Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 100 – Haltina Great Labyrinth 2

Jayr POV - Tortus, Haltina's Labyrinth - 2013

I wake up and feel a dry, cold texture on the back of my head, and this feeling rapidly brings my dozing consciousness back to reality, "... Where am I now...?" I shake my head to clear it from the dizzyness, then stand up and check my surroundings.

There aren't any sources of light in this place, it is pitch-black, however, the darkness doesn't hinder my sight, and I quickly notice that I'm in a cave similar to the large tree we had entered before I lost consciousness, however, it is much larger.

There is one distinct difference though, it is a domed, circular space, filled with 3 transparent tans colored, oblong objects that give off a clean feeling, they are regularly spaced throughout the domed area, and judging from the size, each could fit a person inside, 'They kinda remind me the pods from The Matrix, in fact, their function is quite similar...' at the same time, I notice that the empty space I woke up in is lined up with these tan pod.

I continue to look around, but there is nothing in the center of the dome and there doesn't seem to be any kind of exit in the surroundings, and mutter, "It seems that I have to wait for Eri, Tio, and Freid to escape from their "Ideal World", and I hate to admit it but the one that worries me the most is Eri... Oh well, I can always break her free if needed..."

Then I turn my gaze back onto one of the pods lined up in a row and after hesitating slightly, step up beside it, and mutter, "This looks just like amber... and seeing the tree theme, probably it is..." then I notice that trapped inside this pod is Tio, and looking at her like this it strangely reminds me of the Jurassic Park franchise, and thinking that, I mutter, "Yeah, in future I should visit that Universe... It would be a nice family trip..."

At the same time, I look at the other pods and notice that Eri, Tio, and Freid, are back in their own bodies, so with nothing else to do, I sit on the ground and wait for them to wake up, choosing to trust in the fact that my companion can pass this kind of trial.

But just as I sit on the ground, one of the ambers begins to emit a faint light, and to my surprise, it is Eri's, so I quickly get up and start to approach it and see that as the light grows stronger, the amber begin to melt from the outside inwards, and as the amber melts it would trickle down the side and be absorbed into the ground.

Within 5 minutes the amber covering Eri has completely dissipated, and I quickly confirm that she is breathing from the rising and falling of her chest, so without hesitation, I move closer and gently pick her ups in my arms, as I don't want to leave her laying on the ground.

Eri's eyelashes begin to quiver as I gently brush some of her hair away from her face while I cradled her in my arms like a child, and soon she opens her eyes, and I ask, "Eri... how are you feeling?"

She carefully looks at me for a few seconds then she warps her arms around my neck and says, "It's the real one! My one and only Jayr!!" then she starts to shower my face in kisses.

A little surprised by her outburst and the fact that she was able to break free so fast, I ask, "Eri how did you realize that it wasn't the real me?" she looks at me with a serious gaze and replies, "I watched you for so long that I imprinted in my soul every little detail of you, from your body to your soul so that no matter where and in what form you are I can always find you... No matter how close to the reality that fake was, it couldn't copy everything about you, to me all that it looked like was just a pale imitation of you!"

After saying that, she once again warps her arms around my neck and starts to forcibly kiss me, and since we have nothing else to do but wait, I decide to indulge her a little, so I embrace her and continue to make out with her as we wait for Freid and Tio to break free.

After a few moments, I notice that another one of the amber pods begins to give off a faint light, a sign that another one of my companions is about to break free from that tempting prison, Eri notices the same, and stops kissing me, and at the same time, I mutter, "If I'm not mistaken, that amber is…"

As the light grows brighter, I hear a familiar voice that yells, "Mugaa! Master's hard love is not such a half-hearted thing as that–!  If you expect to satisfy me you better train harder before coming back again!"

The person waving her fist in the air and saying such things immediately after waking up is, of course, none other than Tio, and Eri that is easily able to guess the contents of Tio's ideal world just from her remark, directs at her a fierce gaze and mutters, "That Ero-Dragon what did she make my Jayr do in her dream...?"

At the same time, Tio notices our presence, and turning around with an excited expression on her face, she starts running towards me like a lost dog towards its owner with an expression of ecstasy on her face, "Master~ This one just got back now~! Shower this mistress with your love~!" then she once again jumps toward me in a Lupin Dive pose.

At the same time, I remember the scene in my ideal world and decide to indulge her a little, so I let her hug my and Eri's bodies, and with my free hand, I gently caress her cheek then as she looks at me with a confused gaze, I slap her butt with enough force to break a Bronze Cloth, but instead of crying out in pain, Tio let out a heavy moan of pleasure and her whole body starts to quiver, "Ahhh~" then I say, "Good job breaking free from that illusion..."

