Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 129 – Simon the Digger

Jayr POV - Earth, Gekorn Region - 1007 AFA-SW

After relieving Kamina of his worries, I change the images of Simon and the others currently staying still in their prison, with those showing Nia facing Guame as they are sitting on some block in a dark room illuminated only by a soft pink light coming from the squares in the ground that surrounds the blocks they are sitting on.

Noticing the change, Kamina quickly asks, "What is this? Why are you showing me this scene?" with my gaze fixed on Guame and Nia, I reply, "I want to make sure that nothing wrong happens to her. And I also want to show you what I'm sensing."

At the same time, I think, 'Sure the Spiral Power has a higher ceiling than Cosmo. But despite that, mastering Cosmo granted me a greater awareness of everything else. And the same is also true with my Magic Power, it doesn't grant me the sheer power or the awareness of both Cosmo and Spiral Power, but its advantage is that it is very easy to control and much more precise and detail-oriented than the other two. I am sure that when I'm able to merge all of them together, the new energy will gain the best qualities of all of them, and maybe it will even allow me to awaken my 9th sense... Wait! If I awaken my 9th sense will that mean that I'll truly cease to be a human and become a God with the capital "G" like Poseidon, Hades, and my girlfriend Saori, the Goddess Athena!?'

I'm brought out from my deep thoughts by Guame's deep voice as he says to Nia, "The Spiral King dispatched me to eliminate you."

Hearing that, Nia then asks, "Then, what Adiane said was true?" and Guame replies, "Yes, I believe so. If only you'd stayed in that valley sleeping, you'd have died painlessly." surprising Nia who remains stunned in silence.

Guame gives her some time to digest what she just heard, then he says, "The Spiral King's life is eternal. He has already lived for more than a thousand years. He creates children just for entertainment. That's why when he gets bored, he throws them out. Just like dolls. That's all there is to it."

With her unusual eyes spread open unable to believe what she just heard, Nia mutters, "Doll?" and Guame then says, "I heard that you asked the King why you were born. That was a bad thing to do. The Spiral King hates the freedom of thought. And that should be so because there is no need for a doll to have free will."

With her gaze lowered, and an expression full of sadness, Nia mutters, "I am... the same as that doll." she maybe remembers something that happened in her past, and at the same time, tears threaten to fall from the corner of her eyes.

Seeing that, Guame laughs evilly then he puts his hand over his chin and while gazing pervertedly at Nia's body he says, "But honestly, you are way too beautiful to be killed, so I've been wondering if there is a way to save you." but at the same time, I can't help but notice that he doesn't truly lusts for her, something that confuses me a little.

Then he moves closer and holds Nia's chin and says, "Perhaps you can become the chief of this village?" making Nia, with still a hint of tears on the corner of her eye repeat, "The chief of this village?"

With still the same grin, Guame says, "Why not? It's a village full of women gathered from other villages before we send them to the Spiral King, someone needs to teach them proper manners."

Nia then asks, "For what purpose? What happens to the people taken there?" and Guame replies, "It's a favor for the Spiral King. Isn't that nice? They'll be given a taste of what their little run-down villages could never offer them."

Realizing what he truly means, Nia asks for confirmation, "So all of those people... are dolls as well?" hearing that question, Guame's grin grows wider as he replies, "Hehehe. That's right. They'll be thrown away once he's bored. Just like you." at the same time, he moves his face even closer to Nia.

Nia unable hold endure it any longer gets up and heavily slaps Guame sending him flying a few meters.

But despite the slap he just received, he is still fine, in fact, he starts to laugh loudly, "Hehehehe! Heehehehe! Hiehehehe!!!" at the same time, Kamina whistle and says, "Wow, that was a good slap! Did you see how much did he fly? She sure hide a lot of power in that slim body...".

While he is saying that, I sense Simon's almost atrophied Spiral Power as it starts to stir and immediately I change back to the view of the prison.

Noticing that Kamina asks, "Why did you change?! Do you not care for Nia!?" but I quickly reply, "She is still fine, Guame strangely doesn't truly lusts for her body and is now leading her back to the Dai-Gurren and I'm not the only one protecting her, she will be fine. Now the most important is what is happening in the prison."

