Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 116 – Reunion

Jayr POV - Saint Seiya Universe, Japan, Kido Mansion - 1989

As soon as my feet land on the ground, I feel completely drained, so much that my legs can't hold the weight of my body any longer and I start to collapse, but before I could completely fall, I hear Eri and Tio shout, ""Jayr/Husband!!"" and feel them holding my body and gently laying me on the ground.

Feeling their distress and worry, I take a deep breath and starting to gather my Cosmo once more, I quickly say, "Do not... worry... I'm fine... only the jump across the Universes took... a lot more energy than I thought..." then as the Cosmo once again start to fill my body, I start to quickly recover, and sitting up I look at them and continue, "Moreover... as soon as we came to this Universe my magic power got sealed as magic doesn't exist here, which at the same time pulled me out of my Cosmo-Mana state, putting an end to the infinite energy I had at disposition... Luckily my Cosmo was enough to complete the jump..."

And as they hear my explanation, the two visibly relax, at the same time, Tio comments, "It's true... This one can't feel any Mana in the air and can't even summon or move my own Magic Power how peculiar... it makes this one feel so powerless... at the mercy of anything Husband wants to do~ even this and that~ Ahh~" and of course, Tio's pervert mind starts to wander into various dangerous directions as soon as possible.

Meanwhile, Eri, who is already used to living in a world without magic got over the discomfort easily, and so she quickly starts to look around and mutters in surprise, "This place is huge... even bigger than the villa we have in your Dimension..."

I look at Eri and see that her gaze is fixed on the Kido Mansion in the distance, as for our position, well, we are on the long path between the gate and the entrance of the mansion, on both side of the path a huge garden can be seen with colorful flowers and tree.

As I have recovered, I get up and explain, "Well, that is natural... Saori Kido isn't only the reincarnation of the Goddess Athena, she is also the head of the Graad Foundation, the wealthiest and most powerful corporation in the world, it is natural that her home in the mortal world displays such standing..."

Hearing that, Eri nods, while Tio who woke up from her daydreaming, suddenly asks, "Husband... You said that in your world there are many Gods and Goddesses way stronger than Ehit... will they be able to sense our arrival..."

To which I reply without hesitation, "That is for sure, hell, at the Gold Saint level we humans can basically sense everything that happens in the Universe as long as we focus on it, and for the Gods such a thing is as easy as breathing... but it isn't a great problem, most of the Gods are pretty hand off, moreover, my Cosmo is clearly aligned with Athena, so everything is under her jurisdiction and unless she dangerously plays with fundamental forces like time or fate, they won't care much-."

Then all of a sudden, I hear a calm and peaceful male voice behind me that says, "That is true... in the many eons in which Athena fulfilled her duty as guardian of earth she has gained that much trust... After all, she and her Saint saved this world way too many times... Even my father is fond of her and admires her dedication, spirit of self-sacrifice, and the love she feels for humanity."

Surprised by the fact that someone can escape my senses, I quickly turn around and summon the Crateris Pandora Box, ready to act at a moment's notice, but as soon as I look at who is behind, I instantly recognize him and my eyes open wide in surprise and shock, in fact, I'm so shocked, that I almost feel my soul jump out of my body.

At the same time, I exclaim unconsciously, "H-Holy Jesus!", and the man in front of me nods and says with a peaceful smile on his face, "Yes... Nice to meet you Crateris Jayr." then he offers his hand with the same smile on his face.

Indeed, in front of me, there is Holy Fucking Jesus of Nazareth, at least my Universe version of him, he appears like a handsome and very fit young man with mid-length wavy dirty blond hair and clear blue eyes, wearing some simple white t-shirt, jeans, and gym shoes, at first glance, it seems that there isn't any Cosmo in him, but now that I focus on him, I can clearly feel the immense Divine Cosmo which is hidden in his body, it weaker than that of Saori, but different from all the Cosmos I felt until now, his Cosmo feels truly peaceful, serene full of love and mercy not only toward humanity as whole, but toward all creation, truly an all-encompassing love, so much that makes me lower my guard against him in a instant.


