Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 114 – The End of a “God” 3

Jayr POV - Tortus, Holy Precincts - 2013

The roars of the five heavenly dragons shook the air, as they coil in the air with Ehit at the center, whose figure looks really like a divine angel in the legends.

The heavenly dragons that were turned into a monster while having a half-magic body left the control of the caster and aim their ferocity at their prey independently, me.

After a few seconds of posing, Ehit lightly says, "Now then, Irregular. We have to begin the game once more any time now. During that time, let's reminisce a bit about the past. You are going to struggle as long as you can right? It has been really a long time since I got to talk about myself. Entertain me~."

And as he says this, one of the heavenly dragons, the lightning one, changes into a streak of lightning and moves with, well, lightning speed, 'Of course, being made of lightning magic, it is obvious that it moves at the speed of lightning...'.

And while I calmly keep my senses locked on the lightning dragon, Ehit starts his history lesson, "My former world was a world where magic was the foundation. I'm not boasting, but I remember that the development there was remarkable. There was an abundant variety of artifacts, people flew freely in the sky, they could get in touch with a faraway place, they moved using teleportation, and even their lifespan could be prolonged by a few hundred years more using magical treatment. Magic and technology that were based from that made that world abundant."

At the same time, the Lightning Dragon appears in front of me, but I'm ready for it, and as soon as it stands in front of me, I simply throw a punch at it, this time without holding back using the full power of my physique and energy, and the result looks like something out of One Punch Man, as the lightning dragon with its open jaw disappears, completely disintegrated.

Meanwhile, indifferent to the fate of one of his new creations, Ehit continues his monologue, "But, what is waiting for the world that is overdeveloped is only their end. Our world too wasn't an exception to that. Something like a war of the end that happened because of exhausted resources, or a sense of values, or possibly because of economic problems or different political ideas, those weren't the cause. The reason was something more, something that couldn't be helped. Do you know what it was, Irregular?"

At the same time, the storm and ice dragon make their moves, trying to take me out in a pincer attack.

I keep my senses on them, then looking at Ehit, I answer, "Probably what humanity does best... They fuck themselves and the world they live over until it can't handle it anymore..."

Then with a full-power spinning kick, I obliterate the Storm and Ice Dragons that got close enough leaving behind only the Azure Flame Dragon, and the Earth Dragon.

Meanwhile, hearing my reply, Ehit nods and says, "Right! They arrived at the truth. The Magic technology was developed thoroughly until the people of my world could interfere with the information of the world itself, to the material, to life, to the star, to time, to the environment. And then, no matter the era, researchers are always unable to restrain their curiosity. They fumbled with the technology that interferes with the truth spreading in the world like playing with a toy…and that became the cause that destroyed the world. Our world was killed by the curiosity of the people who handled magic."

While he is telling me this, the Earth Dragon tries to attack me from below, but I dodge it and curb stomp it into oblivion, as Ehit continues, "The truth crumbled and the world was rapidly crumbling… the situation at that time was exactly like a picture of pandemonium in hell. There was nothing that could be done at all. Mankind had no other path other than destruction along with the planet. With the exception of a part of 'the arrived'!"

The remaining heavenly dragon, the Azure Flame one, seeing the result of its comrades' attacks, decides to change strategy and start to attack me from the distance with its fire breath, and I quickly dodge the hellish azure fire homing toward me while still listening to Ehit, "... 'The arrived', these were the people who were able to individually operate the essence of what all of you called as the Age of Gods magic. They, only they were able to discover the method to be saved. That method was to escape to another world. Fufu-, isn't that laughable? After all only the ringleaders who destroyed the world were able to escape from ruin"

Saying this he starts to laugh out loud as if amused by the irony of that situation.

And amidst the reverberation of Ehit's laugh that was filled with irony, I continue to move my body to dodge the Azure Flame Dragon's scorching breaths while thinking, 'This is a good time to try that...'

