Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 131 – Aniki/Kamina!?

Simon POV - Earth, Beharma region - 1007 AFA-SW

As the Dai-Gurren proceeds through the desert towards the Beastmen Capital, Teppelin, I lay on the floor of the deck of the Dai-Gurren to rest and look at the birds flying among the white clouds of the clear sky above.

I'm about to let my mind wander when a shadow covers me, and I see Nia standing in front of me with that pure smile on her as she leans over and says, "Simon! So this is where you were!"

I'm once again stunned by her beauty, and she notices it too and asks, "Is something... wrong?" I continue to stare at her face and how her new hairstyle frames it, and feel a blush forming on my face, then I notice that I'm rudely staring in silence, and quickly sit up and say, "No. No, I was just thinking, your appearance has sort of changed."

Hearing that, Nia asks worried, "So it's weird after all? but I quickly try to fix this misunderstanding and say in panic, "It's not weird, not weird at all!"

Nia then asks with a smile and an expectant expression on her face, "Really?" furiously nodding, I reply, "Really, really!"

Nia is relieved of hearing that, "That's good then!" and once again smiles brightly making me feel very happy.

Then she sits down in front of me and says, "By the way, Simon... There is something I'd like to discuss with you."

Feeling the seriousness of her tone, I nervously stutter back, "Wh-what is it?" she then says, "The truth is, I..." and a weird and tense silence falls between us, and I feel my heart pumping faster and faster as a slight unlikely expectation raises in my heart.

Then with a tone full of conviction, she says, "I want to work." surprised by her declaration I can only let out a confused, "Huh?"

Feeling my clear confusion, Nia continues to explain, "Everyone is working so hard around me, and yet... I'm the only one who doesn't do anything. I can't accept that. I too want to be useful to everyone somehow."

Totally unsure of what to say I start to think about how to reply to her, and after a few seconds, unable to come up with anything, feeling that the more time we pass in silence the worse it will be, I stutter back the first thing that comes in my mind, "B-But... you're a princess, all you have to do is sit back."

But with a firm tone, she declares, "I am no longer a princess!" hearing that, I start to scratch my head and mutter, "I-I guess that's true... Uh..."

But before I can suggest anything else, Yoko interrupts our conversation as she walks toward us while yelling, "Simon! Haven't you eaten anything since morning again?"

Hearing her question, I quickly reply, "Ah, it's okay really. I'll eat when I get hungry." but she quickly scolds me, "That's no good! You're the only one who can pilot Lagann. What would happen if you got hungry at a crucial time!? Eating is also a part of your job!"

Then I hear Nia's excited voice as she repeats, "Eating is also part of your job?"

At this point Yoko finally notices Nia's presence and looking at her she gently says, "Ah, sorry... did I interrupt something?" but Nia with a huge smile on her face replies, "Not at all! I've found my answer!"

Hearing that, Yoko lets out an unsure, "Oh, I see..." and I also ask unsure of what answer she found, "Is that so?"

But before I could hear more, Yoko painfully pulls my ear and drags me away from Nia, toward the canteen while saying with finality, "Anyhow... Simon, you're going to eat. Jeez, you're always such a kid."

Jayr POV - Earth, Beharma region - 1007 AFA-SW

I'm once again stalking, hopefully for the last time, the Dai-Gurren Brigade on Cratergann from a safe distance as the Dai-Gurren proceeds through the desert towards the Beastmen Capital, Teppelin.

Besides me there is also Kamina riding my Magic Powered Bike, he is strangely silent with a focused expression on his face, that doesn't hide the tension he is feeling, because I told him that today he could finally reunite with Simon and the others as Simon finally got rid of his insecurities and started to grow a person, fighter, and leader.

Looking at him in that state, I quickly try to make him relax, "Calm down, everything will be fine." Kamina turns his head and looks at me then he says, "It's easy for you to say that! You didn't "die" and left them when they needed the most! How can I face them!? Will they even accept me!?"

This is one of the rare instances where Kamina shows his true feelings and insecurities hidden behind his mask of blind confidence that he usually displays, a sign of his trust and acceptance.

Seeing him like that, I simply smile and say throwing his own words back at him, "How can you face them? Like you always do! KICK LOGIC AND DO THE IMPOSSIBLE!! THAT'S HOW DAI-GURREN BRIGADE ROLLS!!" then with a smirk I add, "Isn't this the only way you know? And I'm sure that they will be more than happy to see you back... Especially a certain red-headed bombshell you promised to pay back, ten times over..."

