Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 108 – Surprise! Vandre Schnee

Jayr POV - Jayr's Soulbound Territory - 2013

I lay the exhausted but thoroughly satisfied Tio on the bed in her room, looking at the big perverted smile on her face as she sleeps, I can't help but think, 'That was my weirdest sexual experience, it didn't last too long, because Tio's Mana quickly got drained by both the foreplay fight before and the rough dragon sex after, but even so, she came 6 times while I came 1 time before we both turned back to our human form to continue to enjoy our time together for the rest of the evening...' after that, I kiss Tio on her forehead, and get out of her room.

Once in the corridor, I walk toward a nearby window and look at the faux night sky, thinking back at my experience, with the new Metamorphosis Magic, Advent of the Divine Dragon Lord, 'I wanted to do something to show Tio my love and care for her, but in the end, I freaking feel in love with that magic and form especially the feeling of power that it gives me, it gives me such an Oozaru-like feeling, even the x10 multiplier is almost the same, sure it only raises my physical stats and not my energies, but even so an x10 at my level is terrifying...'

Then with a grin, I think about the idea that came to my mind when I realized the effects of the magic, 'Moreover studying, modifying, and perfecting it a little more, I could also emulate the coolest and most perfect Saiyan's transformation ever designed, the Super Saiyan 4, of course in my case a dragon version of it...' thinking back at the Saiyan form which I liked the most since my childhood, I mutter, "What Super, Legendary, Evil, God, Blue, Rosè, all they do is change the hair color and style a little, the true Saiyan's way is going back to monkee!"

Then I look at my still raging erection and mutter, "Still that form has its own drawback. Dragons are quite lustful creatures, and once I turn into that form, those increased instincts and feelings also bleed over into my human form even when I turn back, and this is the result, I made love with Tio for hours, and thinking back, I don't even remember well when she exactly passed out, but I remember continuing for a while unable to stop and only after some time I was able to gain control and stop, but my erection still doesn't go down not even my medical techniques can make it go down, and even my desire is still there but at least it can be controlled. Aaah... This is already the 9th hour of continuous erection..."

After letting out that sigh, I look out of the window again, this time I focus on the now lively Nymph's Orchard and say, "Oh well, my body is now very different from a normal human there is no danger involved here, and if something goes wrong, everything can be fixed as long as I run Dark Resurrection technique. Sure it won't be pleasant, but it is better to understand these things in a safe environment..."

Then I move toward one of the many guest rooms muttering, "It is better if I don't stay next to the girls in this state... Anyway, let's see if the good and tried old methods will work... Urg... I thought the days of playing solitaire ended..."

In the end, it didn't work, no matter how much I tried, it didn't calm down, but luckily after the 12th hour, it calmed on its own, and I also found out something quite surprising, after the aftereffects of my transformation passed, I notice that all my stats grew a little, but then the joy of finding this got doused by Culture's voice as he said, [Congratulation! By using Tio's physiology as a basis for your magic you also gained the special perk of her race while transformed in Dragon Form and a while after that, in fact, if you continue to transform, with how adaptable your body became, it is probable that it will be ingrained in your genes permanently... you will have your own Hentai Boost!!]

Hearing that, I first nod because I also thought the same, but then I look up at the ceiling and plea, "Please! Everything but that name! It feels wrong on so many levels..."

In response, Culture chuckles and says, [Sorry, but there is no turning back as a Concept especially one whose domain is culture, what I know, learn, or invent it is imprinted in all the Omniverse... in fact, if some system using Champion will be able to scry you, a Dragonman, or another creature with the same ability, what he will see will be the ability name "Hentai Boost", or for a Saiyan, he will see the "Zenkai Boost", be proud, you created a new thing for the Omniverse to grow... Well, that's it! Ciao!]

Then I lay back on the bed and say, "Oh well, what is important is that no one finds out that I have the ability that can't be named..." and close my eyes to sleep, as tomorrow after checking on Eri, we have to find something to summon Vandre Schnee's Soul and ask if he wants to be revived, and in case of a positive outcome, we also have to revive him, meaning another day in which Eri will be forced to rest, and realizing that, I think, 'I really don't want to impose that burden on her more than necessary, after this, I really have to spoil her a lot, maybe with a romantic date, a homemade dinner, and so on... Luckily, this is the last person we have to revive, so she won't have to collapse in her efforts to bind a soul back to their body...'

And with that last thought, I focus on sleeping, while missing the feeling of having Eri and Tio by my side.

Jayr POV - Jayr's Soulbound Territory - 2013

The next day starts with me preparing breakfast, then I move to the upper floor of my villa, walk into Tio's room, and wake her up with a slap on her bouncy butt, and as the loud resounding sound of me smacking her flesh, I say, "Wake up, Tio. Breakfast is ready...", but in response, Tio squirms and lets out a moan as she replies, "Aaah~ Hit me harder, Husband~!"