At the same time, Ehit resumes his story with a distant look in reminiscence, "Like that 'the arrived' including me arrived in this world. At that time we were surprised. After all, this world was so primitive that it shouldn't even be compared with our world. Mighty creatures with special power were running rampant, while mankind was hiding in shadows like caves or holes in the ground while living barely scraping by."

Then he waves his hand, and I once again feel my body bound by the space around me, giving a chance to the remaining heavenly dragon to hit me with his blazing breath.

But as the flame breath gets closer, I break free with a burst of my energy, then I will the two tear-shaped shields behind me to move in front of me, and at the same time, I use Creation Magic on them to merge and change their shape, transforming the shields into a blue bow with cyan ornaments and grab it with my left hand.

Then without hesitation, I gather my energy around my right hand, generating a clear blue water-like orb, and quickly take my stance and start to pull the string of the bow, turning the energy around my right hand into a clear blue transparent arrow, and aim at the dragon hidden behind the approaching azure flames.

Next, I release the arrow and shout, "Divine Tidal Arrow!!" as soon as the arrow left the bow, millions of concentrated delayed impacts can be seen pushing the arrow to move faster and with even more power with each impact, so much that the arrow disappears from my sight as it moves faster than the speed of light.

And faster than a blink of an eye, the approaching flames are blown away, and the Azure Flame Dragon's upper half is basically disintegrated, even the space behind it is torn apart by the force of the arrow.

As the remains of the last heavenly dragon crumble apart, I nod and think, 'Yup, I still got it! Even if I had my fun with the Tactical Arms and all its forms... I have to admit that I find the classic bow and arrow way more natural to use. Well, among all the weapons I trained with it is the one I liked the most, then add the fact that I donned the Sagittarius Gold Cloth which has stored all the experiences of the previous Sagittarius Saints and used them to teach me the way of the bow... Basically, my mastery of the weapon has reached a very high level.'

Meanwhile, Ehit ignores the death of his creations and continues, "In that kind of world, we 'the arrived' decided to cultivate it. We exterminated the monsters that had lived since ancient times and granted wisdom to the native people. The small village turned into a town before long and then became a city, and then before we realized it had become a country. At that period we had already been revered as gods. We used the secret technique of the truth and converted the religious faith into power, we attempted to reinforce and sublimate our soul was also around that period."

I will my bow to return to its previous shield form, then as they once again slowly rotate behind me, I look at Ehit as he reaches the ending part of his story, " A few thousand years later after that, this world became greatly developed. But, as though in inverse proportion, one of 'the arrived', and the one more person lost their will to live, regardless of how they had transcended the truth of death they ended their own life. I was unable to understand that but…the last person who stopped prolonging his life said this: "It's already enough." In the end, the remaining 'arrived' became only me."

Then I calmly wait for Ehit to finish his story, simply because I'm curious since, this isn't something that I knew as I didn't finish to read Arifureta, "I became the last one, since then how many months and years had lapsed then…was it a thousand or five thousand years…I don't remember anymore but, day by day I watched the humans come to me lifting up prayer and offering, and then one day, suddenly I thought. Let's destroy them."

I look at Ehit and think, 'So that's it, his attitude is the result of thousands of years of boredom and loneliness... Well, that doesn't make him a victim, just human, a human with way too much power and very evil tendencies, after all, not all bored and lonely people find joy in making others suffer... Some do choose to give in to their worse impulse, like hurting others or themselves, others choose to change and improve or accept it, and some even choose to simply leave things as they are too afraid of change... It is all about the individual...'

While I was thinking that, Ehit shows an ecstatic expression and says, "You understand right? Just like how a man wants to defile a woman, just like how someone wants to step on fresh snow, beautiful things, those precious things that you desperately piled up, give off their true beauty when they are broken. The pleasure you obtained from that is something that is really difficult to be substituted for anything. That time when I trampled everything that I had protected the whole time for several thousand years let me taste unimaginable sweetness. The people screaming, the shriek that asked for help from me…even now, that's the only thing that I remember clearly. Yes, everything is my toy, Irregular!"