Hearing that, Kamina's face lights up again, and as he fixes his sunglasses on his face, he smirks and says, "You're DAMN right!! Who the hell do you think I am? I'm the Great Kamina-sama, founder of the Dai-Gurren Brigade! And I will always keep my promises, nothing will stop me, not even death!!"

Now that he has regained his spirit, Kamina looks at the huge Dai-Gurren walking in the distance, and asks, "So why are we still following it? Why not simply go there and reunite with them and get done with it?"

Hearing his question, I take a deep breath then I reply with a totally serious face, "No way! That's way too bland and boring! There is no way I can allow the reappearance of a supposedly dead character to be so bland!! No! It has to be dramatic, full of suspense, with a cool impactful entrance maybe even some explosion here and there in the background!!"

Kamina looks at me in silence for a few moments, then he grins widely and says, "You are right! That's the only way the Great Kamina-sama can appear!" but then he tilts his head and asks, "But how are we going to do that?"

In response to his question, I smile and reply, "We will simply wait for the right moment to act..."

Then sensing something big approaching from the distance, my grin grows bigger as I add, "...And luckily we don't have to wait for too long."

Then I look at the object approaching the Dai-Gurren from the sky in the distance and hear Kamina, who noticed me looking at it and so he also started to look, exclaiming, "What the hell is that!? It's flying!!?"

Seeing the giant green airship aesthetically resembling an aircraft carrier with four runways, two long ones and two shorter ones on the side, with the long runways flanking the bridge, which is designed in the shape of a maniacal face and two massive missiles can be seen under the long runways, I explain, "That, my friend, is the Dai-Gunten. The fortress-type Gunmen which is the flagship of Cytomander the Swift, another general of the Human Eradication Army."

(Image Here - Dai-Gunten)


At the same time, I sense that the Dai-Gurren Brigade also noticed the approaching enemy, and within Dai-Gurren's bridge, Kinon reports, "Well, it's a bit strange. It's so big I thought it was a battleship, but... the coordinates indicate that it's flying."

Dayakka is skeptical and says in an uncertain tone, "There's no way, right?" but the readings don't lie, and Leeron further confirms it, "The radar is functioning normally. But if there's an enemy coming from the sky, I wonder how we'll be able to fight them?"

And while they prepare for the eventual fight, the Supreme General Cytomander has arrived, at the same time, Kamina asks, "Hey, Jayr. Can't you do that thing with those images to show me what is going on like the last time? You know, I'm not a perverted monster like you that can sense everything someone is doing all around the world while invading everyone's privacy!"

Offended by what he said, I exclaim, "Hey! I'm not a pervert! And more important, I have to focus to sense things as clearly as you have seen. And while my senses can reach very, very far, I'm still limited by my physical body. Do you realize how much information constantly sensing everything that is happening in the Universe would contain? Even my superhuman brain would get overloaded and fry!"

But then I create the projection, showing now the images of Cytomander within the Dai-Gunten as he comments, "The time to behold my power... has finally come. Spiral King, Lordgenome! Watch this!" then with an evil smirk he commands, "All units, scramble!"

Under his command, the flying aircraft carrier, the Dai-Gunten, launches a fleet of bomber and airplane Gunmen into battle, and seeing that, Kamina comments, "Woah! That for sure is a sight!" then he asks worried, "Are you sure they are gonna be fine?".

I nod and reply while patting Cratergann under me, "Yes, because if the situation truly turns grim we will make our move... Besides this will be perfect for your dramatic entrance, the more pressure they feel and in more trouble they are, the greater the impact of your return will be."

At the same time, the Dai-Gurren crew prepares to fight, but since Rossiu happens to be sick from eating something cooked by Nia that is comparable in taste to the shit monster meat I eat in the Orcus Great Labyrinth, Yoko decides to pilot Gurren.

Seeing Yoko, Simon exclaims, "Yoko..." and she quickly explains, "I'll substitute for Rossiu. I'll pilot Gurren."

Hearing her tell him that, Simon says, "I'll be okay on my own." but she quickly questions him, "Aren't I good enough? I've had plenty of practice, you know." making Simon stutter back, "I... I didn't mean..."

