Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 107 – The Last Age of Gods Magic

Jayr POV - Tortus, Frost Caverns of Schnee - 2013

After reuniting with Tio, we both walk through the newly open passage, that will most probably lead us to Eri's location and as we advance, I can't help but throw a few glances at Tio from time to time.

Tio, who notices this, looks at me and asks, "Is there something wrong, Master?" to which I shake my head and reply, "No, nothing... It is just that you were so enchanting a few moments ago, that I'm still a little dazed. To tell you the truth, if we weren't in a Labyrinth, I would have taken you on the spot and wouldn't let you go until you reach your limit and pass out... My dragon princess."

Hearing my answer, Tio smiles and says, "Master, this one guarantees thou that nothing would make this one happier than being used by Master... Well, that and giving birth to your hatchling..."

I stumble a little in surprise, then I say, "I think it is too soon to think of that now... After all, we still have to deal with Ehit and then I also have to meet your grandfather to gain his blessing..." but then Tio says, "It could be too soon for thou but for Dragonman like this one, once we are 100 years old we can reproduce, and this one is already 563 years old, this one desire to reproduce grows stronger and stronger each passing day, especially since Master is so incredible..."

As we continue talking, we finally reach the end of this passage, and once in front of the door, I get ready to act as soon as I notice that Eri is having some problems, then without hesitation but with a little tension, I open the door.

But once open, on the other side, there isn't any sound of battle, no deadly miasma, no clash of Undead Puppets, or flying nasty curses and spells that one would expect from a fight between two Necromancer, no what I see on the other side, is two almost identical Eris' talking and laughing as they lay with their backs on the central pillar like a pair of old friends.

One of the Eri, the one I feel is the mirror image, says, [You know, I still think that you went too easy on those wenches in Erisen that tried to get close to Jayr. You simply used Noriko to scare and curse them a little, you could have easily made them disappear by allowing Noriko to eat their souls and dispose of the corpses in your Shadow Dimension... But I have to admit that the curse that they can't control their bowels every time someone they are attracted to talks to them is quite a nice one, even if a little too harmless.]

To which Eri replies, "Thanks, that is the most harmless curse that came to my mind at that moment. You know how Jayr is, he would feel bad if he knew that we harmed some innocent people, and as he is the best thing that happened to us since the death of dad, the best way to deal with those annoyances is just scaring them a little and keep them away from him, in fact, those curses will cease once we are away enough from them...".

Hearing that, Mirror Eri nods and says, [That is true, Jayr doesn't reject us for who we are, that is why the least we can do is to channel our worst urges so that they can be used for good... And in case someone wants to take advantage of his kindness...], and at this point they both say at the same time, ["...Not even death will spare him or her from our fury!"]

Seeing this scene I can't help but be a little impressed by it, 'I always try to face my dark side and accept it as a part of me, on the other hand, Tio's mind and control over her emotions are so strong that she can use this trial to sharpen her heart and will, but Eri... Eri basically embraces her darkest side and desires, it is the side of herself she is most familiar with.' it seems that Tio next to me thinks the same too as she mutters, "Impressive...".

After that, they both notice our presence and say, ["Jayr, you are finally here!"] then they look at Tio and clicking their tongue at the same time they say, ["Tsk, Ero-Dragon is here too..."], then Mirror Eri says, [Looks like it is time for you to complete your trial too...] and she offers her hands to Eri, who without hesitation holds it, and the next moment, Mirror Eri shatters into many small lights that rush into Eri's body and merge with her, and at the same time, I quickly sense that her magic power doubling.

Before I could ask, Eri takes out her Status Plate and after checking it, she says, "Yes! All my stats doubled!! From now on this is my second favorite Labyrinth!!"

At the same time, Tio says, "So this is what happens when one fully embraces her dark side without reserves..."

Then, worried I ask, "Are you okay?" to which she nods and says, "Yes there is no problem, in fact, I have never felt better."

Even if she said that just to be sure I quickly bring Eri into my Soulbound Territory to check if she is under any influence or if this sudden power-up brought any harm, but luckily nothing is wrong with her, making me realize that for sure this is a reward prepared by the Liberators for those that are able to embrace their darkest desires without losing themselves.

After that, we once again enter the newly opened passage, and start walking toward what I hope is the end of this Labyrinth, all of the sudden, Tio asks, "Eri, thou said that this became your second favorite Labyrinth. This on is curious to know what is your most favorite one..." to which, Eri replies as she holds my arm, "Of course it is the Orcus Labyrinth! The place where I met Jayr, fell in love with him, and where we shared our first kiss..."