Then his gaze finally returns back from the past as he says, "Even though I have forgotten completely how long I have lived, only the pleasure I felt at that time when everything crumbled is unforgettable. Therefore, I decided. That this world is my toy." and hearing that, I think, '...And that confirms it... Now I can honestly say in clear conscience that he is rotten to the core... And since I have given a full field test to the Crateris God Cloth to the point that I even let that piece of shit hit me to test the Cloth's defenses, I can now finally remove the padded gloves and get serious...'

Ehit lifts his hand before dropping it quietly pointing at me, and immediately, light swells up explosively from behind him and countless light stars are shot out from the halos like missiles moving in an arch with light trailing behind.

Seeing that, I simply shake my head and charge forward, and while easily dodging all of Ehit's attacks with minimal movement, I hear Ehit's voice come from behind me as he asks in amusement, "What do you think the devil and demi-human are?" 

I quickly take a side step without turning around to dodge Ehit's hand as he tries to touch me.

I was already prepared for this, as I sensed him teleporting from his previous position leaving behind two of the three halos as they keep shooting light missiles which are blocked by my shields, leaving only the first one behind his back.

Then I sense him teleporting again, and this time, I turn around without hesitation and throw a punch at the empty space beside me with all my power behind it, and the next instant, Ehit's figure appears at that spot and soon I feel the sensation of my fist hitting the flesh of Ehit's abdomen and say, "I have grown bored of your history lesson..." and with a grin, I look at his shocked expression that quickly twists into one of pain as he is blown away spitting a mouthful of blood.

Ehit quickly regains his footing and I instantly notice that the damage I inflicted is already healed, 'Yue's Automatic Regeneration, huh... Of course, if he could create his own perfect body it is natural that he would put that ability into it...'

At the same time, Ehit teleports once again, and just like before, I'm already starting my counterattack before Ehit could start his own attack.

I take a side step and gather my energy in my left hand and slowly reach with it to grab something, at the same time, Ehit appears and swings down his arm making a sword of light attack me following the trajectory of that arm.

But before the sword of light could be fully unleashed, my left hand grab it and start freezing it rending it totally harmless, this shocks Ehit once more as teleports back to his previous position to put some distance between us and yells, "H-how is this possible!? How can you react so fast to my teleportation!? Besides, this is the Divine Sword, a magic sword that can freely contract and expand, it also can jump through space to attack, and it can penetrate your defense..."

And with a grin I reply, "It is quite simple... if I know what you are going to do beforehand together with my speed is quite easy to react to it. And the Crateris God Cloth is quite good at predicting the future... By the way, didn't you notice anything strange going on?"

Ehit seems a little unsettled by my previous display and confused by my question as he asks, "...What?" with my gaze locked on his figure, my grin grows bigger as I say, "Until now, I mostly stayed on defense and reacted to your attacks, I never truly committed on attacking you..." and as I say this, I enjoy the scene of Ehit's eyes opening wide in realization before I finally make my move.

I fully unleash my speed and move in front of Ehit, and before he could react, I punch him in the stomach making him spit another mouthful of blood as he leans over in pain, then I say "Let me remind you... You are a no God. Rather, even, compared to the people living in this world, you're weak." in response Ehit tries to teleport away, but I lock the space around us with my energy.

Realizing this, he yells enraged, "You!? How dare you?" and once again, he tries to attack me with his Divine Sword but I easily dodge it.

Then I knee him in the face and continue, "Yes, your strength, is astonishing compared to most of those you call mortals, in fact, I can honestly say that you are the strongest in this world... But, that's all!"

And saying this, I start to continuously hit him as he is unable to defend himself, of course, such attacks are mostly useless because his Automatic Regeneration keeps healing his wounds, but that doesn't stop them from making him feel pain

And so as I break, tear, and crush every bone, muscle, nerve, or organ in his body with my blows with clinical precision to bring as much pain as possible, I continue, "Inside you, there is no will at all... No will to live, to best others, to kill. There is nothing in you. You are empty. Surely, since the time the things you have piled up together with your comrades were destroyed, you have been empty."

