Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 128 – It’s a Trap

Guame POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

I'm once again having an audience with Lordgenome regarding the most recent human rebellion, but this one feels very different from all the others until now, for one little but very crucial detail, this time they found a mini-type Gunmen, the same as the ones back then, the same I was sure we all destroyed to prevent the awakening and use of Spiral Power and the coming of the Spiral Nemesis.

While telling the reports of Adiane's fight, I look straight at my king and friend Lordgenome, a large and muscular man with a slightly darker skin tone, he sports a goatee and impressive sideburns curled upwards, and his head is bald as he lost his long mane many years ago, though when he channels his Spiral Power he gains a mane of raging red flames, his eyes are white and the shape of a spiral can be seen within that pulse with red Spiral Power.

(Image Here - Lordgenome)


I finish giving the reports that I received from my spies and say, "It seems Adiane has failed." my fellow general, the youngling Cytomander follows with, "She disregarded us, and brought her bravado before the Spiral King. And now she has no honor left to return with."

Reaching this point, I cut to the chase and directly request, "So then won't you entrust me with the task next?" after a few seconds of silence, Lorgenome narrows his eyes and says, "Guame... Even you?"

But I don't relent and simply say while still being careful about what I say as the only ones that know the truth are me and Lordgenome, "The fact that they are using an unknown mini-type Gunmen worries me. This "Gurren Lagann" is the product of combining with the mini-type Gunmen. There is currently no known model with that ability."

And while saying that, I think, 'No know model but the Lazegann, Lordgenome's personal unit, whose immense power is still imprinted in my mind... no in my whole being as I accumulated enough Spiral Power to evolve from it after years of standing by his side during all his fight against the Anti-Spiral.'

While I was thinking that, Lordgenome replies in a bored tone, "They were simply lucky. The humans have dug up something of no importance. That's all there is to it."

Hearing that, I hold myself from shaking my head and simply say, "Even so, it's become quite a nuisance. Please, if you would..."

Lordgenome stares at me and says "Guame... Are you telling me what to do?" he seems to threaten me, but I know him too well, and simply and calmly wait for his decision with my eyes closed.

While waiting, I also think about what to do about the most pressing problem, 'Now that Nia is freed from her box that would have given her a painless end, instead we are forced to deal with her in some other way. If it is possible, I don't want to kill her, despite all that, she is Lordgenome's daughter... Maybe if I can break her willpower she will be unable to produce Spiral Power, and maybe she will have a calm and peaceful life...'

Lordgenome POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

I stare down at my former pet Guame, his worry is clear, he is afraid that the emergence of the mini-type Gunmen means a new chance to rise for the human race, and more important a greater chance that this will be the spark that will start the beginning of the end know as the Spiral Nemesis and the total eradication of the human race and all life in the universe.

At the same time, I think back to the time I just learned about the Spiral Nemesis, how broken and desperate I was, and how to protect and prevent the unstoppable end and save the human race, I had to become the thing I hated and fought the until that moment.

On how upon learning the truth, I decided to kill and destroy the comrades that fought with me until that moment, how I forced the humans underground and carefully kept their number under a million, how I suppressed, dominated, and executed them all to make sure that the remaining ones would survive.

And still with the little bit of hope left in my heart that in the future someone could fight me and find another solution to the Spiral Nemesis, how I randomly buried some mini-type Gunmen all around the planet, and how that hope became buried with them the more years passed.

And now after all this time, someone found them, but after all these years, I realized that what I did was only a folly of my youth, humans will always try to push themselves forward until they reach the breaking point and destroy everything, even themselves, the Spiral Nemesis can't be allowed to begin, I have to stop them to protect the few that still are alive underground,

Reaching this point, I simply command, "Very well. Guame you can make your move." he replies with a simple, "Yes." and he disappears quickly after with a crumbling earth sound, followed by Cytomander that disappears like a gust of wind.

Once I'm alone, the two members of my harem laying between my legs start to sensually and slowly caress my quickly hardening member, while the other two laying at my side start to massage my shoulder with their hands and breast while showering me in kisses.