(Image Here - Jesus of Nazareth)


(AN: For very touchy religious people reading this, remember that this is a work of fiction, and while I'm using true sources like the bible and the various gospels, this is a work of my imagination, and I do not want to offend anyone or make fun of the religion, as I myself am a Catholic.)

As for why I can recognize him on sight, well, it is pretty simple, my Uncle Enrico is a priest, one that works closely on the more supernatural side of this world, and once at his house I saw a portrait of Jesus made by one of the Angels he worked with.

Anyway, I try to get my shit together and shake his hand then I say, "Yes... A pleasure to meet you... I hope we aren't the reason behind your presence here..."

Hearing that, Jesus shakes his head and says, "No, it is a coincidence. I was already heading toward Athena's mansion when you suddenly appeared in front of me."

I let go of his hand then carefully ask, "If I can ask, why would you visit the Goddess Athena, is there some kind of crisis going on?" to which he nods and calmly reply, "Yes, but do not worry it has already been dealt with... You see, I'm here to thank Athena for the help that she and her Saints gave me to deal with the Horsemen of the Apocalypse and their acolytes as they tried once more to bring the end of times to this world..."

Hearing that I can't help but complain out loud, "For the love of God! Why can't the people in this world live peacefully without some supernatural godly being trying to fuck everything ove-" but then I realize what I'm saying and in front of who, I quickly try to apologize, "Sorr-"

But Jesus beats me to the punch and with still the same calm and peaceful smile on his face, he says, "That's right brother... I lost count of how many disasters like this I had to face in these 1989 years... In fact, I also lost count of how many times I reincarnated, died, and have been resurrected to face them... But at least this is a clear sign that, despite their flaws, Father didn't give up on Humanity and this world, and that they are still very important to him..."

For sure the light tone in which he talks about these events surprises me a little, but after all, if you have to deal with world-ending calamities for all these years, you get used to it at one point.

At this point, I realize that I still didn't introduce Eri and Tio, and so I say, "How rude of me... Let me introduce my girlfriends... the cute girl with glasses is Eri Nakamura, while the beauty with golden eyes is Tio Klarus, and as you can easily notice she isn't human, she is a Dragonman."

Then I look at the girls and say, "Girls, this is Jesus of Nazareth...", and seeing Eri's eyes transforming into saucers, I nod and continue, "Yes, THAT Jesus, the Son of God, the Prophet, the King of Kings and so on..."

Then before the girls could say or do anything, Jesus raises his hand and says, "Be at ease, there is no need for that kind of formalities. You can simply call me Jesus... Nice to meet you friends from another Universe..." and just at this moment, I see Tatsumi coming out of the mansion and walk toward us, then once he is in front of us he bows and says, "Welcome to the Kido Mansion, Lord Jesus, we have been expecting you..." then he looks at me and adds with a smile, "I'm happy to see that you are back from your adventure safe and sound..."

Jesus nods and says, "Let's move, it's way too rude to make the host wait... Please lead the way..."

And so, we all start to move toward the mansion under the lead of Tatsumi, but at the same time, I notice that Eri and Tio are strangely silent and restrained, 'I do not know if it is because of Jesus' presence or because they are about to meet Saori.'

While we are all calmly walking in silence, Jesus suddenly turns toward us and says, "You know, you don't have to be so restrained in front of me. Yes, I'm the Son of God, but I'm human just like you guys are, and the only thing I do is try to bring hope and salvation to all those in need..."

Hearing that, I nod then curious about something, I can't help but carefully ask, "May I ask something that could sound as rude?" to which he simply nods with an encouraging smile, so I ask, "So... How much of what is written in the gospels is truly accurate..." hearing my question, Jesus lets out a sigh and says, "Ahh... Well, let's just say that not everything that has been written in the bible is true, especially the most recent version of it, while the message in it is mostly the same, some subtle changes made by vain and pitful men did have some unsavory aspects... like Mary Magdalene's case."

