Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 99 – The Other Champions 3

??? - Marvel Universe, Earth-12101, Asgard - 2016

The sound of explosions and the despairing cry of my fellow Einherjars as they are being killed one after another is all I can hear while I'm running with all my strength to find a safe place so that I can escape in my Soulbound Territory, as I grab an Asgardian who suddenly appeared in front of me as he yells in despair, "It's the end! This is truly Ragnaro- Ahhh!" and throw him behind me hoping that he buys some more time for me so that I can escape that monster, I can't help but think, 'I made a huge mistake... I should have been more precise and specified the version of the Marvel Universe I wanted to go!'

At the same time, I once again hear that monster delighted laughter as it gets closer and closer, and as I try to increase my speed and push away all the people standing in my way, I remember the life I had until now.

At first, everything was going fine, I was born into a normal family, both my parents were commoners, and surprisingly my childhood was quite peaceful, I spent my time in school learning all I needed, and training, then when I became 10, my teacher realized that the spark of Odinforce within me was stronger than average, and asked me if I wanted a recommendation for the military school so that I can later join the Einherjar and protect Asgard and my loved ones.

Of course, I accepted his offer, that is one of the easiest ways I can awaken the Odinforce within me and join the ranks of Asgardian Gods, moreover, thanks to my Patron Concept, and his blessing, I also know what my domain could be, if everything went as expected, I could become the Asgardian God of Destruction.

And so I spent the next five years of my life in the Asgardian Military School, where I went through some of the most ruthless training I had ever seen, many times I thought that I would die, but in the end, I pulled through and become stronger and stronger.

In the end, I was able to graduate at the top of my year and was able to join the elitè Einherjar, where I kept order and fought against the enemies of Asgard, and the more enemies I killed, and more destruction I brought, the stronger I felt the Odinforce inside me become, and finally when I became 16, I felt the existence of a small little barrier blocking my advance to the ranks of Gods, and elated, I spent even more time training and fighting hoping to finally breakthrough and move on with my plans.

But everything changed because today that crazy monster came and the first thing he did was to kill our strongest protector, Thor, not only that, but he was able to easily kill Thor using Mjölnir against him, in the end, Thor was pathetically killed by his own weapon, then that crazy monster started killing everyone else, but I also noticed that he seems to focus on me as he unleashes carnage on the Asgardian soil.

But soon, my thoughts are interrupted as I hear his voice behind me, "Ageee~ Where are you? Come on! Let yourself be killed~ I promise it won't hurt too much~."

Hearing that, without hesitation, I dive inside a random building and hide, at the same time, I quickly command to open a portal to my Soulbound Territory hoping that I'll make it in time.

Meanwhile, that monster kicks open the door while yelling, "Hell yeah! Your death will be a nice warning to all those lousy fanfiction authors who keeps putting their characters in my Universe, just so they can jerk off at the thought of their imaginary self making out with... well mostly Black Widow, Jean Grey, and obviously me! After all, everyone knows that I'm the best waifu! There isn't a Marvel fanfiction without me!"

And I once again see his figure, a tall athletic man wearing a red and black full-body tactical suit, he is nonother than Wade Wilson, aka Deadpool.

(Image Here - Deadpool)


, [Deadpool Note: Remember to pay me for my cameo or I'll unleash my lawyers and they are paid by Disney so you know what to expect.]

Seeing him, I do not hesitate and dive inside the just-opened portal, and with another command, I will it to close behind me, at the same time, I hear Deadpool's voice as he yells, "Very well, I'll let you go for now... but if you or another original character puts a step in my Universe, I swear that I'll find a way to kill the Author after all, every reader knows that this isn't an issue for me... Remember Gerry Duggan!".

And as I try and fail to ignore the implication of his words, I move toward the Unigate, and after thinking for some time, I finally move next to the dial and start to input the coordinates for a new safer universe, I and put my hand over the Dial, and hear a robotic voice says, "PlEAsE InpUt yOUr chOsEn UnIvErsE And dEsIrEd tImE."

I quickly digit my chosen universe and time this time I'm more careful with my choice, and the Unigate Dial says "ChOsEn UnIvErsE... Heroes... TImE...  The year 2010 ... StAnd stIll plEAsE..."