Yoko doesn't let him finish as she gives him a thumb up and says, "Then it's settled." then she moves to enter inside Gurren's cockpit, however, she notices the Gurren Brigade symbol on the seat and is reminded of Kamina making her stop as she stares at the symbol and silence fall between them.

But soon Boota, the pigmole, helps her move forward, and the Gurren quickly accepts her as its pilot.

Seeing that scene, I comment, "See you have nothing to worry about. They will be very happy to have you back.", then with a cheeky grin Kamina says, "Well, if something goes wrong, I can always blame you. I can say that I was kidnaped by a pervert and was only now able to escape."

I decide to ignore what he just said and focus on showing him what is happening on the battlefield.

Outside, Kittan piloting his King Kittan demands that the flying Gunmen come and meet his own mecha head-on, "You punks! Come and bring it on! What's wrong? Get down here! Come and fight fairly!"

But the enemy Gunmen continue to fly in a neat formation and soon release a salvo of missiles that hit and explode on the Dai-Gurren.

Kiyal manning the lower turret together with her sister Kiyoh is equally eager for battle, but they quickly have to retreat when an enemy slices off the lower turrets of Dai-Gurren, narrowly missing her and her sister.

And seeing that scene, Kamina covers his crotch and exclaims, "They cut off Dia-Gurren thing!!?" I let out a sigh and mutter, "Damn, they all go for the low blow! I have to ask, who is the genius that put the lower turret in such an unfortunate position? It almost looks like the Dai-Gurren gets its little brother chopped off at every battle..."

Meanwhile, a group of owl-like Gunmen drop a cluster of bombs on the Dai-Gurren and before it could return fire, another swarm of them take out all of the Dai-Gurren's turrets with another cluster of bombs leaving the mobile battleship defenseless.

Then, I change the images on the projection showing the inside of the Dai-Gunten's bridge, where the enemy general, Cytomander, watching the carnage and reflects with a smug grin on his face, "Weak! Way too weak! Thymilph and Adiane were killed, and even Guame had difficulties with you... So I was wondering how I'd measure up. Heh, maybe they weren't that weak. Maybe I'm just too strong? Hieh!"

Kamina beside me looks at the projection and yells, "Haa! Let me get close and I'll show you who is the weak one! That fucking bird! The only reason he has an advantage is because we can't fly!"

At the same time, I focus back on the Dai-Gurren Brigade, more specifically on the Gurren Lagann standing on the deck, and see that Yoko is announcing, "Dayakka, Gurren Lagann is heading out!" but Dayakka quickly tries to stop them, "If you head out now, you'll just be bombed."

But soon after that, Simon has an idea on how to bring the fight to the Beastmen and says, "No, throw us again, Leeron."

And so under his command, the Dai-Gurren grabs Gurren Lagann, but just before throwing it, Leeron asks for confirmation, "Will you be okay?" but Yoko quickly replies, "We don't have time to discuss it!" and Leeron adds, "I don't know what'll happen!"

But a confident Simon commands, "Do it!" and so Gurren Lagann is powerfully thrown into the air, toward the nearest cluster of enemies.

From there, he uses long, thin drills to swing from bomber to bomber, like a mecha Tarzan, destroying each one in the process.

But one of the planes manages to dodge the drill and dives at the Gurren Lagann, but Simon yelling, "Crap! You bastard!" avoids it and sends drills out the back of the Gurren Lagann to impale the aircraft.

Yoko then alerts Simon, "Simon, look!" and realizing the fact that they can combine with it, Simon exclaims with a smile on his face, "Ah! I see! We might be able to fly with him!" and gives Gurren Lagann the command to merge with the newly impaled, gaining so the ability to fly thanks to a newly formed winged backpack.

(Image Here - Gurren Lagann with wings)


Soon Gurren Lagann starts to rise up, fighting the gravity of this planet, and an excited Simon exclaims, "Oh! It works!" followed by Yoko, "Sweet! Now we can fight that battleship!"

Now, with a flying Gurren Lagann occupying the bombers, the rest of the Dai-Gurren Brigade opens fire, intensifying the battle, as they start to shoot down the owl-like Gunmen, this is started by Kiyal and Kiyoh who joins the fight, one piloting the Kiyalunga, Kiyal's personal Gunman, a pink mostly triangular Gunmen with the ability to transform into a spear and shield for it to be used by the King Kittan, while Kiyoh is piloting Dayakkaiser, and soon after them, all the other Gunmen join the fight too.

