delivered a Spartan kick right into their gut before they could react and sending them over the container and falling hopefully to their death. Quick on his feet Batman avoided a wild charge from the right before sending them into another enemy.

Turning around to face the enemy he had first dealt with Batman blocked her attack before punching her right in her throat which caused her to stumble, giving him the chance to move in closer to deliver a set of rapid attacks which took her out.

Turning around Batman saw the last two were back on their feet and charged in delivering a well timed split kick to both the jaws which resulted in audible snaps as the fell to the floor.

The trio who were watching everything were left dumbfounded, "damn" Rhodey broke the silence.

The trio were forced to duck once more as another rain of gunfire was sent their way, Batwoman who was not willing to be outdone by Batman pulled out her bo staff.

Spinning it before her she managed to block the gunfire taking advantage of the short period where the enemy stopped to reload she fired her grappling hook and sent both her feet into his chest sending him through the container behind him.

She proceeded to fire another grappling hook pulling herself even higher allowing her to perform a flip and behind for enemies who she took down with her guns before moving.

Rhodey and Tony who stayed behind turned to share a look before Tony stood with his arms outstretched, "I guess it's my turn". As he said those words a suit armor flew to him arming up alongside a whole legion of suits which remained in the night sky for a few seconds before flying off to engage enemies.

"Alright I'm off"

"yes, I'm ready. Give me a suit"

"Yeah... can't"

"what do you mean you can't?"

"The suits are kind off configured to only me, so... but don't worry Jarvis give Rhodes a lift"

Saying that Tony flew off to engage enemies as well, In but a few minutes the Norco had turn into a battlefield with explosions going of every minute.

Killian who was seated atop naturally was alerted by the commotion and came out observing the scene below with cold eyes. "Sivan had not called in like he was supposed to which gave him a bad feeling one which got even worse as he saw the destruction caused as a result of the battles."

Killian soon saw Iron man who was flying straight for him, wasting no time he sent a blast at Iron man which destroyed the suit. Tony was quick to eject from the suit and get to safety.

Seeing this Killian jumped down deciding it was time he got rid of Stark once and for all.

Batman had also taken  notice of Killian and was heading straight for him but was sent back first onto a catwalk by a man who gave of a bright orange glow.

The man was quick to get to his feet glaring at Batman, Batman simply stood motioning for the man to come. The action provoked the man to charge at the Batman screaming.



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