Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 115 – Homecoming

Jayr POV - Tortus, Horaud Town - 2013

A few weeks passed since my fight with Ehit which ended with his death that finally stopped his tyrannical rule over this world, and damn, I have been busy.

The reason for that are quite a few, first, I had to deal with the collapse of Ehit's realm to make sure that its destruction wouldn't bring any damage to Tortus, and as expected, Ehit left behind one last nasty trick into his realm, he made it so that in case of his demise, the realm would then self-explode with enough force to destroy the whole world, but luckily the after-effects of my Divine Frozen Arrow slowed the destructive explosion of the realm for enough time to allow me to do something.

In the end, I had to create a black hole, big and strong enough to swallow the whole realm into nothingness, and that was the easiest thing I had to deal with in this period.

The second was to deal with the aftermath of Ehit's reaction to my invasion, as that bastard, as predicted, choose to unleash hell upon Tortus, by sending an almost endless stream of monsters to wreak havoc and kill everything, everywhere, no place or race was spared.

The Heiligh Kingdom, Hoelscher Empire, Dukedom of Ankaji, Verbergen, Independent Merchant Republic, Fuhren, Coastal City of Erisen, and Garland all were under the assault of Ehit's monsters, the same kind of monsters I meet in the Holy Precincts, the monsters that were as strong or even stronger than the one living in the second half of Orcus Labyrinth, meaning that they were way more potent than what the normal people of this world could fight.

Luckily, thanks to the presence and preparation of Hajime and his harem, the stronger than canon Hero Party under the leadership of an almost redeemed Kouki, the revived Liberators led by Miledi, Freid with his familiar plus loyal soldiers of Garland's army that were more than happy to follow him as very few believed that he truly betrayed his country, and of course, Tio and Eri, that spread themselves to cover as much ground as possible, the worst scenario possible, the total extinction of all life on this planet, was avoided.

But even with their maximum effort, there were many causalities among both the civilians and fighters, and so to prevent further loss of life caused by grave wounds, I had to rush all over the continent to heal and save as many people as possible, of course, I wasn't alone in my effort, but the number of healers is way lower than that of the wounded, and among those, the only ones that can save someone from almost anything, are me, Kaori, and Meiru.

Anyway, those two aren't the only things that kept me busy, I also helped with the common effort in rebuilding everything destroyed, the Sea of Trees that was burnt down had to be restored, the Heiligh Kingdom that was close to the Divine Mountain was razed to the ground by the collapse of the mountain and is now still being rebuilt with the help of the craftsman, and Garland too was devastated by the fight between the monsters and the people of Tortus.

I have to admit that seeing all the people of Tortus collaborating together regardless of race or country of origin was truly a moving scene, especially since the story of Ehit's plots and schemes came to light, and that caused some problems at first because the people started to despair as the sudden loss of the support of the faith that they had in their lives, and that brought some chaotic shit, but luckily thanks to Liliana's wit, the order was once again reestablished.

The downside is that she did so by enshrining another god, me, the wandering God of Healing and Justice, the one that saw the plight of Tortus' people and choose to fight the evil and tyrannical God Ehit to free them from its rule.

Luckily I was able to convince Liliana to use the name Jayceon instead of mine, a variant of the name Jason that like mine means "healer", and to use the image of a cup instead of a humanoid statue to represent it, so that it won't give some kind of misconception that the newly established god is in favors of one race over the others.

Anyway, the faith of Jayceon the God of Healing and Justice quickly spread all over the continent and to all the races, with churches being built in every city, and for a while, I was worried that this could lead to a whole lot of new problems, like zealots or extremist taking things too far or, of course, pieces of shit taking over and corrupting everything for their own advantage, after all, religion and faith are a delicate subject, it can do a lot of good, giving hope, guidance, or simply the force to face adversities, but it can also be used as a weapon or tool by those smart enough to take advantage of it.