But I stop her and say, "Wait, technically what I did was CPR, a lifesaving technique, I don't think it can be considered a first kiss..." but Eri fixes her glasses and declares, "If a woman considers that a first kiss, it means that it is a first kiss!"

I decide to drop the topic and focus on what is ahead of us, and after a few minutes, we finally arrive at the end of the road and find ourselves in front of an ice wall.

On the ice wall in front of us, there is a magic circle carved there in the shape of a heptagon where its tops are arranged with the crest of each great labyrinth.

Once we are close enough, it begins to shine faintly, and then the whole wall is covered with something like a membrane of light, curious, I touch it slightly with my fingertips, and a ripple spreads as though a stone was thrown into a water surface, then I say, "Another teleport gate... They really like this kind of thing..." then I look back at Tio and Eri and nod, and soon after they do the same in response.

And then we leap into the light membrane all at once without hesitation.

On the other side, the first thing I do I to check for Eri and Tio, and see that they both are still next to me, it seems that Eri did it too as she mutters, "… It seems this time we aren't separated." meanwhile, Tio, who is checking our surrounding says, "Hmm, it appears that we hath finally arrived."

Hearing that, I also start to look around and see that we are in a large area, a beautiful quadrangle area that is supported by several thick ice pillars made from ice just as expected, but it isn't ice with a high reflection rate that could be mistaken as a mirror, like all the ice walls until now, but an ice wall that is made from beautiful pure ice that is really transparent.

But what attracts my attention the most is the ground, it is overflowing with water something that we had never seen at all since we came here, indicating that the temperature of this area isn't that low.

It seems that a lot of spring water is flowing in, small fountains are put here and there on the spacious lake surface, and most likely there is also the hole where the water is flowing out.

And then on such a lake surface there is the floating floor in the shape of a stepping stone that is made from ice, and on the other side, ahead of that floor, there is a huge ice sanctuary.

It is just right on the opposite side where we came out from, the foothold of floating ice continues until there on the quadrangle lake surface.

Looking at this spectacle, Eri mutters enchanted in a tone full of wonder, "This is beautiful..."

Hearing that I agree then I say, "Yes, for sure this is one of the best-looking Abodes... Both Haltina and Schnee have great artistic taste... while Orcus feels more like a peaceful home, and Melusine is more like a trap than a place to rest and recover, while Gruen and Bran were simple and practical, and the less we talk about Miledi's toilet the better..."

After that, I lead the girls using the ice foothold to advance toward the sanctuary and easily cross to the opposite shore without any kind of problem.

Then Tio says, "Master, over ther!" pointing at a magic formation drawn at a deep pool but I notice that is very similar to the other ones we used to get out of the other Labyrinth, and say, "This is the magic formation that will teleport us out of this Labyrinth, I think..." but to be sure we step inside of it, but nothing happens, so we continue to move toward the sanctuary.

Once close enough, I finally can see the details of this structure, the entrance of the sanctuary is a large double door, there a crest that resembles snow crystal is drawn.

It is the crest of the liberator Vandre Schnee, and there is no sign of something like a seal or anything like that, so I simply put my hand on it and push, and it opens without resistance.

The inside of the sanctuary is nothing like I expected, there is nothing at all like stained glass or altar like in church, in exchange, there is an entrance of the mansion with a chandelier made from ice hanging above, a corridor that continues inside and a stair that leads to the second floor from two sides.

And I'm not the only one surprised by this difference, as Tio comments, "Even though the appearance is a sanctuary, the inside is like a house..." and Eri nods and adds, "...Un. It's like Oscar's hideout"

Meanwhile, I pull out the Compass and say, "I don't know you girls, but I don't want to search the whole mansion/sanctuary to find the magic formation...", then I use it to find the magic formation's location.

According to the compass, it seems that it is at the inner part of the straight passage on the first floor, so we advance to the inside following the compass' lead.

On the way, there we see several rooms, and curious Eri tries to open one random door, something that she is easily able to do, but inside there is just normal furniture put there.

At the same time, Tio checked the ice wall too, and comments, "At the touch they feel only cool and not cold, indicating that there is some kind of protection against the cold on it..."

Like that, we advance while admiring the inside of the mansion, and finally, we find a thick door, and I looking at the compass I say, "It's here" and then I open the door without hesitation.

Inside there is indeed the magic formation that is our aim, then magic formation that will teach us the last Age of God Magic, seeing that, we don't lose any more time and quickly jump into the magic formation, that instantily starts to shine.

Just like usual, the inside of our brain is scrutinized to check if we successfully conquered the Labyrinth, and then the Age of Gods  Magic is engraved in our minds immediately.