At the same time, the stone ring starts to turn and lock seven different runes on seven different V-like points of the circular stone gate, and as soon as the 7th glyph is locked, in the middle of the gate, a burst of unstable energy emanated from an activating Unigate in the shape of a vortex and soon after a water-like portal is opened.

Then the robotic voice says, "ThE gAtE Is OpEn... HAvE A sAfE jOUrnEy...", and with a smile on my face I step through the portal yelling, "In this Universe, I can do whatever I want! No one can stop me from becoming a God I'm meant to be and do whatever I want!"

??? POV - Sonic Universe, Earth - 2010

A black blur continues to run around me and hits me with constant body blows, and I bounce around like a pinball, but even if such movement is a little disorienting, I'm still fine, as my opponent isn't strong enough to cause me any kind of damage.

And while still bouncing around, I can't help but smile and think, 'I was right! Becoming a Kirby was my smartest choice yet! Sure my physical appearance is that of a cute small cyan ball with two big eyes, a mouth, and small hands and feet... But for as ridiculous as my appearance is, the powers and abilities of this alien species are just as much ridiculously powerful! I, Biol, Champion of Infinity, will for sure become rule the Omniverse!'

(Image Here - Biol)


While I was thinking that, my opponent once again hit me with a body blow and send me crashing against the wall of a nearby building, destroying it, and as the pieces of the crumbling wall fell and start to cover my body, I look once again at my opponent and smile.

He is a black-furred anthropomorphic hedgehog, with red eyes, a patch of white fur on his chest, a black nose, a tan muzzle, and small, triangular ears with tan canals, he also has six quills on his head, four of which curve upwards while the other two curves downwards, two spines on his back, and a short, pointy tail, moreover, he has red stripes on each of his head quills, around the edges of his eyes, and on his arms and legs, he is nonother than Shadow the Edgelord... Hedgehog.

(Image Here - Shadow the Hedgehog)


I jump out of the rumble totally unharmed and say, "Come on tell me where can I find the Chaos Emeralds! It should be obvious now that you can't harm me!" but Shadow scoffs and pulls out a pair of guns and starts to point them in my direction, he says, "Seeing the chaos, death, and destruction you caused, just to catch our attention, I don't think that someone life you should be allowed to touch such power... So as the Ultimate Lifeform, I'll stop you!"

Then without hesitation, he starts shooting, but I smile and decide to use the most bullshit ability of my race, so I simply open my mouth and begin sucking in air to quickly absorb in obstacles, projectiles, and my enemy, the latter, is stun by the air vortex created and unable to move he yells, "What the hell is this!?"

At the same time, the bullets and some nearby rumbles rush into my mouth and disappear like absorbed by a black hole, and Shadow struggles as he tries to free himself from my sucking force, but it is too late, he lost when he entered the range of my Inhale ability.

And so powerless to do anything, Shadow the Hedgehog is swept into my mouth where he disappears forever, and soon I feel another of the amazing traits of my race as it starts to work, and soon I'm able to copy all the abilities of the enemy I just swallowed, that means that now I have, Shadow's speed, and more importantly, his Chaos Control, which will allow me to reach my objective more easily, swallow and absorb the 7 Chaos Emeralds, gems of unlimited power.

Those that hold them can use them to cause miracles and other feats, such as warping time and space, powering machines, and initiating super transformations, and only thinking about what a Super Kirby can do makes me want to laugh out loud like an old cartoon villain, I'll become the strongest and the other Champions will only be able to beg for mercy.

Then I restart my search for the Chaos Emerald and mutter, "Not that I'll give them any mercy... There will be only one winner and that will be me, in this second life I won't be a good-for-nothing loser anymore I had enough of that shit in my last life, doing everything right and following the rules only to end up with nothing but a life of suffering, this time I'll do anything to win no matter what!"

??? POV -  Infamous Universe, Empire City - 2011

Looking at the gigantic lava-like incarnate, tall enough to rival skyscrapers and dwarf the buildings of Empire City, as he casually levels one by simply moving and at the sky that turned into a red hue, covered in black clouds as it looks like the end of the world is coming, I can't help but mutter, "Well... I admit it, between Kessler and all that shit, I almost forgot about this little problem... I hope that everything goes as I planned... but hell, seeing it in person that is really one scary dude...".