Hearing that, Kamina focus back on the projection and sees that every member of the Dai-Gurren Brigade is furiously attacking the rocky walls and ground of their prison with any means possible, punching, kicking, biting, scratching, headbutting, while Kittan yells, "Don't underestimate us undergrounders! We'll break out of this place in no time!"

But all their effort are useless as they are only able to hurt themselves without damaging the hard solid rock wall at all.

After all of them are laying on the ground wailing in pain, Leeron comments, "It's no good. We're just getting injured." followed by Yoko that says, "Why is this bedrock so hard!? I've never seen any like this before." then she notices that while all the other started to give up one after the other because of their futile effort, there is someone who is still trying to dig into the hard wall.

And she isn't the only one as Kamina looks at the scene on the projection with a confident grin on his face as mutters, "Simon...", as looks at the small figure of Simon's back as he continues to slowly dig into the wall using his Core Drill.

Meanwhile, the remaining members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade that were still trying to breach the wall give up while saying, "It's no good, I can't get through here either.", "No matter what we try, we just get injured.", "It's really discouraging.", "Are we finished already!?", "If Kamina were here at a time like this..." as their whole morale fell to the lowest possible.

Then one of the children, Gimmy Adai, a young boy with orange hair that falls low and straight down his face, framing his visage with a lock between his eyes and blue eyes, finally notice that Simon still didn't give up and that he is also slowly digging a hole into the wall and soon after him, the other child, a young girl with light pink hair and green eyes also notices the same.

After them, all the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade realize that Simon didn't give up yet and is still digging, and have their gaze fixed in a stupor on Simon's back as he continues to relentlessly dig into the wall.

Yoko then seems to realize something and mutters, "So that's how it was..." catching everyone's attention, then she explains, "Kamina told me before: "He's the one that always saves me." "He's the one that doesn't give up, even at the end."..."

At the same time, Kamina beside me grins and says, "That's right!" with a proud look on his face.

Then Yoko tells them the word that Kamina told her that night, "He said: "I didn't have any confidence. I thought I was living the wrong way. Impatiently. Why couldn't I go where my father could? Truthfully, I wasn't strong enough. When we were all trapped in that hole, there wasn't anything I could do. But Simon just kept on digging. Believing in my show of courage. In the end, he was the one who saved me. It was lucky, but... to me, that luck... and that path to escape, all came from believing in Simon. When I feel weak, or when I lack self-confidence, I remember Simon's back as he dug tirelessly. I wanted to become a man whose back would never break. That's what I thought."

After she told them this, everyone continue to look at Simon as he focus on digging into the solid rock bed in front of him

As he continues to dig, I feel that Simon's Spiral Power finally stabilized and once again it starts to constantly churn and grow in power full of desire to break through all the obstacles standing in its way until, all of a sudden, I sense that Simon's Lagann on the Dai-Gurren's deck activates and start to quickly drill through it, quickly moving toward Simon.

Realizing this, with a grin I say, "Keep your eyes wide open, Kamina. Simon is about to break free from his self-imposed chains!"

Then I change the images shown on the projection to a close-up of Simon as he focuses on digging until he suddenly mutters with a tone full of vigor as he remembers the "last words" said by his beloved Aniki, very different from the Simon of a few moments ago, "Believe in yourself!"

Soon Simon stops and looks at his Core Drill in surprise as it once again starts to pulse with power at a very quick pace, until Lagann breakthrough the bedrock and appears in front of him.

Seeing that, Simon mutters in surprise, "Lagann?", then with a smile he once more calls, "Lagann!" and in response to Simon, Lagann opens its eyes as they once again pulse with power ready to be unleashed under Simon's command.

Simon then uses Lagann's drills to quickly break open the prison to allow the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade to escape and start to retake the Dai-Gurren then he digs into the ground and quickly moves to search for Nia.

Sensing what is about to happen, I once again change the image shown in the projection, and will it to show the images of what is happening on the Dai-Gurren's bridge.

It looks like Guame is just receiving a report from one of his men an Ostrich-like Beastmen, "Guame-sama! We've looked everywhere, but there's no sign of the mini-type Gunmen."

Hearing that report, an uneasy Guame starts to yell back, "Don't tell me "there's no sign of it"... It should definitely be here. Search the hangar bay!" making the Ostrich Beastmen stutter, "S-Sir!" before he leaves the bridge running.

