Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 132 – The Other Champions 4

??? POV - Star Trek Universe, Vulcan - 2243

A new day just started, and as soon as I wake up, the first thing I do is meditate as usual to keep the exploding emotions of a Vulcan teen in check and the less we talk about the pon farr the better, 'The one who said that the Vulcans are emotionless are a bunch of ignorant apes. Vulcan emotions are far more intense, violent, and passionate than those of many other species, including even Humans. Experiencing them is truly no joke. Now I truly understand why my people are so in love with logic. It truly helps us in finding the right way to control these wild beasts that are our emotions.'

Done with my daily meditation, I get up and prepare for one of the most important days of my life until now.

After 13 years of almost desperate hard work, I was finally able to graduate from the illustrious Vulcan Science Academy at the young age of 17 a true record among my people, and was able to gain a place in the elitè Vulcan Expeditionary Group.

Of course, I wasn't able to archive this through my own power, intelligence, and talent, no, I received a lot of help and support from my people.

It all started at the age of three when I started my education in the Vulcan Nursery school and learned to meditate and accept logic as the only way to reach the truth that I realized the mistake I made when I choose this new life.

I realized that if I continued like this, it would have been impossible for me to be ready to face what the Omniverse had in store in time.

Simply because when I would have turned 16 and been able to visit other Universes, I would still be at the Vulcan Learning Center learning the basics in a Skill Dome and at 18 years old when I would be forced to leave for another likely very dangerous Universe, I would barely be able to study at the Vulcan Science Academy, basically, in no way fit to survive in such circumstances.

So I did the most logical thing I could do at such young age, I told everything to my parents, I told them that I have memories of a previous life, about the other Universes, the Omniversal Battle, the Concept, their Blessings, the other Champions, and the dangers that could befall us because of it.

As proof to further convince them I even showed them my Katrabound Territory and the Unigate, something that greatly interested my father once he learned of its function as he is an expert on warp technology.

After that, the first thing they did was talk with our neighbor, the Vulcan Ambassador Sarek, that Sarek the father of the most famous Vulcan Spock, and the foster father of Michael Burnham a human orphan who are quite close friends of mine.

Ambassador Sarek then contacted the Vulcan Council, and so I had to face the seven ministers, the Ministry of State, Vulcan Ministry of Defense, Vulcan Ministry of Security, Vulcan Ministry of Trade, Vulcan Ministry of Thought, Vulcan Ministry of Science, and Vulcan Ministry of Health, showing them once again the Katrabound Territory and the Unigate and even mind-melding with them to show some of the horrors we could face.

But thinking about it now, I may have exaggerated a little by showing them The Blind Idiot God, Azathoth, and the rest of the Cthulhu Mythos, but it is also true that something like Nyarlathotep could pull off a nightmarish invasion just for fun.

Anyway, the Vulcan Council quickly decided to support me to the best of their abilities giving me the best and most ruthless training possible, and even deciding to form a special unit in the Vulcan Expeditionary Group armed with the best crew and technology available.

And now, I'm finally trained and ready to face what is about to come, and more important, I'm not going to face it all alone.

While reminiscing about the past, I check my image in the mirror to check that I'm perfectly ready to face the Capitan and the rest of the crew of the Suurok class starship, the Hessil, and its fleet of T'Plana-type fighters.

I see a young charming dark-skinned young man with elfic pointed ears, dressed in the special uniform of the Omniversal Exploration Unit, and nod, but suddenly I hear T'Pol, my betrothed's voice through the intercom as she says, "Salok. Hurry up, or we'll be late to report to the Capitan."

(Image Here - Salok)


Hearing that, a wry smile forms on my face as I calmly walk out of the house and see her waiting there for me.

She is a beautiful caramel-skinned young woman, with long luscious maroon hair and charming amber eyes.

(Image Here - T'Pol)


I greet her and say, "You do know that I'm already two hours early?" but she quickly replies, "It is better to be prepared for any kind of problem or delay that could occur. I won't go to the Vulcan Science Academy until I give you this." then she offers me a necklace and not any kind of necklace but the one used by the Vulcan females to propose marriage.