Saying this I stop hitting him, giving time to his Automatic Regeneration to restore him to his perfect condition, and soon he gets us.

But something changed in Ehit, now he is starting to look at me in fear, so much that when he meets my gaze, he unconsciously takes a step back.

I look at the still-stunned Ehit and say, "Your words were loud and clear. In short, you don't learn anything from the past, you cannot even endure loneliness, however, you are scared to even die… The point is that you are just a spoiled brat right?"

Then Ehit snaps back and yells, "Irregular-", and once more, he attacks me with his Divine Sword, but I easily parry it with one of the shields and say, "You talk too much, small fry."

At the same time, I gather my energy on my right fist which is quickly enveloped in a clear blue water-like orb, then with a punching motion, I shot the orb toward Ehit and yell, "Tidal Wave Punch!!" which hits Ehit right in the stomach making his body bend forward into a ">" shape as he is blown away in a straight line.

At least until I mutter with a smile, "Boom..." and millions of delayed impacts come out of the water-like orb, one stronger than the previous one, making Ehit's straight trajectory change into a chaotic zig-zag one.

But soon Ehit figure disappears as he teleports away from it, escaping the continuous impacts of my technique.

Because of all this, Ehit's face distorts greatly as he finally realizes what happened, and with a heart full of humiliation he yells enraged, "You-, your armor, that power-. You bastard, you didn't fight me at full strength!"

Hearing that, I shrug my shoulder and say, "What kind of gullible fellow would believe his enemy's words? Of course, that was obviously an act... I said it many times... I have fought Gods before, the one with the capital "G" who lived for millions, maybe even billions of years... And you... You are not even close to their level!"

I look at Ehit and notice that the humiliation of being fooled is clearly oozing out from his face as he finally asks, "Why, only now..." and I calmly reply with, "It was in order to fully test the Crateris God Cloth. After all, this is the first time I wear it... But also to give you a taste of your own medicine, after all, when you were sure of  your victory you did take your time playing with me, even going as far as calmly narrating your history while fighting..."

Then, Ehit regains his footing from the shock and his expression suddenly changes into one of amusement.

And then, he instantly invokes a large-scale space blasting that doesn't even spare himself from being dragged into it.

The space creaks and the meteor shower that was sweeping over all around starts popping off, but even so, I remain calm in the middle of it, as the Crateris God Cloth protects me from this devastating attack that surprisingly reached the level of power almost equal to Saga or Kanon's Galaxian Explosion.

Meanwhile, Ehit has returned once more to his throne with the three layers of halos behind his back, it seems that he was injured by his own magic but he immediately recovered using Automatic Regeneration.

Ehit looks at me and declares, "Then, whether you are really not misunderstanding me or not, the might of this true god will ascertain that!"

And right after that, a blinding light explodes from behind him as the halos are releasing light so intense that can be mistaken for a sun, and then, each halo begins to rotate while shining brilliantly.

Right after that, a very thick beam of light is fired from the halos, which looks exactly like I had imagined some kind of divine punishment would look like, at the same time, Ehit declares in a loud voice, "This cannot be avoided you know, Irregular! This light of ruin will continue to chase after you forever until you die!"

And in response, I reply with a confident tone, "I simply don't need to dodge it... I'll breakthrough frontally!"

Then I will the two shields hovering on my back to move in front of me and join together to form a big round shield, then I rush forward as the shield starts to rotate at high speed to divert the force of the incoming beam, 'For a moment, I was tempted to use Creation Magic to change the shield into a drill so that I rush through the beam yelling, "This is the drill that will pierce the Heavens!" and while somewhat fitting, I don't think that Ehit would understand the reference, so I'll just use a simple plain oversized indestructible shield.'