In response, Tio looks at me with excited eyes while letting out some panting noises, and says, "This is it!  This is what this one missed!  This one did her best to return from that fake world, this one is rewarded by being slapped with such firm force... The mildness of that fake was nothing compared to this exquisite pain!  This is how the mistress' one and only master does things!  More!  Hurt this one more~!"

But Eri that can't stand her anymore says, "…Just die, you Ero-Dragon" and using her original Spirit Magic, she channels one of her Undead Puppets magic, Lightning Clad, and starts shocking her.

Tio, unable to withstand it, arches backward as she starts convulsing before exhausting her strength and collapsing back onto the ground while giving off white smoke, however, despite the ordeal, the expression on Tio's face is one of pure perverted ecstasy as she mutters, "Aaah~ Eri you and Master can abuse me together as much as you want~" she looks truly happy, which left Eri feeling even more repulsed.

Soon after that, Tio revived herself without any appearance of having suffered any damage at all, then, though no one asked, she zealously talked at length about how unbecoming of a master the Jayr in her dream was.

While we were all caught up in this, another one of the amber pods begin to shine, and I stop Tio from telling her story any further and say, "It seems that Freid too was able to free himself from his ideal world..." then we all approach the side of his amber shortly before he opens his eyes with a startled expression.

Then he notice us and let out a sigh and says, "I got out, huh...", and curious I ask, "So how it was your ideal world?" hearing my question, Freid lets out a bitter smile and says, "I admit that I was tempted to remain in that fake world... The world was finally at peace, all the hate was gone, Demon, Human, Beastman, and Monsters all living together in peace, no Gods that used us as pawns and entertainment, all united in one big nation that included the whole Tortus, all with happy smiles on their faces, with children playing around as their parents watch over them... And I was the one that made it all possible, the most powerful Demon who ended all the wars..."

Curious Tio then asks, "Then how were you able to break free?" Freid looks at us and I notice the firm conviction in his eyes, as he explains, "Because seeing all that it could be if we are successful, made me want to turn that illusion into reality more than ever... Too many people have been suffering because of Ehit's whims, I want to bring the peace I envisioned to Tortus once and for all!"

After hearing Freid, we all nod then Eri says, "Anyway, with this, all our members are back. We will we move on to the next trial?" but just as she let out her question, a magic circle appears in the center of the room, and the next instant the magic circle's light burst forth and fills my sight as I once again feel my surrounding change.

Jayr POV - Tortus, Haltina's Labyrinth - 2013

The place where I and the rest got teleported to is inside the same sea of trees as before, and just like before there isn't any clear indication of where to go, but luckily it seems that this time we are all together, and no one was replaced with a fake, and indeed Freid comments, "It seems all of the members are here this time." and I add, "Yes and everyone here is the real one there is no impostor among us..." and Eri confirm it, "Yes, everyone's soul is fine..."

Then I quickly urge them to move in a random direction, when I notice in the distance, in the densely growing sea of trees, a huge tree that looks exactly like the one we fought before and directs the group toward that direction.

And so our party continues to advance, aiming straight for the great tree but I quickly notice something strange, the surroundings are silent, the insects which usually cried can't be heard, and because there is no wind blowing, there is no sound of leaves rubbing against each other, the whole forest is silent, extremely silent, the only sound that can be heard is our party pushing through the big plants.

And it seems that the others notice the same as Tio mutters, "Hmm~, I have a bit of an unpleasant feeling." followed by Eri who agrees, "Yeah. Somehow, it's like the Orcus's ambush." and even Freid adds as he carefully starts to look around, "Indeed… There are no signs of monsters either."

Then Eri summons her Undead Puppets from her shadow and says, "I let them scout ahead, but if they find nothing... Should I just burn down the entire forest so as to clear the way to the huge tree...?"

Hearing that, Freid replies, "Eri... Your way of thinking is sometimes too destructive and problematic... Remember when you wanted to burn down the entire Heiligh Kingdom Capital just to deal with those annoying women that were fawning over Jayr?"

But Eri pouts and says, "It was the most efficient method... Threaten them and scaring them so much that they piss themselves and give up on their foolish dream on a one-to-one basis took too much time, I even had to curse some of the most hideous ones and brainwash others to get together with the first man that seriously courted them to get rid of them all..."

Then she mutters in a lower tone of voice, "Luckily now I have Noriko that can easily deal with that kind of annoyance..." but before this discussion could continue, I notice that Freid touches his head and is now looking at the sky with caution, and soon after, I feel some dampness over my head and say, "Hmm... Raining?" then I realize what is going on and simply say, "Freid!" to which he quickly understand and uses his Spatial Magic to create a barrier around us.

