Batman in the MCU

Call me Nightwing

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


*thud* thud* the sounds of her shoes making contact with the steps could be heard as Natasha made her way down to one of the many Shield bases.

"you're back" Clint called out as he began heading towards her. "What kept you?" Clint questioned, genuinely curious as to where she had been.

"I was questioning an eyewitness", Natasha trusted Clint she truly did but somehow she couldn't bring herself to tell him about Yelena. Clint still thought what she used to, that she escaped and was living a normal life somewhere.

Natasha truly wished that, but with her being with Jeff... normal was just impossible, but Natasha wanted to keep the little bit of normal she had left and thus even if it hurt to lie to Clint she did so.

"Got anything useful?" Clint asked with his eyes gaining hope.


"damn" Clint sighed as the continued to walk through the base so coming before a huge screen which displayed all the info they had on this new masked vigilante.

"At least we managed to confirm something" Clint continued, "he is definitely after these guys".

Pictures of guys dresses up in the same manner as gangsters for the 1920s popped. "Mr. H..."


Yelena had spent the better of the day trying to obtain information about the man in the domino mask using her PC but after a number of failures.

She relented and used her portable bat computer, this device looked like a standard briefcase when not in use and required both her fingerprints and retina scans to access it.

The computer allowed her access to all of King enterprises satellites as well as the Bat database, with these she was soon able to get some information.

Which is why she is here now, standing atop a building in full gear observing the place across the street which was thought to belong to the mysterious Mr. H who apparently domino mask guy was after.

Orphan did not have to wait long however as she was soon able to spot the domino mask guy sneaking in, "here we go" Orphan quickly followed after him to see what exactly he was up to.

In the building, men were busy loading crates into a truck. "Hurry guys, the boss wants this stuff out of here by midnight"

Orphan's attention was drawn to the crates curious as to what exactly was in them, activating her scanners her confusion only grew as she saw parts for something she could not understand.

Although she still wasn't sure what exactly was in there she could at least confirm something, these guys were no normal gangsters.

"Yoo-hoo, hello, you guys do know that, that stuff doesn't belong to you right?" a voice broke the atmosphere causing all present to turn to the source seeing man in the domino mask.

He stood with a smirk plastered on his face as he twirled both the escrima's in his hands. At his feet lay three gangsters all dressed in the same 1920s fashion.

The gangsters now alerted to his presence dropped the crates and pulled out their guns as the began to fire at him.

The masked man showed of his acrobatic talent by avoiding the bullets in a stunning fashion, wasting no time he sent one of the escrima's at the gangsters head taking him out before it flew back into his hand as he landed in their midst.

The escrima's gave of a faint glow as he began his assault on the gangsters, each strike sent a high volt through the gangsters reducing the amount of strikes needed to take each one down.

Orphan who remained hidden watching him battle was mildly impressed but she could tell he couldn't keep this up for long as he had clearly underestimated the number of foes her.

He was soon forced into constant motion as he kept trying to avoid the onslaught of bullets, if not for his suits durability as well his skill Orphan reckoned he would be riddled with bullets by now.

Seeing he would not be able to last longer on his own, she jumped in. Her entrance was so sudden it caught everyone of guard, she sent a number of batarangs out with each taking out two guys at once as she moved in coming to the masked guy's side.

"Yoo-hoo? really?" Orphan questioned as they continued to battle, "I like to make an entrance" being this close Orphan was able to realize his voice was being slightly modified by a voice modulator; not enough to make it obvious but enough to grant him a whole different voice.

The two together were able to fight with an unexpected amount of synergy that in but a few minutes they were had taken out everyone.

letting out a few heavy breaths the masked man turned to Orphan, "we make a surprisingly good team, call me... Nightwing"


"The sleepinator" an unexpected voice was heard causing them to turn around just in time to see a bright flash which sent them to the ground.

As Orphan's vision began to fade to Black she could make out snippets of a conversation. "The sleepinator really..."

"Hey a blasts off this sends you to sleep, it fits. Do you know how hard it is to come up with a name"

"*sigh* whatever just get them in the van."

And as Yelena was finally knocked out Batman's words played in her head, "When you thinking it's over that's when you should be more alert."


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