Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 121 – Raise Your Flag

Jayr POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

Calmly sitting in my Cratergann's open cockpit, I continue to watch the ongoing fight between the Eastern Human Eradication Army led by General Thymilph, and the budding rebellion against the Beastman currently led by the Gurren Brigade under the command of Kamina, from the top of a nearby mountain, close enough so that I can quickly act in case something goes wrong, but with enough distance that makes it difficult for anyone to notice me.

Right now, the Gurren Lagann piloted by Kamina and Simon, is about to face alone the huge mobile battleship Dai-Gunzan, and the combined might of its army of Gunmen.

Soon, I hear Thymilph's voice as he says, "You human scum are too carefree. You've angered the Spiral King. I've come to pass judgment on you in the name of the Spiral King!"

At the same time, I notice that the Enkidu piloted by Viral, is retreating back into the Dai-Gunzan's right foot, probably to reach the battleship's hangar and come out of the deck to take advantage of the high ground.

Meanwhile, in response to Thymilph's declaration, Kamina yells back, "Is that so?!" but before he could say or do anything else, all the cannons of the Dai-Gunzan focus their fire on the Gurren Lagann, upturning the earth as the explosion raise a huge cloud of dust and send the Gurren Lagann flying and then crashing on the ground.

I look at the scene of the Gurren Lagann getting up and recklessly rushing toward the hill-like battleship only to be sent once flying by another round of shells again and again, at the same time, Thymilph laughs out loud and says, "Hua, ha, ha! Behold, human scum! No matter how good you've become at piloting a Gunmen... You're completely ineffective against this Dai-Gunzan."

Meanwhile, looking at this scene, I shake my head and mutter, "That is way too reckless... He should've first found a way to bring it down by focusing on one of its legs while taking advantage of its smaller size and higher agility..."

Soon the cloud of dust clears and I see the figure of the Gurren Lagann still standing with its arms crossed to defend against the volleys shoot by the Dai-Gunzan's cannon, at the same time, Kamina asks with bravado, "Who's the ineffective one? That didn't hurt at all. Don't take Gurren Lagann lightly!" and tries to take a step forward, but the mecha falls on its knee unable to move, because of the heavy damage on its left leg.

Kamina POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

'Damn it!', looking at the huge enemy in front of me I can't help but curse while searching for a way out of this situation, 'Right now we can't afford to retreat! If we do we'll become an easy target at their mercy! Not only that but Yoko and the others will also become defenseless... Right now all the enemy fire is focused on us so they are safe, but once they don't focus on us anymore, they will be the next, I can't allow that!'

At the same time, I hear Viral's voice as he mocks me, "What's wrong? Is that all you've got?" followed by Yoko who frantically yells into her communication device, "Give up already! Don't you understand you're damaged?" after her, even that big forehead kid Rossiou says something, "Kamina-san! Listen to us and retreat!" and even Simon adds, "I agree. This time it's really bad" and I can't help but think, 'They all don't understand! We can't retreat now!!'

Then I try to instill courage and confidence in Simon and the others by yelling, "Stop screwing around!" then I move Gurren-Lagann to push the Glasscutter into the ground and use them to try to stand up, and continue my speech, "Never run, retreat, or turn back... That's Simon's and my rule!" and as Yoko yells, "Kamina!" I shut them down with, "End of discussion!"

At the same time, I grip Gurren's handles tighter as I try to focus all my fighting spirit into moving the Gurren Lagann while thinking, 'We can't retreat!! If the fighting spirit allowed Gurren to move once, for sure it can do the same again! Don't give up, Kamina! Remember like Simon back then! Don't give up and you will find a way out of this! Even if you have to force it through sheer willpower alone!!' and suddenly the screen starts to turn green.

Jayr POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

A smile forms on my face as I look at the Gurren Lagann as it starts to shine in the usual green light that represents the Spiral Power, and soon the Spiral Power of Simon and Kamina warps around the damaged leg of Gurren Lagann and restores it into its perfect condition, but I instantly notice the flaw, 'That is only a temporary fix... As soon as they divide or get out of the fight, Gurren's leg will go back to being damaged.'

Now that is back in fighting condition, the Gurren Lagann once more rushes toward the Dai-Gunzan running under it, that in response, it resumes its full-blast barrage, but this time, Kamina and Simon are able to dodge the various shells and explosions as they continue to run under the battleship.

