Batman in the MCU

Time to become one

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


Natasha and Clint sat in a room facing one another with Clint's expression taking a grim tone.

"Okay I did not expect this", Clint began "but it explains somethings" Natasha continued with her hand moving to her chin.

The two after seeing the Oscorp isingna on that piece of tech had launched their own investigations which had led to them discovering a traitor hidden in Shield.

The person in charge of the Oscorp tech, Jonathan Glade had been selling the tech to apparently monsters.

"So what do we do now?" Clint questioned her, "We can't tell others right now as we don't know who is working with him. I refuse to believe he was able to do all this without help from anyone else."

"Getting to Fury would be a bit hard as he is preparing for that project insight, it's a few months away from being ready to launch after all."

"We do this alone just the two of us, like Budapest"

"Let's hope it's not like Budapest alright"

The two shared a laugh at those words, "so let's do this"


At a restaurant, Jonathan Glade in a three piece suit was escorted through the restaurant to a table, at the table sat none other than Hammer head himself.

"Hello John"

"What is the meaning of this?"

"What do ya mean John?"

"You know what I mean! you were supposed to show me what you had planned not have dinner!" Jonathan exclaimed as he glared at Hammerhead and refused to have a seat.

"Trust me Johnny, now sit" Hammerhead spoke begining with a calm friendly tone before turning cold at the end.

The courage in John's eyes weakened with those words, John had known Hammerhead for a while now and was quite familiar with the man. One thing he was sure about was that the man with the moniker Hammerhead was the farthest thing from the word calm.

So hearing his seemingly calm response to what would in any other time set him off caused Johnathan to tremble.

Putting on a facade to seem unaffected by Hammerhead's behavior Jonathan took the seat causing Hammerhead's lips to curve upwards in a smile.

"Okay before we begin, I have something you will absolutely love" hammerhead spoke to Jonathan who remained silent trying to figure out what exactly was going on with Hammerhead.

Hammerhead signaled to a man who stood a distance away from them. The man responded with a nod and left before returning pushing a cart.

Jonathan quickly took notice of the cart as well as the covered dishes on it. Laying eyes on the dishes Jonathan suddenly felt a chill run down his spine.

"We're friends right?" Hammerhead's words brought him out of his thoughts as he shifted his gaze back to Hammerhead's abnormally large head.

"y..yeah" Jonathan managed to stutter out a response, "that's great to hear Johnny, cause you see I really think of you as a friend. When Batman first appeared he caused a lot of problems for everyone, one freak in a mask disrupted the fragile balance."

"Then a few years after Stark appeared in that metal suit of his and now just recently aliens. All of a sudden good ol fashioned guns aren't good enough anymore, no one takes you seriously if you don't shoot lasers out of your hands or something."

"With all this going on the Magia here has been split up feeding of the scraps but ya know what I think. No more. This is our time to rise up the King pin is being held up by some guy they call the devil of Hell's kitchen and all this suits have the eyes of those freaks no one keeps an eye on the streets anymore. I believe it's time New York's Magia became one."

"Great speech, truly" Jonathan finally spoke up finally seeing were Hammerhead was headed. "But you're not the first to give that speech, people have tried but it all comes sport when they get to the question who runs this United Magia."

" The answer to that is simple ain't it, me"

"That's the answer the rest would give as well"

"Oh I don't think ya need to worry about the rest anymore." with those words Hammerhead motioned to the man pushing the cart. With the cart right beside them the man proceeded to remove the aluminum covers from each of the plates.

The sight of what was on the plates caused Jonathan's eyes to widen with his mouth going agape a scream threatened to burst out but was held back with one look from Hammerhead, "As you can see the unification is already complete and all that is left is for us to take over what is ours."

Jonathan's eyes continued to shift from Hammerhead's crazed look to the heads of the former leaders which now laid upon the plates.

"Unfortunately Johnny you won't be seeing this new world, as you know I hate traitors."

Jonathan's head now sported a new bloody hole his expression forever frozen in shock.

With a wide grin Hammerhead got up to leave when he rose his hand grabbing an arrow that was heading straight for his head.

Turning to the source Hammerhead glared at them with his eyes filled to the brim with rage.

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