At this point, Eri asks curious, "Then Mary Magdalene isn't...", and Jesus finishes, "A repentant prostitute or promiscuous woman? No, she wasn't, that is an ignorant mistake made by that pitiful man, Gregorius Anicius also know as Pope Gregory I... Mary Magdalene was one of my first disciples, my most loved one... And the one that became my wife and that waits for me in Father's realm each time my duty on earth ends..."

While we were talking, we finally reach the meeting hall, where Saori is already waiting for us, and soon our gaze meets, and I can't help but notice the slight bright enchanting smile forming on her face, at the same time, I hear Eri and Tio behind me mutter, "Beautiful..." then her gaze moves to Jesus and says, "Welcome Jesus of Nazareth, I hope you have recovered from your wounds..."

Jesus shrugs his shoulders and says, "Not as much as I would have liked... I'll probably rejoin my father soon... I truly don't know why every time around 33 years pass from my coming Father calls me to his side..."

Saori nods and says, "Then I hope that your rest will be a little longer this time...", Jesus nods and says, "I hope so too... Because that will mean that humanity is moving in the right direction or that no calamity will be befalling them..."

Then he lightly bows and says, "Once again, I thank you Goddess Athena, and your brave Saints for the help you have offered us... I once more promise you that whatever you need help with something, you will always find me and my Angels as your allies..."

Then Jesus brings out a crown of spines and hands it to Saori while saying, "Like always, I hope you can secure this in your Sanctuary until my next coming..."

Saori then takes the crown and put it into an ornate box, then she brings out a paper seal and stick it to the box while putting her Divine Cosmo in it, then another Divine Cosmo comes from above and is instilled into the box, this one is way stronger than Saori's one, in fact, it feels even stronger than Poseidon and Hades' Cosmos, and stunned I can't help but think, 'Is this HIS Cosmo... If even HE makes a move to help seal it then that crown of spines is a lot more dangerous than I thought...'

After sealing the box, Saori says, "As usual, it is sealed in such a way that only your Cosmo can open this box, not I, nor your father, or even Zeus himself can bypass this seal..."

Hearing that Jesus nods and says, "Yes, it is better that way, in fact, if possible not even I want to touch and use the Crown of Thorns, it grants way too much power..." hearing that, Saori nods and adds, "Indeed, and only someone like you can safely use its power without being corrupted by it."

Done with that, Jesus waves his hand and says, "Well, this is all... Once again thanks for your help. See you around..."

Then he looks at me and says, "Even though I don't know exactly what you have done in that other Universe or even why you did it, I can clearly sense that you did good, bringing Hope, Justice, Salvation, and Love to it... Just like a Saint of Athena should do. I hope that you continue doing so..." but just before he goes away, I stop him and ask, "Wait! Can you please give me your autograph and sign it to my uncle Enrico...", at the same time, I bring out a pen and paper and offer it to Jesus.

Jesus smiles, takes the paper and pen and while signing he says, "Ah... Sure, Enrico Pucci is one of the most devoted and knowledgable exorcists in the Vatican, not only that, but he is also very sensible, kind, with the heart in the right place. I have to say that all the members of the Pucci family are of excellent workmanship... Your Grandfather, Father, Uncle, You, Your sister... No matter in what form, you guys always better the lives of those around you..." then he gives me the signed paper and leaves with Tatsumi as he accompanies him out of the mansion.

As soon as they left the meeting hall, a strange silence enveloped the area as I feel Eri and Tio behind me tense up now that they are finally alone with one of my first girlfriends, not counting the fact that the girlfriend in question is an actual Goddess.

But I focus on Saori, then without hesitation, I rush toward her and quickly warp my arms around her, enveloping her body in a hug, then I say, "Saori! I missed you so much!"