So I made sure to write a "Holy Scripture" with few basic moral rules, after all, absolute justice doesn't exist, something I made sure to write in capital letters on the first page of the book to make sure that someone like Akainu doesn't appear in this world, it all depends on the individual situations, murder is bad, but if it is done to save an innocent life then for me it isn't a crime and shouldn't be punished.

In the end, in it, I just put in things that someone should never condone, like genocide, slavery, sexual abuse, discrimination against other races, and harming children.

I also wrote into it most of my medical knowledge so that people can be healed even without using magic, of course, I also added the magical alternative I found in this world.

Then at the end of it, I put my version of the Hippocratic Oath an oath that every member of this Church has to swear:

I swear by Jayceon Healer, by Asclepius, and by all the gods and goddesses, making them my witnesses, that I will carry out, according to my ability and judgment, this oath and this indenture.

To hold my teacher in this art equal to my own parents; to make him a partner in my livelihood; when he is in need of money to share mine with him; to consider his family as my own brothers, and to teach them this art, if they want to learn it, without fee or indenture; to impart precept, oral instruction, and all other instruction to my own sons, the sons of my teacher, and to indentured pupils who have taken the Healer's oath, but to nobody else.

I will use those dietary regimens, potions, and magics which will benefit my patients according to my greatest ability and judgment, and I will do no harm or injustice to them. Neither will I administer a poison to anybody when asked to do so, nor will I suggest such a course, unless in the rare case, that poison is used to save a life. Similarly, I will not give a woman a potion to cause an abortion. But I will keep pure and holy both my life and my art.

Into whatsoever houses I enter, I will enter to help the sick, and I will abstain from all intentional wrong-doing and harm, especially from abusing the bodies of man or woman, bond or free. And whatsoever I shall see or hear in the course of my profession, as well as outside my profession in my intercourse with men if it be what should not be published abroad, I will never divulge, holding such things to be holy secrets, unless it is crime that cannot be forgiven.

Now if I carry out this oath, and break it not, may I gain for ever reputation among all men for my life and for my art; but if I break it and forswear myself, may the opposite befall me.

And so, thanks to the "Holy Scripture" and the Healer's Oath, Jayceon's Church grew even more popular and loved by the people of Tortus.

It also didn't help the fact that together with my "ascension" to Godhood, a new strong race made itself known to the people of this continent, that quickly joined the church as protectors of innocent and bringers of Justice and suffering to the evildoer, while also making sure that the Church and its members don't stray from their path.

They are of course the Apostles, who with my and Eri's help finally gained soul, emotions, and freedom to choose what to do from now on, but in the end, under Hearst and Zweit's leadership, they chose to repent for their action while under Ehit's control by helping the people of Tortus that they manipulated for so many years, and as they took liking to what I wrote in the Holy Scripture, and knowing that in fact, the God in question is me, they choose to join the Church.

Another event that kept me busy is the First Assembly of all Tortus' Rulers, where the Leaders of the various nations chose to meet so that they can establish a long and lasting peace, and I had to be there with the rest of the Liberators as a witness and to make sure that the process is fair and that no foul play happens.

Luckily everything went smoothly, and they all signed a Peace Treaty while also abolishing slavery and freeing all the war prisoners barring those that committed war crimes, of course before they could be judged as such, Meiru and I made sure that they choose to do such action and not simply following orders under duress.

Meanwhile, Hajime and his group, after taking care of the wounded started their conquest of the remaining Labyrinth, and thanks to my walkthrough they quickly conquered them granting him access to Concept Magic and he is now studying how to create a permanent way to move between world for one simple reason, Myu, Remia, and Shea, want to follow him back home, and he doesn't want to cut off their way back to their home, friends, and family.

Then there was my encounter with Tio's grandfather Adul Klarus, an older man with long scarlet-red hair, possessing a regal and stern presence.