Then coming up with a new reckless plan, Kamina stops the Gurren Lagann in front of the Dai-Gunzan and stands still, making Viral question him, "What's the matter? Giving up already, humans?" at the same time, the battleship shoots the still Gurren Lagann with a focused fire of its cannon.

The concentrated fire explosion is so strong that it causes a mushroom cloud of cloud of debris, smoke, and condensed water vapor, plus a flying Gurren Lagann, which used the explosion to its advantage to project itself so high in the air that can finally land on the Dai-Gunzan's deck.

But as it is still falling toward the Dai-Gunzan, Viral, who seems to think that they are just powerlessly falling toward the ground defeated, comments, "You're quite persistent for humans. In the end, you're just like a lightless lantern. Dai-Gunzan will reduce you to cinders before you hit the ground."

But as Gurren Lagann turns itself in mid-air and directs its fall toward the battleship, he exclaims in surprise, "Ridiculous!!" and Thymilph commands, "Fire! Fire! Fire!", and quickly they shoot everything at the falling mecha.

In response, the Gurren Lagann keeps accelerating while dodging the countless shells and sickles thrown by the Enkidu, and thanks to a few random shots that hit true, it becomes lit up in flames and takes a kicking stance as Kamina yells, "Haaaaa! Blazing men! Flaming Chariot... KIICK!!" hitting Enkidu and burying it into the Dai-Gunzan's deck.

Meanwhile, I notice that the Dai-Gunzan uses its arms to launch 3 Gunmen into the dry ravine toward the rest of the group, and looking closely I see that they are 3 Gozus that are probably sent there to capture them so as to force Kamina and Simon to surrender, or more simply to deal with them and making sure that no human escapes.

I'm about to rush over and help them deal with them, but I sense one of the humans that has started to awaken his Spiral Power quickly approaching their position and calculate that he is going to make it in time, I just stay here and get ready to act in case something goes wrong.

And indeed, soon the three Gozus are quickly destroyed by an agile yellow Gunmen, that quickly falls on the Gozu in the middle crushing it, then as the other two attack it with their cudgels, it jumps away and makes the Gozu destroys themselves in friendly fire.

The new Gunmen has a quite peculiar shape, it reminds me of a cross star with front and back horns and mean-looking red eyes, that is the King Kittan piloted by Kittan Bachika, the third human able to awaken his Spiral Power and the second that stole a Gunmen and became its pilot after Kamina.

(Image Here - King Kittan)


Focusing back on the Gurren Lagann's situation, I see the mecha turn toward the bridge of the Dai-Gunzan and hear Kamina's voice as he asks, "So... You're the big boss, eh?" and on top of it, I see an imposingly large, well-built, armored warrior with gorilla features and cyan skin, that replies, "Yeah!"

He wears blue metallic armor with pointed shoulder pads and a skirt, blue metal gauntlets, blue metallic shows, and a blue hat, he also wears a red armored covering on his left arm and wields a large iron hammer, he is Thymilph the general at the command of the Eastern Human Eradication Army.

(Image Here - Thymilph)


Seeing the commander of his enemies in person, Kamina mocks, "So, you finally came out to see me, eh?" to which Thymilph ignores and introduces himself, "I am one of the Spiral King's Big Four... The Crashing One Thymilph-sama!"

And in response, Kamina yells, "Heh! I don't know crap about this "Big Four" but open your ears and listen up!" then Gurren Lagann raises its right arm and points at the sun with its finger as Kamina continues, "I'll grab the blazing sun with hand...", then closes its fist, "Endure the intense heat..." then move the fist in front of its face as Kamina concludes, "And open the path for man to walk. The great Kamina-sama... is ME! You'd better remember me!!"

Then Gurren Lagann jumps toward the bridge ready to hit it with the drills coming out of its forearm, but at the same time, I cover my face with my right palm, let out a sigh, and mutter, "... He forgot about the arms... the Dai-Gunzan isn't as defenseless as it appears up close..." and indeed, the next moment, the Gurren Lagann is slapped by the huge right hand of the Dai-Gunzan, and start to wildly spin in mid-air.

But the Dai-Gunzan doesn't stop there, and with the other hand it hits the Gurren Lagann once more to make it jungle in the air long enough, at the same time, Thymilph says, "I won't let you spit anymore of that talk on my deck! You are in much more danger here! Muhaha!!"

And the Dai-Gunzan start to clap its huge hands to try to crush the Gurren Lagann between them a few times, then it grabs the abused mecha by its legs using its finger and starts to pull as Thymilph says, "Hahaha! I'll rip you apart!"

