Battle Across The Omniverse

Chapter 133 – FUSION!!

Jayr POV - Earth, Beharma region - 1007 AFA-SW

I'm using my Spiral Power to slowly make Cratergann float toward the ground with Yoko and Kamina in its hands, while Simon's Gurren Lagann is slightly behind, at the same time, I notice that the Dai-Gurren is now falling toward the ground after it delivered that awesome roundhouse kick that almost put the Dai-Gunten out of commission.

But soon, the Dai-Gurren takes hold of a Levi-Sphere ejected from the now retreating Dai-Gunten and uses it like a parachute to break its fall, and seeing that, I start to fly toward it.

Meanwhile, I hear the weak voice of a still stunned Yoko as she looks at Kamina in front of her, "K-Kamina? Are you really, Kamina? How is this possible!?" then as tears fall from her eyes she continues, "I-I saw your c-corpse! W-We even b-buried you!!"

Kamina is also stunned now and doesn't know what to do or say, so I simply move Cratergann's arm that is holding on Kamina closer to the arm holding Yoko and understanding my little hint, Kamina warps his arms around her body and hugs her while simply saying, "Sorry for making you go through that..."

Feeling his warmth and once more hearing his voice, Yoko starts to loudly cry in his embrace, until all of a sudden, she passes out.

Seeing that, a worried Kamina quickly yells, "Jayr! Something is wrong!" I open the cockpit cover and after a quick check, with a calm smile, I say, "Don't worry... She is simply passed out, plus she only has a dislocated arm and a slight concussion... Nothing life-threatening. And even if it was with me here the Death God has to wait for her life to end naturally if it wants to take her. Remember the state you were and even then I was able to bring you out from the brink of death."

Then I stop but continue the sentence in my mind, 'And even beyond that if I really want to... Hell, since I gained my Spiral Power and used the Spin theory on it, I feel that I getting closer and closer to awakening my 9th sense. In fact, I'm sure that when I'll be able to merge all my energies together, I'll truly take a step into Godhood...'

Meanwhile, hearing what I just said, Kamina let out a sigh of relief, but he continues to hold onto Yoko's body tightly.

After a while, I land with Cratergann on the Dai-Gurren's deck and soon after, Gurren Lagann follows, then a few moments later, the Dai-Gurren finally lands safely on the ground.

And instantly Simon quickly jumps out of the cockpit and starts to run toward Kamina while yelling, "Aniki!!!" meanwhile, from the Dai-Gurren's hangar, a lot of people also rush out.

Seeing that, I gently put down the couple that were still held in Cratergann's hands then I get out of the cockpit.

Soon, we are surrounded by almost the whole Dai-Gurren Brigade that chaotically starts to ask questions, exclaim in shock or remain there frozen in shock seeing Kamina who they thought died, but most of them are about to rush at him like Simon who is now hugging him while crying loudly.

Seeing that, I frown and immediately shout, "CALM DOWN!!" while letting out some pressure to make them notice me and listen, then after I'm sure I have their attention, I point at the still unconscious Yoko and continue, "I know that you are happy and curious about Kamina's survival, but there are wounded we have to take care of before everything else!"

Then Leeron steps forward while clapping his hands and says, "The new handsome young man is right! We can ask questions later. Go and check,  compile, and report all the damage that the Dai-Gurren suffered. Bring the wounded to the infirmary. Go! Go! Go!"

And under his command, most of the crew moves to fulfill their duty leaving behind only, Kittan and his sisters, Leeron, Dayakka, the kids, Darry and Gimmy, and Simon who let go of Kamina, who is carrying Yoko in a princess carry, but he still looks at him with tears in his eyes.

Then Leeron leads us toward the infirmary and is about to start to take the usual exams on Yoko to check her condition, when I stop him and say, "There is no need for that..." and get closer to the unconscious Yoko laying on the infirmary bed.

But quickly Kittan yells, "Hey! What are you doing!" and the others seem about to pull out their weapons, but Kamina quickly says, "Guys, stop!"

Leeron looks at Kamina and asks, "How can we be sure that you are the real Kamina and not some kind of spy of the Beastmen? How can we truly trust the two of you only because you helped us this time? After all, I'm pretty sure that the real Kamina died that day... We even buried him."