But contrary to the stern atmosphere that he gives off, he acts quite gentle, he is in fact very happy about my relationship with Tio and was ecstatic when he found out of our ritual and of Tio's pregnancy, plus the fact that I killed Ehit and avenged his son, daughter-in-law and the rest of the Dragonman that died because of his plot, made me a very appreciated grandson-in-law, he even started to treat Eri like his own granddaughter once he learned that she is also my girlfriend, something that even if Eri shyly declines, she enjoys very much turning her even more overprotective toward Tio and her child.

In fact, just a little while ago, she cursed into impotence a Dragonman who looked a Tio with resentment because of something that happened in the past, while also sending Noriko to scare him to death almost every night we stayed a the Dragonman Hidden Village until he begged for forgiveness and sworn to never bring harm directly or indirectly to Tio and her family, oath that Eri imprinted in his soul with Spirit Magic so that if he breaks it he will die and his soul will fall under Eri's control.

Anyway, now there is only one last thing I have to do before I say goodbye to the friends I have made in this Universe and go back to mine.

I get up from the chair and move in front of the mirror then make sure that everything is in order, 'Hair, still messy as not even gravity can win against anime rules... Dress, clean, and in order... Okay, I'm ready...'

Then get out of this simple room and find in front of me a big altar with a stone cup on top of it, that looks like a copy of the Crateris Cloth, I'm inside the church in Horaud Town that was repurposed from one of the Holy Church into one of the Healing Church.

Then I look beyond the altar and see many familiar faces sitting on the benches in the nave, Hajime and his harem, the Hero Party and the rest of his classmates with the small teacher Aiko Hatayama, a petite woman that has a childlike figure, with short dark-brown hair and green eyes.

(Image Here - Aiko)


There is also Freid, who was promoted to Demon Regent by Yue as she obviously still wants to follow Hajime back to his world, and his most loyal soldiers Cattleya and Mikhail who also got promoted to general, next to him, there is a smiling Liliana S. B. Heiligh, queen of the Heiligh Kingdom, with her mother and little brother next to her.

A little further behind, I can see the Elders of Beastman Country of Verbergen with their families, and of course, there are Eri, Tio, Adul, and some other Dragonman clan members, then standing on the other side of the altar, I see, Vandre, and Margaretta.

They are all dressed in elegant and noble-looking clothes standing at the sides of one of the protagonists of this event, an elegantly dressed, and clearly very nervous Oscar as he waits for the other protagonist with his gaze fixed on the entrance of the church, he wears a smoking-like black outfit only a little longer and with blue ornaments.

He is so tense that he didn't even notice my presence as I move next to him, and just as his brain is about to go into meltdown, the doors of the church open and Miledi walks in wearing an enchanting white dress, she is accompanied to the altar by Meiru, who for once is dressed in something that actually covers her body, a light blue dress, and Lyutillis dressed into a regal looking green dress with leaf decoration all over it.

Indeed, the last thing I have to do is preside over Miledi and Oscar's official wedding, as to why I'm the one performing the ceremony and not someone else, well there are two simple reasons, first they wanted their wedding to be something special and not related to the previous rites as they were all in Ehit's name, and obviously, the two wanted nothing to do with him, especially in such occasion.

And for the second reason, well fun fact, in my Universe, as a Saint I can perform all kinds of religious rites and ceremonies as long as I have the permission of the interested party, because as a warrior directly under the Goddess Athena, I have the same kind of authority of a priest, and that as a simple Saint, as a Gold Saint, I'm basically equal to the Pope or other similar figures.

Once Miledi takes her place at Orscar's side with Meiru and Lyutiliss beside her, I finally start the ceremony trying to imitate Uncle Enrico's posture and presence, "Welcome everyone! You are all here to witness the union between these two people as they consolidate their love in matrimony."

As a say this, I use telepathy to tell Oscar and Miledy to hold their hand and face each other, then I start with questioning them about their freedom of choice, and fidelity to each other, "Oscar and Miledi, have you come here to enter into Marriage without coercion, freely and wholeheartedly?" to which they reply, ""I have.""

Then I ask, "Are you prepared, as you follow the path of Marriage, to love and honor each other for as long as you both shall live?" and once more they reply with nervous conviction, ""I am.""

