Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 122 – Giga… Drill… BREAAAK!

Jayr POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

Time slowly pass and finally, the first light of the day can be barely seen, the night quietly passed, well, not really as the nearby volcanos kept erupting throughout the night and still keep erupting at this moment covering the sky with a vast cloud of ash that masks the sun and robbed me of the opportunity to admire the dawn on this Earth.

But despite that, the people of the Dai-Gurren Brigade were still able to sleep through the noise and explosion, well, not all of them, Simon and some others were way too nervous and weren't able to sleep much, especially Leeron, who spent the whole night working on the Gurren and organize the tech support for today operation.

Of course, I also didn't sleep a wink, as I kept the focus on the nano Spiral Ball in Kamina's stomach, and I was right in doing it, as Kamina almost "evacuated" it in the middle of the night.

Speaking of Kamina, right now he is talking with Yoko, in fact, they started to make out, of course, I don't focus too much on them to give them their privacy, but still, seeing that scene I'm still unable to control my urge and once again lowly sing the first opening song of Mobile Suit Gundam Iron-Blooded Orphans, "Raise your flag... Koe no kagiri. Koe no kagiri. Koe no kagiri sakende! (Raise your flag. Keep screaming. Keep screaming. Keep screaming. Until your voice gives out!)..."

At the same time, my mind wanders toward the anime in question, 'Damn, that sure is one of the darkest Gundam anime alongside Z Gundam and Victory Gundam, well in Victory there was basically a character death in almost every episode, and in Z there wasn't much gore or death but it really shows how war affects the mental state of a young kid... But in IBO... well, so many well-written or favored characters fell one after the other, that you also felt the pain of every loss... Still a good anime... In fact, I was tempted to go to a Gundam Universe before... I even already planned every move with minute details... But Saori and Tio's pregnancies changed my plans.'

While thinking that, I ignore the sound of Simon's heart breaking as he sees his first crush kiss his respected and loved big brother figure, and rush back toward Lagann to hide.

Meanwhile, Kamina finished sealing his fate by raising one of the most common death flags in anime history and moves away to gather everyone so that he can tell his strategy, at the same time, I think of something more important, 'Should I teach my child some essential rules to survive this crazy Omniverse, like recognizing and avoiding the most common deaths flags like, learning a major secret or attempting to. A bad guy regretting his actions. Making a confession - of love, sin, etc. Doing something really out of character or out of routine. Planning retirement after one last mission / Also promising that it will be the last time. Telling the girl you'll be right back / marry them when you return. Telling someone to look after your plants/pets. Reflection on and summing up your life. Leaving it to / Paving the way for the next generation. Knocking up your... girlfriend/wife... and leav- Shit!!!'

And as I mentally start to make a list of some of the most common death flags, I start to panic as I realize that I already checked a couple of them, in fact, I just now realized that I already faced a deadly crisis as soon as I made a step in this Universe because of a previous oversight.

Realizing this, I stop taking it easy and underestimating my current situation even if no one on this planet is an actual threat to me, and start to seriously check my surroundings, careful of any immediate change, ready for anything to happen no matter how ridiculous or improbable like some bird's dropping suddenly turning into the Anti-Spiral, I will act like a character from a Final Destination movie.

At the same time, I decide to be even more careful in using my Spiral Power and shut down any idea I had of trying to apply Jojo's Spin Theory to the Spiral Power, at least not in any place where the Anti-Spiral or someone else can potentially sense it, especially if it truly enhances the Spiral Power.

Realizing what kind of danger I truly am, I can help but curse, 'Damn it! How could I be so careless as to ignore the most fundamental anime rules? Moreover, I choose a Universe as dangerous as this one to be so careless!! Shit, my experience in the Arifureta Universe dulled my sense of danger too much. In my home Universe, I wasn't the absolute strongest, there are Saga, Kanon, Shaka, Aiolos, and all the Gods. But in the Arifureta Universe, after a shaky beginning, I was basically the undisputed strongest, no matter what happened, I could overcome everything thanks to my sheer power... And I've grown lax and arrogant... I made the same mistake that many Saints before me made. No more, I have to be better not only for me but also for Saori, Seika, Eri, Tio, my future children, and the others that count on me!'