Kamina simply looks back and with a grin, he says, "Just who the hell do you think I am? I'm the one and only great Kamina-sama Co-founder and former leader of the Dai-Gurren Brigade. Born and raised in the Giha Village. The last words I said to Simon were: "Listen, Simon... don't forget. Believe in yourself. Not you, who believe in me. Not me, who believes in you. Believe in you, who believes in yourself!""

Hearing that, Leeron let out a sigh, while Kittan yells, "That way of speaking, he is Kamina for sure!"

Then Kamina points at me and says, "Let him do his magic. His name is Jayr an annoying pervert and an exceptional doctor. He is the one that saved my life back then..."

Then after a few seconds, he also adds, "...And also the one that faked my death."

Hearing that, I simply smile, and with my hand above Yoko's body, I urge my Spiral Power to generate green waves of energy that will heal all her wounds.

Seeing that, Simon exclaims in surprise, "That energy!" while Leeron with a scanner in his hands mutters, "How peculiar, it is the same kind of energy that Simon and Lagann produces..."

Hearing that, I shake my head and explain, "You got something wrong. It isn't Lagann with Simon's help that produces this energy, it is only Simon, Lagann is only a quasi-sentient instrument through which Simon channels this energy to centralize the effects for more complex results. The name of this special energy is Spiral Power, something that all the living beings capable of evolving are able to produce."

After a few seconds, Yoko is fully healed and will wake up in a few minutes, something that I relay to the others that let out a sigh of relief, all but Leeron who still check on Yoko to make sure that everything is fine.

Meanwhile, Simon asks, "S-so... Why did you fake Aniki's death?" and with a wry smile, I explain, "Well, it is a little complicated but basically, I saw the future. I knew that Kamina would've died that day, and feeling bad about it, I choose to save him. But I also knew that his death was the trigger that would start your growth into the great person you are meant to be, and I didn't want to be the one to stop it, especially knowing what kind of threats this world is going to face in the future. So I choose a compromise, I made you all believe that Kamina died, causing you to grieve and suffer, and for that, I'm truly sorry."

And after saying that, I lower my head as a sign of apology, but then Simon asks, "Future threats? You mean the Spiral King?" at the same time, the one with the sharper mind Leeron catches on another detail and asks, "Your world?"

I raise my head and looking at Leeron, I reply, "Yes, I'm not from this Universe. I come from a Universe totally different from this one..."

Then I look at Simon and Nia and reply to his question, "No, not the Spiral King. Despise his flaws and actions Lordgenome isn't really a threat. He is a pitful man that fell into despair against an insurmountable threat and despite that, he still fought to protect what he could and continued to do so for over 1000 years. In simpler words, he is using the wrong methods but his initial intentions were good."

Hearing that, Nia asks with hope in her tone, "Really!? Is there really a reason for father's cruel actions and for creating such a twisted world?" while Kittan, Kamina, and the others look skeptical.

I nod and start to give them a brief summary of Lordgenome's story, "Indeed, He was once a great warrior who had a level of determination and drive that surpassed the other warriors of his time. He personally led other humans against a war with a terrible enemy which lasted a considerably long period of time. After being worn down by the attrition of endless warfare and being exposed to a horrifying truth, he mentally cracked from the horrific revelation of an ostensibly meaningless war which destroyed his determination and audacious spirit, then he surrendered to that enemy and turned into the man he is now."

At this point, everyone was caught up in my story, and so I continue, "Despise that, in order to ensure humanity's survival, he chose to personally cull their numbers rather than make it face a total extinction. In fact, all his actions were to ensure mankind's survival. And while I cannot condone them, I also have to admit that his actions did make it possible for humanity to keep surviving until a new slim hope that he left behind in his despair could surface once more."

This time, Simon and Kamina, exclaim at the same time, ""LAGANN!?"" catching everyone's attention, especially Yoko who wakes up because of their shout and groggily sits up from the bed.

And as she looks around still slightly confused, she mutters, "Urg... What's up with all this noise? What's going on? I had the strangest of dreams... Kamina was still aliv-" but she stops as her gaze lands on Kamina beside her, and tears once more gather in the corner of her eyes as she mutters in a low tone, "I-It's true..."

Then not caring about anything else, she leaps and hugs Kamina while loudly crying with such force that sends the stunned Kamina to the floor.

