Batman in the MCU

Orphan vs Rhino

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Orphan had three batarangs in each of her hands as she glared at Rhino who had turned to face her once more.

The constant pain ringing from her torso caused her to glare at the cause of it all.

"Hehe" Rhino let out a chuckle before charging at her once more but Orphan let lose three of her batarangs that went straight for his feet.

"Argh!" Letting out a shout Rhino fell straight to the ground face first. Spitting out a mouthful of dirt Rhino looked up, "you-" *bang*

He was cut off by two explosive batarang that came straight for his face.  " Damn it!" Rhino cursed as he rolled away avoiding another explosive batarang before making it to his feet.

The two remained still glaring at one another, no words were uttered but they had each conveyed all they wanted to say with nothing but their eyes.

Bring her fist together her suit began to give of a faint blue glow. Rhino's eyes widened as the light was reflected in his eyes his body began to shiver as he recalled the last time he had seen that light.

The scene which had been the source of all his nightmares since that night. Snapping out of it his last sense of rationality disappeared as he was overcome with overwhelming rage.

Let out a war cry he charged straight at her with orphan charging to meet him. Right as the two fists were about to collide, Orphan grabbed his fist flipping over it and landing a punch on his jaw backed by all her strength, suit as well as anger.

A loud Bam was heard followed by a sharp crack her punch sent Rhino stumbling to the side. Where her fist had connected to the exo-suit now spotted a visible crack.

"" Rhino began to mutter to himself as the image in his memory began to overlap with the person before him. "Rhino is the strongest and I will not loose!" Rhino shouted as he ripped out a chunk of the earth and going it straight at Orphan.

Orphan using her grappling hook avoided the chunk that was flung away and moved in with another punch similar to the earlier one.

Rhino moved his head away already expecting the attack. He proceeded to backhand her right in the face, however not willing to end it just there he grabbed her by the legs and slammed her straight into the ground back first.

As her back made contact with the earth, they both let out a scream of pain. Orphan had managed to fire three batarangs at Rhino which sent a massive volt through his body.

Orphan's suit on the other hand began to show visible signs of damage from the continuous hits. Relying on the moment Rhino let out a scream of pain she managed to free herself before making it back to her feet and charging once more.

Rhino swiped at her but she managed to avoid it whilst taking notice of his subtle drop in speed.

Rhino's exo-suit had received multiple upgrades which had strengthened the suits resistance against electricity but that didn't mean he was completely immune to electrical damage.

Seeing her chance Orphan began a blitz attack landing as many hits as she could with her shock gauntlets, not forget to deal electrical damage as well before moving to avoid him landing a hit on her.

She knew if she took a few more hits from the enraged grey hulking mass before her, it was all over.

Relying on her acrobatic skill she was able to move around Rhino with ease adding on to his increasing anger and causing his already slow attacks to loose their accuracy.

This continued until Orphan landed a heavy dropkick to the side of his head and sent him sprawling on the side. The force behind her attack was great enough to take out the side of his helmet.

Rhino attempted to get back to his feet once more but came to a frightening realization.  His suit was no longer functional all those hits and charges Orphan continued to send into his suit had finally gotten to him and now he was left helpless in a big exo-suit with no means of escape.

His fear only heightened as Orphan came before him and stood upon his chest cracking her fingers before beginning to pound on him mercilessly.



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