Batman in the MCU

Widows Isle


Ultron brought Wanda outside the shipyard landing some distance away from the Quinjet. "The prize is in there", Ultron turned to Wanda who gave him a nod in return before spotting a look of determination, her eyes gained a crimson glow with crimson streaks of energy dancing across her fingers.

She took a long stride towards the Quinjet but had to stop and jump away as an explosive batarang landed before her. "I've had a change of mind, Stark's now the second most annoying avenger. You're first" Ultron spoke as repuslsor beam flew straight for Batman halting his charge. 

With a quick roll Batman made it back to his feet and brought up his force field to take on another blast. "What are you waiting for, I've got him you get the green giant" Ultron told Wanda as he took to the skies and flew straight for the Bat.

Batman brought down his force field and ducked causing Ultron to fly over his head, quickly turning around Batman grabbed Ultron and slammed him into the earth before letting a batarang loose behind himself. A scream escaped Wanda's lips as the batarang embedded itself into her hand and pinned her to the Quinjet.

In the Quinjet, the already anxious Banner flinched at the sudden scream. "guys... what's going on out there?"

Outside, Ultron turned around causing the leg Batman had in a tight hold to break off as he punched at Batman. Batman being quick to react however weaved to the side grabbing Ultron's arm and ripping it off, before following up with a charged elbow that sent Ultron's head flying off his body.

He was not allowed a moment of reprieve though as wild blast from Wanda caught him from behind sending him rolling in the dirt. "Urgh..." with a grunt he turned around to see Wanda who had a murderous expression appearing before him and grabbing his head.

Her murderous expression was soon replaced with disbelief as Batman simply stared at her. "That won't work on me" after saying those words Batman placed the cuff he had pulled from his utility belt over her hand. With the cuff on her hand the look on Wanda's face changed from one of disbelief to one of abject horror.

Batman had spent years researching the mind stone's energy and at this point in time he could confidently say there was no one on this planet who understood it better than him. Although the discovery of professor X and Magneto left him with more than a few doubts, Batman believed that even if Wanda turned out to be a mutant her at this point was still greatly connected to the mind stone.

With that knowledge Batman was able to come up with a device that put a stop to her ability. Confused and terrified about what was happening Wanda stumbled back as Batman returned to his feet towering above her.

Batman motioned to grab her but three Ultron drones appeared before him with one picking up the still terrified Wanda, "Ah, kids am I right?" The drone flew off at those words as the other two rushed to face Batman.

In the shipyard;

Iron man and Ultron continued to exchange blows and repuslsor blasts until Tony cornered Ultron, at that moment a grin appeared on Ultron's steel mug. "Ah, the Vibranium's getting away."

"And you're not going anywhere." Tony responded as he readied himself to continue the battle.

"*sigh* I'm a tad bit disappointed in you Tony. This..." Ultron knocked at his head, " Is merely one of many, I'm already there. You'll catch on." after that the body collapsed in a heap with Ultron's consciousness already abandoning the body.

"Shit!" Tony cursed as he angrily shot at the body Ultron left behind, before flying off to the rest pf his teammates.

The team was now all in the Quinjet with the Avengers vision free.

There was silence as Batman flew the Quinjet through the skies. Maria Hill's voice came over the coms, "How's the team?"

Tony glanced at the team, with Thor and Steve keeping to themselves with heavy looks upon their faces, Banner was beating himself over how he could not be of help to the team whilst Clint was by Natasha's side, "Everyone's...we took a hit. We'll shake it off."

Maria Hill, "Well for now I'd stay in stealth mode, and stay away from here. This time Ultron failed to get the Hulk but if he were to succeed..."

"So, run and hide?"

Maria Hill gave her response, "Until we can find Ultron, I don't have a lot else to offer."

"Neither do we." Tony spoke as he ended the call and switched off the monitor; turning to Batman, who was flying the Quinjet, Tony spoke up "Hey, you wanna switch out?"

"No. If you want to get some rest, now's a good time,  we're still a few hours out from our destination." Batman responded as he continued to fly out, "and where is our destination?" Tony quirked his brow as he looked at the dark knight.

A place Ultron can not find us; The Quinjet flew straight over the ocean causing Tony to grow confused with each passing minute. Suddenly Batman seemed to type something and the moment the view before Tony changed. A forcefield made its presence known before a hole appeared allowing for the Quinjet to fly through.

The Quinjet flew over and Island allowing the avengers to look around as they marveled at the surroundings which looked like it was pulled out of a sci-fi movie. The Quinjet flew into a large open space before landing.

"What is this place?" Thor questioned causing all avengers present to turn to look at the Batman.

"Welcome to Widows Isle"



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