Looking at it, I simply ask back, "Are you sure?" she nods and replies with conviction, "Since we were betrothed at the age of 7."

??? POV - Naruto Universe, Konoha - Year 42 of Konoha Founding

"Shit! Shit!!" I'm running with all my might through this thick damp forest hoping to get there in time.

As I jump from branch to branch, I think back to everything that I went through as I reincarnated in this fantastic but ruthless world.

As I wished, I was born into one of the most overpowered clans of this world the Uchiha Clan almost 18 years ago from an ordinary clan member couple, and the first two years of life were almost painfully boring as the only thing I could do was eat, sleep, shit, make vague plans about the future, and think about the most important thing, how to make Tsunade my wife.

Then I became three, and finally started to train to become a successful child soldier, the same year, Tobirama "Mad Scientist" Senju founded the Academy and thanks to that, the next year I finally met her, the most perfect waifu of this world, Tsunade Senju.

Of course, like a real alpha male, I did the most obvious thing when I met her, I blushed hard courageously hid behind my mother, and asked her to marry me with a voice so loud that only I was able to hear it.

The next two years quickly pass between studying and training hard, and I finally was able to ask her to marry me once more, but this time she instantly rejected me, and the pain was so much that I awakened my Sharingan that day, something that I kept hidden from everyone, for fear of a certain student of the Mad Scientist, and not because I was ashamed of the circumstances behind it.

The same year, THE Madara Uchiha returned and had his epic fight with THE Hashirama Senju, and even if they were quite some distance away from the village their fight caused the whole village to shake.

Of course, everything went as I knew it, with both mortally wounding each other, but Madara survived because of the plot, while Hashirama succumbed quickly after Nawaki, Tsunade's little brother was born.

And after that, Tobirama founded the Konoha Military Police Force and institutes the Uchiha clan as its leaders, while also creating the ANBU, which caused the Uchiha clan to split as a new faction formed that followed Madara's will, but all this is irrelevant because now Tsunade hates me because of what that idiot Bro-con did.

Because of that, I immersed myself in training and even tried to "invent" the Rasengan but my Chakra still isn't enough to pull it off, at the same time, I tried to reconcile with Tsunade, meanwhile, in the background the First Shinobi War starts, Tobirama dies, and Hiruzen becomes the new Hogake.

At the age of 6, the First Shinobi War ended, and I, Tsunade, Orochimaru, and Jiraiya graduated from the Academy, unfortunately, fate was too strong and I didn't end up in her team, moreover, my instructor was a certain Shimura Danzo, that day I shed tears of blood without awakening the Magekyo Sharingan.

The next 8 years pass like a flash, between training, missions, studying fuinjutsu, being careful to a paranoic level of my Sensei, spending time with my family, and trying to fix the situation in the Uchiha Clan starting with the younger generation as I have gained a lot of fame and influence as a prodigy of the same level of Orochimaru thanks to my overall abilities and the "creation" of the A-Rank jutsu the Rasengan.

In that span of time, I was also able to reconcile with Tsunade and passed the Chunin Exam getting away from Donald Hitler-sensei, I mean, Shimura Danzo-sensei, who still dreams of making Konoha great again by putting all the Uchiha down, and reached the full mastery of my Sharingan at the 3 Tomoe level.

Last year, I did something truly crazy, I took advantage of the fact that Yonbi Jinchurichi is about to die of old age, causing Iwa to hurry up and prepare a new one to infiltrate into the village and Genjutsuing my way into the ritual and took Roshi's place, conning them into making me Son Goku's Jinchuriki, to further cover my traces I may also have blamed a certain money-hungry Missing-nin from Takigakure with a little too many hearts for this crime, but that isn't really important.

After that, I talked with Son Goku telling him everything I knew and convincing him in becoming my friend and partner in turning this world for the better, then I modified the seal to give him a lot more freedom as a sign of trust, it was a gamble, but it worked, and thanks to that, I have now a trump card that no one knows of, plus the fact that Son Goku is very compatible with my Chakra Natures is another advantage, as they are Fire and Earth.

