Batman in the MCU

Attack on Killian pt3

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Tony who was now seated in his cell, anxiously tapping his feet heard Jarvis's voice once again.

"Sorry I'm late sir"

There was a loud boom only moments later as Tony's armor flew in leaving a massive hole and taking out a few guards before heading straight to Tony creating a massive dust cloud.

The guards pulled out their guns as they stood before the dust cloud from which they could hear whirring sounds. Their eyes widened as their foreheads were soon glistening with sweat with their hands shaky.

A loud gulp was heard as the whirring the dust cloud came to an end.

Two bright lights began to look at them through the dust cloud causing them to loose their cool. *bang*bang*

gunshots ring throughout the building as the men continued to empty their clips into the dust cloud but causing continue ting sounds to be heard.

*click* click*  the men had run out of bullets but they kept on pulling on the trigger as though their futile actions would somehow cause the empty clip to fill up once more.

The dust cloud dissapeared allowing for the men to see the two repulsors trained at them. A blast took them all out before they could react, Tony in full armour looked around scanning the vitals of the men littered all around him.

"It seems there's a party going on upstairs" Jarvis spoke up as gunshots and screams  were heard from upstairs.

"Indeed so why don't we join them Jarvis" Tony spoke as he flew upstairs, landing in the iconic super hero pose he began. "okay gentlemen one at a time as cap likes to say, I can do this all day..." Tony trailed of as he saw a scene he was not expecting. There stood the Batman grabbing a man who looked all battered up, by his throat.

Soon enough he was joined by another figure dressed up in a bat suit which caused Tony to raise a brow. Tony opened his mouth to speak when a batarang flew straight by him, turning around Tony saw two guys knocked out by the batarang.

"You sure took your time" Batwoman spoke up as she folded her arms before her, "You're new" was Tony's reply as his face plate moved aside revealing his confused face. "who are you again?" Tony questioned Batwoman who took a few steps forward before proudly announcing her identity "I'm Batwoman".

"Batwoman... there's a Batwoman? just how long was I actually gone for" "Pepper is okay" Batman cut in seeing that Batwoman and Tony were about to get in a fight. Hearing about what he was most curious about, Tony lost the carefree look on his face with a genuine smile on his face thanked Batman.

Tony's smile was quick to disappear though, as he realized Killian was still out there. "We need to stop Killian, I don't exactly know what he's up to yet but it definitely can't be good".

"Don't worry I know what his plan is and I have someone there to stop it, in the meantime we are going to stop him."


A sound drew the attention of the three causing them to turn to the source with their weapons aimed at the source.

Moving closer they saw Rhodey tied and hanging from his hands with his mouth taped up, "Hey buddy how's it hanging?" Rhodey gave Tony a really look, in response to his words.


Aboard air force one;

Killian's man seeing they were high enough began his attack. His first took out the two who tried to take a picture with him which caused the other guards to fire at him.

Their actions however were useless as the bullets couldn't harm the suit.

With a repulsor blast the man had taken out the last guard who was embedded into a wall.

"Hello Mr. President it's an honour, truly" He spoke in a sarcastic tone as he ripped away the the table which the president was hiding under.

As he reached out for the president he was sent back flying leaving him shocked and confused as to what exactly had happened. Looking up, he saw Ghost Bat standing before the president looking at him with a smirk which left him with even more questions.

"Hey, you see I kind of had a few shitty nights but I've got this feeling that beating you up is going to make me feel a whole lot better."  Ghost Bat's words pissed Killian's guy off causing him to charge up his repulsors to which Ghost Bat responded to by drawing out her batarangs preparing for battle.

The president seeing what was about to go down moved out of the way to find a place to hide.

"Let's do this" Ghost Bat ducked avoiding a repulsor blast before moving her batarang into the hand and sending it to the side and following it up with a kick to the head which the guy managed to block as he sent her back.


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