While thinking that, I rush into the deadly light beam of destruction, and soon the shield crash into it generating huge ripples that makes the very space around us waver so much that appears on the verge of cracking

The force of this light of destruction is truly astonishing, but even so, under the protection of the shield and of the Crateris God Cloth I'm able to pass through it without receiving any damage, at the same time, I hear Ehit exclaims, "You are breaking through even this-." and soon he tries to withdraw from that spot by teleporting.

But, I quickly react and once more seal the space around us, and seeing that, Ehit clicks his tongue in annoyance and sees me getting closer, as I break through his last magic, then I see that he immediately changes his plan from "escape" to "intercept."

He materializes his Divine Sword in one hand and swings it with God's Speed.

The sword lines that were drawn within an instant easily surpass a hundred, he is seriously serious, this is the full strength of the swordplay of Ehit, but in the end, this also shows his fear as he is just filling the space to the brim with sword slashes to keep me away.

But I use my faster-than-light speed and my senses to the maximum to dodge and pass through this seemingly endless stream of sword slashes and arrive in front of a stunned Ehit, then without hesitation, I lightly tap his body and use one of the magic I dislike the most, while also being one of my most effective ones, "Pain Overload!!" and look as his expression instantly morphs into one of horrific agony, "――!!" as he raises a soundless scream.

Then I take advantage of this moment of weakness to unleash my strongest technique, I gather the full power of my energy into my fists that start shining and a clear orb of dark golden water-like energy gathers around them.

Then I yell, "Divine Maelstrom Punch!!" and faster than the speed of light I hit Ehit with a quick series of punches all over his body, and soon after, an almost infinite number of delayed impacts can be seen happening at the same time making Ehits' body bounce around countless times, moreover the power of the shockwaves and impact gets stronger each passing moment and soon I see that space around the body is breaking apart because of the increasing power and number of the shockwaves generated by my technique while the same is happening to his body.

Then after a few seconds of bouncing around like a crazy flipper ball, Ehit's body totally breaks apart, and a huge shockwave is generated so strong that for an instant I think that the whole Holy Precincts would collapse.

But luckily that doesn't happen, and soon after, I hear Ehit's enraged voice as a series of light bombardments come rushing toward me from above, "Kill-, kill-, kill-, I'm going to kill you-, Irregularrrr!"

I look at the origin and see Ehit in his Soul Form floating above me, clearly weakened by my last blow, as he is only using this weak magic to attack me despise his clear intent to kill me.

Seeing that, I shake my head and say, "It's time to end this... This is the checkmate, small fry..."

Quickly will the shields to move in front of me while once again transforming them into a bow, then I focus my energy, gathering all the cold possible in the shape of a transparent clear ice arrow, that grows colder and colder until it reaches the absolute zero, but I don't stop and using my 8th sense to the limit I go even beyond that, the Negative Absolute Temperature and I instantly feel my surroundings being affected by it, it feels almost like time and space started to move slower.

But I do not dwell on such happening and after taking aim, I release the ice arrow while yelling, "Divine Frozen Arrow!!" and look as the released arrow quickly moves toward Ehit, and at the same time, I notice that the arrow is freezing everything it passes by, the light beams, the cracks in the space, even some of the remaining shockwave from my previous attack.

Soon I hear Ehit's shocked voice as he yells, "Ridiculous-!", as his soul body starts to slow down and freeze as the arrow gets closer, and soon he shrieks in despair "I am-, I am the god!! Irregulaaaaaar!!!" and even though there is no face, but it can be clearly felt in his tone.

Ehit right now is showing an expression of terror, and next, without a sound the arrow pierces his soul body, and in an instant, it becomes a frozen sculpture that starts crumbling the next moment.

After that, I get ready to face what is about to come next, but after a few seconds of awkward silence, I mutter, "So... Where is the Divine Realm collapse that I was expecting...? Did I finally overcome the cliche?"

Then looking around, I notice the still frozen cracks in the space and realize what is going on, "Ohh...!! That means I have some time before this whole realm collapse... Oh well, let's just move with the cleanup, I wanna go back home!"

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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