Batman in the MCU

Loki’s death

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support***

Thor and Batman shared a look before racing towards the source of the explosion.

A minor crater had been formed in the earth with a pile of black bones in it's center,  'Algrim' Batman thought to himself as he laid eyes on this.

He turned to start looking around for Loki but stopped when he heard Thor's cries. Turning to Thor he saw the pale body in Thor's arms.

"Loki! Loki! can you hear me?!" Thor called out to his brother as Batman and Jane stood aside letting Thor be.

"Yes Thor" Loki responded in a tone that was almost a whisper, "stay with me brother". "I'm afraid that... won't be happening Thor" with his essence leaving his body right before Thor's eyes, Thor understood what it meant.

"I'll tell father what you did here today Loki, I will"

"I didn't do it for him", with those words Loki breathed his last. Thor nudged his brother in a futile attempt to gain a response from the man who had been by his side for over a millennia, but gained no response.

The result causing him to scream out to the heavens, letting out his grief. Batman who remained silently at the side simply gave Loki's supposed corpse a brief look and said no more.

"Thor we have to go" Jane walked up to Thor speaking to him softly, "She's right. Malekith had already left with the aether and what remains of the dark elves, we can't stay here". Batman added on, before focussing his attention on Jane and moving to her.

Batman knew they managed to leave here originally in the movie and if he wasn't here things would've probably played the same. However, Malekith created some sort of mutations to deal with them.

Mutations which did not exist in the original movie, at this point with all the changes Batman had been making in the background he believed it was time to stop thinking of them as a safe guard.

Sure they could aid in predicting the timeline of certain events, but they could no longer be used to predict the outcome. The duo of Thor and Jane only managed to leave this realm because the cave they moved into had a portal connecting to the earth. Plot convinience if you will.

But with a different battle, there was no way to guarantee that with the myraid of caves around, they would just stumble into the right one.

"Jane do you still have your phase meter with you?"

"huh?" Jane was caught of by the sudden question, but managed to respond after regaining her bearings. "Yes, it's... here it is" she pulled out the device handing over to the Batman.

"Friend, what is that for?" Thor who was back on his feet with his tears dried up and hammer in hand asked.

"The harmonic convergence must still be occurring as we speak. Getting stronger with each passing second as it approaches it peak, and if it's happening then there must be a connection between all realms, including Svartalfheim."

Batman explain to the two whilst he fidgeted with the phase meter trying to pick up a signal. Jane's eyes widened as she realized Batman's plan.

"You plan to use one of this portals to get to Midgard before Malekith", Thor spoke up once he reached the same conclusion Jane had, receiving a nod from the Batman

Relying on the signal from the Phase meter, the trio made their way into a cave. With the light in the cave fading away Batman activated his flashlight to allow his companions to see in the dark as well as they headed further in arriving before their goal.

"Where does it lead?" Thor asked as he looked at the portal with eyes filled with an equal mixture of Hope and doubt. 'Earth' Batman wanted to respond but held himself back as he knew explaining that would be difficult also they didn't to know.

"Doesn't matter, it won't be here for long" was what Batman said before walking straight through it leaving a stunned Jane and Thor staring at where he once was.

They were quick to follow.

With a flash the two realized they were in a new place that was familiar to both of them, "Is this?"

"The warehouse yes" Batman answered Jane allowing for Thor and Batman to find him standing some distance away from them. "Oracle find Dr. Selveig".

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