But then something happens, "Urgh!" I let out a grunt of pain as I feel a new source of informations suddendly appear in my mind, no, it is more precise to say, that now that I have gathered all the Age of Gods Magics, I'm forced to understand a deeper and more primal level of magic, and this new knowledge is so vast and profund that it overwhelmed my mind for an instant because it was too sudden, but luckily, I'm able to steady myself in time and regain my bearings.

But the same can't be said for Eri, "…UuUUUUH!!" as she falls on her knees holding her head in pain as she screams in anguish, at the same time, I hear a worried and surprised Tio yell, "Master!? Eri!?" I shake my head then I say, "I'm okay..."

Then I move next to Eri and start to use Restoration Magic, to heal any damage that her mind could incur under the pressure of this new knowledge.

The effect is instantaneous, as Eri, that was sweating a lot, seems to be released from the pain, then the strength leaves her body and she slumps down, fainting, of course seeing that, I quickly support her, and pick her up taking her in a princess carry.

Then I look at Tio, who has already calmed down and say, "She is fine... She just got overwhelmed by the new understanding of magic that we recieved..." Tio quickly connects the dots and says in wonder, "...The Concept Magic..." to which I nod, then she asks, "Then can thou use it now?"

I think about it for a few seconds, then shake my head and say, "Not yet... I need to digest this new knowledge for a bit. For now, let's go home and rest..."

And after saying that, I open a portal to my Soulbound Territory and walkthrough it followed by Tio.

Once there, Tio goes to her room to rest, while I put Eri on the bed in my room after making sure that everything is fine with her, of course after cleaning her body, then I decide to take a shower, and while relaxing, I think about what I just learned, 'Concept Magic, huh... It is basically a combination of all the Age of Gods Magics, it is used by raising up a powerful wish or desire with Spirit Magic and Evolution Magic, then that desire or wish can be raised to a level of a concept before being forcefully materialized with magical power using the other Age of Gods Magics... It is both simple and complex at the same time, the wish or desire behind it must be very powerful almost to the level of coming directily from your heart or soul...'

Thinking that I frown a little and while washing my hair, I continue reflecting on it, '...And while generating a wish or desire strong enough is difficult it isn't impossible, and it is also different from the Power of Miracles of my Universe, that is something you chance upon instead of seeking it... No that isn't the most worrying thing... What worries me the most is the cost, the more powerful the concept the more demanding it is when comes to mana consumption... Hell, from what I have read from the spoilers Hajime pulled a Concept Magic on his own and died as all his mana was drained in an instant...'

I turn off the water faucet, and mutter, "Oh well if everything goes according to the plan, I don't have to worry. And in case it doesn't, I already prepared a backup plan..." then I get out and flare my Cosmo to dry my body, and after dressing, I start to move in the direction of Tio's room.

Once in front of the door of Tio's room, I knock on it and wait outside, I don't have to wait for long as Tio opens the door and asks, "How can this one be of service, Master?" I smile and say, "Well I remember that someone needs some punishment, and as responsible Master, I came to fulfill my duty", which brings a smile on Tio's face, then with a grin I command, "Follow me!", and lead a now confused Tio outside my villa, in a deserted zone of my Soulbound Territory that we usually use as a training area as it is quite away from the villa and the orchard.

Once there, I hear Tio mutter with a heavy breath, "Could it be that Master wants to do "that" or "this" to me...?" then I turn around and ask, "Tio, what do you know about the recentily learned Metamorphosis Magic?"

Still, a little lost in her fantasies, Tio answers, "Metamorphosis Magic allows the user to remake the form of a normal being and reform them into a different form. Its used to remake a normal organism and turn it into a monster, or even manipulate the magic stone of a monster and remake them..."

I nod and say, "Mostily right... But the true power of this magic is the ability to interfere with any organic material. Meaning not only animals, it's also possible to remake plants or intelligent beings, and reform their structure as needed... In fact, I think that your race Draconification can be traced back to this Age of Gods Magic..."

Tio who is now once again focusing on me thinks deeply and says, "Hoho, so the Metamorphosis Magic is the origin of my race… But why are thou telling me this, Master?"

And with a smirk, I say, "You see, it seems that I'm pretty compatible with this kind of magic, so I thought of a good way to punish you that you would like for sure..."

Then I close my eyes and remember all the details of Tio's Dragon Form, at the same time, I hold nothing back and turn on my Cosmo-Mana state, then I think of the exact form I want while remembering the image in a certain card game and once I'm sure I'm ready, I open my eyes and look at Tio who is looking at me with wonder in her eyes and chant, "Metamorphosis Magic, Advent of the Divine Dragon Lord!"