Immediately after that, the heavy rain pours onto our party all of a sudden, the rain slips down the surface of Freid's barrier, and at the same time, Eri comments, "No matter how you look at it, it's not ordinary rain. Rain is impossible in here as we are in an enclosed space." Tio nods and adds, "Indeed, look at the surrounding area..."

Just like Tio said, the trees, grass, ground, from all those places there is something milky white oozing out, and I can't help but comment, "A white slime, a thick cloudy liquid... With that kind of color and form it reminds me of something else... Just what was miss Lyutillis thinking when she built this Labyrinth?" and hearing my question, Eri comments, "Did you forget? Miledi and Meiru said that Lyutillis Haltina is a pervert comparable to that Ero-Dragon..."

While talking, I notice that white slimes begin to appear from the ground warping around our feet, and quickly I command, "Jump! Tio!" and without hesitation, everyone understands and follow my orders, we all jump high and the force of our jump make the slimes warped around our feet splatter all over the barrier some of it even falling on our bodies, while at the same time, Tio unleash the fire spell Flame Fangs, which summons a cluster of powerful flames that quickly turns the slimes on the ground into ashes.

As we land on the ground and see our state, I can't help to gag a little, "Ugh... so messy I feel I'm in some kind of hentai...", but Eri quickly shrugs her shoulders totally calm about her state and says, "It isn't so bad... When we are alone I end up in a worse state... and this is only some slime, not that kind of thing..." and Tio puts her hands on her cheeks and says, "So Master's love leaves you in such a state... This one can't wait, to experience it myself..."

Anyway, we easily dealt with the slimes inside the barrier, but outside of it, as far as the eye could see, I notice that the barrier is covered thickly by white slimes, and the view of the outside, it is overflowing with numerous white slimes, from the wall on the ceiling, the slimes keep pouring down, and the crowd of slimes is constantly drumming onto the ground like a white sea.

Then Eri decides to end this and moves toward the center of the barrier and says, "Freid, open a hole in the ceiling please, I'll burn everything down..." and receiving a nod from the Demon, she starts to chant one of her most destructive spells, "Hellfire!!", and next a huge amount of black magic power appears before Eri as she thrust her staff out.

It compresses itself into a dark black flame, that then shoots out like an enormous black serpent-like flame, that quickly moves upward, passes through the hole in the barrier that Freid just opened, and starts consuming all of the slimes in its path without leaving any trace of them behind, furthermore, she waves her staff directing the black flame serpent, that like a flash it annihilates other slimes all around us.

While Eri is unleashing hell on the slimes, I look at everyone's state and without hesitation, I use a weak version of the Gravity Magic Saecularia Viverra (Worldly Pull) to gather all the slime remains on our bodies, and ask Tio to burn them away, after that I focus back on the situation outside and start to think, 'The slime rain seems to not be showing any sign of weakening at all. Is this infinite? If it's like this, then if something is not done to the ceiling, it will be meaningless...'

Then I look at the ceiling and notice the small holes from which the smiles are coming out, so, I move close to Eri that is still focusing on her spell, and whisper some instructions to her.

Eri lightly nods and without hesitation, she directs the black flame snake toward the ceiling wall, and as expected, the heat of the Hellfire, quickly seals the small holes in the ceiling stopping the smiles from coming out, and the results are instantaneous as the intensity of the falling rain had slowly become weaker.

Once she dealt with the ceiling, she focus back on the ground and start to obliterate everything in the black flaming serpent path, and I see that outside of the barrier, the sea of slimes turned into a burning hell, and the white slimes continue to burn and perish without a means to be free, but still, the flames spread and thoroughly burning everything down.

The tsunami of black flames, which contained the murderous intent of Eri, burned the trees, melted the ground, swallowed the sea of trees, and even scorched the air.

The scorching black finally shows its visage when the slimes on the barrier start to be swallowed by the flames creating a gap to look outside, and the next moment, before long the white slimes completely disappear from the surroundings, then while observing the situation outside, Eri mutter with a satisfied smile on her face, "Nn~, apparently, it seems everything was roughly burnt out."

Then Freid asks, "Geez, is it safe to take down the barrier?" but before I could answer, Eri shakes her head and says, "No, keep maintaining it a little more. There is a chance that some are still lurking underground" then from her shadow, she summons some more of her Undead Puppets, that under her command move outside the barrier and start marching toward the huge tree, and says, "It'll take a while to clean the path toward the huge tree, and even its surroinding. I don't know how many of the white slimes there are, but it should be fine, they will for sure complete the objective..." so we all sit down on the ground to rest while we wait for Eri's Undead Puppet to clear the area.

