Batman in the MCU

Breaking out of Asgard

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your suport**


With their plan all set up Batman made his way for Jane's room using the shadows and sticking to ceilings he managed to avoid most of the guards, proving no matter the planet people just don't look up.

He soon arrived close to the room where she was kept but held his position seeing the amount of guards around the door.

As well as the fact that there was no place for him to continue hiding. Moving his hands to his ear, he activated his coms "I'm in position".

"Alright you heard him Volstagg, it's your turn" Thor's voice was heard and soon followed bye Volstagg's response, "Aye".

In a few moments alerts resounded through the palace and Batman took that as his cue to march on in. Two batarangs flew in taking two of the men out, and announcing  Batman's presence. The guards to their credit quickly got into formation pointing the tips of their spears towards Batman.

"Halt in the name of the All father!" one of them exclaimed as Batman simply stood still showing no visible battle stance, taking a step forward the guards decided to attack.  Relying on his speed Batman charged in taking away the range advantage of the guards.

Batman managed to push himself and the guard into the midst of the impromptu formation, forcing the guards to abandon their spears for the swords strapped to their waist. Batman kneed the guard he had in the gut before finishing it off with a punch to the jaw knocking him out.

Batman then proceeded to fling the now unconscious guard to one side taking some of the guards the out and causing the rest t move away allowing Batman the space to move away avoiding the swings that had every intention to claim his head.

Batman pulled out a pair of batarangs which he held in both hands like daggers as he met the guards in battle. In one swift motion he had gone behind on guard and taking the guard behind him before countering another and gaining himself a new weapon in the process, with a sword at hand the Asgardians stood no chance.

The clattering of the swords blade as it made contact with the tiled floors were heard in the now silent halls. "Jane come out we need to leave now" Batman knocked on the door calling out to Jane inside, all was silent for a few seconds before Jane charged out with a dagger at hand.

Batman was quick to take the dagger out of her hand and hold her in place, as they glanced at each other's eye Jane let out a sigh of relief, "for a minute I thought Male-" her words trailed of as she saw the unconscious Asgardians who now littered the hallway.

"Thor has a plan, his father doesn't agree." was the only explanation Batman gave her a cloak, "Put this on, the distraction worked but it is only a matter of time before the Asgardians come here. Do as I say, exactly as I say" Batman spoke only moving when she gave a nod in response.

The two stuck to the shadows as they made for their destination.  A large number of guards rushed by them heading towards where he had grabbed Jane, meaning he had little time left as their destination would become clear to Odin once he discovered Jane's absence.

"Change of plans, stay close" With those words Batman burst out of the shadows firing explosive batarangs at the guards closest to him. The sudden attack had caught the guards by surprise, few other batarangs flew towards them creating a cloud of smoke that took away their vision.

Batman grabbed Jane and began their mad dash towards the ship that had crashed into the palace earlier. Guards continued to converge on Batman who relied on his explosives and smoke bombs to keep them at bay, he knew if he stopped to engage any of them in proper combat he would not be leaving with Jane.

They soon arrived at where the ship had crashed and saw Thor and Loki who were before the ship. Thor took one glance at them and the guards hot on their tail before letting Mjolnir loose, the hammer flew to arch Batman and Jane had just passed causing it to fall temporarily blocking the path of the guards.

"I had thought you famed for your stealth", Loki spoke as they made their way into the ship not missing his chance to mock Batman. Batman turned and simply gave Loki a once over in a manner which had caused Loki's mocking smirk to vanish and be replaced with a look of barely concealed anger.

Loki wanted to speak up but the blast to Thor's makeshift barricade forced them to rush into the spacecraft. which soon sped off narrowly avoiding the laser blasts raining down on them.

"Brother I wouldn't want to rush you or anything but how do we get out of here?!" Thor screamed as he continued to fly the space craft, Loki replied in a calm tone "just keep this course, trust me"


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