Seeing that this doesn't work, I use Lightning Clad to shock her awake, then after giving her a good morning kiss, I tell her that the breakfast is ready, then I move toward, Eri's room, and see that she is already awake, in fact, as I enter my room, I see Eri coming out of the bathroom, with her hair still wet, her pale skin still glistening, and her naked body is covered only by a small towel, obviously she just took a shower.

As soon as she notices my presence, Eri lets out a bright smile and says "Good morning, Jayr!" then she rushes toward me and jumps into my arms before giving me a deep, fierce kiss.

After our little make-out session, I say, "Good morning, Eri..." and as I check her body, I ask, "How are you feeling?"

Eri quickly replies as she rubs her head against my chest, "...I woke up with a little migraine... But now I'm fine... But for sure that is quite a lot of information, and it seems that Concept Magic is a lot harder to pull off than I thought..."

With a wry smile, I say while massaging the back of her head with my hand, "What do you expect...? It is a type of magic capable of rewriting reality..."

After saying that, I kiss her forehead, then I tell her to dry and dress up as breakfast is ready, then move out of the room to prepare the table in the dining room.

Jayr POV - Tortus, Frost Caverns of Schnee - 2013

After breakfast, we get out of the villa, and of my Soulbound Territory, and start to search the sanctuary at the end of the Frost Caverns of Schnee to find an item with an imprint of Vandre Schnee strong enough that allows us to summon his soul, and after using the Compass of Eternal Paths, we easily find one in the warehouse.

It is a beautiful sword made of ice with rose-patterned carvings engraved all over it, and it was probably created by Vandre as a result of his rivalry with his fellow Liberator Oscar, why I'm so sure of this, because of a message inscribed on it, "Only those who wish to eliminate glasses from this world can draw this sword. If you are found worthy, it is your sacred duty to destroy all glasses!"

Seeing that message, I can't help but exclaim out loud, "How much can someone hate glasses, if he even put such a message and seal on one of his most prized possession? Just what did they do wrong? They make some women appear cuter, more intellectual, and also gives me a good feeling in general, in fact, to me they enhance the overall appearance of some women..."

Then I notice that Eri is holding her cheeks as a red blush appears on her face, while Tio looks at me and asks, "Husband, do you think this one would look good too with them? If so, should this one ask Oscar for a pair?"

Hearing her question, I seriously start to image Tio with a pair of glasses and an office lady-like outfit and I admit, that if I didn't control myself, I'm sure that my little brother would have raised to show its appreciation, at the same time, Eri kicks Tio on the butt and yells, "Stop it, I will be the only glasses girl in Jayr's harem! At most, I'll allow you to wear it as cosplay during our sexy time... And why the hell do you keep calling him husband!?"

Tio pushes up her chest then with pride she answers, "Because Master become this one husband yesterday! He officially courted and bested me in combat and also dominated my body until this one couldn't handle it anymore, all while following the Dragonman's traditional ceremony to the letter, and the only thing that made such a great occasion even more perfect is that he was able to impregnate me during our mating ritual..." then she gently puts her hand over her stomach as a pure happy smile forms on her face.

Hearing that, I froze on the spot, then I remember that I truly forgot to use my Cosmo to neutralize my sperm because the lust of the Dragon Form overcame my reason for a moment, then after I regained my sense, it kinda passed over my head, then I quickly move to check on Tio, and I'm shocked to find out that her egg is truly already fertilized, and in shock, I say, "I'm going to become a dad...? How is this possible, only a day passed!?"

At the same time, Eri yells, "WHAT!!? You, Ero-Dragon! How could you jump the gun and get knocked up before me!!"

Then she moves to kick Tio once more but stops just as her foot is about to touch her butt, and mutters in a low tone, "No matter, how jealous I'm... If she is really pregnant with Jayr's child, as his woman it means that this child will also be in part of my family... it is also in part my child..."

As soon as she realizes this she moves closer to Tio and starts to carefully look around for any kind of threat, and her eyes and body language tell tales of what kind of hell she is going to unleash to anything that dares to bring harm to Tio and the child.

Meanwhile, Tio smiles brightly and explains, "The Dragonman are different from the other races, the chances of getting pregnant shoot up tremendously if both the parents are in their Dragon Form... Moreover, fertilization is almost instantaneous... But don't worry Husband, it is still too soon, the child will only be born in 9 years, this is another difference from the other races, our gestations are quite long too like our lifespan..."

