Batman in the MCU

The Family


As the avengers stepped out off the Quinjet they were quick to notice that they were surrounded by a variety of women who pointed their guns at them. Their weapons were however lowered when they saw Batman.

The girls' actions caused the avengers to turn to Batman for answers but before they could ask they heard a booming voice, "Natasha!" The shout caused the avengers to turn to the source where they saw a towering man in red with a shield on his back running towards them with a wide grin.

Natasha stepped out to meet the man who immediately embraced her and spun her around, "look how big and strong you've grown daughter! Hahaha!"

"So I'm not the only one who heard father right? good." Tony was the first to speak up as the others took in Alexei's appearance. Unlike his earlier appearance Alexei now looked the part of a super soldier, with his muscles threatening to burst out of his suit.

"Guys this is my... father Alexei." Natasha who was finally free from Alexei's hug turned around to introduce him to the others. "Ah the Avengers... I heard so much about you, know", Alexei addressed the team with his gaze focused on Steve.

"We need to talk to Melina, there is a crisis at hand" Batman spoke up at this moment stopping Alexei before he spoke what ever wild idea hap popped in his mind. "Right!" he turned to Natasha, "Your mother is with your sister and I'm sure she will be happy to see you!" with that said Alexei practically dragged Natasha along with the exasperated Avengers following after them.

The Avengers had made it through widows Isle to Melina's lab, making their way through the halls to meet Natasha's mother. "Okay I've just got to ask, how did all this get here", Tony motioned to the tech, "some I can sort of understand others are more than years away from current human tech".

"I wouldn't be so sure, there are certain places on earth hiding extremely advanced technology. This time however you are right most of this tech was salvaged from the Kree an alien race." Batman spoke up, drawing the gazes of the avengers unto himself once again.

"And you know this because?" Hawkeye questioned the bat who simply responded in the most casual tone ever. "I gave it to them".

The door before them opened allowing the Avengers to see Melinda in a white lab coat, working on a hologram of a pig. "Batman, Nat!" Yelena who was in her Bat suit waved towards the team, "You know her?" Clint came up to Natasha's side remembering his encounter with this member of the bat family.

"She's my sister", with that said Clint focused on the Batman.

With all the commotion Melinda turned around to look at the team, "Batman, a pleasure to see you as always." Batman gave a nod to Melinda who turned her attention to Natasha, giving her a small smile, "Natasha I see you finally deemed to visit."

"Sorry to intrude Ma'am" Steve decided to speak up at this moment. "No, its no problem what so ever, I see you all are tired and a few could use treatment as well." Her eyes focused on Hawkeye who had a wound given to him by Ultron.

"Orphan dear why don't you lead the others so they can rest whilst I help Mr. Barton to the Med bay."

"She's right we all took a hit" Cap's mind drifted back to the vision he had, "we'll take five regain our bearings and then we will reconvene on what to do about Ultron". Cap spoke up causing the others to agree. Melinda seeing Hawkeye was on board smiled at him, "Alright then, follow me".

Melinda began leading Hawkeye away only to stop and turn to Alexei, "Oh and dear, don't" she continued her journey with Hawkeye after those words causing the remaining Avengers to look at Alexei, "oh come on, just a little bit. Maybe arm-wrestle huh?"

"No" Melinda's short reply carried over causing Alexei to sigh in defeat.

As they are led over to another place, the hallucinations brought on by Wanda continue to creep up in Thor's mind causing him to break away from the team and head outside.

Steve of course noticing their regular god's disappearance followed after him calling out to him, "Thor."

Thor turned to Steve, his unease and confusion written all over his face. "I saw something in that dream. I need answers, I won't find them here." Having said that Thor spins his hammer and takes off leaving the super soldier, equal parts confused and concerned about his friend.

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