Seeing that, I suggest, "I think it is better to leave the lovebirds alone we can always continue this discussion later..." which is met with subtle nods from everyone as we slowly move out of the infirmary, I also bring out Rossiu, still knocked out by the poisonous meal of Nia, using my telekinesis, something that shocks the others, at the same time, I also take the opportunity to heal him before he start to dispose some almost nuclear toxic waste in the toilet, 'How the hell Nia was able to produce that kind of food with normal ingredient is still a mystery.'

He is a boy with slightly long black hair pulled back in a ponytail with a bang on the right side of his face, with a head a little melonish and too large for his body, a feature that prompted Kamina to give him the nickname "Big Forehead Boy", he also has thick black eyebrows and black eyes.

(Image Here - Rossiu Adai)


Then just before closing the infirmary's door, I send a telepathic message to Kamina, "Take good care of her. After Simon, she is the one who suffered the most from losing you." then with an evil grin I add, "But don't take advantage of this moment to lose your "V" card... I know that you are in a hurry, but such a thing should be something done in a romantic atmosphere... But remember, NEVER ever fuck before a great battle. DO NOT RAISE ANOTHER DEATH FLAG! Especially after I just saved you from the previous one."

And my grin grows wider as I hear Kamina choke and mutter under his breath, "That bastard..."

At the same time, I hear Simon's stomach growl hinting that he is hungry, and so we all move to the canteen to taste, Nia's mysterious cooking, and of course, everyone, but Simon and I, get knocked out, in my case because I didn't touch any of that, and Simon because he is unconsciously using his Spiral Power to change what Nia prepared into comestible food.

Lordgenome POV - Earth, Teppelin - 1007 AFA-SW

Once more, my general is here, interrupting one of the few pleasures I have left in this cursed life, enjoying my time with my playing, to report his most recent failure.

Something that I quite expected since his opponent aren't simple humans, but a group of humans that started using their Spiral Power and more importantly a group of humans that possess a mini-type Gunmen, but even that won't change the final outcome of this rebellion.

This time, Cytomander the Swift isn't the only one here, kneeling behind him there is another Beastmen, one of his soldiers, and as he says, the main reason behind his failure, a scapegoat in simpler terms.

Finally, Cytomander ends his reports, "This time, his refusal to obey orders was the entire cause for our failure. Rebelling against his superiors, he really is a helpless fool. Your Highness, Viral deserves capital punishment." to which I reply with a bored, "Umm..." while thinking, 'How long is he gonna continue with this farce... All the generals have the power to execute their subordinates as they see fit. There isn't a need for me to act on such simple matters. Cytomander simply pulled him here to put the blame of his shortcomings on that Viral.'

Just as I'm about to order Viral execution and get done with this, the Beastmen in question pleas, "Spiral King! I resign myself to whatever you order, even if it's my death. But before that, there is something I have to know!"

This makes Cytomander shout, "Silence, Viral!" but since he is about to die, and his resolve is clear, I decide to humor him and say, "Very well, say it."

Viral then stand up and asks, "Humans... are they really inferior to Beastmen? Humans... What the hell are they!?" amused by his request, I let out an, "Oh?" then I order, "Cytomander, leave us. I will take charge of this man." making him reply with a confused, "S-Sir!"

Then I bring Viral into a dark space, one of the places where I usually create the Beastmen, and as the place lights up, many embryos and failed attempts can be seen all around.

I look at the stunned Viral that keeps looking around and explain, "Beastmen are incomplete beings. To be able to keep their bodies in good condition, they need sleep that resembles death so that their cells will continue to divide. If they are awakened forcefully, all their cells might die."

Shocked, Viral declares and questions, "But the one who created the Beastmen was you. So why did you make our bodies this way?"

Hearing that, I grin and think, 'Of course, I made them this way so that the Beastmen wouldn't be able to produce Spiral Power, I need the Beastmen to suppress mankind, not eradicate it and take their place. That is also why all of them are sterile.'

But I don't explain this, I just open my coat and show him my body, my pure human body, at the same time, I raise my hand and urge my Spiral Power, forming a small bright red drill on top of my palm that covers the whole place in a red hue and ask, "What are humans?"

Then as I quickly disperse the Spiral Power and once more cover my body, and looking at the shocked Viral, I ask, "Do you really want to know the answer to that? Viral." he looks back at me with a resolute gaze and replies, "Yes."