(Image Here - Kiyalunga)


Meanwhile, as Kamina beside me cheers on his comrades, Gurren Lagann continues to fly towards Dai-Gunten, but soon the Enkidu's sickle-like weapon hits Gurren Lagann, pushing it back.

Soon after that, Gurren Lagann stabilizes itself, and at the same time, Enkidu, sporting a flight engine of its own, stands in front of it, with Vidal piloting it that yells, "Long time no see, naked apes!".

Simon recognizes the vengeful enemy and yells, "Viral?!" then the Enkidu starts to attack using its sickle-like weapon while yelling, "Would you punks understand... how it feels... to fail over and over again!? I bowed my head just to fight you bastards. Today's battle is the embodiment of my feelings!"

At the same time, Gurren Lagann uses its Glasscutter to clash with Enkidu, but Simon has difficulty fighting back, as he is still new to flying and so he curses out loud as he is being pushed back, "Damn it! I'm not used to this yet!"

Hearing what Simon just said, Yoko takes up her rifle and yells, "Let me do some damage!" then she grabs the bolt handle upwards and pulls the bolt back as far as she can to eject a previously used round, after that Yoko opens Gurren's cockpit and fires her gun directly at Enkidu, barely missing Viral, who retaliates by punching the Gurren Lagann in the chest, sending her into free fall.

Seeing that, Kamina yells, "Yoko!!" but soon Simon rushes to catch her, but crashes into the Dai-Gunten, with Viral following close behind.

At the same time, I sense one of Cytomander's men reporting, "Viral and the enemy Gunmen have broken through the roof!" then I hear Cytomander yell in shock, "Whaaaat!?"

At the same time, I look at what just happened and think about the upcoming moments that I remember from the anime, then I grin and open a portal to my Soulbound Territory, then I turn to Kamina and say, "Put the bike into the portal and get on! The time for the epic return of the Great Kamina-sama is about to come!"

Kamina looks at me with shock on his face, then after a few seconds, he grins back and yells, "It is about time, damn it! Finally the Great Kamina-sama will be back!" then he jumps on Lagann as he puts his hand on his katana ready to draw it at any moment, at the same time, I sense his Spiral Power churning in his body.

Simon POV - Earth, Beharma region - 1007 AFA-SW

Inside the Dai-Gunten, I quickly jump out of Gurren Lagann and checks on Yoko, and can't help but notice that she is in pain, and clearly, she is bleeding as a trickle of blood falls from her forehead.

She's still alive and soon she opens her eyes as she regains her senses, and still worried, I ask, "Yoko?" but she smiles and says, "Why are you making that face? I'm fine. It's nothing seriou- ouch!" but she stops and let out a groan of pain as she holds her right arm that is clearly hurt.

But before I could make sure that she is fine, the Enkidu lands beside us, and soon Viral's voice is heard as he demands, "What happened to Kamina?" then after a moment of silence he continues, "Why is there a woman and a child? Where the hell is Kamina!?"

Hearing his question, I clench my fist hard and look at my feet as the pain of his loss is still fresh, then I answer, "My Aniki..." but I feel that I should face this pain head-on, and so I raise my head and looking at him in the eyes I say, "If you want my Aniki... He's dead."

My answer shocks Viral, that mutters, "Back then... he died? Kamina died? Then I... I've been losing to you? To a mere child!?" then after a few moments of silence, Viral asks, "You, what's your name?"

I continue to stare at him and readily reply, "Simon." then I get up and move back to Gurren Lagann, as a worried Yoko exclaims, "Simon if you're alone..." but I turn around and with a confident smile I say, "I'll be fine. Because I'll be protecting you." then I run toward Gurren Lagann and jump back into the cockpit.

Once back in the cockpit, I move Gurren Lagann to meet Viral's Enkidu that is also slowly approaching me, as Viral says, "You've got guts, kid. I couldn't stand it if your excuse for losing was because your pilot was wounded." then just like back then Gurren Lagann lower face clash against Enkidu's one as Viral continues, "A Gunmen's debt... will be paid back by a Gunmen!"

Then our fight resume as Enkidu pulls out his sickle-like weapon and I bring out Gurren Lagann's Glasscutter, then Viral yells, "That's my way of doing things!"