I calmly look as the Dai-Gunzan tries to rip the Gurren Lagann's legs apart, and it seems that is also about to succeed, but soon, two rounds fired from the distance hit the Dai-Gunzan's hand breaking the Gurren-Lagann free from its clutches, that then it falls back on the deck of the battleship.

The one who fired those shoot is a small sized light blue tank-like Gunman with a cannon on top of its head, which fires explosive solid rounds, if I remember well, its name is Dayakkaiser and is piloted by Dayakka Littner, a fellow villager of Yoko Littner.

(Image Here - Dayakkaiser)


Soon a male voice is heard from the Dayakkaiser that says, "Take this chance to escape!", and hearing that, I shake my head and mutter, "They are truly still too green... If the Gurren Lagann retreats now they will all become easy targets, as the Dai-Gunzan's firepower is way too overwhelming..."

Meanwhile, King Kittan appears next to Dayakkaiser and yells, "The Black Siblings' Kittan is here too! Sorry to keep you waiting, Kamina!"

Of course, in response to that Gurren Lagann looks at it for a few seconds in silence, then it tilts its head, and Kamina's voice is heard as he asks, "Who're you?" upsetting Kittan who yells back, "It's Kittan-sama! Have you forgotten already!?"

Soon, Thymilph's patience runs out and he yells, "Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!" and the Dai-Gunzan starts to focus its cannon on the newly arrived Gunmen forcing them on defending Yoko and the others from the explosive shells, meanwhile dozen of Gunmen come out on its deck of the battleship and start to surround the Gurren Lagann that starts to get beat up by them and the arms of the Dai-Gunzan, until it is blown away from the dack by a strong backhand slap of the huge battleship.

Kamina POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

As we are quickly falling toward the ground, I hear Simon's voice as he calls me, "Aniki!" making me reply, "What?"

Then Simon says, "We should escape like Yoko says!" hearing that, I ask, "What?! Are you scared!?"

Simon quickly replies, "Yeah, I'm scared! I'll do whatever it takes if it means bringing you back alive! Because there are people waiting for us! Aniki!"

Hearing that I fall into silence for a few seconds, then just as we are about to crash on the ground, I finally decide to tell Simon the truth and mutter, "We can't"

The next moment, we crash on the ground with such force that Gurren Lagann bounces off a few times before finally stopping, then I continue to explain, "Look, Simon! If we run, we'll still be a target. Either way, as long as we can't stop that monster's legs, there's no way we can win this battle!" at the same time, that huge monster continues to slowly advance toward us.

Hearing my explanation, Simon mutters back, "That might be true but..."

Then he falls into silence for a while, until his image appears on the screen as he asks, "Aniki, let me try something!" hearing that, I raise my head and ask, "What?" but Simon simply says "Trust me"

I look at his confident face, and once more, all the doubts and fears I'm facing fade away as I see that spark of greatness that was always hidden within him, reveal itself in his confident gaze.

Thrusting my partner's power, I close my eyes and let go of Gurren's command, then crossing my arms I use my usual tone to inspire even more confidence in him and show my blind trust in his capabilities, and with a smile I declare, "Very well. I'm leaving this battle to you!"

In response, Simon nods and says, "Right!" then he takes control of Gurren Lagann, making it run away from the monster behind us, focusing on dodging all the artillery fire that it shoots at us, but at the same time, I notice that from time to time, Simon is also shooting some drill but it isn't aiming at the enemy, but instead, he is aiming at the ground, moreover, he is clearly leading it toward a certain point, as he isn't running in a straight line, but in a circular one, until we find ourselves with our back facing a dead end, a cliff edge.

But despite the dire situation, I remain calm, as I'm sure this is all going according to Simon's plan, but our enemies think that the victory is in their hands.

Viral starts to laugh as he says, "Hahahaha... It's over..." but a confident Simon quickly adds, "For who?" and they finally notice all the drills plunged into the ground all around them forming a huge circle.

At the same time, I see Simon licking his lips, and the enemy commander's voice as he asks, "You human scum... What's the meaning of this!? I'm going to crush you!!"

Meanwhile, the gigantic Gunmen starts to once again rush toward us, but Simon brings out the drills from Gurren Lagann's right forearm and makes them quickly spin, then he makes Gurren Lagann slam its fist into the ground, instantly causing a chain reaction.