Jayr POV - Earth, Beharma region - 1007 AFA-SW

The dreadful lunch finally ended, and I had to heal every member of the Dai-Gurren Brigade that had happily eaten Nia's mysterious cuisine only to regret it the next instant, except for Simon and Boota, who were able to enjoy it thanks to Simon's Spiral Power warping reality and turning that almost toxic nuclear waste into edible food, 'I'm not even exaggerating with that description, some of the people who ate it had some worrying signs in their health, some were even in danger of developing cancer from just a few spoons of that thing...'

After that, I find myself on the bridge of the Dai-Gurren with all the core members of the Dai-Gurren Brigade, seeing them in person for the first time.

The tug-looking Zorthy Kanai, the pilot of Sawzorth, the stylish Iraak Coega, the pilot of the Einzer, the monkey-like Kidd Coega, the pilot of Kidknuckle, the twins Jorgun and Balinbow Bakusa, the pilots of Twin Boekun, the bald Makken Jokin, the pilot of the Mo-Shogun.

Then there are also the people that man the Dai-Gurren's bridge, but among them, I only remember Attenborough Cortich, the trigger-happy man who is the gunner of Dai-Gurren's control team.

And lastly, among the new faces, there is also Leyte Jokin, Leeron's subordinate and chief engineer.

(Image Here - All of them)


Of course, the one that catches my attention the most is a very happy Yoko holding a shy Kamina's arm.

Once I'm sure they are all present, I resume the previous topic, "Despise what I told you before, the current Spiral King is still someone that has to be stopped no matter what. He spent way too much time in despair. The feeble hope he had buried in his heart so much time ago, is long gone, now there is only a highly intelligent, callous, and tyrannical ruler who ruthlessly oppresses humans by forcing them to stay underground under penalty of execution."

And as I said this, a tense silence fall on the bridge for a few seconds, a silence that is then broken by Yoko, who is still holding Kamina's arm and probably won't let it go for a long, long time, as she asks, "Will you help us in fighting the Spiral King? From what Kamina told me you are incredibly strong..."

Hearing Yoko say that, Kittan exclaims, "Wait!? Really!!? This guy!?" but Kamina quickly says, "Jayr can crush a Gunmen with his bare hands... And that is him taking it easy..." once more shocking everyone on the bridge, but then he adds, "But because of this very strength, he won't help us in our fight against the Spiral King. If he truly makes a move, he could bring the attention of a way more dangerous enemy. The Antispiral." after saying that, he gives a brief summary of what I told him, which is the bare minimum.

Then he quickly changes the subject and with a confident smile he says, "And more important, we don't even need his help. Under the leadership of Simon the Digger, the Dai-Gurren Brigade will kick the Spiral King's royal ass!" and everyone around cheers after him.

All but Simon who asks, "W-wait! Shouldn't the leader be Aniki now that he is back?" but Kamina quickly replies, "No way! The leader of the Dai-Gurren Brigade is you now! This won't change!" and after him, everyone else also encouraged Simon who quickly regained his confidence.

Then I say to everyone, "Well, now that Kamina is here. I've done what I could to hopefully change the future for the better. I can finally focus on the other things I have to do. Do not worry, I'll come back if you really need me to. Kamina knows how to contact me." then I say to Kamina, "Remember be careful of the Death Flags. Ciao!" and without waiting for their reply, I teleport back to Cratergann and quickly jump into its cockpit.

Then I make it float and start to fly toward the Beastmen's capital, Teppelin.

As I look at the Dai-Gurren as it grows smaller in the distance, I mutter, "Now, I have to meet with Lordgenome and see if I can punch some sense in him... If not, I'll just weaken his forces to make it easier for them to defeat him, so that there are as little loss as possible."

I continue to fly through the sky at cruise speed for a few hours as I enjoy the enchanting sight of the sunset that paints the whole sky in a red hue, when all of a sudden, I sense that a nearby underground village is under the attack by a group of Gunmen, realizing that, without hesitation, I rush to their rescue.

Soon, I reach the underground village and see the huge hole in the ground surrounded by a group made up of four peculiar Gunmen in the four cardinal that is shooting into the hole with all their weapons directions, and looking at them I stop for a second to focus on them.