Then the two girls between my legs, free my member from my pants and start to run their tongues up and down my shaft, with eyes full of devotion, reaching this point, I simply close my eyes and enjoy their ministration as one starts to focus her effort on the head, while the other takes care of the shaft while she caresses my balls with her hands.

At the same time, I use my Spiral Power to activate the spiral dildo that resides inside their hole making them writhing in pleasure as they continue to work on my member.

Meanwhile, one of the girls massaging me uncovered her chest and moves closer making me feel the hardened tip of her breast on my lips, and without hesitation, I take it in my mouth and start to flick it with my tongue and suck it.

Soon, the only sound that can be heard are my concubines' thrones of passion as the spiral dildos continue to vibrate and spin bringing them continuous orgasms as they focus on bringing me pleasure.

Then just before they reach their peak, I stop and with a smirk, I say, "How about you start to ride my drill."

Guame POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

After receiving Lordgenome's consent, I leave him alone with his plaything and find myself sitting on one of the benches laying on the corridors that leads to the hangar where my Gunmen rests, together with me there is also the youngling Cytomander that says, "That gave me chills just a moment ago. I doubt there's anyone in this world except you who would stand up to the Spiral King. For that, I'll give you my respect."

But I simply play along and explain the "reason" behind my and Lordgenome actions, "That mini-type Gunmen could be an important discovery. Besides, we've been friends for quite a long time." saying that, I fall silent smoking from my pipe and thinking about all the years I spent with him, 'I stood by his side since he was a small and innocent kid, watched him grow into a man and a warrior, a leader, and then take the burden of becoming the guardian of humanity... How it changed him into the man he is now... And I changed alongside him...'

Then after a few moments of silence, Cytomander says, "Your opponents are savages with combat experience. You never know what they'll come up with next."

I let out a puff of smoke and say, "Naturally, I have a plan." hearing that Cytomander smirks, and says, "As expected, you're quite a cunning guy after all." then I walk away and start to organize my men for our next mission.

Nia POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

A day passed since the fight with Adiane the Elegant, and right now, I'm standing on the deck of the Dai-Gurren looking at a mass of objects and broken stuff laying on the ground near the hangar, and the one that catches my attention the most is the small Gunmen of Simon.

Looking at it, I can't hold my curiosity and call for someone, "Everyone!" and quickly the guy piloting their Gunmen come out of the hangar with Kittan-san that says, "Huh?"

Pointing at the small Gunmen, I ask, "What is this?" and Kittan-san replies, "This is... trash, as in, waste." hearing that, I exclaim, "But these remains belong to Simon!"

And Kittan-san explains, "But he's no good anymore. He's just a kid that does nothing but dig now. It'd be better if he went back to Jeeha village."

I want to tell them to believe in Simon and yell "But!" but before I could say anything else, Yoko-san makes her presence known and says, "There's no place for people who can't take care of themselves. Don't spoil what remains of Simon, okay?"

Confused by what I just heard, I ask, "Spoil?", and Yoko-san explains, "If he doesn't stand up by himself... there's no point." after that, they return to the hangar and resume their training.

Meanwhile, I decide to go and check on Simon, and after a few minutes, I'm standing in front of the door of his room and quickly peek inside from the doorway, and see that Simon is focused on using his drill to sculpt another of the countless bust that lays all over his room, all these busts depict the same person, a young man with some unusual sunglasses.

I slowly walk into the room and crouch down next to him, picking up one of the smaller stone figures, and curious, I ask, "This person is your Aniki, isn't he?" because he is too focused, Simon is surprised by my sudden question and jolts up with a yell.

But he quickly calms down and once again he crouches and asks, "I'm weird... right?" but I quickly answer, "No, you're not weird. Even I can understand why you made these figures. It's because you really loved this person."

After a few moments of total silence, Simon resumes working with his drill, and with some hesitation, he explains, "I... All I'm good for is digging holes. Back in my village, everyone said I was creepy and stinky. All except for Aniki. He hung out with me and didn't treat me like an idiot. Strong, kind, and big. I wanted to become a man just like Aniki. Even though I've tried... In the end, I can't. I... can't become like Aniki."