Everything was going fine I was left in an orphanage as soon as I was born with only the name Alexander Cooper and nothing else, I lived a normal but happy life in the orphanage, I spent most of the time between, school, little jobs to earn money and training, preparing for what was about to come, I was also quite lucky in the look department, as I'm a young and charming black young man with black short rasta hair and amber eyes.

(Image Here - Alexander Cooper)


Then something I didn't plan happened and it is such a clichè thing, at school, I met I girl and fell in love with her, asked her out and she accepted, her name is Amy, of course being only 13 at the time we didn't do too much just a little make out here and there, but still I greatly enjoyed my time with her.

Then one day, I met her sister and her sister's boyfriend, and I almost had a heart attack, because her boyfriend is none other than Cole Mac"Fucking"Grath, a future conduit and the main protagonist and antagonist of this Universe in the coming years, then at the same time, I remember how Trish and Amy end up dead in the game, and since that day I started to plan to avoid such ending, while at the same time continue to enjoy spending time with Amy, Trish, and Cole, in fact, we got close enough that he started teaching me parkour, at the same time, while training with Cole I also meet and befriended Zeke.

Luckily everything went according to my plan, when I became 15 I was able to save Amy from the now famous Empire City Blast, by gifting her and her sister a day at the spa using the money I had saved up, while at the same time, I stood close enough to the blast zone in the Historic District so that my conduit powers could awaken, and awaken they did.

And as expected, I awoke magnetokinesis, and of course, having someone like Magneto as a trailblazer, I already had an idea of what I could do with my new powers, and also had the perfect opportunity to train them, as Kessler made his move so that he could change his apocalyptic future.

And so I fought together with Cole and Zeke, who by the way didn't betray Cole this time, because I told him the story about a certain Superhero who was able to fight and protect others even without superpowers, using only his intelligence and sheer bullshit engineering capabilities.

Of course, the hero I talked about was Tony Stark, the Ironman, and Zeke quickly brought up the idea, and while he isn't Tony Stark, he is one hell of a mechanic, and with little inputs from me he was able to build a decent exoskeleton armor for himself, of course, the main energy source for it is Cole.

So with me and Zeke helping him, Cole was able to better focus on his fight with Kessler, meanwhile, I made sure to protect Trish and Amy so that both of them could be safe and that the events of the game do not repeat themselves, and in the end we were finally able to defeat Kessler, and the only problem remaining was that Empire City is still under quarantine, and the Ray Field Plague that is still claiming victims, but for that I was working on a solution, that doesn't end in a complete genocide of normal human or conduit.

And so, after telling Cole and Zeke to protect Amy and Trish and escape if something goes wrong, I float toward the hulking mass of fire and destruction using the magnetic field, hoping that he will listen to me and that what I thought was right.

Once I'm close enough to this scary avatar of destruction I give it another look and gulp, it is a gigantic humanoid made out of molten lava and rocks, with fire pulsing through his system, and his eyes appear inflamed it is the main antagonist of the second game, the Beast, then I take a deep breath and then I yell, "John White!! Please stop for a moment and listen to me!! You do not have to kill all the humans to fight the Ray Field Plague!! Maybe I have a better solution, all I ask is for you to stop, listen and consider my option!!!"

Luckily it seems that my plea worked because the fiery titan stops his movement and looks at me with his flamming red eyes, then with a flash of light the titan disappears, and in its place, there is a black man with deep red eyes, and several scars visible on his body, roughly matching the cracks in The Beast's skin, he wears a dark red suit with no undershirt and is barefooted.

(Image Here - John White)


Seeing that, I float toward him and once I land in front of him, he simply slowly says in a low-pitched voice, "Speak...", and without hesitation, I start to explain, "From what I understand, the Ray Field Plague is caused by excessive radiation of Ray Field Energy in the environment, and this radiation overloads, the normal humans' bodies and shuts them down... And only Conduit with their power awakened are immune to it, and your plan is to awaken all the Conduit so that you can save what remains of humanity, right?".