Then Tio hugs Eri and says, "Thanks for the concern thou have shown...", making Eri mumble, "I-I have to... I-its our child...!" making Tio smile grow bigger.

At the same time, I remain stunned on the spot, and I'm a little ashamed to admit that I feel relieved of the fact that I won't truly be a father so soon, but then there is also a part of me that is disappointed that I have to wait so long to embrace my child, and surprised by these feelings I already come up with some solutions in case we want to "speed up" the process, 'If she really wants to give birth sooner, then I could ask Hajime and Oscar to help me build something like the Hyperbolic Time Chamber or maybe use Restoration Magic to move forward the child's time. But I don't want to resort to such means, they could have adverse effects on the child...'

And while I start to go over all my medical knowledge to find solutions to all kinds of problems the child could face from his embryo state until he reaches his maturity and even well beyond that, I'm roused from my thought by Tio's voice that says, "Husband, Eri, for now, you don't have to worry about me and our child, until it is time I lay the egg, our child will be protected by our magic power, in fact, I also feel Husband's peculiar energy protecting and nourishing the egg, nothing will happen to it! So let's focus back on our objective..."

Hearing that I calm down, nod and say, "You're right... Wait! Egg!?" Eri too seems surprised by this as her eyes open wide, seeing our surprise and confusion, Tio nod and explains, "Yes, the first year, the egg will grow protected in our body, after that, this one will lay the egg and protect it for the next 8 years as our child will continues to grow until it is strong enough to break free, at that point, the child will have the appearance of a 5 years old child..."

Hearing that, I realize that if I truly want to be prepared for this, I have to learn a lot of things about Dragonman's biology, as even if it is similar to a human on some points, it is still vastly different from it in many others.

After that interlude, we focus back on our main objective, so Eri sits in front of the sealed sword created by Vandre Schnee and uses her Spirit Magic boosted Necromancy, to summon and communicate with his soul, and see if the former Liberator wants to be resurrected to join back together with his friends.

At first, he didn't want to even speak with Eri because of her glasses, but once he learned Miledy, Meiru, Lyutillys, and especially Oscar are now once again alive, he accepted, yelling something along the lines, "I can't allow that damned four-eye to pollute this beautiful world with his damned glasses once again undisturbed... Quick, bring me back! The more he is free to do his thing, the more outrageous and crass glasses he will make!!"

With his consent, we bring his soul into my Soulbound Territory, where we once again start the lengthy and exhausting process of reviving someone, but this time, thanks to the boost she received in the previous Labyrinth, Eri is able to pull through the whole process without collapsing, she still needed the support of my magic power to finish, but now it seems that she is able to handle the strain better.

And so, all three of us stand face to face with a plainly dressed, 1,80 meters-tall young man in his 20s with a well-toned physique, he has pointed ears, swarthy red skin, and red eyes, clear traits of the Demon Race but unlike most demons, his hair is sky blue, braided on one side, but falls over his right eye in bangs, he looks at us and says in an arrogant tone, "Vandre Schnee, rejoice that you have the gratitude of one of the most powerful Age of Gods magic user!"

(Image Here - Vandre Schnee)


Then we move back to the sanctuary where Vandre, takes his Treasure Box ring from a hidden compartment, then he moves to the warehouse to take his items, and when he comes back, I notice that he also changes his attire, he now wears white pants, a white muscle shirt, and a white muffler with a flower pattern sown into it, moreover, he is rubbing his cheek on it muttering, "Aahh, how I missed this, way better than those rags from before! Mufflers, the greatest creation of this world!".

But then he realizes what he has done, and quickly fakes a cough and pulls up his muffler over his mouth as if to hide behind it.

After a few seconds of awkward silence, he asks in a strangely honest tone, as until now, he always spoke in an arrogant tone, "I know that I already owe a lot to you guys, but can you do me another favor...?"

Hearing that, I nod curious about the change, then he pulls out some random items from his Treasure Box and continues, "Can you guys check if there are soul imprints on these items, and if so, can you summon these souls and ask if they want to join me once again?"

Eri looks at the items and asks, "These belong to?" after a moment of silence he says, "Some of the members of Schnee Clan... my greatest asset, but also my biggest weakness, a group of demons that were experimented on by my shitty father in an attempt to create an army of enhanced soldiers... I freed them, and they became my family... but they ended up dying in this place like me..."

Hearing that, Eri looks at the items, and with a sigh she says, "If they all accept, it will take at least a week to revive them all, as I can only bring back a person at a time, that is if their soul didn't already dissipate or reincarnate, not everyone has a soul and will as strong as you and the other Liberators..."

Hearing that, Vandre nods and says, "If it can be done, I will be forever grateful to you guys, they should have the chance to enjoy a life free from the threat of the gods!" after saying this, he leaves the sanctuary to recover something he left in the Labyrinth.