And now, a year later, I'm here on this fateful day, the day after Nawaki's birthday, and also the day he died after running into an explosive trap, something I'll do anything possible to prevent.

Finally, I reach my destination, just in time to see Nawaki about to rush forward, and without hesitation, I bite my thumb to draw blood, and in an instant, I do the hand signs and slam my palm on the ground yelling, "Kuchiyose no Jutsu! (Summoning Technique!)"

With a puff of smoke 4 mid-sized turtles appear, then I quickly order as I already prepared for a situation like this, "Leonardo, Michelangelo, Donatello, and Raphael! Rescue Formation!"

Under my command, the summoned ninja turtles all hide in their shell and start to quickly spin turning into flying saucers that hovers around the stunned Nawaki's group forming two circles, one bigger and the other, closer to Nawaki's team, smaller.

Then, Raphael and Michelangelo, that formed the bigger circle, started to eject and mix a lot of Fire and Earth Chakra forming a magma dome around Nawaki's team, while Leonardo and Donatello, ejected their Water and Wind Chakra to form a cold mist that will protect them from the magma dome's heat.

Seeing that, I nod and quickly start to take care of all the explosive traps around here while thinking, 'Now that I've saved Nawaki, Tsunade will for sure agree to at least go out with me once. Then I will have the chance to make her accept me, Uchiha Souta as her boyfriend and future husband!!'

??? POV - Twilight Universe, Earth, Forks - 2004

I look at my shining reflective skin under the sunlight with all the members of the Cullen Coven plus the Shape-Shifters of the Quileute tribe kneeling around me and with a smirk I mutter, "Everything went according to the plan... In fact, it went even better than expected!"

Indeed, as I planned, my first years of this new life went as I planned, I spent them peacefully, enjoying my childhood in a wealthy family.

But once I grew old enough, I started to work on the blessing that I received from the Dream Concept, a weak form of Oneiropathy, basically, it is dream telepathy, the psychic ability to communicate, receive information, or manipulate the minds of others while unconscious or dreaming.

At first, I could only interpret received and transmitted information in the form of my dreams, these dreams were vivid, out of place, and auditory enough for me to distinguish them from their dreams to thoughts, memories, personalities, ideas, creativity, and emotions, it was a good ability if not a little lackluster, especially because I could only use it while asleep and only on nearby people, the range is about 2 km2 the same as my Soulbound Territory.

But after using this ability on my parents and neighbors for a while, I realized I could only see their dreams, but I could also manipulate the minds of others through their dreams after establishing a strong connection to my targets by making my ability easier to hold.

After that, the only thing left was to gain eternal youth, and the easiest way for that is to become a Vampire, or more specifically this world's version of Vampires, as they have a lot less weakness compared to the usual ones.

So once I became 17 I quickly took advantage of my status as Singer to trick one of the Cullens into turning me into one, and that gave me another unexpected but very welcomed surprise.

With my turning, I also gained a Gift of my own, I gained the ability to induce a coma-like sleep in everyone that looked at me in the eyes.

And so, with this new Gift plus my Oneiropathy, I slowly but surely turned everyone in this city into my thralls, and this is only the beginning.

I look at all my thralls kneeling waiting for my orders, and with a smile, I say to some of the Cullens and of the Quileute tribe, "In the name of Lucy Stevens. Go and search for other covens and tribes, once you find them report back to me."

Hearing my command, they reply, "Yes, my queen!" then they rush out to follow my order.

Then I turn to the remaining ones and say, "Now let go and take control of the Volturi, once I have taken care of them, nothing will stop me from taking control of everyone in this world and turning them all into Vampires ready to fight for me for all the eternity."

And as we start to advance toward my next objective, I mutter, "6 Billion servants fighting for me should be enough to at least overwhelm the weaker Champions, in the case I can't turn them also in my thrall that is. I will become the ultimate Goddess."

??? POV - Dark Souls Universe, Firelink Shrine - Age of Fire

I'm sitting in front of the bonfire in the middle of the Firelink Shrine, the only thing that can lightly ward off the depressing aura that can be felt all around this dying world.