At the same time, she warps her arms around my body, hugging me back, and hear she whispers, "I missed you too Jayr...", then we start to kiss, and for an instant, I forget about everything else, there is only me and her, everything else in this world disappears.

I want this kiss and moment to last an eternity, but soon, we stop kissing and look at her captivating greenish-blue eyes, our gaze meets once more as she says, "Your body is different... Way stronger than what a human is able to achieve... It seems that your adventure in the Arifureta Universe was quite fruitful..."

Then I sense that she starts to focus on Eri and Tio as she adds, "... in more ways than one could guess..."

Hearing that, I smile and move to her side while still holding her by her waist to keep her close to me, then I sign to the girls to get closer as I reply, "You are right... At first, I wanted to only gain and learn the magic of that world, but like usually happens no plans survive contact with the enemy... And in the end, I found myself connected to them... my girlfriends..."

Then I start to introduce them, "The cute girl with glasses is Eri Nakamura, she had a quite rough childhood..." as I introduce her, Saori's gaze focuses on Eri who starts to look nervous as if her gaze can see right through her exposing everything she tries to hide, something that is probably true as Saori is truly able to see through the true nature of someone.

After a few seconds of tense silence, Saori nods and says, "Indeed... her past had quite an impact on her and twisted her beyond repair." hearing that, Eri starts to shrink, and even I feel nervous for a moment, and soon Saori continues as she moves toward Eri, "But her love for you is genuine, and she is ready to go against anything and do everything to protect what she holds dear..." then Saori stands in front of Eri and suddenly hugs her.

And as Saori caress her head, she adds, "Eri, I can promise you that as long as you don't harm the innocent, you will always have a place in our family and that you won't have to hide who you are anymore, no one in our family will harm or despise you for who you are..." then all of the sudden Eri starts crying as Saori continues to caress her head, and soon I join them and hug their bodies.

But soon the scene is interrupted by Tio who lets out a sensual moan as she starts to mutter, "Ahhh~ This neglect play is also nice~ Maybe later husband will bind this one to the bed and force it to watch as he does this and that to them~ Ahhh~ Then he will only relent after this one pitifully begs him and then he will start to do that and this until this one break~."

I awkwardly cough out loud to awake Tio from her fantasies, then I say, "And she is Tio Klarus, as you can see she isn't human, she comes from a race called Dragonman, quite a noble race that sought to be the guardians of Tortus and establish a nation that promoted harmony and cooperation among all the races of their world, and they even succeeded for a time... Until a false God conspired against them and pushed them to almost extinction... Despise her current image, she is one of the wisest, kindest, and most strong-willed people in her world."

Still hugging Eri, Saori looks at Tio for a few seconds then she nods and says, "Hmm... For sure she is one of the most honest and genuine people I have ever met. She isn't afraid of showing her true self to others." then she stops and with Eri still in her embrace, she moves closer to Tio and looking at her gold eyes with a gaze that I can't fully understand, but it almost looks like longing, then she suddenly says, "There is a life growing in you... You are pregnant...!"

In response Tio's face glows and nodding she says, "Yes! Husband gave this one the greatest gift possible~!"

Then Saori frees one of her arms, and with it, she also hugs Tio while saying "Welcome to the family... I'll make sure to treat your child like my own."

At this point, Tio smiles and says, "Well for that you will have to wait... A Dragonman usually takes 9 years to give birth..." then, after the emotional talk is out of the way, the girls start to talk to know each other better, they even start to share the stories of their first time with me, and after a while, I ask Saori, "By the way... Where is Seika?"

Saori lets out a surprised yelp, then she says, "Oh! With you suddenly coming back I forgot about it! Seika is at the Graad Hospital with Miho, June, Pandora, Esmeralda, Natassia, and Shunrei taking care of Seiya and the others... Their fight with the Horsemen was quite a brutal and close one... But now their lives are out of danger thanks to Seika... as this year all her hard work finally bore fruit and she became an excelled doctor... she was even able to enter Harvard Medical School and is now on her way to passing the first 2 years of classroom work at record speed... Of course, I helped her a little by speeding up the procedures and giving her the global medical license using her affiliation to the Sanctuary."

