Batman in the MCU

Take in the 1920s mob boss

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


"ugh" Yelena let out a groan as she came to, it didn't take her long to realize that she was bound to a chair, 'just great' she thought to herself.

Looking to her side there he was, the man in the domino mask, still in his domino mask to her surprise, as she thought who ever kidnapped them would have taken it off already.

"Hey, hey wake up" Orphan called out to him which caused a groan to escape his lips but before he fully came to the sounds of people heading towards them caused Orphan to focus on her Kidnappers.

A group of men walked out the shadows all dressed like gangsters from old gangster movies. Each and everyone one of them was armed with weapons raging from common items to some high tech guns Orphan had never seen before.

The men moved aside allowing for another man to make his way to the front. This man was dressed in a pinstripe suit with an overcoat, topping it all of with a homburg hat and smoking an obscenely large cigar.

"Ah we finally get to meet, allow me to introduce myself. You can call me Ziggy" the man looked at the two with narrowed eyes.

"You've been causing us a lot of problems lately..."

"Where's Mr.H no offense but you don't look like you're the boss"

"The boss has more important things to do, now if it was the Bat himself" with those words he shifted his focus to Orphan, "The the boss might consider an audience but for you two I'm more than enough".

"Oh and that is useless, you think we didn't take your weapons." At Ziggy's words some of the men moved aside revealing where they had placed all their weapons Nightwing frantically struggled with his restraints but it was all for naught.

"I'll admit the masks not coming off was unexpected, but no matter you could just die with them on." Ziggy began heading back as some of the men pulled out some high tech guns and took aim causing some whirring sounds.

"Wait", Ziggy came to a halt as Orphan finally spoke "If you're about to kill us anyway you wouldn't mind me asking a question right?"

He turned to her motioning for her to ask her question, "right I'm curious, did you truly think it would be that easy to take down a bat?"

Her question caused Ziggy to raise a brow in confusion, at that exact moment Orphan broke out of her restraints and set off one of her smoke bombs which as she jumped into their midst.

"Sh*t! take her down! Shoot her now!"

Laser blasts were flying everywhere as Orphan continued to weave through them using a few as human shields.

She eventually arrived where their weapons were kept grabbing a explosive batarang she sent it behind her creating an explosion which disrupted the gangsters gunfire and allowed her enough time to grab her stuff alongside Nightwing's.

With her stuff back she fired a few more batarangs before using her grappling hook to fly up before temporarily disappearing. The men below were all highly focused with their fingers ready to pull the trigger.

Something soon fell in their midst, the men all stared at it before sharing looks before one man picked it up. The black device bore striking resemblance to a pen, the man attempted to bring it closer for a better look when they all heard some faint noise.

The men began looking around confused as to where the noise was coming from. They didn't have to wait long for an answer as swarm of bats suddenly flew in heading straight for them.

The men began to scream as they tried to fight off the bats which had come seemingly from nowhere. Nightwing who was still bound to the chair watched the whole scene in awe.

"Get up" Nightwing almost had a heart attack hearing Orphan's voice, turning around he saw Orphan standing behind him. She had used the distraction to come back and save him.

Taking back his weapons he spoke, "we need to capture Ziggy. I'm sure he knows where this Mr. H guy is hiding."

"Right, take in the 1920s mob boss, got it." with those words the two rushed in taking out the men who were too distracted to face them. Nightwing let out his anger on this guys making sure to deal a high amount of electricity to any who was in his path.

One of the men finally managed to fight of the bats and pulled out his gun which gave of a faint green glow as it was aimed at Nightwing. "Time for you to go to sleep" but before he could pull the trigger Orphan fell before him, kicking the gun down as she grabbed him by the throat and slammed him into the ground.

"Oh and by the way Sleepinator is a stupid name"

Taking him out Yelena laid eyes on Ziggy who was trying to sneak away, wasting no time she rushed straight for him but before she could grab him she was held in place by a grappling hook which wrapped around her arm.

Turning to the source she saw a lady with platinum blonde hair wearing a catsuit with fur on her collar alongside her wrist. She wore a domino mask as well alongside a choker.

"It seems you're in trouble Ziggy" the lady spoke in a mocking tone as her lips rose to form a seductive smile. Ziggy had a grown clearly annoyed.

"Help me cat"

"What do you think I'm doing?"

Orphan didn't need to hear anymore as she could now confirm this woman was with Ziggy. She proceeded to tighten her grip on the wire binding her as she pulled the woman towards her.

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