While listening to him, I continue to look at the figure he sculped in my hand, and can't help to genuinely admire, "You're really skilled!" which surprise him as he asks, "R-Really?"

I nod and ask, "Is it okay if I stay to watch a little longer?" and Simon shyly replies with a "Y-yeah..."

At the same time, I think, 'They are wrong... Simon isn't "no good", he is just in pain, and despite all the pain he is feeling, he is still the one that saved me and that came to my rescue first when I was in danger. Simon is a lot stronger than they all think, he just needs a little more time to get up and recover.'

While thinking that, I continue to stand by his side as he works on another stone, at the same time, I feel the Dai-Gurrer jolt, a clear sign that it started moving forward.

Jayr POV - Earth, Gekorn region - 1007 AFA-SW

I just stepped out of the black swirling portal that connects my Souldbound Territory to the outside world piloting Cratergann, when I see the small figure of the Dai-Gurren in the distance as it slowly moves away, and with a smile, I mutter, "Good, we are just in time, it seems that we can watch and enjoy the whole show..."

While I'm saying this, another figure speedily rushes out of the portal while loudly yelling, "YoHOOO! This thing is awesome!!" this is, of course, Kamina, who is riding my almost forgotten Magic Powered Bike, who I spent a good chunk of yesterday time in modifying the engine so that it can convert also Cosmo and Spiral Power into electricity to make it work, while the rest of the day was spent in teaching Kamina how to drive it.

Kamina continues to drive the bike around randomly to enjoy the sense of speed and freedom that it gives, at least until he notices the Dai-Gurren slowly walking in the distance, as he stops and lets out a whistle, then he yells, "Wow! I like the new paint job! That's truly something worth the Dai-Gurren Brigade!!"

I control Cratergann so that it moves next to now still Kamina and say, "Let's go and follow them, but maintain this distance for now." but Kamina quickly complains, "Wait! If we are so far how can I enjoy the show!? Even if I enhance my sight with Spiral Power I still can't see so well from this far."

Instead of simply replying, I raise my hand and with my Spiral Power, I create a projection in front of us that shows the scene of Simon crouching in his room which is now full of statues representing Kamina, as he uses his drill to sculpt another figure in silence with a beautiful young girl sitting next to him.

Seeing that scene, Kamina exclaims in surprise, "Whoa! That is Simon!? Damn it, seeing him like that really makes me want to punch him in the face so that he wakes up. But I have to admit that my sister-in-law is very beautiful, man, Simon is for sure a lucky guy..." but then he stops and looks at me with a skeptical look in his eyes as he asks, "Wait! How did you do this?"

I shrug my shoulders and reply, "My senses allow me to perceive everything that is happening in the Universe if I focus on it. And it is quite easy to project what I perceive."

Hearing that, Kamina's eyes open wide as he asks, "Wait! Wait! That means that if you want you can see what someone is doing, in any place your senses allows you, any time you want!?" and seeing me simply nod, he exclaims, "Are you sure that we are the same kind of human being!?"

I look at him in the eyes with a gaze that makes him understand the gravity of what I'm about to say while dispersing the projection, and then I seriously reply, "We aren't the same. I'm not a virgin." which makes him comically fall from the bike with a hurt expression.

But I don't give him any mercy and continue, "In fact, if it wasn't for me saving your life, you would have died a virgin, the same day you kissed a girl after she confessed to you her love..." at this point, tears of blood run down his face as he starts drawing spirals in the ground with a depressed mood all around him.

But Kamina quickly recovers and says, "It doesn't matter! I, the great Kamina-sama, am still alive and well. I for sure won't die as a virgin!" then he once again gets on the bike and start to drive it, calmly following the still cruising Dai-Gurren.

