Batman in the MCU

Ghost Bat vs False War Machine

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


"Let's do this" Ghost Bat ducked avoiding a repulsor blast before moving her batarang into the hand and sending it to the side and following it up with a kick to the head which the guy managed to block as he sent her back.

The gun mounted on his shoulder moved locking unto Ghost Bat as it began to let loose. Performing cartwheels she barely managed to avoid the gunfire.

*Bang* A well time flash bang temporarily obscured the vision of her opponent, "sh*t!" he cursed as he began to look around wildly trying to lock onto her once more.

"Let's get this out of the way shall we" the voice caused the guy to tense up for a moment but the beeping sound that followed snapped him out of it.

But he was to slow to react as the bomb went off separating him from the machine gun which was sent flying one way as he was embedded into a wall by the impact.

Ghost Bat did not give him any time to react as she moved in and began whamming on him with her shock powered gloves. In but a minute the guys screen was filled with multiple warning signs.

His skin began to give of a faint orange glow as he grit his teeth. A whirring sound was heard causing Ghost Bat to stop as she looked down at the source her eyes widened as he realized what was about to happen.

*Boom* a blinding flash was soon all that was seen, Sparks were soon heard from the damaged wires in the ceiling which exposed as Ghost Bat flew, before landing before the wall with her suit smoking.

The guy made it back to his feet believing himself to be the victor, *thud* thud* were the sounds made by his heavy suit as he made his way to Ghost Bat's body.

He stopped for a moment looking at the damage the Ghost Bat had dealt to his armor, the repuslsor on his left hand was rendered useless his HUD was still filled with a variety of warning signs.

Looking a bit farther away he saw the machine gun that was once mounted on his shoulder laying farther away. All this contributed to his final decision of Ghost Bat being to dangerous to be left alive.

"I never liked bats anyway" He raised his right hand ready to finish her off when a few pellets fell from her causing him to be surrounded in smoke in but a mere second.

He immediately went into a panic looking around expecting another sneak attack but anticipating his actions Ghost Bat rushed straight at him embedding two explosive batarangs into the arc reactor in his chest.

"This thing is annoying" Ghost Bat muttered as the batarangs went off with a loud bang. The guy trying to get a last shot in fired a repulsor beam which tore a massive hole in the side of air force one.

Both Ghost Bat and the man were pulled out of the plane by the sudden change in air pressure. The two continued their battle as the continued free falling using his repulsors he took the higher ground and slammed back into Ghost Bat.

Not willing to be out done Ghost bat took out the boosters in his left leg leaving him unable to fly with all the damage the armor had received.  The guy realizing his situation melted his armor off and grabbed Ghost Bat by the throat as she stared in disbelief.

"Aaahh" screams escaped Ghost Bat's lips as he burnt through her suit and aimed for her skin next. Pushing with both her feet she managed to put some space between them.

The two had a stare down with her opponent fully glowing a bright orange his anger taking off his mind as he threw caution to the wind. Just as the two were about to go in for another round Gwen picked up screams which caused her to look above seeing the President who was screaming his lungs out as he hurtled to the earth.

Ghost Bat gave her opponent one last look before heading towards the President. "I'm not done with you!" the guy screamed as he charged at her.

"Yeah well I am" pressing a button on her gauntlet gunfire flew in from above taking the man by surprise, with her grappling hook Ghost Bat pulled herself back into the bat wing and watched her opponent fall to his death before she flew in and saved the president.

The president looked around his surroundings before his eyes stopped on the Ghost Bat, "don't worry Mr. President you're safe now" reassuring him she pressed on her communicator.

"Batman, the President's safe"

"Good we will deal with Killian and I'm sending you some information the president will be interested in"

Receiving the file Ghost Bat quirked a brow before flying off with a smirk on her face.



Oh almost forgot don't forget to support me as it truly means a lot to me and this story.

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