Once Vandre is out of our sight, Eri comments, "He is awful at expressing himself... Most of the time it seems that he is mocking you..." and Tio adds, "And he isn't a normal Demon, he has Dragonman's blood coursing in his veins... This one can clearly feel it..." then I say, "Anyway, he isn't a bad person. He still cares for his subject, and even if the way he talks can be annoying, it is more like he is using it to defend himself than to harm others..."

Then Eri asks, "Is this fine Jayr? We could potentially lose a lot of time if we revive his clan... Should I fool him and say that all their souls are gone, dissipated, or already reincarnated?" but I shake my head and say, "No, if we can revive them we should do it... We won't lose anything, as I still need some time to carefully plan my Concept Magic now that I know how to truly cast it... Before this Labyrinth, I only had a vague idea, but now the path leading forward is clear, I only need to make sure that nothing goes wrong..." then I look at Eri and ask, "By the way, how do you feel?"

She sits on a nearby couch and replies, "...Drained ...It isn't as bad as before, but binding one soul to its body by rebuilding a living connection between them still is a difficult job so much that I can still only do this one a day and be weakened for the rest of the day, and that is doing it in you dimension where it is disconnected from the rules of this universe... I'm sure that if we tried to do something like this in Tortus, we would have for sure failed and died from the backlash... Maybe only by using Concept Magic could we bypass the rules of life and death of this Universe...".

While we were talking, I sense that Vandre is back, and he isn't alone, there is another presence, a presence that feels a little familiar, it almost feels like our copies from before, at least a part of them.

Soon, Vandre is once again standing in front of us, and in his arms, there is an amorphous transparent sky-blue slime, almost identical to Rimuru Tempest, and while I'm checking the slime, Vandre explains, "Guys, I present you Batlam, my oldest and most trusted familiar, the greatest slime alive, and most importantly, the controller of the Labyrinth, moreover the ice pillars that created your mirror image are built using his mimicry powers as a basis!"

As he says this, I see that the slime transforms into a small mouse, and running up Vandre's shoulder he says in a quirky voice, "Nice to meet you, everyone. Thanks for saving Master."

Hearing that, I can't help but be surprised, 'Holy hell! A 2000 years old slime! Moreover, one that is capable of copying the appearance and traits of those it sees... That is broken as hell! Not only that, Batlam seems to be pretty smart too, after all, controlling something as complex as a Labyrinth isn't something a brainless thing can do...'

I quickly pull myself together and greet back, "Nice to meet you too, Batlam..." followed by Eri and Tio who also greet the ancient slime, then Vandre asks, "Now, what are the plans?"

I look a the girl who smiles gently giving me their approval, and reply, "Well, for today we are done, Eri has to recover from the strain of reviving you... Then tomorrow, we will try to summon the souls of the Schnee Clan members, and see if they can and want to be revived, after that, we will revive them one at a time..."

While I'm telling this, I notice that Vandre slightly clenches his fist, while his eyes seem to glisten a little, at the same time, the mouse-slime, slowly nods its head as he looks at us in what appears to be appreciation.

Then I continue, "After we are done with that, we will go to the Beastman Country of Verbergen in the Seas of Trees, what you probably know as the Pale Forest, where you will meet with the other revived Liberators... Then..."

Arrived at this point, a smile forms on my face as I continue, "... Then, I will try to cast my Concept Magic, and if I'm successful, then I will deal with Ehit and his puppets once and for all, making the peace of this world fall in the hands of its people for the first time in a really long, long time... Then after that, I will return home and spend time with my family until the time for a new adventure comes!".

Hearing the last part, Vandre's gaze turns serious, and asks, "How can you be so sure that you will be able to kill Ehit? We tried and failed before and while it is true that you were able to conquer all the Great Labyrinth we built, that doesn't means that you can surely succeed where we failed..."

But I simply smile confronted by his question, and just as I'm about to answer, Eri scoffs, and says with a voice full of pride "Please, don't compare Jayr with you failure! Until now I have never seen him go all out, and even so, everything that stood in his way was swept away, Monsters, Heroes, Summoned Individuals, Apostoles, nothing was able to stop him, and this god will be the same!"

Tio beside her, nods and adds, "That is true... Husband is truly a force to be reckoned with... Even your fellow Liberators fighting together can't defeat him"

Hearing that, Vandre nods, and with a glimmer in his eyes he declares, "Very well, I'll allow you to pick up from where we left off and save this world from its Gods, then it will be our job to make so that this world will become a better place..."

After that, I, Eri, and Tio retire back to my Soulbound Territory, where we spend the rest of the day enjoying the company of the Nymphs, and their budding community.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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