But all of a sudden, I feel a soft weight on my back, and looking over my shoulder, I see Eri's blushing face, as she clings onto my back, then she looks at me and says while panting, "Haa haa… Jayr, I feel strange… Haa haa, I really want… I really want Jayr so much..." then I quickly notice that Eri's breathing is rough, her sighs are also burning hot, her eyes are moist and teary-eyed, her tongue was lightly drawing in and out lewdly from her lips seeking me, she is really sexually excited.

And I quickly realize what is wrong, it seems that this is the real danger of those slimes, they are able to cause arousal in everyone, and the only reason I don't feel anything is because of the Poison Resistance I gained by eating the monster meat, then realizing this, I check on the others, and see that Freid is with his eyes closed taking very deep breaths and seems almost meditating.

Meanwhile, to my surprise, Tio calmly moves to check on me and asks, "Unh~, Master, are you alright? Apparently, the slime mucus seems to have become a strong aphrodisiac."

Then she continues to explain and analyze the situation, "Even your ability to use magic will be inhibited by the intense pleasure. The more time passes, the more you'll lose your sanity and would probably end up drowning in feelings of arousal from the pleasure. There's nothing as troublesome as that, is there? It would probably be impossible to not get sprayed at all if you're assaulted with the weight you're carrying. If the battle is drawn out, just that can lead to total annihilation. After all, even if you survive, if you have comrades it won't end with not trying to copulate with them, so your relationship with them will end up pretty grave it seems."

Hearing that I nod, and Tio still in control of her urges continues, "Yea. Most likely, that's her aim. To be able to withstand the pleasure over our companions?… Or maybe if our bonds can be kept even after we are defeated by pleasure…. Either way, this Lyutillis Haltina is very nasty. Moreover, master has a high poison resistance so the enemy doesn't match well..." reaching this point, my curiosity won over and I can't help but ask, "Hey, Tio... Why are you still able to keep calm? If memory serves me, you're the one that was bathed in the mucus the most among us... You should be in a similar state as Eri..."

But with a fearless smile she says while puffing her chest, "Certainly, the effect of this mucus also affects our body. In truth, magic can not be used properly because it is hindered by the pleasure running through this body. But then, we do not want to make light of it, master. That is what we thought."

As I feel admiration for her strong will as even a strong warrior like Freid, is forced to sit down and meditate to withstand this pleasure, she declares, "We are master's slave! This kind of pleasure is lukewarm compared with the pleasure-pain inflicted by the master!! Except for master and those he accepts, I won't be defeated by such thing, do not think us to be a light woman who shakes her hips!!!" and she raise her fist toward the sky.

Then to Tio's joy, I decide to ignore her and turning to Eri I say, "Eri, there is no way that you can be defeated by this kind of pleasure and lose your sanity, right?" and with a hot sigh as her body still trembling, she opens her eyes and looking at me she replies with a smile on her face, "Un... Of course, this is nothing compared to what you put me through..."

After that, Tio sits by my side and hugs my arm, and Eri does the same hugging the other one, and so, we all wait together in silence as the effects of the slime mucus end and for Eri's Undead Puppet to complete clearing this zone.

After an hour, everyone else finally overcomes the slime mucus effect, and Freid finally removes the Spatial Barrier he created, and the result of Eri's relentless attack is finally in front of us, there is only a little vegetation remaining and is growing to a strangely metallic burnt ground, it looks like an apocalyptic wasteland.

As I was praising my 3 companions for overcoming that labyrinth's ordeal, at the same time, Eri's Undead Puppets return after clearing all the slime, and after putting them back in her shadow dimension, then she looks at me and asks, "Jayr can I go in your Dimension for a moment, I think I need a change of clothes..."

And at the same time, Tio adds, "That right master, this one also needs to change her panties as they are drenched... But if the master wants he can also be there and use me however he likes...".

Hearing what Tio just said, I let out a sigh and reply, "Tio... While I admit I'm attracted to you and that you are a wonderful woman... This isn't the right time for that... But I promise you, I'll give you what you want and even more..." then I open the portal to my Soulbond Dimension, and I slap her hard on the butt with such force that the smacking sound resounds all over the area, and Tio is the pushed into the portal as she moans in pleasure.

Then I hear Eri grunt a little in displeasure, but then I hear her mutter as she walks into the gate, "While I personally dislike that Ero-Dragon, I have to admit that she is knowledgeable and smart when needed. She has courage and decisiveness, and unmatched combat strength. She is affectionate and keeps her word. And her appearance is also outstanding. Moreover, she obviously loves Jayr...", and disappears into the portal.

After a few minutes, they come back and we finally advance across the wasteland with ease and finally arrive at the next huge tree, we gather in front of the entrance, and without hesitation, we step into the next magic formation.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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