With renewed resolve, and an even more careful and sharp mind, I focus back on what is happening to the Dai-Gurren Brigade, and sense that Kamina started his briefing, "Listen up. The strategy is simple. We'll attack first with our Gunmen to lure out the enemy. Then, Simon... he'll combine Lagann with that big guy and take control. And with the combined big guy, we'll crush the enemy! And then we'll return victorious from this battle! Got it?" and soon everyone replies, "Yeah!"

After that, Leeron says, "I made sure that you guys can communicate via your Gunmen. Although... It's not like you're the types to listen to each other. If the chit-chat gets too much, just cut off communications"

Then Kamina yells, "All right! Let's move out! Dai-Gurren Brigade, sortie!" and quickly all the pilots start to run toward their Gunmen and jump into them, and move toward their target while the non-combatant cheers them on and wish them luck.

Kamina POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

As we start our march and slowly advance toward our target, the still erupting volcanos, the area where our enemies are buried in the ground are waiting for us.

I can't help but notice that Simon is clearly feeling the pressure and he isn't the only one, so I start to speak through our new communication channel so that everyone can hear us and maybe lessen the pressure they are feeling, "Don't worry about it, Simon. When we left the village, the Gurren Brigade was just the two of us. Now we've got comrades to march triumphantly with us into battle. Damn! I can't get enough of this!"

And soon I hear the cute oink of Boota, the small pigmole that follows Simon everywhere, and after that, Simon translates, "Boota feels the same." which makes me laugh and then I add, "Hahaha! Really? I guess that's right... sorry... The Gurren Brigade was us and a little beast." it seems that it works as soon, I hear Yoko make a fake cough then she says, "I was there too." making me play the fool, "Huh?"

And Yoko quickly repeats, "When you left the village, I was with you" I then continue by asking, "Is that so?" which makes her ask back, "Don't you remember?"

Then I explain, "Well... whatever. At that time, you weren't in the Gurren Brigade." lightly offended, Yoko asks, "What's that supposed to mean?" finally the reaction I was waiting for comes, as everyone starts to laugh, and Dayakka explains, "He means you weren't "together", Yoko." making her embarrassed as she realizes that everyone was hearing what we just said.

Something that Leeron further confirms by saying, "The comm channel is always open. I explained that earlier, didn't I?" at this point, Kittan comments, "With so much confidence, everything should be fine." then he asks, "We can win this battle, right, Kamina?" to which I reply with a confident, "Damn straight! Who do you think I am?"

Jayr POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

I carefully follow the Dai-Gurren Brigade assault group from a safe distance as they march toward the buried Dai-Gunzan position, and once they are close enough, I notice that Simon's Lagann digs a hole in the ground and then sense that it starts moving toward the Dai-Gunzan by digging a tunnel underground, meanwhile, the rest of the group continues to boldly march above ground.

Seeing that, I nod and think, 'Good... For now, everything is going as I remember. They are still following the same plan. Kamina and his group will act as decoys by focusing all the enemy's attention on themselves, meanwhile, Simon will wait for the right moment to make his move and use Lagann to assimilate the Dai-Gunzan and gain control of the enemy fortress and its overwhelming firepower so that they can turn it against the Beastmen... A good plan... if not for the death flag raised by Kamina and Yoko, those fools... Well, it isn't like I can speak... I also fell into their sweet nasty trap and now I have to deal with the consequences.'

Meanwhile, Kamina's group finally reaches the buried Dai-Gunzan's location, and soon, they start to prepare for their attack, first, they start to use the Gunmen to gather together all the rocks big enough to be used as an effective weapon even against the normal Gunmen, while a part of the group, keep a lookout on the Dai-Gunzan's movement.

Once they are ready, the Dai-Gurren Brigade's scout, who is watching the Dai-Gunzan from above, gives his signal to the nearby Kamina, who yells "GO!!!" and together all their Gunmen make their presence known by the enemy's forces led by Viral's Enkidu, that were hiding under a disguise that makes them look like debris that fell onto the Dai-Gunzan's deck.

At the same time, Viral's voice can be heard as he yells, "I've been waiting for you! We knew you were getting closer!" while he is saying that, the Enkidu and the remaining Gunmen free themselves of the camouflage, and start shooting with machineguns mounted on their arms trying to suppress the Dai-Gurren Brigade's group with their advanced weaponry and it seems to work.

But soon, Kamina says, "I thought as much." next, the Dai-Gurren Brigade's Gunmen pick up the boulder they gathered and start to throw them at their enemies, crushing a few under their immense weight, and making Viral exclaim, "Rocks!?" while Kittan yells, "Eat that, you beast bitches!" making Viral questions, "You filthy humans, won't you fight us with your fists?"