Looking at the warm and strangely comforting fire I feel some tears forming in the corner of my eyes as my sight becomes misty, and mutter, "Maybe this was a mistake..." but I quickly shake my head and think, 'No, Nikita! Don't give up! You choose to come here so that you could learn how to master your powers without the fear of hurting those that you hold dear like your sister Hope!'

Remembering that, my gaze becomes firmer and I mutter, "That's right! This way I won't be able to hurt her again... Damn it, when I choose to become the twin sister of Hope Mikaelson I hoped to gain Immortaly and a balanced set of powers granted by my status as A Vampire, Witch, and Werewolf Tri-brid that I could use in any kind of Universe... But as a wise man said: With great powers... comes a great electricity bill... And my bill is the fact that my great power is unstable and will damage and, ultimately, kill me if I don't learn to contain it. Furthermore, as a possessor of the werewolf gene, I also experience bouts of severe aggression... Something that severely hurt my sister when we were learning how to control our immense magic power..."

Indeed, that is the reason why I have come to this depressing place, the last place a person with a sane mind would come, here I don't have to worry about hurting those I care about, and there are plenty of targets for my bouts of aggression, like the hollows and the other deadly creatures of this world, moreover, I found out that I'm quite compatible with the pyromancy of this world.

Looking at the dark sky, I mutter, "To think I would visit this place in person... How many hours have I spent playing this game in my previous life..."

Then with my senses, I pick up the sounds of someone approaching the Firelink Shrine, and in a hurry, I pull out a handheld mirror from my Soulbound Territory and check my image to see if everything is fine especially since I almost cried a few seconds ago.

I have to admit, that I'm almost the spitting copy of my twin sister, I'm also not very tall, just 1,57 meters tall, with wavy auburn and bright light-colored blue eyes and full lips, and of course, when I use my Vampire or Wolf form, my eyes turn golden.

(Image Here - Nikita Mikaelson)


Done with checking myself, I hear the footsteps grow closer, and soon see the figure of the unlikely companion I made in this place.

He is a tall and handsome young man with an olive skin tone, reddish-brown hair, and amber eye, his attire consists of a white Japanese hakama, a black sash, and an elegant white jacket that he leaves open to expose his muscular chest, he also has a long straight sword strapped on his back.

But he isn't a human, and it is clear by the hole in place of his left eye and the bone-like structure around it, a clear sign of what is his real race, he is a Hollow, but not one from this Universe, but one from the Universe of the famous anime Bleach, and not a normal Hollow at that, but an Arrancar, a Hollow that was able to break off its Mask gaining Shinigami powers, he is a fellow Champion, Zandeer Firror.

(Image Here - Zandeer Firror)


I stare at him and think back at our first encounter, I just came to this world all tense because the Unigate warned me that another champion was here, and that tension grew even more when I found myself face-to-face with him as soon as I walked through the gate.

We stared at each other unsure of what to do, when he suddenly said, "You know? I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt and won't attack you unless you attack me first... And that has nothing to do with the fact that you are hot." but then he instantly realizes and exclaims, "Shit! I said that out loud!! 17 years alone and unable to talk and now all I can do is blurt out everything I'm thinking!!"

Seeing him goofy like that, the tension leaves my body, and quickly I propose on impulse, "Hello, my name is Nikita. Do you what to join forces with me?" then seeing his confusion I explain, "We will join forces and fight the other champions together, if we survive until the end and are the only ones left then we will simply make a Challenge and decide the final victor between us with a coin flip... What do you say?"

After a few seconds of silence, Zandeer accepted my proposal and since then, we joined forces, and as time passed, we grew to trust each other and became close friends.

While I was lost in thought, Zandeer notices that I'm staring at him, and with a smile on his face he says, "Hi, Nikita." then he asks, "How have you been?"

I smile back, and reply, "I'm as fine as I can be in this depressing world." then I ask curious, "How was your hunt?"

Zandeer's smile grows wider as he replies, "Great! I can feel myself growing stronger and stronger. This place is perfect for me!" then sitting in front of me, he adds, "Moreover, this place is a paradise compared with the Hueco Mundo..."