Nia, who also notices Guame's uneasiness, asks, "Why are you in such a hurry, Guame?" making him turn his head to look at her standing beside another of him with her arms tied behind her back and asks, "What?"

And Nia quickly continues, "You're scared of him, aren't you? Of Simon."

Not knowing who she is talking about, he asks, "Huh? Who the hell is he?"

Still looking forward with her gaze full of confidence, she explains, "Simon was the first one to drop into the valley and rescue me. No, he's the person who always protects me! There's no way he would lose to you."

But hearing what she just said, an evil smirk forms on Guame's face as he says, "I see, so he's the pilot?" then he quickly commands, "Hey! Go find this Simon person and bring him here." which is met with a "Sir!"

After that, Guame asks, "How are the preparations for the executions?" and one of his men replies simply, "Just completed." glad to hear that, Guame says, "Very well. Then the first one we'll kill is this Simon."

Realizing her mistake a shocked Nia quickly declares, "I won't let you do such a thing!" but in response to that, the grin on Guame's face wides and he gets up and moves his face closer to Nia and says, "I'm the one in charge here. Be a good little abandoned princess and do as I say!"

But with a resolute gaze Nia replies, "I will not." and Guame keeps his gaze fixed on her and says, "Is that so? Then your other option is death."

At the same time, he pulls out a machine gun and points the barrel right at Nia's head ready to pull the trigger at any moment, as there is no hesitation in his eyes.

Kamina who notices the same quickly yells, "Oyi! OyI! Quickly do something! Nia-chan is about to get shoot!! God! Where the hell is Simon!?" but I calmly watch as I know that nothing will happen to her.

Nia looks right into Guame's eyes and with a resolute and confident tone she declares, "I will not die!" the confidence and belief in her gaze surprise Guame as he exclaims, "Huh?"

And Nia quickly adds, "I might be another useless doll, but I've learned a lot since coming to the surface." curious, Guame asks, "Learned what?"

Nia then replies, "About how Simon believes in his Aniki. I believe in Simon the same way!" making Kamina beside me exclaim, "Atta, girl!!"

Meanwhile, the scene continues with Guame, who looks at Nia with a cold gaze and says, "Even at the bitter end, you won't budge. How naive. I've lost interest now. I don't want you anymore!"

And without hesitation, he pulls the trigger and shoots but soon it is clear that he missed, because his machine gun is now pointing away from Nia, but not because he choose to do so, but because an old man with a large nose, thick white mustache and a few hairs on his head, silently appears in front of Nia and with his hand, he pushes the gun's barrel away from her.

(Image Here - Old Coco)


Nia, Guame, and Kamina are all surprised by his sudden appearance of course, the happiest about his intervention is Kamina who yells, "Way to go, Ossan (Old Man)!!" while Guame exclaims in shock as even he didn't notice his presence until the last moment, "What!?"

Nia instead asks, "Oji-san! Why are you here!?" but he doesn't reply, and soon after the Dai-Gurren starts to shake making everyone stumble.

At the same time, Lagann starts to drill through the floor, as its drill start to rise behind Nia, breaking the wooden handcuffs, freeing her, then it comes out from the floor and pierce into the ceiling but stops as if struck.

And quickly the cockpit opens and an upside down still dirty of all the dirt from when he dug into the prison Simon shows himself as he yells, "Nia! I came to same you! Come on!"

Moved almost to tears, Nia quickly moves and hugs Simon while crying out, "Simon!!" then she turns her head and with a smile, she says, "Oji-san, too!" but then she realizes that he already disappeared taking advantage of the chaos caused by Simon's entrance.

At the same time, surprised by his skill, I can't help but exclaim out loud, "He pulled off a perfect Batman vanishing act, even I, almost lost sight of him!!!"

Meanwhile, Guame realizes what is going on and jumps to grab Nia, but Lagann starts to drill through the ceiling, making him fall into the deep hole in the floor left behind by Lagann while yelling, "Get that mini-type Gunmeeeeeen!!"

At the same time, Lagann jumps out of the Dai-Gurren and continues to rise again in the sky like a bright green signal flare.