I follow after him making Cratergann run after him, and quickly we are standing side by side, and since we still have some time before the show starts, I say, "I have thought you all I can about Spiral Power and fighting in general. Now, I'll impart to you the most useful and essential knowledge that you will ever learn. The title of this lesson is: "Death Flags, How to Recognize and Avoid Them." Trust me, you will definitely find this useful."

After telling him this I start the lesson using him as a practice from when I will do the same to my children, "Death Flags are apparently normal or mundane events, actions or phrases that offer the possibility in some way to always lead a person to death." hearing this introduction, Kamina's face turns serious as he is now fully focusing on what I'm saying.

Seeing that I have his attention, I continue, "Some of the most common Death Flags are: Being a mentor figure of a young man." Kamina's bike sways a little, "Excessive coughing of blood during battle." once again the bike sways but he quickly regains control, "Finally opening up to his/her crush right before going into a dangerous situation, like a war/battle. And also Talk about his/her future and what he wants to be in life, right before a dangerous battle or war."

This time, the bike sways dangerously and seems almost on the point of tipping over, but Kamina regains balance and yells, "Come on! Do you really have to continue to joke about that!?" but I shake my head and say, "No, Kamina. I'm not joking, what I just told you are true Death Flags. I won't joke about something so serious, because I too made the mistake of taking them lightly and almost lost my life because of that! And trust me when I say that killing me is very, very hard."

After saying that, I continue my lesson while we follow the Dai-Gurren from a safe distance, and finally, after some time, the walking fortress stops at a top of a hill, and nearby in the distance, a huge hole surrounded by Gunmen can be seen, that hole is, of course, the entrance of another underground village.

Seeing that, a curious Kamina asks, "What are they doing here? Freeing that village?" but I shake my head and reply, "Nope, they are falling into a trap."

And as I say this, the Dai-Gurren carelessly fires its cannon at the Beastmen's Gunmen which immediately start to flee without even trying to fight back and soon after that a bunch of cute girls comes out of the village and start to wave at them with smiles on their faces.

And seeing that scene, Kamina also realizes that something is wrong, "You are right! They are giving up too easily. Something is obviously fishy here." then he looks at me and declares, "But they should also notice this! The members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade founded by the great Kamina-sama aren't such fools that will fall for such an obvious trick!"

But at the same moment, he says this, the Dai-Gurren start to slide down the hills while waving back at the girls, and Kamina, who just noticed it, exclaims, "What the hell!?" and I simply explain, "The one currently leading the Dai-Gurren Brigade is Kittan..."

Hearing that, Kamina suddenly yells, "What!? That idiot!? I can understand that Simon is currently unavailable, but everyone else would have been a better choice! What about Yoko? Or even Leeron? Hell, even that big-forehead boy would have been a better choice!"

I look at the Dai-Gurren as it reaches the ground below and stops in front of the village, and say, "Well, among all the other members, he is the one with the most charisma and the only one who wanted to take that position." then I once again raise my hand and with my Spiral Power I create a projection on what is happening inside the Dai-Gurren.

The Dai-Gurren Brigade members are inside the bridge, standing in front of some of the girls from the village they just "saved", the ones in front are Kittan and Dayakka, and right behind them, there is one of Kittan's sisters, Kinon Bachika, a young brunette with short hair, glasses and blue eyes, and Leeron Littner, an effeminate man with short light green hair and dark eyes.

(Image Here - Kinon, Leeron)


One of the village girls is now holding Dayakka's hand as she says, "Thanks to you, our village is saved!" he awkwardly scratches his head with his free hand and replies, "You don't need to thank us. The Spiral King is everyone's enemy, including ours."

Soon after he said that Kittan moves between them and asks with a lecherous gaze, "However, we can't see even one man whenever we look... What's up with that?" at the same time, Kamina beside me yells, "It's because it is clearly a trap you idiot!!"

And indeed as the girl starts to stutter, "No... well... that's because..." the Dai-Gurren member gets encircled by a group of Anteater Beastmen all armed with machineguns, and one among them yell, "You there, don't move."