Hearing that Kamina replies, "These rocks are my fists!" with the clear intent of upsetting the Beastmen's forces.

Enraged, Viral yells, "Rocks are rocks, not fists!" and Enkidu under his control pulls off the sickle-like weapon, which was affixed to its head, and with it, he breaks one of the boulders that was falling toward him into pieces.

Seeing that scene, Kamina further mocks him, "Why are you pointing out the obvious? Idiot!" and somehow he makes the Gurren stick its tongue out to further mock and enrage the Beastman.

Meanwhile, as I look at this scene from the distance, I can help but mutter, "That is something that I can't understand... Why do some Gunmen have a tongue? Why would such a thing be useful in something used for combat? It doesn't make any sense... Unless Lordgenome has some very unusual kinks, but thinking that he is over 1000 years old maybe he did want to spice up things from time to time..."

Meanwhile, I can hear General Thymilph as he quickly makes his move to calm down the riled-up Viral, "Calm down, Viral... To think you're getting riled up by trashy human words. You're still green. Dai-Gunzan won't crumble under such minor attacks. Muhahahaha!"

But soon Dayakka in his Dayakkaiser starts to fire a volley of rounds all aimed at the bridge, but such an attack is only able to tilt the Dai-Gunzan a little, but it isn't strong enough to break through the armor of the battleship.

In response to the Dayakkaiser's attack, the Dai-Gunzan starts to fire with its cannon, and quickly the fight turns in favor of the Beastmen as the hulking battleship's overwhelming firepower start to suppress the Dai-Gurren Brigade's Gunmen, and then, the Dai-Gunzan takes advantage of the opening it created to use its arms to launch the Beastmen's Gunmen, including Viral's Enkidu, toward the Kamina's group.

Without hesitation, Yoko uses her sniper rifle to snipe 4 defenseless Gunmen still in mid-air, but the 5th one she shoots, Viral's Enkidu, is easily able to block it using its wrist-mounted concave blast shield, then it pulls off its sickle-like weapon and charges toward Kamina's Gurren, which pulls off its Glasscutter and does the same.

And soon, the two start their clash and Viral yells, "Kamin! This time I'll be taking my helmet back!" but next, Kamina replies with, "So you're still here? You should know this is a decoy!" Viral who finally realizes that Simon's Lagann is missing asks, "You punk! Where's your head!?" and instead of replying, Kamina yells, "Now! Go, Simon!"

Following Kamina's shout, from one of the walls of the hole the Dai-Gunzan fell, Simon's Lagann drills out, just above the Dai-Gunzan's bridge, too close for it to aim it with its cannons.

And so, with its huge drill coming out of its "neck" spinning full of Spiral Power, Lagann starts to fall toward the Dai-Gunzan's bridge as Simon yells, "Lagann Impact!" and the next moment, Lagann drills through the Dai-Gunzan's armor and start the process of taking over of the hill-like battleship.

Meanwhile, seeing what just happened, Viral asks, "What's the meaning of this!?" and still keeping him occupied, Kamina explains, "It's called combining! Between your big guy and our Lagann! We're taking it... that big thing!" hearing that, Viral says, "Kamina, you bastard! You planned this!" then tries to push Kamina's Gurren away to stop their plan.

But Kamina quickly recovers and while saying, "Yeah, we planned it!" once more attacks the Enkidu with the Glasscutter forcing Viral to defend himself, then Kamina yells, "Executed with our luck and a man's persistence!" and start a relentless assault that forces Viral's Enkidu to back away as it defends itself.

And soon the fight becomes more fierce and chaotic, plus, Simon isn't in the right mental state and is unable to gain full control of the Dai-Gunzan that starts to randomly fire at everything around it.

Seeing that, I focus even more on everything that is happening on the battlefield, while at the same time, knowing what is about to happen, I prepare to use the micro Spiral Ball in Kamina's stomach at any moment while thinking, 'I have to be very careful and precise... Keeping someone alive long enough and then healing him isn't that big of an issue. It isn't like reviving someone, I don't have to break some Universal rules to make it happen... so it shouldn't catch much attention. But still, no matter how careful I'm, what I'm going to do is going to change a lot of things I have to be ready to face them!'