Seeing this I nod and continue, "Since it is your intention to enter the covenant of Matrimony, declare your consent before everyone here in this Church." soon after Oscar looks at Miledi in the eyes and declares, "I, Oscar Orcus, take you, Miledi Reisen, to be my wife. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life."

In response Miledi smiles back and says, "I, Miledi Reisen, take you, Oscar Orcus, to be my husband. I promise to be faithful to you, in good times and in bad, in sickness and in health, to love you and to honor you all the days of my life."

Seeing that, I declare, "May the Gods in their kindness strengthen the consent you have declared before the Church and graciously bring to fulfillment their blessings within you. What you have joined, let no one put asunder."

After that, we arrive at the final part of the wedding, and quickly Oscar pulls out from his Treasure Box a pair of simple but very graceful golden rings and gives them to me, of course knowing Oscar, these rings aren't simply made of gold, in fact, I won't even be surprised if they are concept artifacts.

Then I take the smaller ring and give it to Oscar and whisper, "You can say your vow..." he nods then place the ring on Miledi's finger while saying, "Miledi Reisen, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity"

Then I give the other ring to Miledi, who does the same as she says, "Oscar Orcus, receive this ring as a sign of my love and fidelity."

Seeing that, I nod and declare, "By the power vested in me by the Goddess Athena, I now pronounce you husband and wife... You may kiss the bride..." but hearing that, Oscar starts to stumble, and instead, Miledi takes charge and start to kiss him while every guest start clapping and cheering them on, then we pass the rest of the day celebrating, having fun, eating and drinking together, dancing and listening to music until late night.

Then we all leave the newlywed to consummate their union, which will be a for sure a fruitful one as when I took the ring in my hands I put a little blessing in it, and with a grin I think, 'After all, as the "God" of this world I had to bless the first couple that married in one of my churches...'

The next day, I, Eri, and Tio, arrive at the plaza in front of the Orcus Great Labyrinth entrance and see many people waiting for us.

Hajime, Yue, Shea, Kaori, Myu, Reima, Kouki, Shizuku, Ryutarou, Suzu, Aiko, and the rest of Eri's classmates, Freid with a suspiciously close Liliana, Oscar, and Miledi that are still in their newlywed phase as they lovingly hold their hands, Meiru, Lyutillis, Vandre and Margaretta, Tio's grandfather Adul, and even the Apostles led by Hearst, Zweit, and Noint.

Looking at the friends I made in this world, a smile forms on my face and as I walk toward them and greet them, "Good morning, everyone!" soon after that, we start to say our goodbyes, Tio moves toward her grandfather and hugs him, Eri gets tackled by Suzu and surrounded by the rest of her classmates, while the first to move toward me are Miledi, Oscar, and the rest of the Liberators.

Once in front of me, they quickly lightly bow and Miledi takes the lead and says, "Jayr... Thanks for keeping your promise to help us, and for freeing this world from Ehit's tyranny..." followed by Oscar that adds, "In the future, if you need help for anything, do not hesitate to ask, the Liberator will be always happy to help their friend."

Hearing that I nod and say, "Don't worry, if I need help I will ask you guys..."

Then sensing something, I add with an evil grin, "...But, I think that you will be pretty busy in the near future... After all, raising a child isn't easy... Congratulation!"

Hearing me say that, Oscar becomes a frozen statue, while Miledi starts emitting smoke from her ears as the remaining Liberators are stunned and shocked.

After a few seconds, Oscar gets his shit together and asks, "How it is possible!? It is way too soon to know about it and be sure..."

With the same grin which now looks very evil, I reply, "Well... a newly ascended "God" may or may have not blessed a certain couple using his very extensive knowledge of healing arts..."

Hearing that, Oscar opens and closes his mouth unable to say anything, meanwhile, Meiru suddenly hugs Miledi and yells, "Ahhh, I'm going to be an aunt!" but then she quickly separates and starts to worriedly check Miledi.