And to my question, he simply nods, then he waits for me to continue, something that I quickly do, "Well I think I have another solution for that, something that won't make you kill countless people... You see my power is magnetokinesis, I can control magnetic fields but recently I found myself capable of projecting or manipulating any form of energy within the electromagnetic spectrum... And from what I understand, Ray Field Energy also luckily falls under this category, so I can also control this energy and move the one in excess to another location so that it becomes harmless to normal humans... the only problem is that I do not think I'm strong enough yet to do this on such a massive scale...".

Hearing what I said, John looks at me in silence for a few seconds, then he slowly says, "Prove it...", hearing that, I close my eyes and focus on feeling the magnetic fields all around me, and using them I start to control the elusive Ray Field Energy, that quickly gather in my raised hand, then I open my eyes, look at John and ask, "Is this enough?", John nods and says, "Yes... And I have the solution for your current lack of power...", hearing that, I smile and say, "Pleasure working with you".

??? POV - Death Note Universe, Kyoto - 2003

'Finally! After stalking Yagami-senpai for an entire year, what I was waiting for finally happened!!', I'm feeling truly excited, as what I'm about to grasp is the key to my survival in this bullshit of a competition.

With an excited gaze, I look at the small black notebook on the law right in front of the school building's entrance a few meters in front of Yagami-senpai,  a young man, standing at above average height with light-brown hair and brown eyes, who is moving right toward it.

(Image Here - Light Yagami)


Luckily he is my neighbor and my parents have a good relationship with his parents, so it was easy for me to stay near him and check when this fated moment finally happens.

Without losing any more time, I start to run toward the notebook so that Yagami-sempai doesn't touch it before me and gain its ownership, at the same time, to not appear overly suspicious, I yell, "I finally found it!" and move past a surprised Yagami-senpai, and move on the lawn to grab the deadly notebook, the Death Note.

Then I hear Yagami-senpai as he asks, "So that notebook is yours, Furukawa-san? I saw it laying on the lawn from my classroom and grew curious..." I turn around and nod then with a smile I say, "Yup! Thank you, Yagami-senpai! It fell from my bag this morning and couldn't find anywhere, then I noticed you moving toward the lawn, and finally found it! Again thank you!" then I lightly bow while putting the Death Note in my bag.

After that, we walk back home together, but once we pass near the market district, I remember something, and separate from Yagami-senpai, and move with clear purpose toward the fruit vendor and buy a bunch of fresh apples, 'After all, I'm pretty sure that Ryuk is following me now, and it is better to keep a bored Shinigami happy...'.

Done shopping, I run back home, and quickly rush back into my room, once there, I look at my image reflected in the mirror, a young 16 years old girl with mid-length light-brown hair and brown eyes, and a slim build, then notice that my clothes are messy because of all the running I did and start to fix them.

(Image Here - Miho Furukawa)


After that I sit at my desk and bring out the Death Note to study it, the notebook has a black cover with the words DEATH NOTE written on the front and white ruled pages inside, the inside of the Death Note contains the basic rules of how to use it, which are written in English on the inside front cover.

The five rules written by Ryuk are these:

-The human whose name is written in this note shall die.

-This note will not take effect unless the writer has the subject's face in their mind when writing his/her name. Therefore, people sharing the same name will not be affected.

-If the cause of death is written within 40 seconds of writing the subject's name, it will happen.

-If the cause of death is not specified, the subject will simply die of a heart attack.

-After writing the cause of death, the details of the death should be written in the next 6 minutes and 40 seconds (400 seconds).

Seeing this I can't help but smile and mutter, "As long as I have the Death Note, I do not have to worry about the other Champions, I only have to hide long enough to find them out, and then their fate will be sealed... of course, I'll make sure to not kill those that have good karma, but threaten them to make them give up is good enough..."

Then I hear a scary male voice behind me, "Interesting... It seems that you already know about the Death Note and its powers..." I turn around and see the Shinigami Ryuk, he has a fairly humanoid appearance and is extremely slim, he has light-gray skin, almost blue-ish in color, with spiky black hair, thin, blue-gray lips, and sharp, pointed teeth, his limbs are abnormally long, and he wears rings on his fingers, with large, round yellow eyes with bright red irises.