The image then focuses on Simon in the open Lagann's cockpit with Nia sitting on him in between the clear white clouds as he apologizes, "Sorry for taking so long." but Nia lightly shakes her head and says, "No..."

Then with a bright smile on his face, Simon says, "I finally understand. Lagann taught me. Now I understand!" Nie smiles back with still a hint of tears in the corner of her eyes and says, "So do I. Thank you, Simon!"

Then she stops and looks at his still dirty hand holding Lagann's handles and after a few seconds she requests, "Simon, move your hand..."

Confused Simon still let go of the handles and soon after, Nia puts her hands on them, then she looks at Simon and with a bright smile, she asks, "Ready?"

Simon looks at Nia in surprise and after she lightly nods, Simon smiles back and yells, "Yeah!"

Meanwhile, the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade together with the girls of the Beauty Village, who chose to rebel, started to fight the Beastmen in the Dai-Gurren and in the village and slowly gain control while pushing back and capturing the enemies.

But at the same time, I notice a curled in a ball Guame jumping out of the hangar bay into his Gunmen that lay on the Dai-Gurren's deck, which quickly activates and changes back into its humanoid form, which has the appearance of an orange-armored gorilla, sporting long, insectoid antennae, its name is Gember.

(Image Here - Gember)


With its overwhelming presence, Guame inside the Gember declares, "The balance of power has been reversed, human scum! You may have escaped, but now you're going to regret it."

At the same time, with a snap of the Gember's finger, Guame activates the projector that he prepared beforehand in all the human villages in the world, in his attempt to demoralize the humans fighting spirit and cease this rebellion once and for all with his victory and the destruction of the Dai-Gurren Brigade.

Then he arrogantly says, "What do you think of Gember's magnificent form? Your helpless deaths will be broadcast to people all across the world."

Kittan who is also on the deck together with Yoko, without hesitation, yells back, "So what!? You stinkin' punk!" at the same time, Rossiu piloting the Gurren steps forward and declares, "Your opponent is here!"

Seeing that, Kamina beside me exclaims in shock, "What!? That big forehead boy is piloting my Gurren!? Why that stinking kid!? Why not Yoko!? Hell, even Kittan could have been a better choice!" but I quickly say, "Come on, it isn't so bad... and remember that this is only a temporary measure."

Meanwhile, the situation on the Dai-Gurren's deck gets more tense as Guame yells back, "Do you think you're any match from my Gember?" at the same time, Gember uses its long, insectoid antennae to grab the Gurren's arms binding it in place.

Then it transforms back into its woodlouse form and with the face on its back, it bites the Gurren while Guame asks, "What's wrong?" and the Gember starts to munch on the Gurren as if eating it.

On the deck, seeing that scene Kittan starts to panic, "Ahhh! Gurren is getting eaten!", while Yoko beside him shoots with her rifle as she tries to free Gurren but the Gember's armor is too thick and tough and the fired bullets are only able to generate some small spark on impact.

Guame piloting the Gember totally ignores them and continues to focus on champing on Gurren as he says, "There, there... just a little more!".

But just as the situation is about to turn really bad, Simon's voice is heard that says, "Rossiu! Combine!" and quickly Rossiu replies with a tone full of joy, "Right!"

Instantly Gurren uses its arms to push itself with the Gamber still biting into it in a standing position, and quickly Lagann can be seen falling toward Gurren, and Guame who just noticed it curses out loud, "Damn it! Is it that mini-type Gunmen!?"

Then Lagann lands into its position and starts the combining process, and Guame can't help but ask himself, "Could this be the fabled Gurren Lagann!?"

Once the mecha is finally complete, the cockpit on Gurren Lagann's head opens and Simon stands up with his arm crossed and declares, "Aniki is dead. He is no longer here. However, on my back, within my heart, he continues to live on!"

Then he takes the iconic pose with his finger pointing at the sky and continues, "Digging a hole to pierce the heavens. Even in a grave, I can drill on. And if I can break through, it's my victory! Who the hell do you think I am? I'm Simon. Not my Aniki, Kamina. I am myself! SIMON THE DIGGER!!" and everyone looks at this scene in a stupor.