Meanwhile, the situation on the battlefield gets worse for the Dai-Gurren Brigade, as Simon is unable to fully focus and so isn't able to gain control of the Dai-Gunzan as his Spiral Power is too unstable and constantly fluctuating, and Viral notices the same commands, "Forget about those small fry! Everyone get back to the Dai-Gunzan!" but just as he is about to do the same, Kamina throws the Glasscutter and with it pins the Enkidu to the ground preventing it to move back yelling, "You aren't going anywhere!"

Then Kamina says to the rest of the Dai-Gurren Brigade, "You guys take care of those Gunmen. I'll do something about Simon!" and without hesitation, he rushes toward the Dai-Gunzan.

Seeing that, I focus my gaze on the Gurren piloted by Kamina as it jumps toward the Dai-Gunzan and climbs on its deck, then runs toward the bridge and while scaling it with a couple of leaps, it goofily stumbles as it reaches the top.

Then without losing momentum, Kamina jumps out of the cockpit and starts to painfully roll and bounce on the ground until it slams into Lagann's cover then without pause he yells, "Open up, Simon!" and at the same time, he raises his right fist as he prepares to throw a punch.

As soon as Simon opens the Lagann's cover, Kamina hits him with a powerful punch while yelling, "Grit your teeth!!" making Simon's body spin, surprised, confused, and still a little stunned, Simon can only say, "A-aniki?"

Then Kamina smiles and says, "Have you come to your senses? When you go astray, I'll be there to punch you back. So relax. I'm by your side. Believe in yourself. Believe in you, who believe in yourself!"

And after a few seconds, Simon smiles and yells, "Understood!" at the same time, I sense that his Spiral Power is now steadily raising in power and isn't unstable anymore, and slowly Simon start to gain control of the Dai-Gunzan.

Seeing that he is successful, Kamina smiles and jumps down from the top of the bridge and returns back to Gurren that fell on the deck, but just as he is about to return back to the battlefield, a powerful beam attack from below hits and pierce through the Gurren, injuring Kamina at the same time.

Then from the hole in the deck, a new Gunman jumps out, its body resembles a white skull with a sharp chin and a smaller face protruding out of its forehead, the shoulders and thighs of the mecha are spearhead-shaped, and spearheads are also attached to its arms and wield a long polearm as its weapon, a spear with a three-pointed cross blade, basically a Yari, that is the Byakou, general Thymilph's personal Gunmen.

(Image Here - Byakou)


The Byakou quickly reaches the damaged Gurren, and as it stands in front of the still-in-mid-air Gurren, Thymilph's voice can be heard as he says, "Muahaha! I won't let you take my Dai-Gunzan so easily!" then the Gurren is hit by it own Glasscutter thrown by Viral's Enkidu, who in the meantime freed himself and returned back to the Dai-Gunzan.

Thymilph seeing that opening doesn't hesitate and takes the chance to attack Kamina's Gurren once more. The Byakou raises its yari, which now emits an energy blade from its tip, and at the same time, Thymilph yells, "Alkaid Glaive!" and with a thrust, it hits and cut off Gurren's right leg.

Then the Enkidu grabs the Gurren from its arm, as Thymilph says, "You're a stubborn man, aren't you? But with this..."

Still in mid-air, Enkidu move its body pulling the Gurren with it, positioning in such a way that it is easier for the Byakou, who jumped above them to hit it on its defenseless back.

Thymilph yells "... It's over!", and the Byakou's polearm pierces the back of the Gurren as they crash through the Dai-Gunzan's deck into the ground under it, making Kamina loudly shout out in pain.

Through the micro Spiral Ball in his stomach, I can clearly feel that his wounds are lethal, in fact, it is already a miracle that he didn't die on the spot, most of his vital organs are either crushed or are failing, the amount of blood he lost is already at the deadly level, and of course, his spine is in pieces, basically the only reason he is still barely alive and even capable of moving a little is because of his Spiral Power, and of course my support as now I'm using the Spiral Ball in his body to act as a conduit for my Spiral Power as I use it to make sure that he doesn't take his last breath, and prepare the ground to put him in a death-like state at the right time.

As I focus on keeping Kamina alive, Simon who realized what happened to his dear brother-like figure, shouts out in grief, "ANIKI!!"

At the same time, his Spiral Power goes totally berserk, unleashing an unprecedented level of power that affects even the environment around him as it seeps into the ground creating crack all over it and making the nearby volcano erupts with even more power.