The one on the north side of the hole is very similar to King Kittan, its face has the same pointy sharp shape, with the front and back horn, but its limbs are different, they look more powerful and think, another difference is its color, while King Kittan is yellow with some traces of black, this one is gunmetal grey with orange traces.

(Image Here - Unit North)


The one on the east side of the hole, instead slightly reminds me of Sawzorthn, the shape and size of their face is similar, but the similarities end here as it seems way more suited for combat, this Gunmen's face is red, the rest of the body plus shoulders, hands, and feet are black, while the arms and legs are light yellow.

(Image Here - Unit East)


The one on the west side of the hole, is the smallest unit, and its shape is also very basic, a round face that looks almost like a skull with thick and stocky limbs, its colors are mostly black and red, with black being the main color.

(Image Here - Unit West)


The last Gunmen, the one standing on the south side of the hole and the closest to my position is the biggest one, in fact, it looks like a model similar to Gurren or Enkidu, but this unit has a yellow face that looks like a feline, maybe a lion, while the rest of its body is white, and I also notice some claw-like extensions on its wrists and on the point of its feet.

(Image Here - Unit South)


The reason why those four Gunmen made me stop isn't only because of their peculiar shape, no the reason is that as soon as I caught sight of them, Cratergann let me know that among those there is the right one, meaning one that is compatible with Cratergann and can make it unleash all its potential, moreover, it also let me know that the other three can also be very useful.

With this new knowledge, I grin and mutter, "Since I have finally found the right one, there is no way in hell I'm gonna miss this opportunity, I'm finally going to have my giant robot!"

Then I input my Spiral Power into Cratergann, and in response, all its limb retire into the body, and a huge drill appear under the neck area.

Without hesitation, we fall toward the white Gurren-type Gunmen with the lion-like face as I yell with a grin, "Crater Impact!"

Taking every Beastmen Gunmen by surprise, Cratergann drills into the stunned white Gunmen with a lion face, and under my Spiral Power control, it starts the assimilation process as I gleefully yell on instinct, "FUUSIION!" which starts the transformation as I feel "my body" growing bigger, then the limb elongate a little and gets limber, taking a form that mirrors the human body more perfectly compared to Cratergann and the usual Gunmen more stocky build.

With this "new body" under control, the first thing I do is forcefully eject the enemy pilot from the cockpit in the lower lion face, then just to honor what they represented and made me feel in my previous life, I use my Spiral Power with a touch of Creation Magic to create matter and generate a pair of Glasscutter on the chest lion face, but I put my own twist on it to not make them a total copy of the original and add a third sharp point in the middle of the glasses.

Then, I don't stop to admire the new form but focus on quickly taking out the enemy forces, taking advantage of the fact that they are still stunned by what just happened.

So I make my new Gunmen jumps over the hole toward the King Kittan-like Gunmen in front of me and raise its arms, and with my left hand I aim at the small Gunmen on the west side of the hole, while with my right one, I aim at the Gunmen on the east side, and quickly fire off a couple of drills that easily pierce through their armors and pins them into the ground, while also hitting the cockpit, killing the pilot in an instant before they could even react to the sudden change.

At the same time, the Beastmen piloting the King Kittan-type finally realizes what is going on and exclaims, "Eh!? W-What is going on!? What happened to the captain!?"

And reacts, as the King Kittan-type Gunmen tries to shoot me with its machine gun, but before he could do so, my Gunmen reaches it and easily kick it away, then as it lands on the ground in front of the King Kittan-type Gunmen, I throw a punch aiming at its cockpit, and as the fist hits its target, the claws on its wrist jumps out piercing the cockpit and instantly killing the pilot.

As the King Kittan-type Gunmen powerlessly falls on the ground, I look around and see that I easily took care of almost everything, then I let out a sigh and mutter, "Oh well, no epic fight between mecha..." at the same time, my Gunmen raises its hand and point its finger at the fleeting lion Beastmen and fires off a smaller drill that pierces his head from behind killing it.

Seeing that, I nod and mutter, "No mercy for those that try to hunt and harm others for fun... I clearly sensed that the people in this village didn't want to go outside or rebel against the Spiral King, they are totally innocent. It was these Beastmen that simply choose to attack and terrorize them to pass time."

Have a Nice Day, Ciao!

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