And as my body is enveloped by a golden cocoon, I enjoy the shocked look on Tio's face.

Tio POV - Jayr's Soulbound Territory - 2013

Stunned, I stand rooted on the spot, looking in shock as Master's body is enveloped in a familiar golden cocoon of magic power, and next his body inside the cocoon starts growing bigger and bigger until the cocoon disperses, and I can finally see Master's new form.

9 meters tall, bright golden scales, majestic and manly features like the wide wing span, the sharp edges coming out from the knees and elbows, or that sharply pointed jaw, that silver underbelly, the long deadly tail, those crimson eyes that seem to look into my soul, no matter how I look at it, this is the most handsome dragon I have ever seen in my life.

(Image Here - Jayr Dragon Form)


After spreading his wing, the divine dragon lets out a loud roar, then it looks down at me and says, "I think that to throughly make you my slave, I have to dominate you in your strongest form... What do you say, my dragon princess?"

And realizing that this almost divine dragon in front of me is in fact master and the meaning behind his words, I let out a bright smile as small trail of tears falls from my eyes, while at the same time, I feel my lower body becoming hotter and wetter by the second.

Then I lower my head and say, "This one is truly grateful that Master thinks so much for this lowly slave..."

At the same time, I activate the inherent magic of my race, Draconification, and tranform into my Dragon Form, then looking up at Master that is still bigger than me even in this state, I let out a throaty laugh and say, "Hoho, don't expect that this one will let you win easily. If thou are vying to dominate this one as a true dragon... Then this one will fight and push you back with all her force!!"

Then I don't wait for his response and rush toward him aiming to rip off a chunck of his neck with a bite, hoping to take advantage of the fact that he shouldn't be used to fight with that body yet.

But before I could reach his neck, I feel his tail warp around my neck, then my vision whirls around, and I crash on the ground with my back, then I feel his claw on my chest.

Still a little dizzy, I look up and see his dragonic face close to my, then I ear his sweet voice as he says, "Since the day I decided to face my feelings for you and you accepted me as your lover and Master. I always wanted to do something special for you, then I remember that as Dragonman your Race has really a lot in common with Dragons, so in the end, I thought that if I wanted to truly make you happy and truly mine, I have to dominate you not only in your human form, but also in your dragon one, and what better form if not that of a dragon to do so!".

Hearing his thoughts and considerations, I can't help but feel a fuzzy feeling in my chest, then seeing the desire in his eyes, the fears and doubts that I had until now suddenly disappears, 'I see, he truly accepts me, all of me... But, even so, I won't let him win this one so easily! I don't know if he truly knows the meaning behind his current actions... But there is no way that my wedding will ends like this!! I'm Tio Klarus, princess of the Dragonmen Tribe!!! I won't let my husband troughly dominate me on my wedding!!!'

And with that new resolution, I open my mouth and let out my Dragon Breath, and see the black flash impact Master on his chest, and with an explosion, push him off from my body, then I get up, ready to fight once more.

But, once the cloud of dust disperses, I'm stunned to find out that Master is totally unaffected, 'Incredible! He took my Dragon Breath head on, and it didn't do anything to him...'

Then I realize what is going on, 'Right! Draconification raises all our physical stats by 10!! If it works the same way, that means that Master's obscenely high stats became even higher!!!'

Right when I realized that, Master flaps his wings and disappears for my vision, and at the same time, I feel a strong impact on my back that send me crashing onto the ground.

But I quickly regain my bearing, and prepare to unleash another Dragon Breath at Master, this time at my full power, but before I could do so, I realize, I lost sight of him once more, 'He is so big, how can he also be so fast, moreover, he is able to control his new form so well, that I can't even feel any disturbance in his movement... as expected Master is incredible...'

As soon as I thought that, I feel Master's tail smack my back, more precisely the point between my wings, a place that brings me an incredibly pleasant pain.

And he doesn't stop there, he hits me with his tail again and again, in many different places, each hit is strong enough to break my scales and make my body quiver in both pain and pleasure, so much that before long, I can't hold back anymore and moan, "Ahh~ Master! Hit me harder~!" as soon as I yell that, Master stops hitting me.

And just as I'm about to raise my head and ask him to continue, I feel the full weight of his dragonic body on mine, then I feel his fangs gentily sink into my neck and holding it still, while at the same time, marking me as his, then I feel, him unleash his long dragon tool and start rubbing it between my legs, and without hesitation, I open my defense and allow him inside, and as I feel the big long dragon tool enter in me, there is only one thing in my mind, 'I'm forever yours... Husband...'

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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