(Image Here - Ryuk)


I turn around and look back at him and say, "Good evening, Ryuk, as you already know I'm Miho Furukawa, it is a pleasure to make your acquaintance..." like I thought, my attitude made him more interested in me, and thinking to strike the iron while is hot, I offer him an apple and ask, "... What do you know about other Universes?"

??? POV - Fairy Tail Universe, Earth Land, Magnolia Town - X784

"I was too late...", I look around me and all I see is desolation and destruction, all the buildings are crumbling, and there isn't a sign of life here.

I continue to move toward the center of this town but my surrounding do not change, and I can't help but curse out loud, "Damn it! I took too much time choosing the right Universe so that I could grow stronger! I spent 6 months watching and reading all the anime and manga available to find the perfect Universe, and when I finally found the right one, I find out that another Champion came here before me... And what is worse it is clear that he is a psychotic piece of shit! Why the hell cause so much death and destruction!? If I find him I'll kick his ass into oblivion or my name isn't Hayashida Yoshiro!!".

Then my attention is caught by my reflection in the glass of a shop that is strangely still intact, and see my figure, a normal-looking Japanese young man with messy black hair and dark eyes.

(Image Here - Hayashida Yoshiro)


Still, it isn't my image that catches my attention, no it is the shadowy figure behind me.

It is vaguely human in shape, but it seems made up entirely of shadow, then I notice that many more are appearing from the rumbles of this devastated town and that I'm surrounded by them, and more importantly many of those shadows look vaguely familiar, in fact, some of them look like the members of the Fairy Tail Guild, I recognize Natsu, Erza, Grey, the giant form of Makarow and many other.

Then I hear the voice of another young man, "Ha ha ha! How lucky! I found a Champion!! I knew that someone would for sure come here!!", then I look at the point of origin and see a handsome Asian young man, from his looks he seems Korean, and around my age, with stylish black hair and a slim figure, all around him there are around 10 shadowy figure, not all of them are human-shaped but the most dangerous is a knight-looking one.

(Image Here - Solo Levelling Champion)


He looks at me and asks, "Why don't you make this easy and let yourself be killed by me? After all by fighting me all you will find is desperation!" as he says that, even more shadows appear all around him.

I do not answer him, but put on the finger of my right hand the Hand Author Caster Ring and move my hand in front of my belt, and a mechanical voice says, "Driver On, Please", and my Casterdriver Belt appears around my waist, a belt with quite a peculiar design as it has a blue hand engraved on it, called Hand Author.

Then I say, "Sorry but I won't give in to despair again..." and turn the Hand Author, and the belt starts to intone, "Shabadoobie, touch to Henshin. Shabadoobie, touch to Henshin" putting the Blue Caster Ring on the finger of my left hand, I move my left hand and with it I touch the Hand Author and yell, "Henshin!!" and the Driver announces, "Change, please!" and a magic circle appears under my feet and as it moves up my body, I transform in my Kamen Rider form.

(Image Here - Kamen Rider Caster)


Once I was done, I take up my stance and say, "Champion of Water, Hayashida Yoshiro, Kamen Rider Caster... be ready to have your ass kicked no matter how many of these shadows you have!"

The young man looks at me and says, "Champion of Death, Heo Kyubok... I'll add you to my ever-increasing collection!" quickly after that, our fight starts as all his shadow monsters rush toward me.

Heo Kyubok POV - Fairy Tail Universe, Earth Land, Magnolia Town - X784

I lay on the devastated ground completily exhausted and heavily wounded there isn't a bone in my body that isn't broken, all my shadows were destroyed by that ridiculous Kamen Rider, he was by far the strongest enemy I had faced until now, but in the end, I was able to take advantage of his exhaustion to kill him and win, at the same time, I felt my blessing grow stronger.

After resting for a few minutes, I slowly try to get up, but my still broken bones don't allow me to, so I crawl and move toward the corpse of the other Champion, and with a smile, I say, "Thanks to Death Blessing this isn't a game of chance... my Shadow Exctraction is always successful, now... Arise!".

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