Meanwhile, Vandre gets closer to me and says, "What have you done!? You have doomed our world! Do you have any idea of what kind of spawn the unholy union between the two could generate!? A world full of ugly glasses is the last of my worries now!!" while Lyutillis with a motherly smile says, "Come on! It won't be so bad, and we will be there to stop it in case the child tries to blow up half the continent in one of his tantrums..."

And while the Liberators, start to take care of the still shocked couple, Freid with Liliana come and says, "Jayr... Thank you for reaching your hand to me that was your enemy... If it wasn't for you probably many more innocent people would have died... I'm truly very grateful for what you have done..." and offer his hand which I hold and reply, "Don't worry about it, I just did whatever I wanted to do... Now simply enjoy your life and keep protecting the people of this world..." hearing that, Freid nods and says, "Will do!".

Then I move toward the Apostles who are calmly standing on the side, and once I'm in front of them, they all bow and Hearst says, "We all thank you for giving us what we were lacking to be complete and the opportunity to choose how to live our lives... I swear that from now on the Apostles will truly be the guardian of this world."

Hearing that, I let out a wry smile then I say, "Okay, but do not only be bound by your duty... There are many things that you also have to learn, experience, and enjoy... knowing new people, forming friendships, enjoying your time with them, falling in love, feeling sadness, joy, anger, lust... Simply put... Live! Just like everyone else, because you too are people of this world!"

And as I said this, I notice that a small smile forms on her usual emotionless face, and looking at me, she says, "Yes, we will follow the command of the God of Healing and Justice, Jayceon, and will live our lives to the fullest." then they walk back, and looking at them leave, I ask myself, 'Did I just got mockingly teased by an Apostle?'.

And while thinking that, Hajime walks toward me and says, "So... I guess I should thank you for taking care of the troublesome things in my place... Ahh... To think that I'd end up as a character in an anime..." and as he says this he shows a disappointed face, and seeing that I smirk and reply, "Well, in my case was a light novel, not an anime... And don't make such a face in front of me, I know that you love the idea that all the worlds you have dreamed of are actually real... After all, you are a fellow Man of Culture..."

Hajime's face looks like he is about to smirk for a few seconds, then turns absolutely serious, and as he pulls out some kind of spherical artifact he asks, "Now, no one can hear and see us... It is time for some really important questions..." I look at him with equal seriousness and wait.

Then Haime simply asks, "Pokemon or Digimon?" I look at him and reply, "I like both... but prefer Digimon."

Then I ask back, "Greatest Plot Armor?" Hajime clicks his tongue and replies with a single name, "Kira Jesus Yamato..."

Then he asks, "Small or Big?", to which I reply, "Both." causing Hajime to sagely nod.

We look at each other in the eyes and quickly understand what the other is about to do, I yell "The School of the Undefeated of the East!" followed by Hajime, "The Winds of the King!"

Then we start to punch each other at a very fast speed while I yell, "Zenshin!", followed by Hajime, "Keiretsu!"

After that, at the same time, ""Tenpa kyoran!"" and fist bump in the iconic pose with such force that the very air around us lits up in flames as we conclude, "Look, the East is Burning Red!"

After a few seconds, the flames disappear, and standing up Hajime says, "It is true... Then if one of these days you find yourself in the Gundam Universe, summon me, there is no way I'll miss that..."

Then he dispel the barrier around us and walks back to Yue and the others as if nothing happened.

After finishing saying goodbyes, I take Eri and Tio to my Soulbound Territory and prepare to teleport back home.

I look at them and ask, "Are you ready?" to which Tio replies with, "This one will follow husband everywhere..." and Eri adds, "Let's go home!" I nod and take their hands, then enter my Cosmo-Mana state, and start to search for Saori's Cosmo, after a few minutes, I finally sense its position and without hesitation, I use my energy to start the teleport across the Universes, while thinking, 'Home... Here I come!'


Have a Nice Day,Ciao!

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