At the same time, Simon once more gets inside the cockpit and starts to pilot Gurren Lagann, who quickly brings out the drills from its forearms and uses them to pierce the "eyes" of the face on the back of the Gember forcing it to release Gurren Lagann.

The Gember once again transforms into its humanoid form while Guame yells, "So you're gonna do things the hard way!" then the Gembar rushes toward the Gurren Lagann is caught in a bearhug hold and then it tries to crush it by using the needles that are released from the mecha's arms as Guame yells, "Gember Press!"

But soon Simon's voice is heard as he yells, "Hissatsu!" at the same time, Simon's Spiral Power explodes in power and strength, and from all Gurren Lagann's hole drill comes out that pushes Gember away, at the same time, the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade recognize what Simon is about to do, and Yoko even yells, "That technique!"

Gurren Lagann throws its sunglasses, the Glasscutter, as a boomerang toward Gember, as the sunglasses fly, they split into two and start to hit the enemy mecha until it is pinned between the two Glasscutter, then Gurren Lagann summons its Giga Drill while Simon screams, "Giga... Drill... BREAAAK!!"

Then it flies towards the pinned Gembar drilling straight through it and soon the Glasscutter reunites into a single pair and flies back onto Gurren Lagann's lower face and this is then quickly followed by an explosion of the pinned Gembar.

But while everyone is cheering, I sense that Guame was able to escape from his Gunmen's destruction just in time and is now quickly escaping from the battlefield with some of his previously captured men who took advantage of the fact that everyone was focused on the fight to get away from the girls of the Beauty Village that were watching over them.

At the same time, I notice that Kamina beside me is strangely quiet, and turning my head to look at him, I see that his head is slightly lowered and also notice some tears running down his face, worried, I ask, "Is something wrong? Why are you crying?".

Kamina quickly turns around making me face his back, then I hear him loudly sniff as he uses his arm to clear his face and yells, "I-I'm not crying! The great Kamina-sama is a real man, he doesn't cry! And for sure I'm not moved by my Ototo's growth and wonderful speech!!"

Hearing that, I simply say, "Sure, sure..."

Then I close the projection and say, "Now, let's go back to my Soulbound Territory we still have to do our daily training... The grid never stops!" then I open the dark swirling portal and grab Kamina with Cratergann's hand then I walk through it.

Nia POV - Earth, Gekorn Region - 1007 AFA-SW

I'm enjoying the warm feeling of Simon's hands as we continue to hold onto Lagann's handles when I suddenly remember what Guame said about the other dolls, that are all still left to die in that valley where Simon saved me, and so I say, "Hey, Simon... There's a place I'd like you to take me."

And so after quickly dealing with the aftermath of the previous battle, we quickly move back and return to that valley.

With Simon beside me, I look at the countless boxes all identical to the one I woke up, all laying like some kind of garbage, and looking at this scene, I explain full of sadness for their demise, "These are all the princesses abandoned like me from many generations before my birth."

And from behind, I hear Kittan-san's voice as he questions with a tone full of shock, "All of these!?"

After a few moments of silence, I request, "I want to give them all a proper place in the sun. Please." from behind, all the members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade reply, "Right!"

And so, after finding a proper place, we start to dig the holes in the ground where we will properly bury the boxes, and then mark the graves with some wooden stakes.

The tinted red sky of the dusk greets the sight of the newly build graveyard and looking at it with Simon by my side I explain in a soft tone, "My father was the whole world to me. I believed only in my father and relied only on him. That's why I wanted to believe in him until the very end. In my father. I wonder... why were we born?"

Then all of a sudden, I hear Simon say, "Nia, here." turning my head I see him offering me a beautiful green shiny stone, if I remember well it is called emerald, and confused I say, "Eh?"

Simon is looking down as he says, "I'm giving it to you. I found it when I was digging earlier." I take it in my hand and exclaim, "It's beautiful!"

Then Simon says, "I don't quite understand, but it doesn't matter why you were born, or if you are a princess. The Nia here right now is you. So it's okay if you just be yourself. And I'll just be myself."

And as I look at Simon with a smile feeling happy about what he just said, I hear Kittan-san's voice as he says, "Right. That's the Dai-Gurren Brigade after all. Right? Leaaader." and pats heavily on Simon's back who is surprised about becoming the leader of this wonderful group of people.

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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