At the same time, the Dai-Gunzan also goes berserk and starts to march toward the nearest volcano as it randomly attacks everything in its range, and in one of its random attacks, it sends the Enkidu flying with a backhand slap.

Kamina POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

'So... cold... Is this the end...?' as I think that, the cold and scary sensation of my life constantly leaving my body, my breath getting more and more irregular, and even my heart is beating slower and slower, as the sound of the battle around me become more and more muffled, and as total darkness seems about to swallow my being, it is clear that I'm dying, and there is nothing I can do about it.

But, just as I'm about to succumb, through the still connected communication system, I hear Kittan's voice as he yells in panic, "What the hell is going on!?" followed by Leeron that says, "Dai-Gunzan has gone berserk!" and that kid Rossiu that adds, "At this rate, it'll fall into the volcano!"

Hearing that I think, 'Simon... is in danger...' and I use all my remaining strength to slowly open my eyes as Leeron yells, "Get a grip, Simon! Can you hear me!?"

I slowly try to move my body, and using all the fighting spirit I have left, I use my hands to push my body up as I mutter, "Can't I even rest in peace?" as I get up, I see that even more blood flows out of my body but I don't even care anymore, as right now I don't feel anything, not even my body.

I grab the Gurren's handles, and with my fighting spirit I urge it to stand up and move once more, then as it follows my command, I make the Gurren grab one of its arms and rip it off, then with my swaying vision, I take aim, and through the communication channel I yell, "Simon!! GRIT YOUR TEETH!!" and throw the arm toward Lagann, punching it and shaking Simon awake.

Soon, I hear Simon yells, "Aniki! You're alive!" I ignore the weakness I'm feeling and simply say, "Simon! Who the hell do you think you are?"

I make Gurren point at the sky and continue, "Isn't your drill the one that will break through the heavens and earth to tomorrow!! What are you doing messing around here? We won! That big guy is yours now. There's no reason to hold back!"

And with a weak smile, I look as Simon instantly gains control of that big guy and strikes my same pose as he yells, "Everyone! It's okay now! Dai-Gunzan belongs to us! Jump on board!"

But the next moment, Thymilph makes once again his appearance as he continuously shoots those beams as he yells, "You damn human scum! It's mine! Given to me by the Spiral King! If you want to take it from me, I'll smash it up!" hearing that I can't help but comment tiredly, "That old gorilla doesn't know when to give up."

Then feeling the end getting closer as I grow weaker, I tell Simon, "Simon, listen... Let's finish this in one go... by combining. As our last time with Gurren Lagann, let's settle this." to which he replies, "All right! Aniki!"

I look as Lagann jumps out of the big guy, grabs Gurren's arm and Glasscutter, throwing the latter at some Gunmen behind me, and with a smile, I say, "Let's go!"

Lagann quickly takes its place, and all the damages recover as our Gunmen combine into Gurren Lagann.

And as the transformation takes place, I yell, "Whether it's impossible or laughable... Great men open up paths of battle!" followed by Simon, "If there's a wall, we break it down! If there's no path we make one with these hands!"

And with our usual connection, we yell at the same time, ""The heart's magma burns with flames! Everlasting Combination! Gurren Lagann!!"

Then as the Glasscutter is placed in its usual place, we yell, "I...", "Us...", ""Who the hell do you think we are!?""

Once we are done, Thymilph once again shoots at us with his beam yelling, "You bastard, take this! Condemn Glaize!" but this time, we are easily able to stop it by forming an energy barrier by raising the Gurren Lagann's hand.

Feeling that the end is near, and I can't delay it anymore, I say my last words, "Listen, Simon... don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not you, who believe in me. Not me, who believe in you. Believe in you, who believes in yourself!" then I move to finally end this fight and open a path for their future.

I take control and Gurren Lagann grabs its Glasscutter, and I yell, "Hissatsu!!" Gurren Lagann throws them like a boomerang, and as it flies toward Thymilph's Gunmen, it splits into two, hits the Byakou, and pins it in mid-air, then I push all my remaining Fighting Spirit into Gurren Lagann, which summons all its drills before it summons from its right hand a huge drill as I yell, "Giga... Drill..." I roar, "BREAAAAK!!!" and Gurren Lagann flies towards the pinned Gunman drilling straight through it.

Once we land on the ground, I hear the explosion behind us that signs the death of our enemy and the end of this battle, and with a relieved smile on my face, I feel my remaining strength leaving me as everything fades into darkness and say, "Farewell... my friends..."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao

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