Batman in the MCU

None of you are worthy


"Smell the silent judgement?" Tony quipped causing Clint to stretch out his hand, "please Stark by all means".

Tony placed his drink down and began to make his way to the hammer, "never one to shirk from an honest challenge". Once he approached the hammer he placed his arm through the strap, "Its basic physics" with that said he turned to Thor.

"Right, so I lift this and I then rule Asgard" Tony questioned Thor who only smiled in response, "of course".

Tony placed his foot on the table to serve as leverage, "okay one of my first acts will be reinstating prima nocta". Tony began his attempt to lift Mjolnir only for him to fail, with a grunt Tony walked away "I'll be right back"

Tony once again attempted to lift it with his arm covered in his armor, then with Rhodey at his side they tried once more. Once the duo was done Banner took a swing at it with both hands releasing a roar once he failed as a joke. His joke causing Clint and Maria to still for a second whilst Thor and Cap held in their laughter.

Up next was Cap who began his attempt, once he did Thor lost his smile as he saw the hammer actually move. His eyes widened as he expected the impossible to happen only to relax slightly once again when Steve failed like all the others.

With all the others done Bruce offered for Natasha to go next but she simply took  a swing from a bottle, "that's not a question I need answered".

"All the difference to the man who wouldn't be king, the things rigged" "You bet your ass it is" Clint gave a pat to Tony's shoulder as he walked passed him. "Steve he said a bad word" Maria spoke at that moment causing Steve to turn to Tony with a defeated sigh, "you told everyone about that?"

"The handles imprinted right, like a security code. I believe the direct translation is who so ever is carrying Thor's fingerprint can lift it" Tony spoke to Thor who got up at this point, "hmm interesting theory..." at this point Thor grasped the handle.

"I have a simpler one, you all are just not worthy." Thor flipped the hammer with ease as he uttered those words. "Oh come on" Maria spoke causing the others all to laugh but their laughter was soon broken by a sharp screeching noise.

There noise was similar to that of microphone feedback, causing everyone to cover their ears. They let their hands down as the noise faded away, Tony pulled out his device in an attempt to find the source of the noise. At this moment one of the Iron Legion drones, heavily damaged and housing Ultron's consciousness, stumbled into the room.

"Worthy... No, how could you be worthy? You're all killers." The drone spoke as it gestured to all present causing them to stand to their feet. Steve keeping his eyes on the drone spoke up "Stark". Tony attempted to shut down the Legionnaire with the device he held at hand and once that failed he called out for his trusty friend, "JARVIS".

"I'm sorry, I was asleep. Or... I was a-dream?" The Legionnaire continued as Tony furiously tapped at his device "Reboot, Legionnaire OS, we got a buggy suit."

Ignoring Tony the Legionnaire continued, "there was a terrible noise... and I was tangled in... in... strings. I had to kill the other guy. He was a good guy." At the mention of killing someone Steve's fist tightened as his expression hardened, "You killed someone?"

Ultron responded in a lazy tone, "wouldn't have been my first call. But, down in the real world we're faced with ugly choices." Thor had enough as he questioned "Who sent you?"

In response to the gods question Ultron played a recording of Tony's voice "I see a suit of armor around the world. " The voice caused Bruce to utter out the intruders identity with his eyes wide opened "Ultron!"

"In the flesh. Or, no, not yet. Not this... chrysalis. But I'm ready. I'm on a mission."

" What mission?" Natasha questioned as Maria readied her gun.

"Peace in our time."

The walls exploded at that very moment, and several Iron Legion bots barge into the room. Steve quickly kicked up a table which barely managed to stop a droid as it charged at him, Maria was forced unto her back as she fired her gun at the bot closest to her.

Tony and Rhodey jumped down and attempted to rush Ultron but a droid flying in from the side sent Tony right in a bookshelf a blast from Ultron went straight for Rhodey when a batarang flew in at that moment blocking the attack causing Rhodey to halt his charge and turn to the source of the batarang.

Maria followed Rhodey's gaze to see Batman jump in through the window releasing three more batarangs which let out beeping sounds before taking three droids' heads of with a bang. Maria smiled at this before moving to engage the other droids.

At the other side Banner quickly climbed over the bar counter to avoid the near continuous fire from the bots. Banner struggled to make it over to the other side however causing Natasha to grab him and drag him down, he landed atop of her causing him to immediately sputter out "sorry!"

"Don't turn green!" was all Natasha said causing Bruce to firmly respond "I won't!"

Natasha called to Banner "come!" as she grabbed a gun from under the counter. The two made their way up the stairs as she exchanged fire with one of the droids.

Steve jumped and grabbed a bot from behind in an attempt to take it out but the drone simply turns around and fires its thrusters flying back and sending Steve into the wall, with a grunt Steve let go as he tumbled to the ground.

Batman was in the midst of two drones weaving through their attacks delivering quick jabs when he noticed Dr. Cho cowering behind a piano and a bot that wasn't far from her. Before the droid noticed Batman pulled a device from his utility belt and sent it flying towards the doctor.

The device landed before her and let out a quick burst which caused her to yelp, but once she saw the force field that now surrounded her she understood. Turning to thank Batman she witnessed as Batman was grabbed by and tossed backwards.

Batman however was quick to react as he pulled out two batarangs burying one each into the necks of the droids as flew back causing sparks to fly out before the droids collapsed into a heap.

"Stark!" Steve called out as he made it back to his feet and turned to charge at another droid.

Stark at this point was hanging on to a droid for dear life as he attacked it with a fondue fork. The droid continued to repeat a single phrase "We are here to help."  Tony called out to Tony as he continued his attack "One sec, one sec I got this!"

Batman who made it on to his feet once more noticed caps shield some distance away and rushed for it. "We are here to help..." A half-destroyed Iron Legion bot uses its thrusters to hold itself aloft, advancing on Dr. Helen Cho. "We are here to help... Is unsafe. Please back away." Although she was safe behind the force field the doctor could not help herself but shiver.

Ultron noticing where one of is droids were headed let out a "Hmm." The Iron Legion droid lowered its weapon, as Steve grabs it and throws it away for Thor to hit with his hammer.

"Steve!" hearing his name Steve turns to side in time to see his shield flying towards him, he grabbed it and smashed a droid that came up behind him.

Stark continued to try and take out one of the Iron Legions with his fork,  "It's unsafe. It's unsafe. It's unsafe." the bot continued like a broken record as Tony continued his assault "Come on! That's the one!" The droid let out one more "It's unsafe." Tony shuts it down and it falls to the floor. The fighting continued around When Batman took to the air his suit coming alive as it let out tendrils dismembering the remaining droids before returning.

With the Battle done, the Avengers turned to face Ultron.

"That was dramatic! I'm sorry, I know you mean well. You just didn't think it through. You want to protect the world, but you don't want it to change. How is humanity saved if it's not allowed to...evolve?" He proceeded to pick up one of the dismembered Iron Legion bots. "With these? These puppets?" *Smash* he crushed the Iron Legion bot's head "There's only one path to peace: The Avengers' extinction."

*Boom* Thor let his hammer loose and destroyed Ultron's body.

The destruction of the body did nothing to harm Ultron as he began singing after Thor destroyed his body, "I had strings, but now I'm free. There are no strings on me, no strings on me."



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