Batman in the MCU


*Big thanks to Luke Karls for your continuous support*

*Bang*Boom* Thor's lack of flying skills were made more apparent as their ship took on more and more damage from the never ending gun fire.

"Fuck it! move" Batman exclaimed as he wrestled the controls from Thor who refused to hand them over until he saw the looks Loki and Jane gave him. With the ship now under his control Batman began to weave around avoiding the laser strikes before quickly flying into the commerce area.

The Aesir below who were still recovering from the attack saw the ship heading for them and broke out in screams as the raced for shelter believing it to be another enemy attack. Batman continued to lower the craft until he was directly in the midst of the buildings one wrong move and their craft would crash into the building ending their brazen attempt at escape. "What in my name are you doing!" Loki exclaimed holding on to what was closest to him to stop him from falling.

"I told you to maintain course! you are going to kill us all!" Loki continued to exclaim as they narrowly escaped heavy fire. "I know what I am doing" saying that Batman performed a sharp turn catching his pursuers of guard and causing them to crash.

Batman knew that if they were considered actual enemies the Asgardians would not hesitate to fly up and and rain hell on them but considering the fact that the two princes as well as the host of the reality stone were in the craft none of them dared to do that allowing for Batman to continue thinning the Asgardian pursuers.

Spinning around Batman flew through the midst of two buildings scraping his ship a bit before taking off to the sky using a statue as a smoke screen allowing for Batman to temporarily loose his pursuers.

Thor was the first to come to the realization that they had lost all their pursuers. "Hahaha you did it my friend, you did it!" Thor continued to slap Batman's shoulder as a wide grin formed on his face, "Loki where to now? this ship will not last long" Batman's words alongside the blaring alarm sounds alerted them to their situation.

Loki moved forward searching with his eyes for his exit as the sounds in the ship grew louder and louder. "There!" Loki screamed pointing ahead causing Batman to fly in said direction, as they drew closer though Jane spoke up "are you sure you remembered correctly because there is only-"

"rocks! brother there is nothing but rocks!" Thor burst out.

"Of course it looks like that, if it was obvious then it wouldn't exactly be a secret now would it." Loki's words caused them to remain silent but as they drew ever so close to the mountain of  rocks Thor's head whipped around as his focus rapidly alternated between the mountain of rocks and his brother who had regained is confident smirk.

As they drew ever close to the mountain of rock the distrust and fear within Thor and Jane won out causing them to scream out, with their eyes closing shut. Batman focused though flying through the mountain rock and arriving in a whole new pace with an unfamiliar sky.

The ship finally gave out as they entered the new realm crashing into the desert below and sending massive waves of sand up. The realm regained its eerie silence after the crash for a few seconds, it was broken once more as large piece of the ship flew out landing a distance away.

Thor was the first to climb out he took in his surroundings before turning back to help Jane out of the ship. With the two safely on the ground Batman jumped out with a disgruntled Loki following right after, "huh, so this is Svartalfheim" Loki looked around at the sea of sand.

"I honestly expected something more from the home of the fabled dark elves" Loki clicked his tongue as he continued, "We must find Malekith so he can draw the aether out. Then we kill him" Thor boomed as he tightened his grip on Mjolnir.

"Don't tell me you expect him to just do as you say, if you do then you are a bigger fool than I expected" Loki spoke up not willing to miss a chance to take a jab at Thor. "Loki!" Thor easily easily riled up turned towards Loki but was stopped by Batman who came before him.

"Enough of this. Loki is right though" Batman's words caused the smirk on Loki's face to grow even wilder, "finally someone notices my greatness" Batman quirked a brow at those words before continuing.

"Malekith would not just do as we ask, to get him to do so we need to have him believe he is in control and for that I have a plan". A look of agreement flashed in the eyes of all present after Batman spoke, "what's your plan then?" Jane asked.

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