Batman in the MCU

Time to end this farce

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


In the manor, Nightwing had his battle with scorpion but unlike the others who had found ways to dominate their opponents he was struggling with his. His acrobatic skills he had prided himself on were countered almost perfectly by Scorpion putting him on the defensive.

Scorpion who was relentless with his attacks had a smug look as he thought to himself 'I was right'. When Scorpion had first laid eyes on the man before him, he took note of a few things first was the look in his eyes as though the people before him were nothing more than canon fodder blocking his path, which pissed of Scorpion to no end.

A closer examination of the man's stance allowed for Scorpion to make the deduction was an acrobatic combatant. The high and mighty attitude in addition to a fighting stance that was heavily reliant on acrobatics drew a parallel with another masked combatant in his head.

And this parallel was the thing that cemented his death in Scorpions mind. "You know what I hate the most in this sh*tty world..." Scorpion began as he pinned Nightwing below him with his feet and brought his tail over him ready to blast him at any moment.

"arrogant pricks like you" the tip of his tail began to give of a bright glow. Nightwing's eyes widened as he pulled out his birdarang causing the tail shot to miss and giving him the opportunity to rush up and push Scorpion of him.

Grabbing his Eskrimas which had fallen to the side. He moved in to attack once more, sliding  to avoid a tail swipe from Scorpion putting some gap between them Nightwing grit his teeth and glared at Scorpion who continued to look down at him with visible glee.

Nightwing's mind began racing as he tried to think of way to take out the bastard before him. As his thoughts were close to blurring he managed to spot Orphan who was coming back into the mansion.

Her suit was damaged all over with part of her mask being destroyed allowing for one to see her eyes. As the locked eyes an understanding passed between the two of them, keeping Scorpion's attention on him he charged at him once more.

"Seems you still haven't learned", Scorpion spoke up as he looked at Nightwing charging at him once more. Getting into a stance he prepared both his arms and tail to attack, but let out a gasp and groan of pain as a loud cracking sound was heard followed by stinging pain which travelled from the base of his spine throughout his entire body.

The sudden disruption, allowed for Nightwing to get close and perform a front flip driving both his feet into the bottom jaw of Scorpion, the resultant force knocking his lights out.

"huff huff... thanks... huff" Nightwing let out a word of thanks in-between pants, "it's alright" Orphan spoke before before turning to look at Hawkeye and Black widow who were engaging Black cat who was showing that she wasn't someone to look down on.

Nightwing on the other hand, focused on Orphan who was before him. He remembered the Rhino sending her through the wall before charging after her, but here she stood with Rhino nowhere in sight.

He honestly was still in disbelief, that she alone had taken out the Rhino. Orphan took a step forward planning to help Black widow but  as she did so the remaining shock glove on her hand crumbled and fell to the ground.

Her attention focused on where the glove once was, her mind finally clearing up a bit. She had pushed the shock gloves beyond their limit causing the scene before her, Rhino might have been slowed down by the continuous currents she sent into his suit but the durability of that suit was no joke.

It had taken everything she had to put the beast down which only reminded her just how strong the Batman who took out Rhino was.

Orphan was snapped out of her thoughts by a rumbling in the ground. The trio of Black widow, Hawkeye and Black cat came to a halt as well as they noticed the tremors which continued to increase in intensity.

"It seems the old saying is right, If you want something done right ya gotta do it yourself." A voice everyone was familiar with was heard as Hammerhead made his appearance.

Destroying the mansion with his appearance, flying above them Hammerhead looked down at them all in his new super suit built using Oscorp prototypes, in addition with chitauri technology.

"Hammerhead!" Nightwing screamed out as he finally laid eyes on the man he had been after. Hammerhead simply glanced at him before speaking up, "Time to end this farce."

Saying so Hammerhead simply raised his palm at them, the suit suddenly morphed into a canon. With a purple light building up at it's mouth with a sharp sound a burst of purple occupied the entire mansion and flattening it.

The occupants had managed to escape though and stared at the rubble with their eyes the shape as saucers.

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