Batman in the MCU

You’re Nightwing no?

**Big thanks to Luke Karls for your support**


It had been a day since the whole chase and everything and a young man was heading home with his groceries at hand. Inputting his code he made his way into his home.

"I'm home" the man called out as he focused on a picture of Norman Osborn with a younger him, hanged on the wall. The young man let out a sigh before placing his groceries on a table.

He proceeded to take the items out of the bag when he came to a halt and turned to look at his bookshelf. Leaving the items on the table he moved closer staring at and taking in every detail.

After a minute he moved his hand over a book, 'The pearl by John Steinbeck' the novel which he remembered as his father's favourite. Tugging on the book a loud clicking sound was heard, the young man took a step back allowing for the Book case to move aside revealing a hidden elevator.

The elevator led down to an underground bunker, as the young man stepped out the elevator and into the bunker the lights flickered on. The lights now on allowed for the young man to lay eyes on none other than Yelena seated with both her legs on a table toying with an Eskrima.

As she finally turned around to notice him she waved to him with a wide grin, as though seeing an old friend "oh hello Harry Osborn".

"How..." Harry rose a brow with his head tilted to the side mouth agape, he had a feeling something was off but he didn't really expect someone to be here.

"I'll admit Harry Osborn, I'm loving the whole blue black vibe and you set up" Yelena spun on her chair motioning to the PC setup. "This is so cool"

"wait, wait, stop. Just how did you even get here"

"well duh, I came in through the elevator. Oh that reminds me your security really sucks Harry Osborn"

"Are you calling me by my whole name just to prove you know it"

"mm... Maybe, maybe not, oh yh I'm curious how did you make these things anyway" Yelena picked up a small device which was what he had used to disappear.

"put that down" Harry spoke with a tremble in his voice as he confusion slowly turned to anger.

"No no I mean I get the flash, I have some too see... but how it makes you invisible, that I don't get—"

"Hey!" Yelena called out as Harry had had enough and walked towards her to yank the device out of the hands. "What's wrong?"

"What's wrong? you break into my place and begin to mess with my stuff! how do you expect me to react?!"

"Hey! no no no I didn't break anything see, and all I did was compliment your stuff", Harry having had enough moved to put her in a hold but Yelena was quick to get out of his way retaliating with a kick to his head which he promptly blocked by raising his arm.

Harry not wasting his chance grabbed Yelena by her collar to throw her over a table but Yelena grabbed his collar as well dragging him with her.

The two were sent over the table and sprawling on the ground. Locking eyes with one another they continued to try to attack each other while on the ground.

Yelena eventually managed to slip around him and then put him in a hold, Harry continued to struggle trying to free himself from the hold but to no avail.

After another minute Harry began to see black spots in his vision as the world began to feel illusionary. "Truce?" Yelena's voice sounded like a barely audible whisper in the distance but he grit his teeth and responded, "Truce".

With that one word Yelena let go of him allowing for him to finally breathe. Turning around he saw Yelena already on her feet with her arms crossed before her.

"You see we could have just talked instead of whatever that was"

"What are you even doing here?" Harry simply ignored her as he made it to his feet and asked what was most important to him.

"Oh yeah, I'm Yelena but you can call me Orphan" there was a moment of silence with her words as Harry stared at the blonde who was now standing before him with his disbelief clear on his face.

"You, Yelena King daughter of the multi bilionaire Jeffery King is the vigilante Orphan—"

"Hey superhero okay, not vigilante I'm a superhero" Yelena interrupted looking offended about being called a vigilante.

"Right, yeah I'm not buying that" Harry now standing mere inches from her spoke up. "You're Nightwing no, you're a billionaire as well, what's the difference"

"Touché, that still does not answer my earlier question of what are you doing here."

"Right so earlier I put a tracker on you before you disappeared and left me all alone. Thanks for that by the way, and that tracker led me here, why I'm here? well I have a few questions I want answered."

Yelena stretched out her hand and a blue holographic screen began floating atop it with a picture of the Oscorp device found in one of the crates.

"So, Harry Osborn, do you want to explain this?"

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