Batman in the MCU

I’m a man of my word

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


"So, Harry Osborn, do you want to explain this?"

Harry's eyes narrowed as he focused on the picture, "Where did you get this picture?" Harry questioned not taking his eyes of the picture.

"S.H.I.E.L.D" Yelena's answer was a terse one but it caused Harry to finally shift his attention away from the picture to focus on her. He stared at her with his brows wrinkled together with a slight frown.

"You're working with S.H.I.E.L.D?"

"No, just took it from them" the frown on Harry's face disappeared with that answer as Yelena continued, "you still haven't explained why this has your family's companies name on it".

Believing Harry had, had a good enough look she put the picture away folding her arms before her she gave him a look that told him, ' his answer had better be a real good one '.

The two shared a look for another minute before Harry let out a sigh of resignation.

"It has our companies logo because our company made it. Oscorp was a company great enough to actually compete with the likes of King Enterprises, Stark Industries as well as the Rand Corporation..."

"... But after my dad... his incident, we lost everything stocks plummeted at an insane rate, the shareholders couldn't abandon the company any faster. And the government agencies they were quick to come in and seize all the tech for themselves."

"Most prominent amongst them was S.H.I.E.L.D . Oscorp had fallen and they all couldn't wait to get a piece of the pie, everything my father built was gone just like that."

"That wasn't the end though, my family who took me in did so just for the money. No one wanted to take care of the son of the deranged Green Goblin... do you have any idea what it's like... to grow up with everyone hating you just because of your name."

"I won't lie, I hated Batman. I believed everything was his fault that if he didn't exist this wouldn't have happened to me and my family... but eventually I had to accept it, that my thoughts were nothing more than a delusion, that if it wasn't Batman some other masked hero would have done same."

"And so I came to decision, I was going to restore my family name I was going to make things right even if I had to start from scratch. Then one day I found the truth Oscorp tech was now in the streets in the hands of gangsters. At that moment I knew as long as those weapons were in the streets bearing our name, we wouldn't be able to regain the publics trust."

"So I'm going to get everything back, everything that was taken from my family. I'm going to retrieve it and put an end to this Mr.H"

Yelena simply remained silent waiting for him to finish his story. "So that's why you're wearing tights and swinging around the city huh?"




"I've experienced one of those weapons and didn't like it. If Batman was here he would deal with this as well so as a Bat it's only right that I help you put an end to this Mr. H. So, what do you say, Partners?" Yelena stretched out her hand towards him.

Harry glanced at the hand before responding with his own hand for a handshake, "Partners" he said with a smile.


In a building Black cat alongside Ziggy made their way through a hallway, they soon arrived before two men in 1930s apparel who stood guard before a door.

"Hello boys" Black cat spoke in a sultry tone as she flashed the guards a smile. The simply glanced at her then Ziggy.

"We are here to see the boss" Ziggy spoke causing the men to move aside allowing for Ziggy and Black cat to enter. "Thanks boys" Black cat spoke once more before entering the office.

"Boss" Ziggy called out once they were inside as he laid eyes on the man seated behind a large mahogany desk, even Black cat had lost her playful demeanor and adopted a serious front as she stood before the man.

The man who was dressed simply in all black rose his massive head and stared at them with his cold emotionless eyes.

"What did ya say the last time ya were here Ziggy"

"B- Boss, Boss I can explain"



"I said come", with an audible gulp Ziggy moved until he was but a few inches away from the Boss.

The Boss stood up himself towering over Ziggy and rested his hand over his shoulders, "I'm a man of my word". *Crack* a loud audible sound was heard followed by Ziggy's screams, as the bones in his left hand was literally shattered.

"This is ya last chance, fail me once more and you'll be begging for death, now get out ya bleeding on my carpet."

The two bowed their heads before turning to walk out, "Oh and deal with the Bat too" He called out to them before the left the office.

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