The ground all around the Dai-Gunzan starts to crack and break as a green spiral pattern appears in the glowing cracks, then the ground under its enormous feet gives away, and they start to fall into the deep abyss that just formed, at the same time, Viral's face appears on the screen as he yells, "Kamina, you bastard!" but with a smile, I only say, "It wasn't me."

It doesn't seems that he got my message as he keeps yelling as the battleship falls into the abyss, "You naked apes, don't think this is over! You've only seen the tip of the Dai-Gunzan's true potential! You only turned the capital's power onto itself! Listen up! We'll be back tomorrow! Prepare yourself for it!"

Once he is done with his yapping, I open a communication channel to Simon and say, "As expected of Simon the Digger! You ain't bad!"

A smile forms on my face as I look at the happy smile that forms on his tired face, then we walk back to the rest of the group, and see a surprise waiting for us there.

There are seven new Gunmen waiting for us, and seeing that, Simon exclaims, "Aniki!" soon Kittan's face appears on the display as he asks, "Whaddya think? We took control of Gunmen from all over the place. After hearing rumors about an idiot that fought with a Beastman and stole its Gunmen, these guys have been gathering! Your idiocy has become a legend."

At the same time, a proud smile forms on my face as I see the flag with the Gurren Brigade's emblem, a flaming red skull with shades identical to mine, swaying in the wind.

Jayr POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

Seeing the fight between the Gurren Brigade and the Human Eradication Army end just like I remember and Kamina and Simon rejoin with the rest of the group, plus a few new additions, I let out a sigh of relief and mutter, "Good I didn't have to act and reveal myself... Now the easy part of my plan ended, and the difficult one will start..."

Then I grab one of the fruits that grow on the Nymph's tree and bite into it, making its delicious sweet fluids flow into my mouth, I continue to think about the rest of my plan, 'Now I have to find a way to make Kamina die in the next battle without actually killing him... There are two reasons for this, first, his death is the trigger that will start Simon's growth into the warrior and leader he needs to be, and as much as I dislike making someone go through the suffering of losing a loved one, it is necessary for the greater good... And second, and most important reason, it is because I don't want to resurrect anyone in this Universe such a powerful act could easily catch the attention of the Anti-Spiral and force it to act...'

Then as I eat the fruit, I continue my thought process, 'And as much as I dislike to admit it, I'm nowhere strong enough to face that monster yet... Yes, if I use all my power I can easily destroy an Universe... But the Anti-Spiral is able to easily create and destroy a Multiverse if it wants to! And catching its attention before I'm even ready to face it is a sure way to an early death... And a true calamity for the people living on this planet... And while I can probably escape from it, the people living here can't and I won't be able to forgive myself if something like that would happen...'

Done with my snack, I close Cratergann's cockpit and with it, I quietly follow after Kamina and Simon's group unseen, to find the perfect chance to make my move, and notice that they are moving toward a nearby forest.

In fact, it's the same forest where I appeared after I used the Perceptual Teleportation, and once there they start to build a makeshift camp, lighting up a fire as night is quickly approaching, and using the Gunmen as some kind of tent, while Kamina and Simon with Leeron Littner check over the damaged leg of Gurren that like expected reverted back to its damaged state once Simon's Lagann separated from it.

After that, they all gather together, and I focus my gaze on the most important people among them, one is a tall and well-built young man, with short, blue, spiky hair and wearing his trademark red sunglasses that cover his red eyes, his skin is tan, and he has blue-ish tattoos along both of his arms which extend to his shoulders and his upper back, he is obviously Kamina.

(Image Here - Kamina)


The other is a short young man with wild dark blue hair, deep indigo eyes, and a lightly tanned baby face which may have not been so bad, if it isn't for the rest of his body which makes him look younger than he actually is. He is, of course, the main character, Simon, the man that if everything goes as planned is going to become the strongest being in this Universe.

(Image Here - Simon)


While I was checking them, the newcomers start to introduce themselves one after another, then Kamina says, "All right! All right! Glad to work with you!", and jumps on one of Dayakkaiser's legs and start his speech, "For the time being, you guys! You came together nicely! That big ass Gunmen from today... It's definitely gonna move tomorrow. When it comes... how about... We steal that big-ass Gunman?"

And while everyone shows some confusion and insecurities, Kamina continues with a big confident smile on his face, "We're gonna take it! So from tomorrow onwards, it'll be our fortress! Are you with me?"

