Batman in the MCU


**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


"Hammerhead what was the meaning of that?!!" Black cat who had managed to drag out Scorpion, screamed at Hammerhead who remained in the air.

Hammerhead simply looked down at her and sneered, "I was simply getting rid of trash, did you truly believe I was unaware of your actions?" Hammerhead questioned with an amusing tone.

His question caused Black cat to be covered in cold sweat, "what the hell are you saying?" Black cat continued to question but the undertone of fear in her voice was perceptible  to Hawkeye who was close to her.

"Does the name Eve ring a bell?" Those words shut Black cat up. "I turned a blind eye when you continued to move my tech and information to her after all your services were appreciated. Oh and our mutual friend the doctor... he won't be spilling anymore secrets. After all you know just how much I hate traitors".

The last sentence was spoken with so much venom it caused the temperature to drop. A part of the suit opened to reveal missiles which he unleashed upon the people below.

Seeing the missiles, they were all frantic and quickly moved to avoid the destruction. Up above Hammerhead broke out into a fit of laughter as he watched the people below scramble in a desperate attempt to stay alive.

His laughter was brought to an abrupt halt by an arrow that flew straight for his head, but before said arrow could reach his head it made contact with a forcefield and created a massive explosion.

"You.." Hammerhead glared at Hawkeye who had gotten atop a broken pillar and had three arrows pointed at Hammerhead. "Yes me" saying so Hawkeye let loose his arrows.

"Your Arrows are absolutely useless" Hammerhead mocked as two arrows made contact with his forcefield, but the expected explosions or arrow rebounding back did not happen, rather a massive current travelled through the forcefield as the last arrow made contact and produced the expected explosion.

The force sent Hammerhead flying through the sky but he managed to stabilize himself in the air before looking to Hawkeye with visible confusion that soon transformed to anger, "seems my arrows aren't useless after all" Hawkeye spoke before quickly moving to avoid to energy blasts Hammerhead kept sending his way.

Black widow, Nightwing, Orphan as well as Black cat hid under some rubble as Hawkeye continued to draw fire towards himself. "Hawkeye is not going to last much longer so you better start talking, what is that thing", Black widow turned to Black cat with Nightwing and Orphan remaining silently at the sides glaring at Black cat.

"*sigh* It's called PERSES" "As in the Greek god of destruction" "yeah, Hammerhead has always been obsessed with gangs and the mafia, but with the appearance of people like us their era was coming to an end. No one really took them seriously anymore, sure there were a few of the top guy who still managed to keep their power but most of them had people like us working for them, ordinary folks were demoted to the bottom of the chain."

"Hammerhead refused this brave new world though and the collapse of Oscorp gave him his chance. Gathering technology in the shadows he began to build his ultimate weapon but it would have still been years from now before the weapon was complete but then aliens... still can believe that is now normal, aliens invading new york. Anyway their arrival brought their technology which sped up the birth of PERSES."

"How do we stop it?" Orphan asked as the sounds of battle got more and more intense signaling to them that Hawkeye would not be able to last for long out there on his own. "Stop it? hmm the doctor might have known but he is dead so..."

"Your saying you don't know" ,Nightwing spoke up "not exactly but I mean come on that is a weapon made from the combination of Oscorp tech as well as alien tech by the an absolute genius. It doesn't particularly come with obvious flaws, but it does require staggering amounts of energy to function." A smirk formed on Black cat's face as she said the last bit.

A look of understanding flashed in the eyes of the others as they began to make a plan, deciding to include Black cat seeing as they were in the same boat and extremely desperate.


Hawkeye had managed to hold his own against Hammerhead, after coming up with a way to deal with the forcefield his arrows were finally able to reach the bastard although dealing little damage to the insanely tough suit.

After narrowly avoiding another energy blast Hawkeye turned around hoping to deliver another hit when he was shocked to see Hammerhead flying straight at him. The impact sent his flying to the earth as well as knocking both his bow and arrow out of his hand, a couple of snapping sounds as well as the sharp pain that travelled through his body alerted him to his broken bones.

"Shit!" Hawkeye cursed as he tried to make it back to his feet. "No more running away" Hammerhead appeared behind and sent a punch towards his spine at full force before Hawkeye could react.

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