Then with a grin, he asks, "Hey, how about we got to the bridge that leads to Undead Parish to meet and maybe help a certain knight maybe even ask him to join us?" hearing that, I smile and reply with, "Praise the sun!"

??? POV - Limitless Universe, Earth, New York - 2013

Sitting in my room, I'm staring at the screen of my Mac studying every kind of fiction available, imprinting each one of them in my memory.

After a few more minutes, I finally stop and let out a sigh of relief, "Haa... I'm finally done..." then I take a look at the clock and notice that it is almost midnight, and mutter, "It's time to take another dose..."

I pull out from my pocket a transparent plastic bag, its content is some curious colorless small pills, this is the drug named NZT-48,  a nootropic drug that enhances human memory and intelligence while acting as a nearly perfect antidepressant and anxiolytic, a true marvel of ingenuity.

Of course, such a powerful drug also has horrendous side effects like Memory Loss, Extreme Paranoia, Rapid Aging, Encroaching Psychosis, Blurred Vision, Hearing Difficulty, Difficulty Understanding Speech, Time Displacement, etc.

But I already come up with a solution for this in the form of a booster shot that grants me immunity to the side effects, so it isn't a problem for me.

Done with gaining a sufficient amount of information about the Omniverse, it's time to gather another vital info, and so without hesitation, I open a portal to my Soulbound Territory and walk inside.

My Territory is full of various plants, aquariums, and breeding grounds for all the ingredients needed to produce the NZT-48 and the Booster Shot, there is also a Lab equipped with the best of everything I could possibly need, perks of being the only son of a really wealthy and powerful senator, sure as parent and human being he is a piece of shit, but so is everyone else.

I sit in my Lab and then I say as respectfully as possible, "Lord Restoration, I'd like to know if I could bother you and ask a few questions?"

I wait in tense silence for a few seconds when I hear the voice of the Concept that blessed me, [Lucas Burns, you can ask me any question. But I won't answer all of them, and in some cases, my answer will be incomplete as the rules prevent us from helping our Champions too much.]

Hearing that, I quickly ask, "I'd like to know how strong a Concept Blessing can become, and what concept is the most dangerous..."

Instantly Restoration replies, [In its strongest form a Blessing becomes so strong that in the eyes of others, you'll be comparable to a true God. For your other question, at a certain level, all Concepts are dangerous, but some can be nastier than others, in fact, some of them are so nasty that make the former Winner Void look tame. You are really lucky that the Concept of Love didn't take part in this Battle Across the Omniverse, once the Blessing grows strong enough, the Universes itself will fall in love with the Champion and will start to manipulate reality to help him win...]

Hearing that, a cold sweat form on my back, but Restoration doesn't end here, [Or there is the Concept of Misfortune, once one of its Champions caused a couple of Multiverses to collapse only with her presence... Or even the Concept of Purity, it may look harmless but once strong enough the body, mind, and soul of the Champion will always remain pure, that means that no matter what one does it will unable to bring the Champion any harm as such act will be counted like a stain and so it will be nullified to keep the Champion "pure". That means that you shouldn't underestimate any Concept, as we are the very fabric of this Omniverse.]

I nod, and with a resolute expression, I say, "Thank you... Now I know what my next step will be... I will go to the Lucy Universe with the CPH4 help I will be able to make my plan a reality. Once I'll unlock all my brain potential, I should be able to merge with any Universe I will find myself in and manipulate its reality." then with a grin I add, "And so I can turn into a Sentient System, that will give power and manipulate the people of those Universes to be my paws against the other Champions."

Just as I get up, Restoration adds, [A little advice before you go. Be careful, the 3rd year of the Battle Across the Omniverse where you'll be forcefully transported where you'll likely face another Champion is about to start, but it'll start sooner than you think because the time of birth of the Champion of the first Concept will be used as a base, that means that you have a couple of months to prepare for that.]

Hearing that, I curse out loud and start to run toward the Unigate, while muttering, "This time will be different. I won't be a pathetic failure. I will use anything to be a winner in life. ANYTHING! Nothing will stop me!"


Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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