Then we start a furious battle, but at the same time, I take advantage of this fight and slowly lead Viral to attack more and more carelessly and position Gurren Lagann in such a way that my and Viral's attack lands on important looking parts so to further damage the enemy battleship and lower the pressure on the other below.

Like that the battle continues, I block the sickle with one of Gurren Lagann's shoulder pads, but Enkidu's assaults don't end here as it rises its left leg to throw a powerful knee strike, which I also block by grabbing the offending knee, then taking advantage of the opening I command Gurren Lagann to kick Enkidu back pushing it back.

At the same time, I hear Viral question himself, "How!? How can a human child rival me!?" but I don't answer him and simply yell, "Let's end this here and now, Viral!" and continue to attack at every opportunity but even so, Viral is an excellent fighter and can still keep up with me, so neither can gain an absolute advantage over the other.

But suddenly, I hear a new voice that orders, "To the Gunmen over there, don't move! If you move, I'll crush this female."

I turn my head and see a new Gunmen pinning Yoko to the wall with its sharp claws, it is a white, slender humanoid Gunman sporting a massive pair of wings, at the same time, I hear Viral yell, "Cytomander-sama!" and realize that this is the Gunmen of the enemy general.

(Image Here - Shuzack)


Cytomander then says, "How long do you intend to fool around, Viral?" Viral quickly excuse himself, "My actions are inexcusable."

But the general ignores his excuses and commands, "Get your priorities straight. Deliver the finishing blow!"

After a few seconds of tense silence, with some reluctance, Viral says, "Yes, sir." then the Enkidu raises its weapon and points at me, while Yoko yells, "No! Simon, fight!" but Cytomander barks, "Silence!" and his Gunmen moves the sharp tip of its claw closer to her neck.

With Yoko trapped, I'm unable to do anything, the only thing I can do is scoff as I remember all my previous encounters with the Beastmen, "That's cowardly, Viral. Each and every time... is this your "way"!?"

Realizing that I'm right, Viral puts away the Enkidu's weapon, which enrages Cytomander further, "You punk, what's the meaning of this?" making Viral reply, " I can't settle my dispute with the humans this way."

At the peak of his rage, Cyytomander asks, "Have you lost your mind, Viral!?" then after a moment, he adds, "Don't tell me you've forgotten about all I've done for you!? VIRAL!"

But all of a sudden another unexpected change happens, a hole opens in the ceiling above the enemy Gunmen, and from it, a very small object comes out and starts to fall toward the ground.

It's white Gunmen with a very familiar shape, which starts to fall toward the Gunmen holding Yoko hostage, shocked, I can't help but yell out loud, "LAGANN!!?"

Then I notice that the white Lagann holds a humanoid figure in its hands, which he then throws without hesitation toward the enemy Gunmen.

Seeing that blurry human figure as it quickly flies toward the enemy Gunmen evokes a strange longing and comfortable feeling in my heart, a feeling that turns into shock and stupor as I hear a familiar voice I thought I'll never hear again as it yells, "Oyi! Oyi! Oyi!! Take your paws away from my girl!!!"

The man quickly approaches the offending arm, and in an instant, he draws his sword and cleanly cut it off, and lands on the ground with such force that raises a thick cloud of dust.

From within the cloud of dust, I once again hear his voice as he yells, "THAT HURT! DAMMIT! Jayr! You bastard! Don't throw me so hard! If it was the great me from before I would have died just from the impact!"

Soon the cloud of dust clears, and I see the familiar figure that I missed so much, and even as my vision starts to get misty as tears form in my eyes, I can easily recognize that figure, his dark blue hair, the iconic sunglasses, the bright red cape, so full of joy and disbelief I yell, "ANIKI!!!", at the same time, I see Yoko with her eyes open wide full of tears as she also exclaims, "KAMINA!!?" followed by an also shocked Viral, "KAMINA!??"

But soon the whole battleship shakes and an explosion happens behind the still-stunned enemy, at the same time, the white Lagann lands between Kamina and Yoko grabbing them then a new unknown male voice yells, "Let's get out here!"

This brings me out of my stupor and so I take advantage of this chaos to get out and follow after the white Lagann

Once outside, I take a moment to look at the others' situation and see that the Dai-Gurren is slowly floating toward the ground while holding a big sphere, at the same time, I also notice that the damage but still air-worthy enemy battleship starting to retreat.


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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