Hearing that, a smile form on my face before I start to frown and ask, "How are the others?" to which she replies, "Your family is all well... Saga continues his work as the Pope protecting and dealing with the daily matters of the Sanctuary, while Kanon moves all around the globe helping those in need and punishing the evil, all the other Gold Saints continue to hold their duties... Meanwhile, Aiola and Marin were able to meet with my sister Artemis, and  Marin successfully reunited with her brother Toma who became the Icarus Angel..." 

Then Saori gives me a brief summary of all the things that happened while I was in the Arifureta Universe, it seems that despite the last crisis caused by the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, every one of my friends and acquaintances is fine and well, if you don't count, Seiya who fought the first acolyte and after falling and crashing headfirst from a cliff he fought the last and strongest Horseman, Death, Shiryu who once again undressed in the middle of combat and lost his sense of sight once more as his eyeballs where melted by Famine's technique, Hyoga who cried because of emotional damage as one of the acolytes was a friend he made in the orphanage and that got killed by War because he regretted his choices, Shun that got beat up by Pestilence until Ikki came and rescued him, you know the usual stuff.

And of course, I can't forget that while all that happened, Saori used the good old tactic of getting kidnapped to delay the "inevitable" end, but I guess, if it ain't broke, don't fix it, this tactic worked since the Age of Myths, and it seems that no God understands that as soon as they kidnap and try to kill Athena with some longwinded method is the start of their demise.

After that, I decide to leave Saori and the girls to meet and surprise Seika at the Graad Hospital, not only to reunite with her but also to fix Seiya and the others, I decide to calmy run there as the Hospital is just a few kilometers from the Kido Mansion.

Soon I reach the Graad Hospital, and quickly I learn where to find my friends' room after asking the receptionist, I start with the easiest one, Ikki, but once in front of the door I stop, as I hear the sound of a different kind of fight taking place in the room, and so, without hesitation, I move toward Shun's room leaving Ikki under the care of his girlfriends.

Luckily, Shun isn't busy like his brother, he is just calmly talking with June while holding her hand, soon he notices my presence and yells in joy, "Jayr! You are back!!"

At the same time, June respectfully greets me, I smile and move closer to him, and while checking his condition I say, "I heard about what happened..."

Then I hit him on his head making him cry in pain while also sending my Cosmo into his body to fix the damage he received from Pestilence, and also to purge what looks like some kind of poison-like Cosmo hidden into his body that was constantly weakening and devouring Shun's body and Cosmo.

After that, I scold him, "How many times do I have to tell you to fight seriously!? Your kind nature will be your undoing one of these days... For the love of Athena, your Cosmo is one of the strongest among all the current Saints!!" after that, he apologizes and swears that he'll be more careful, and after that, he thanks me for healing him.

Then I move to Hyoga, and after checking on him and fixing his broken bones, I move to Shiryu, where I use Dark Resurrection to regrow his eyes and restore his still decaying organs after purging Famine's malicious Cosmo, then I for a moment I was tempted to brainwash him into stopping to undress in the middle of a fight but decide against it.

Then I finally move into Seiya's room, and as soon as I open the door, a Seika-shaped guided missile crashes into me, then without saying anything, she starts to kiss me, and I quickly start to kiss her back, as there isn't any need of word between us, as we tell each other everything we needed to know through our kiss, how much we missed each other, how much we long and love each other, and how happy we are to be finally together.

And so, we continue to kiss ignoring everything else in the world as the awkward and embarrassed Miho and Seiya in the room look at us unable to say anything to interrupt this moment, at least until Seika starts to undress me, as Seiya can't hold back anymore and yell exasperated, "Nee-san!! Not here for the love of Athena!!!"


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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