Everyone raises their hands in the air while at the same time, a shocked Kittan yells, "No way! It was a Beastman trap!?" making Kamina yell at the projection, "No shit, IDIOT! Of course, it was a trap!" and Leeron behind him comments, "That's why we said it was fishy."

Then Kittan tries to fight back but he is quickly suppressed by the enemy firepower and chooses to surrender, at the same time, I start to show Kamina that the same is happening all over the Dai-Gurren, with the Anteater Beastmen systematically capturing everyone, I also show him an image of the enemy general, a Beastman that is the short mix between a crocodile and armadillo, as he lays on the beach bed on top of his Gunmen that currently looks like a huge a massive mechanical woodlouse, with a face on its back and needle-like legs, relaxing under the shadow of an umbrella.

At the same time, another Anteater Beastmen reports, "Recovery of the Dai-Gunzan is complete. out to search for Nia and the mini-type Gunmen." Guame still with the same calm replies, "Very good. Continue as you were." and the Beastmen received the consent quickly leaves to continue with his duties.

Seeing this scene, Kamina comments, "So this is the enemy? He doesn't look like much of a threat..." but I quickly chide him and say, "Do not underestimate him! He has been beside Lordgenome since the beginning, he has over 1000 years of fighting experience that isn't something that you can simply ignore."

And while I'm warning Kamina, the scene continues as Guame mutters, "Just because Beastmen are their enemies, they assumed that all humans were their allies. Such idiots. You scum don't even understand who your number one enemy is."

Hearing that, I let out a sigh and think, 'Indeed, he is right... The number one enemy isn't the Beastmen, and not even Lordgenome the Spiral King. But it is the Anti-Spiral tribe...' and it seems that I'm not the only one that realizes the true meaning behind his words as Kamina too turns serious as he hears Guame say that.

Then I sense another thing happening and quickly switch the images on the projection showing what is happening in Simon's room as the Beastmen found him and Nia and after firing some warning shoots that destroy most of the statues, one of the Anteater Beastmen says, "Go ahead and resist brat."

Then he points at Nia and adds, "Hey, you're Princess Nia, right? It seems Guame-sama has some business with you."

Nia hears that and mutters, "Guame?" then she declares, "Very well. I will meet him. However, you must not lay your hands on this person." as he leads Nia outside, the Anteater says, "Don't worry, I haven't been given orders to kill him yet."

At the same time, seeing Nia getting taken away, Simon gets up and yells, "N-Nia!" but he is quickly pushed back into the ground by another Anteater Beastmen that yells, "Don't move!" and Nia calmly turns her head to look at him and with a smile, she says, "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

Simon looks at Nia with worry and fear in his gaze as he repeats, "Nia!" and Nia with still the same smile says, "Simon. Simon, you're not your Aniki. I think it's good that you are yourself." and Kamina besides me nods and says, "That's right! My sister-in-law is very wise..." then she is taken away.

After that Simon is taken to the other captured members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade, then all of them are thrown into a single big prison made entirely of solid stone.

As they are led into their prison, Kittan yells, "Damn it, get off me! Beast-bitch!" but soon Guame arrives and says, "Only humans have such filthy mouths. Can't you at least say "Beast-bitch-sama"?" then he introduces himself, "I am one of the King's Big Four, Guame the Steady." and explains, "I'm taking back the Dai-Gunzan. In order to make an example of you, there will be a public execution. Until that time, you will stay here."

After he said this, the door of the prison close, and reaching this point, Kamina is about to rush over to help them, but I quickly hold him with one of Cratergann's hands, making him yell, "Let me go! They need my help!!"

But I look at him and yell, "Calm down!" making him calm down and stare at me then with a calm smile I ask, "Do you have so little faith in your Ototo? Tell me will a prison made of solid rock truly hold him in if he wants to escape?"

Hearing my questions, a confident smile forms on Kamina's face as he says, "Of course not! Simon's drill will pierce through the heavens!! A measly rock is unable to stop."

I smirk and summoning a pack of chips, I offer him some as I say, "Then stay here and enjoy the show! I promise you that if even a hint of a true threat appears, I will make my move."


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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