Kamina successfully ignites the fighting spirit of all of the newcomers, as I can clearly hear their excited shout of approval, then Kamina continues, "We've stolen Gunmen from the Beastmen and come this far, so there's nothing to fear!" and once more, most of them agrees with an excited shout.

Then a timid Simon asks,  "But how will we do it, Aniki?" Kamina simply points at Simon and says, "Well... You're gonna do it!" which stuns Simon who asks once more, "Eh!? M-me!!?"

After that, Kamina continues to talk with the others to get to know them a little more, then everyone separates themselves to prepare for tomorrow.

After some time, Simon and the others are in one of the temporary Gunmen tents studying their plan of action, and finally, the perfect occasion to make my move finally comes as Kamina is now alone calmly sitting on top of Gurren looking at the bright moon in the sky.

I quickly take advantage of this moment and input my Spiral Power into Cratergann that under my command shoots out a small, basically microscopic Spiral Ball from its index finger, it basically smaller than a fly, so small that in this darkness can't even be seen or noticed.

Then I take control of the nano Spiral Ball and make it fly toward Kamina, and focus all my senses on him, soon I sense a new presence, and looking at it, I realize that it is Yoko Littner, a beautiful young woman with thigh-length red hair that she commonly ties in a ponytail with bangs hanging on the right side, large amber eyes, a curvaceous figure, a big butt, and very large but only partially covered breasts.

She wears a black and red flame-patterned bikini top with black shorts, a white studded belt, pink thigh-high socks, and white, usually unzipped mid-calf boots designed with red flames emerging from the soles.

Yoko also had a piece of signature headwear in the form of a white cracked skull hair accessory on the left side of her head as well as two yellow chopsticks that kept her hair up.

(Image Here - Yoko Littner)


When Kamina opens his mouth to speak with Yoko who just reached him, I understand that my moment has come and urge the Spiral Ball to rush into his mouth, then quickly and carefully guide it down his throat, through the esophagus, and into the stomach.

Once the Spiral Ball reaches the stomach, I let out a sigh and mutter, "Good news, now that the Spiral Ball is in Kamina's stomach I can use it to heal him from any damage, and even keep him barely alive in case he loses half of his body by keeping him in a death-like state... Bad news, I have to constantly check and control the Spiral Ball to make sure that Kamina doesn't eject it by natural means or doesn't get pushed out in case he is wounded in the stomach area... This is going to be a long night..."

At the same time, I focus back on Kamina that is now talking with Yoko, "It's a nice moon, eh? Just looking at it satisfies me about why we came to the surface"

Then an awkward silence falls between the two and after a few moments, he says in a serious tone, "We are gonna win. We can't let it go on like this. We have to capture their weapons, capture and capture them again. We have to kick their asses till they stop coming after us! Y'know... Simon, Big Forehead, Gimmy, and Darry... Don't you want the brats to live without fear?"

Hearing his speech, a moved Yoko says, "Kamina..." and Kamina keeps his gaze on the moon and quickly asks, "What?"

Then Yoko continues, "You have a brain after all." hearing that Kamina turns around and says, "Hey! Who do you think I am?"

Yoko looks at him and quickly replies, "Kamina, Gurren Brigade's tenacious demon leader, Kamina." but Kamina quickly yells "Wrong!"

Then he spreads his arms wide and says, "Not Gurren Brigade... It's Dai-Gurren Brigade!" as he says this, he looks at all the Gunmen in front of him and the people that chose to follow him in this crazy adventure.

Looking at this scene, I can't help but think, 'Oh God... Is this the classic dramatic moment before the battle where the love interests talk and confess to each other?'

Meanwhile, hearing that Yoko smiles, but then she turns serious and adds, "But one thing... Don't ever be reckless again like today! Up until now, no matter how reckless you've been... the numbers were always even. I thought because it's you, it'll work out. But this afternoon was different. That reckless behavior wasn't harmless. It was just pointless! You just dive in without thinking about the consequences. If Simon wasn't there, you really might've been killed!"

They look at each other for a few seconds in silence, then she says, "I... For some reason, I was scared."

And silence once more falls between them, and it seems that Yoko is about to confess but just at this moment, a volcano in the distance suddenly erupts stunning them.

Meanwhile, looking at all this, I have the sudden urge to sing the opening song of Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans, "Raise your flag... Koe no kagiri. Koe no kagiri. Koe no kagiri sakende! (Raise your flag. Keep screaming. Keep screaming. Keep screaming. Until your voice gives out!)..."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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